At the disposal of Rucriminal.info and the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU was a record of a meeting in June 2016 between Anatoly Chubais and Ilya Suchkov, an entrepreneur who helped build Chubais's palace in the Moscow region ..
At this meeting, Ilya Suchkov turned to Anatoly Chubais in order to reach an agreement on the sale of ZhK Peredelka in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and Switzerland. The option of purchase and sale of ZhK Peredelka proposed by Ilya Suchkov was based on the estimated and estimated cost of ZhK Peredelka in the amount of 33,000,000 US dollars, and was also dictated by the need to fulfill obligations under the numerous loans taken by Anatoly Chubais in 2010 and 2012 for a Swiss company JSC "SFO Concept AG" from the Cyprus company of his friend, colleague and business partner Boris Mints. At least at that time, Anatoly Chubais declared the above loans in words as real transactions, involving their execution.
As indicated in previous publications, the estimated cost of "ZhK Alterations" was about 47,000,000 US dollars, and the market value was determined according to 3 (Three) independent assessments, including a judicial one in the amount of 34,000,000 to 36,500,000 US dollars.
However, the conversation initiated by Anatoly Chubais took place in a different vein than expected. Anatoly Chubais said that allegedly the ZhK Peredelki real estate object was no longer of interest to him, the Mintsy became interested in it as a collateral object for paying off debts. Therefore, Ilya Suchkov must come to an agreement with the Mintsy. Based on the results of the negotiations, in the event of a favorable outcome, Anatoly Chubais to Ilya Suchkov “maybe” will be compensated for the personal funds invested by the latter in the construction of the Residential Complex Peredelok. It should be assumed that in order to show his complete impunity and the senselessness of opposing him, Anatoly Chubais explained that the President of the Russian Federation was supposedly aware of this situation.

Later it became obvious that Anatoly Chubais thus intended to buy this property for a symbolic price through the offshore company of his associate Boris Mints. We believe that the motive is clear - the concealment of the passage of such large sums through the accounts of the Cypriot company O1 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED in the form of loans and the legalization of own funds dubiously received from Boris Mints. At the same time, while executing this scheme for the purchase of ZhK Peredelok at an extremely low cost, Anatoly Chubais removed all questions from the tax authorities of the Russian Federation.
The above property, after a month of ownership by the Mints, in February 2019, we believe that for 7-8 million US dollars, or maybe free of charge for the debt obligations artificially created between Anatoly Chubais and the offshore company of Boris Mints, was simply re-registered for Anatoly Chubais. Rosreestr does not give any information on the above transaction!
Also, at the above meeting, Ilya Suchkov was unequivocally warned by Anatoly Chubais that in the event of "sudden movements" and no agreement was reached between him and the Mintsy, the latter, this circumstance would be perceived as an ordinary "business case" with the subsequent possible initiation of criminal prosecution in regarding Ilya Suchkov.
The warning of Anatoly Chubais turned out to be prophetic in relation to Ilya Suchkov, in connection with his refusal to participate, together with Anatoly Chubais and the Mintsy, in the events of money laundering and tax evasion, in 2016, on far-fetched grounds, criminal case No. 123632 was initiated.
These criminal cases, as Anatoly Chubais promised to Ilya Suchkov at the meeting, as it should be assumed, were initiated in 2016-2017. on the initiative of Mintsev on the false statements of representatives (Kuksa R.V. and Mosin D.V.) of the Cypriot company O1 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED (beneficiary Boris Mints) and the false statement of Anatoly Chubais about the alleged theft of his property with their subsequent merger into one.
Based on the materials of the criminal case No. 123632, its ordered nature is obvious. Over the course of 6 (six) years of the so-called investigation by the investigators of the SU UMVD of Russia for the Odintsovo urban district, Egorova Zh.A. and Mogileyvskaya A.G. in criminal case No. 123632, the law (the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) was grossly violated, substitution, forgery and falsification of the materials of the case were carried out and its actual circumstances were distorted, solely for the sole purpose of accusing Suchkov AND.The. in serious crimes that he did not commit.
Recall that due to the failure of the criminal case No. 123632 itself and the grossest violations of the rights of the accused, the courts of Moscow and the Moscow Region twice in 2020 and in 2021 returned the case for further investigation.
From February 2022 to the present, criminal case No. 123632 (No. 01-0104 / 2022) has been returned for consideration to the Khamovnichesky district for the 3rd (Third) time. th Court of Moscow (Judge Filchenko M.S.).
This period of the trial in the case should be told in more detail.
Without going into details about the fact that criminal case No. 123632 was sent to the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow absolutely on far-fetched grounds, and as it now becomes obvious, it is not by chance that Judge Filchenko M.S. During the consideration of case No. 01-0104/2022, in our opinion, it became clear that this judge was extremely interested in the outcome of the case.
There is every reason for such an assumption, since the Khamovnichesky District Court cynically, grossly violates the current legislation of the Russian Federation, namely:
- the court does not consider it necessary to acquaint the defendants and their lawyers with the materials of the case;
- the court continues to consider criminal case No. 01-0104/2022 in the absence of part of the case materials indicated in the indictment;
- the court completely ignores and does not consider the petitions of the defendants;
- the court refuses to issue minutes of court sessions;
- the court refuses to call defense witnesses;
- the court illegally admits to participation in court sessions, improper representatives of the injured Cyprus company O1 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED (TILSOKA LIMITED) - beneficiary Boris Mints) - Mosina D.V. and lawyer Goryaynov I.Yu.;
- the court ignores the absence from 2016 in the case file of a decision to recognize Mosin D.V. the representative of the victim - the Cypriot company O1 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED (TILSOKA LIMITED);
- the court illegally continues to consider criminal No. 01-0104/2022 with the amount of alleged damage caused to Chubais A.B. not established by the investigation. and Cyprus Company O1 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED (TILSOKA LIMITED);
- the court continues to unlawfully consider criminal case No. 01-0104/2022 in the absence of the victim Chubais A.B. despite the obvious, significant discrepancies in the amount allegedly inflicted on Chubais by A.B. damage, i.e. on the circumstances underlying the indictment.
Due to the fact that numerous complaints sent by the defendants' lawyers to the Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Moscow City Court about the illegal actions committed by the above-mentioned judge of the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow in criminal case No. 01-0104/2022 are completely ignored, it becomes obvious that the Judicial Collegium completely withdrew itself in terms of judicial control over the court of first instance.

With a high degree of probability, it should be assumed that the lawlessness outlined above is carried out at the “request” of Anatoly Chubais through extremely influential officials in law enforcement agencies in order to stop all extremely dubious events with his participation from a legal point of view.
meetings in 2016
(Anatoly Chubais - Ilya Suchkov)
Anatoly Chubais: our picture has changed radically. The essence of changing the picture. This whole object (meaning "LCD Alterations") was built according to the plan, as you understand for me. The picture has changed completely, he ("ZhK Alterations") turned out to be needed by the Mints themselves. If the Mintsy say that they need this object, this means that I will definitely not argue with them, due to the history of relations, due to the state of today. If so, then so be it. What's there. Well, they have a rental business there, which is not developing very well now, as you know, either as a collateral asset, or otherwise, I don’t even dive into it. I proceed from the fact that if the question is posed in this way, then the picture is unfolded completely. This is how you understand a completely different way of life, a different picture, and so on ... I repeat once again, I don’t even go into details. If they say so, then so be it. For me, this topic is closed for today. I don’t know, maybe when, at some point I will return to it, but unfortunately, for today it is closed for me. What does this mean in terms of consequences? According to the consequences, this means that the object must be returned to the Mints. For this, well, they are business guys. In general, sit down and negotiate with them on an acceptable scheme. Even now I am not ready to dive into them, not before that, “boil” with Melamed. So discuss options, find a solution. No major sudden movements are necessary. Because once again they are business guys.
Ilya Suchkov: I understand.
Anatoly Chubais: accordingly, his own version, their version, a compromise version. So I’ll meet him specifically (meaning Dmitry Mints) in order to be in time, because I’m leaving tomorrow morning. So what does this mean in life, in life it means that I will return to Moscow on the 20th, and of course it would be right if you agreed by the 20th (it means June 2016).
So you said you have your expenses?
Ilya Suchkov: yes.
Anatoly Chubais: so the logic will be as follows. Step number 1: you agreed with them (meaning with the Mints), the Mints said everything is ok, you said everything is ok, closed the issue. Step number 2: we sit down with you, lay out the costs for me, evaluate the costs.
I'll honestly tell you how for two, at the last meeting with V.V. (implied at a meeting with Vladimir Vladimirovich) I told him all the same the whole picture (meaning about the house in Peredelki) there were raids, publications. Listen, we, well, firstly, we already know everything very well, this is the most not to be puzzled, and secondly, we will deal with publications, do not worry. That is, we will definitely analyze this picture and in general it is so truly not disturbing. It means that it is much more important for me that you agree with the Mints, here it is. So, do it before the 20th (it means June 2016). Movement in the opposite direction will mean that the Mints perceive this as a classic business case and let's go. If everything is clear then act!
To be continued
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info