In Altai, with great difficulty, they are trying to hide behind bars the former deputy head of the OES and PC of the Barnaul Regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Roman Lazarev, who was detained on August 15, 2020, two days before the order was issued to appoint him to the post of head of the city department, all reports have already been agreed upon by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on Barnaul and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Altai Territory. The ex-policeman is on trial for the fact that two years ago he allegedly received a bribe from a local counterfeit dealer, Sergei Belimenko, through his subordinate, who had repeatedly borrowed money from a bribe giver. We are talking about only 250 thousand rubles. Rucriminal.info tried to figure this story out.
Sources say that the term for their former colleague is being sewn in the regional CSS, and the reason is the warm relations of the hardened recidivist Belimenko, with the head of the operational-search department of the ORC SB of the regional central office Valery Frolov. He struck up a friendship with Belimenko while still working in the department for documenting organized criminal groups of the regional UEBiPK GU and, apparently, received sympathy from Belimenko for this. Belimenko is also friends with the former senior opera officer for the Internal Affairs Department of the ORC SB GU Kovalev Ilya, who, after a corruption scandal a few years ago about the issuance of criminal numbers by the traffic police of the region with his participation as an intermediary and the subsequent initiation of a criminal case, miraculously avoided, for unknown reasons, sending the case to court, currently heads the criminal investigation department of the Dokuchaevo PP of the Leninsky district of Barnaul. Just in the service area ofthe OP, the warehouse and Belimenko outlet are located. This intelligibly explains why, despite a history of several convictions for the same scheme with the sale of counterfeit products, Belimenko remains at large and continues to cheerfully trade in counterfeit goods, along the way being an inexhaustible source of free alcohol and cigarettes for the Barnaul security forces.
In 2020, a large batch of counterfeit goods was once again seized from Belimenko. In an attempt to return the goods, he turned to his influential friends for help, but they were powerless. And then Nikolai Mitin, the senior detective of the OES and the PC of the Barnaul Ministry of Internal Affairs, successfully turned up by the arm, who found himself in a difficult life situation. A few months earlier, he managed to get involved in a story with a financial pyramid, organized by his former classmate at the BUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and police officer Ekaterina Berdnikova. When a criminal case was opened against Berdnikova, Mitin was left not only without the promised dividends, but also with huge debts to his relatives and colleagues. So he needed money like air. It is worth noting that most of the victims in the Berdnikova case are current and former police officers, more than 80 victims from whom she stole more than 100,000,000 rubles, the criminal case against Berdnikova is now over and sent to court for consideration.
Mitin had no real opportunity to return the confiscated goods to Belimenko, although he tried to negotiate this with his colleagues, including his boss Roman Lazarev. Despite the failure in the negotiations, Mitin agreed to provide a service to Belimenko for a fee, but on August 15, 2020, the transfer of money was covered by employees of the ORC SB. At the same time, they did not detain Mitin, but persuaded him to present the case as if the money was intended not for him, but for Lazarev. According to a Rucriminal.info source, the purpose of this "special operation" is to neutralize the deputy head of the Barnaul Department of Economic Crime, which has become a source of problems for Belimenko, and cut down the "stick" on a high-ranking police officer.
On August 16, Mitin, thoroughly “equipped” with the SS officers, came to Lazarev and in his car handed him a black opaque package. The latter did not know that the bundle contained money. An important detail: during the investigation, linguistic experts analyzed recordings from the camera and voice recorder from Mitin's car. Those turned out to be of extremely poor quality, and entire fragments were missing in the audio. Although experts have ruled out the version with the montage, sources say that just those fragments of the conversation are magically lost, because of which the case would instantly fall apart.
There are plenty of other oddities in the materials of the criminal case. For example, the billing of mobile operators indicates that in reality Mitin and Belimenko were not at the confrontation with the investigator on the day indicated in the protocol. Their phones were in other places, and they actively called - relatives, friends, and so on, and the conversations were long, which eliminates even a theoretical error. Belimenko even called his mother in Kazakhstan on August 13, 2020, i.e. two days before the transfer of money to Mitin, allegedly for the return of phones, although in the protocol of the confrontation he also claimed that he did not have her number - he remained in the phone, confiscated along with cigarettes and alcohol. According to that version counterfeit dealer, he turned to Mitin, first of all, in order to get his mother's number, and only then to return the goods. According to our information, he nevertheless received access to the gadget not without the help of his patrons from the CSS. It is also noteworthy that at the time of the transfer of money from Belimenko to Mitin, the above phones had already been for several weeks under examination at the EKC GU.
It is also worth noting that both the bribe-giver Belimenko and the fraudster Mitin got away unscathed - both of them are only witnesses in the Lazarev case. A bribery case was brought against the merchant and immediately dismissed. The decisive argument was his surrender, issued on August 16, although he handed over the money to Mitin the day before. As for Mitin, they didn’t even check on him - he claims that he himself called the CSS and concluded an agreement with them as soon as he received a bribe. Moreover, CSS employees materialized near Mitin 5 (five) minutes after the call (which was not recorded by any means), although their territorial location of the CSS department is on the other side of the city. He resigned from the authorities of his own free will, even according to the materials of the internal audit conducted by the CSS employees, no assessment was given to Mitin's actions.
Another interesting point is that Mitin’s close relatives are employees of the prosecutor’s office, namely his brother Andrei Nikolayevich Mitin, after a corruption situation with his brother, managed to be appointed prosecutor of the city of Zarinsk, Altai Territory, where Mitin’s father was also a prosecutor at one time and retired , sister Tyutyunnik Maria Nikolaevna, while working as a deputy prosecutor of the Tyumentsevsky district of the Altai Territory, which probably largely explains the direction of the case against Lazarev and the absence of any legal assessment of Mitin's actions. Mitin himself, thanks to his relatives and close acquaintance with the head of the Altai customs, General Sergei Besedin, calmly serves in the customs task force at the customs checkpoint in the town of Gornyak, Altai Territory, not far from the border with the Republic of Kazakhstan, from where most of all traffic to the region of counterfeit goods comes from. alcohol and cigarettes.
In favor of the fact that Mitina and Belimenko are trying with all their might to shield the employees of the CSS, the sudden disappearance from the information center of the regional central office of information about Belimenko's last year's conviction for counterfeiting also speaks. This was probably done so that when considering a new criminal case in court, he would not receive a real term. However, at the trial, this information nevertheless surfaced. As for the trial of Lazarev, it is not yet clear what assessment all the above-described contradictions in the case will receive. So far, the judge ignores all the arguments of the defense.
To be continued
Alexey Ermakov
Source: www.rucriminal.info