The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU continues to talk about the people of the owner of the construction group "LSR" Andrei Molchanov in the power of St. Petersburg, helping the billionaire increase his fortune. Meet Evgeniy Razumishkin, head of the administration of the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg, an experienced official who began his career back in 2004 and manages to strengthen his position with each new governor's team. In general, the Krasnogvardeisky district is a very dull place. It seems to be not far from the city center, but it seems that the border with the Leningrad region is right there. Transport accessibility is not very good, there is almost no industry, massive Soviet residential development, constant traffic jams, in short - complete depression. But in 2016 Razumishkin ended up in the chair of the head of administration not by chance, because it was here, on the border with Vsevolozhsk Murino, that billionaire Molchanov, due to the cheapness of land, decided to start building several residential complexes. There were doubts that these apartments would be in demand, especially at LSR prices, but Andrei is a strategist and is used to insuring risks. That's why he needed his own head of administration - Razumishkin, who, moreover, worked as chairman of the St. Petersburg government committee for work with state authorities. Doubts were justified, sales of housing in the so-called Novaya Okhta did not go, and then ... the city bought the apartments from the oligarch Molchanov! With the most active support of Razumishkin, the city bought 650 apartments from LSR for beneficiaries and gave the oligarch 3 billion rubles from the budget, which he would have otherwise lost. And this is not counting other "bonuses" to the developer. For example, some of the proposed parking lots went to shopping areas (that's right, where do the beneficiaries get cars from?), the company's participation in the construction of the continuation of Northern Avenue to improve transport accessibility was canceled, and so on. And yesterday, colleagues noticed how Razumishkin cuts the local construction budget, giving almost 500 million rubles to a company affiliated with his brother. So we will tell readers - these are trifles. It's just that the work for "LSR" in the dull Krasnogvardeisky district is completed and the official is waiting for the next good appointment under the patronage of his patron Molchanov. Another thing is that the oligarch, who is mired in serious federal conflicts, is not doing very well now, and he is definitely not up to Razumishkin.
As Rucriminal.info found out, the legal system of St. Petersburg is comparable to the justice of the dashing 90s. The lightning-fast development and expansion of the holding JSC GC "Monolit" does not give rest to the main competitor of the LSR group of companies. Molchanov does not hesitate to use his close ties with the deputy head of the St. Petersburg headquarters Baranov, putting pressure on the beneficiary of the business. On March 22, 2023, the Kuibyshevsky District Court of St. Petersburg satisfies the petition of the preliminary investigation body. Investigator Grigoryeva K.A. without waiting for the printed decision, as well as its entry into legal force without sending a notification of the day and time of the indictment to either Konstantinov or his defense counsel, as required by law and the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2023, charges Konstantinov without his participation, without the participation of the defense counsel. On March 24, 2023, he is put on the federal wanted list. On April 27, 2023, it issues a resolution on the announcement of Konstantinov I.V. on the international wanted list. At the same time, all actions are carried out with the grossest violation of the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region covers up such unprincipled actions of the investigation. 06/20/2023, the decision of the Kuibyshevsky District Court in relation to Konstantinov I.The. considered illegal and unjustified. The defenders of Konstantinov I.V. relevant complaints were sent to the head of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of St. Petersburg E.V. Negrozov, on the cancellation of the decision to bring charges, as well as on the removal of the federal and international wanted list. However, Negrozov believes that there are no violations in the actions of his subordinates, the charge was brought legally by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation in this case is not necessary, the search for a person who does not have the status of a suspect, the accused, judging by his opinion, is possible, which in fact once again confirms that the raider seizure of business is carried out through the use of Molchanov's close ties with the leadership of the St. Petersburg headquarters. The decision of the St. Petersburg City Court does not have any legal value for the police officers of St. Petersburg; in fact, on 06/20/2023, the court canceled the permission of the Kuibyshev District Court to terminate the criminal prosecution of Konstantinov I.V. despite this decision, the head office of the Northern capital continues the criminal prosecution, initiating and pushing through an international search for a person who does not have a status in this criminal case, continuing to falsify his materials, with the full support of the prosecutor's office. Deputy Negrozova E.V. Baylo, in response to complaints from defense lawyers, took over the powers of the court and found Konstantinov guilty of the crime.
It is necessary to dwell in detail on the evidence provided by the employees of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. eterburgu in the Kuybyshevsky district court judge Svalenkov A.A. under the sensitive and vigilant guidance of the FSB RSD officers. The court without going into details in violation of the Code of Criminal Procedure considered this petition without the participation of Konstantinov AND.The. and his lawyer, without the participation of the official who made this petition, without delving into the essence of the documents submitted, made an unlawful decision. So the protocol of interrogation of the victim Sergey Kitunichev dated October 28, 2022, who explained that he is the commercial director of Beaton JSC, and in fact is the head of the sales department, calling construction sites and offering products manufactured by Beaton JSC. However, all decisions, including those related to the cost of products and their sale, are made by the General Director Pereverzev A.A. which is reliably known to all key players in the construction market of the Northwestern Federal District. In his interrogation, the victim recalled that he is a brilliant manager who, by his strong-willed decision, bypassing Pereverzev A.A., as well as the owners of Bobkov A.A. and Karpinsky S.M. applied, in his opinion, a profitable pricing strategy, expressed in a total collapse in prices for the products manufactured by his holding, which, in his opinion, caused the hatred of the beneficiary of the holding JSC "GC Monolit", in his opinion Konstantinov I.V. hates him solely because Kitunichev sells concrete better. At the same time, such a brilliant manager did not bother to get acquainted with the official data of the construction market of the North-West Federal District, according to official data, the Monolit Group holding occupies 50 percent of the sales market, and Konstantinov himself never participates in negotiations with clients, these issues are dealt with directly by the commercial director of the holding, the same hired person as Kitunichev. The position of the victim is expressed in the fact that he took away a significant share of Konstantinov's volume by his willful decision, however, official sources say that Konstantinov at a controversial moment took 20 percent of the products sold by Beaton JSC, which, by virtue of logic and facts, cancels Kitunichev's assumptions. The materials of the criminal case contain all the economic calculations and reconciliation acts that refute the testimony of such a brilliant manager, the SETL STROY holding, even before the incident, cooperated with the Beaton JSC company. The share of Beaton JSC in the concrete purchased from them was 40 percent of the total annual volume purchased, so the manager’s fantasies that he thus took away the volume from Konstantinov’s holding does not correspond to harsh realities. On the contrary, Konstantinov's holding won the tender that S.S. Kitunichev so dreamed of. in connection with this, the share of purchased products from Beaton JSC has significantly decreased. Since the second 40 percent was supplied by Molchanov's holding. At the same time, in the last two years, Konstantinov's holding, in his absence in the country, again bypassed the injured Manager and the LSR group of companies; Apparently, the manager's talent has dried up, and all that remains for him is to stipulate a more successful competitor. The logic of beating up a hired employee who does not make absolutely any decisions in the holding is not clear, since there was never any personal communication between Kitunichev and Konstantinov, just as there were no conflicts.
The testimony of the convict Sharonova C.A. who changes his position to suit the circumstances, while not reporting any new information, except for those that were previously reported to them and were fully verified by the preliminary investigation authorities, and none of them were confirmed. In addition, the materials of the criminal case contain audio and video recordings of Sharonov's conversations with the only person close to Konstantinov, in which Sharonov proposes to abandon Konstantinov's slander, first for a monetary reward, and then by continuing cooperation with Konstantinov's holding. At the same time, Sharonov S.A. previously convicted of serious crimes, proudly referring to himself as a gang of Red. In his new testimony, Sharonov S.A. apparently frightened by the RSB officers, the FSB reports that Kitunichev had to be killed, obviously without realizing that he was becoming the organizer of a more serious crime, and he could forget about the suspended sentence that he was given by the court, since in this case the sentence must be canceled in view of newly discovered circumstances.
Particular attention should be paid to the testimony of Valdekt-Primont Karolina Vyacheslavovna, who was detained and prosecuted in September 2021 for embezzling 20,000,000 rubles from Konstantinov I.V. The accused Waldekt-Primont reports that the victim Kitunichev, bypassing Bobkov, Karpinsky and Pereverzev, cashed with the help of S.A. Sharonov. money, which was the reason for his beating, however, the preliminary investigation body did not consider it necessary to check the illegal activities of the Beaton JSC holding for cashing money and the involvement of the great manager in this crime. At the same time, the investigator of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg She did not check the authenticity of these testimonies, nor did she clarify the relationship between Waldekt-Primont and Konstantinov, even a person who is not versed in jurisprudence understands that Waldekt-Primont, not wanting to return the money stolen from him to Konstantinov, in every possible way assists those interested in Konstantinov’s slander, in the hope of receiving a lighter sentence for the crime she committed. At the same time, for some reason, forgetting that the current legislation provides for the criminal liability of a witness for giving knowingly false testimony. This fact does not interest either the head of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg Negrozov E.V., or the deputy prosecutor of the city for supervision of the investigation Yuryev.
That's all the data that, under the direct control of the leadership of the St. Petersburg Central Administration, served as such a weighty reason for initiating an illegal criminal prosecution of a knowingly innocent person. The direct negligent attitude of the head, as well as the personal interest of the head of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg, apparently gave the right to falsify the documents provided by the investigator K.A. Grigorieva. to the Kuibyshevsky District Court in March 2023, and also made it possible for the investigator to exceed his official powers by refusing to cancel search activities in respect of a person who does not have the status of a suspect or accused, even after the decision of 03/20/2023 was canceled by the St. Petersburg City Court. The deputy prosecutor of the city of Yuryev admitted that bringing charges against a person without notifying him within the time period established by the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation is legal and justified and in no way violates anyone's rights, and not a legal announcement on the federal and subsequently on the international wanted list is also a mere trifle. Deputy Negrozova E.V. A.Yu. Baylo without issued and entered into force sentence recognized Konstantinov AND.The. guilty of a crime. In the imaginary investigation of a criminal case, the investigation is not guided by the principle of legality and validity, and even more so does not care about a comprehensive investigation of such a high-profile criminal case, the operational support of which is directly handled by the FSB FSB, all evidence provided by the defense is rejected without verification, since no one is interested in verification and truth in this case, just as the victim himself, the only goal of the criminal prosecution by officials, is not interested in any way to get Konstantinov I.V. in a pre-trial detention center where, under pressure from certain persons, try to force him to transfer his business to persons interested in this. The judiciary and law enforcement community of St. Petersburg is a closed cell, with its laws having nothing to do with the legislation of the country. This is fully evidenced by the decision of the Kuibyshevsky District Court of St. Petersburg dated March 22, 2023. At the moment, the entire construction market of the Northwestern Federal District is witnessing the fabrication of a criminal case by the local commander in chief with the support of the FSB, carried out with the sole purpose of taking over the business. Colossal pressure is exerted on persons who are somehow aware of the information and circumstances subject to proof, the investigation is not inconceivable violations of the law, while the prosecutor's office does not see a single violation.

Yuri Prokov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info