How St. Petersburg officials and security officials “cover” “Sasha 3/30”

"Sasha 3/30". So it was recorded by many and still lives up to its nickname, the head of the fund for promoting lending to small and medium-sized businesses in St. Petersburg - Pitkyanen Alexandra Fedorovna. It has already been 2 years since the St. Petersburg Fund for Assistance in Lending to Small and Medium Businesses, which distributes state billions, is under the de facto control of Pityanen under investigation.
According to, for 2 years the criminal case, in which she is an obvious and one of the few identified defendants, has been stalling. Helping to slow down this criminal case are Pitkyanen's connections and the personal "smearing" in the subject of a number of officials of a higher status, from the government of St. Petersburg. The searches carried out in her apartment and in the fund itself, to put it mildly, gave good results, after which it would be possible to safely charge Pitkyanen. It was found that during her management of the fund, Pitkyanen wrote off more than 100 million rubles, and about 150 million rubles more were paid out on the guarantees of the fund. Many of these debts have not even tried to collect and / or sell to collectors. It is clear that these were not the usual companies of Vanya Ivanov (he must pay off his debts in full), but desks where the beneficiaries were people respected and familiar to Pitkyanen.
Immediately after the searches, the opera house of the specialized 8th ORC in St. Petersburg received dozens of calls and inquiries that they were "unfair" and "pinch honest business." The most striking was the pressure through a block of officials and a social activist (the rector of St. Petersburg State University) - Kropachev, who got right up to the head of the police department Plugin. Kropachev fit into one of his passions quite strongly, and although this did not stop the process completely, it definitely made it slower. And there you look and put under the cloth. As an extreme option - Pitkyanen can always go to Finland, the roots are saved.

Only one thing is surprising in this story - already more than once caught almost on direct clumsy theft, the head of the Pitkyanen fund is still (for almost ten years) in favor of the government of St. Petersburg and continues to earn money on issuing loans / orders for a small fee of 3% from the issued and 30% of the written-off loans, while not forgetting to give a share to the "cleansers" of the Internet so that there is no negativity about it. Although those in the know say that the amount of her desired share has increased by several times. Help
Since April 2020, in relation to the non-profit organization "Fund for the Promotion of Lending to Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, a Microcredit Company" (hereinafter referred to as the Fund), employees of the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region and investigators of the Main Investigation Department under the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, constant operational verification and investigative measures are carried out, namely:
In June-July 2020, employees of the UEBiPK of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region received a number of written requests for the provision of documents on the Fund's borrowers as part of the work on guarantees and microfinance (signed: Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region - Aleksey Vladimirovich Kuzyaev, executors on request - Senior Detective for Particularly Important Cases of the 8th Department of the ORC (EBiPK) No. 7 Kiselev Ivan Sergeevich, Chekevdya Roman Iosifovich) - registers of issued applications for microfinance, registers of applications issued on guarantees, including including separately - the register of issued guarantees with amounts of more than 50 million rubles, the Fund's statutory documents - all the requested information was promptly provided.
In July 2020, at the request of an employee of the UEBiPK of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, Kiselev I.S. a meeting was held with the management of the Fund - a proposal was made to send on behalf of the Fund applications for initiating criminal cases against individual borrowers for whom payments were made by the Fund under surety agreements, while the facts of identified violations by the Ministry of Internal Affairs were not presented, due to the lack of information from the Fund about illegal actions of borrowers and grounds for preparing documents for initiating criminal cases, applications for initiating cases from the Fund were not sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the Fund is actively working with debtors on recourse in the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg City Court, district courts, UFSSP, etc.).
Further, during 2020, requests were repeatedly received for the provision of documents, registers, regulations for issuing guarantees for various borrowers of the Fund, information about the Fund's employees, salary payments, etc. - all information is provided in full.
22.12. 2020 by an employee of the UEBiPK of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region - Kiselev I.S. the seizure of two applications, guarantee agreements for the borrower of Anima-trade LLC was carried out.
02/11/2021 in the period from 10:22 to 19:30 in the main office of the Fund (per. Grivtsova, 5) by an employee of the 8th department of the ORC (EBiPK) No. 7 of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and Leningrad A search and seizure of documents was carried out - operative police major Luyanenko A.V.
The basis for the search is the Decree of February 10, 2021 on the initiation of a criminal case No. 12001400009003934 of October 19, 2020, art. 159.1 part 4. - a criminal case was initiated against unidentified persons, one borrower appears - Anima-Trade LLC.
Moreover, during the search conducted on February 11, 2021, documents were seized that were not related to Anima-Trade LLC, due to the fact that documents on the relationship between the Fund and Anima-Trade LLC were seized during the seizure dated December 22. 2020.
During the search, officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs requested all archival documents on applications rejected at the stage of consideration under the Foundation’s Guarantee Program (“rejected applications”) for the period from 2017 to 2021. – in total, 90 applications for refusals were withdrawn (including documentation from banks, risk reports, SB), all documentation on claim work was withdrawn. Applications for the period 2012-2015 were withdrawn in the surety division.
During the search, all the documents that were of interest to the employees of the UEB and the PC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region were seized. Also, during the search, personal phones of the Foundation employees were seized. The owners of the telephones included in the search protocol their petitions for the return of their telephones. However, personal phones have not been returned to employees so far.
In the period from 03/19/2021 to 06/01/2021, 5 requests were received for the provision of documents and information as part of operational checks. The initiator of the requests was an employee of the 8th department of the ORC (ES and PC) No. 7 Lukyanenko A.V. The requests were signed by the Deputy Head of the EEB and PC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Kuzyaev A.V. - the requested information was submitted on time:
On March 19, 2021, the Fund received a request No. 4/6616 dated March 1, 2021 for the provision of documents and information as part of the audit No. 4/26573 dated August 25, 2020 - job descriptions, information about employees, salary payments, employment contracts, regulations on bonuses from 2017 to 2021;
On March 19, 2021, the Fund received a request No. 4/7785 dated March 11, 2021 for the provision of documents and information as part of verification No. 4/26573 dated August 25, 2020 - the number of applications received by the Fund, the amount of funds received by the Fund, payments under surety agreements, information about organizations that applied to the Fund, the results of verification of applicants, etc. from 2016 to 2021.
On April 02, 2021, the Fund received a request No. 4/10241 dated March 29, 2021 for the provision of documents and information as part of verification No. , from what funds payments are made, the financial plans of the Fund, information on the income of the Fund, minutes of meetings of the Council of the Fund from 2017 to 2021.
On May 12, 2021, the Fund received a request No. 4/12450 dated April 14, 2021 for the provision of documents and information as part of the verification based on material No. applications, from which funds payments are made.
On May 17, 2021, the Fund received a request No. 4/15742 dated May 17, 2021 for the provision of documents and information as part of the verification on material No. 4/9852 dated March 25, 2021 - the Fund's balance sheets from 2015 to 2021.
06/01/2021 The Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg A.D. Beglov received an appeal from the Public Council under the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, signed by the Chairman of the Public Council under the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region - N.M. Kropacheva. - the letter was prepared on the basis of an appeal to the Public Council from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, signed by the Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Plugin R.Yu. (the initiator of the letter is the detective Lukyanenko A.V.). The request, without confirmed facts, indicates information that the Fund refuses to provide the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with documentation for initiating criminal cases against the borrowers of the Fund, in connection with which they ask to empower the representatives of the Public Council under the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - E.A. Dmitrikova - an employee of St. Petersburg State University and M.I. Gorlachev - lawyer.
The Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg prepared a refusal on this appeal, due to the fact that representatives of the Administration are members of the Council of the Fund, the activities of the Fund are subject to annual inspections of Committees subordinate to the Administration, confirmed facts about illegal actions and grounds for appeals to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about illegal actions in for the Fund is not available.
In the period from 06/23/2021 to 06/30/2021, requests for the provision of documents and information as part of operational checks resumed. The initiator of the requests was an employee of the 8th department of the ORC (ES and PC) No. 7 Lukyanenko A.V. The requests were signed by the Deputy Head of the EEB and PC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Kuzyaev A.V. - the requested information was submitted on time:
On June 23, 2021, the Fund received a request No. 4/20116 dated June 23, 2021 for the provision of documents and of conduct as part of the audit on material No. 4/9852 dated 03/25/2021 - detailed balance sheets of the Fund from 2015 to 2021, indicating all counterparties, employees of the Fund, fixed assets, inventories, etc.
On June 29, 2021, the Fund received a request No. 4/20819 dated 06/29/2021 for the provision of documents and information as part of the verification on material No. 4/9852 dated 03/25/2021 - annual reports on the activities of the Fund, job descriptions of the executive director, composition of the Board Fund, annual plans for the provision of guarantees and microloans of the Fund, vehicles of the Fund - for 2015 - 2021.
07/08/2021 in the period from 11:30 to 21:58 in the main office of the Foundation (Grivtsova lane, 5) by investigators of the 6th department of the SC ROPD of the Main Directorate of the State Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, an employee of the 8th department of the ORC (UEBiPK) No. 7 of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, police major A.V. Luyanenko, the detective, repeated a search and seizure of documents in the framework of criminal case No. 12001400009003934 of 10/19/2020, art. 159.1 part 4. - a criminal case was initiated against unidentified persons, one borrower appears - Anima-Trade LLC.
Moreover, during the search conducted on 07/08/2021, documents were seized that were not related to Anima-Trade LLC, due to the fact that documents on the relationship between the Fund and Anima-Trade LLC were seized during the seizure dated 22.12. 2020.
During the search of seized:
- 1C databases of the Fund, containing information on work with guarantees, microloans, accounting, payroll for employees - for the entire period of the Fund's activity,
applications for the provision of guarantees for more than 2000 borrowers for the period from 2015 to 2021,
all conclusions of the risk management, security service of the Fund;
all originals of the guarantee agreements of the Fund from 2015 to 2021,
accounting policy, orders, waybills, advance reports, information about employees' business trips from 2015 to 2021.
Based on the foregoing, four operational inspections are carried out in relation to the Fund: No. 4/8477 of 03/20/2020, No. 4/17950 of 06/08/2020, No. 4/26573 of 08/25/2020, No. 4/9852 of 03/25/2021 year and the criminal case No. 12001400009003934 is being investigated.
The operational and investigative measures listed above have practically paralyzed the work of the Foundation, since large volumes of documents are periodically requested, and many necessary documents have been seized by the investigation and have not yet been returned, while numerous petitions have been written to the investigation to return the documents seized in February 2021. At the same time, there was a strong impression that the operational officers and the investigation did not decide on the goals of their activities during the year. At the same time, information and accounting documentation are systematically requested without specifying the request for a specific counterparty; the requests do not explain in connection with what and within the framework of what check in relation to which counterparty information is requested.
The current situation jeopardizes the implementation of the national project "Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives", since the Fund's employees must respond to incoming requests from the internal affairs bodies by providing a large amount of requested information, while checking the accuracy of accounting is not within the powers of the police.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued