The arrival of a new prosecutor, Yuri Nemkin, in Stavropol turned on a chain reaction and put untouchable employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office at risk. Details are in the material Rucriminal.info and the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU.
Y. Nemkin eradicates the vestiges of the legacy of his predecessor A. Lorenz, previously infamous for his work in the Stavropol Territory and Omsk Region.
According to information from our sources, a collaboration between the leadership of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office that existed for a long time fell under the scope. The mutually beneficial conveyor operated as follows: employees of the regional prosecutor's office (Remezov, Piltai, Barabash) in exchange for the unimpeded initiation of very controversial criminal cases in the GSU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the patronage of the prosecutor's office (according to the prosecutor's article 37 of the Code of Criminal Procedure) provided, if necessary, either blindness or a green light on cases in turn "interesting" to the leadership of the regional GSU. Here, once again, the names of the Stavropol "millionaires in uniform" Sergei Radionov (head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Stavropol Territory) and Dmitry Belov emerge, information about which has repeatedly hit the table with the controlling security forces.

S. Radionov, through nominees, is the owner of a number of premises of Pyaterochka stores and an entertainment karaoke center in the capital of Stavropol. His right hand, D. Belov, owns luxury cars registered to relatives, expensive apartments, and is completing the construction of a mansion in the Art Nouveau style on a plot of 25 acres in the elite district of Stavropol, next to the golden traffic cop Safonov and the hero of numerous reports of the Cheka-OGPU Fyodor Dubrivny. Belov, for a long time, heads the dainty economic department of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on whose account the cases of multimillion-dollar embezzlement in state unitary enterprises and municipal unitary enterprises of the region, repairs of roads and industrial facilities are buried (under the insensitive control of supervisors). It was under the auspices of S. Radionov and D. Belov that the Stavropol GSU for years turned a blind eye to the affairs of the notorious father and son of the Arashukovs.
Only in the last three years, subordinates of Belova D.V. investigators: Ragulina Yu.V., Epifanov S.N., Sedyshev V.A. were involved in procedural checks, but by a lucky chance, checks each time ended in a happy ending, even on materials containing direct testimonies of the victims and the facts of the transfer of money. The case of investigator V.A. Revenko, who was suspected of taking a bribe back in 2018, is indicative. He was fired by D. Belov, but after the story was hushed up, he was hired back to the same department where he works to this day.
According to Rucriminal.info sources, already at the time when this article was being prepared, S. Radionov and D. Belov began to take measures to move to similar work in other regions of Russia in order to spend the winter in a warm harbor. According to the current legislation and judicial practice, the multimillion-dollar property of officials (including registered in the name of third parties) can be seized into state revenue at the suit of the prosecutor's office. Such lawsuits from the new prosecutor of the region, Yuri Nemkin, are not far off.
To be continued
Timofey Zabiyakin
Source: www.rucriminal.info