Who would say that the family can be attributed to the sharply negative "features" of an official? But inhe case of Krasnodar Mayor Andrei Alekseenko is. Rucriminal.info publishes the second part of the investigation about this official.
A couple of years ago, Governor V.I. Kondratiev suddenly inflamed with love for caring for nature. Defiantly strictly in the presence of selected journalists, he demanded to put things in order with the lands of the forest fund, to clarify the boundaries of nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. Selected enthusiasts of the regional media, having recovered from a swoon from the happiness of seeing and contact, unsubscribed with aspirated reports in the regional newspapers and refused with reports on TV. Like, all hurt. The concern turned out to be in order ... Ordinary residents of the Tuapse district could only wait for what kind of corruption this time this governor's splendor would turn into. And it quickly became clear that the main task of the commission created by the governor was not nature protection at all, but ... the consolidation of the cut of the resort lands of the region.
The "clarification of the boundaries" of the Agrisky reserve, for example, located in the Tuapse district, led to ... the isolation of several very interesting areas from the protected land. One of which is... not bad family seaside villa of the Alekseenko family.
Back in 2013, a friend from hunting gatherings, the rogue Tuapse judge Pavel Ivanovich Shevchenko, approved ... the withdrawal of part of the land of the Agrisky reserve for the construction needs of Alekseenko. Then construction began with cutting down and laying out the slopes ... The resulting villa is decorated in the name of some left-wing Central Asian, whom the inhabitants of the village of Olginka, closest to the "bureaucratic possessions", have never seen.
Alekseenko's daughter Polina, until the moment when this scandalous story became known to Kuban bloggers, constantly posted “reports” on her Instagram about this sweet family pastime.

“My gorgeous mom… Bread and whisk,” the 16-year-old young lady signed this picture. Why something in English. There were many other photographs on her page, against the background of this seaside family nest, the cost of which, according to real estate estimates, could pull three hundred million.
So. The main goal of the Kondratiev environmental commission was just “clarification of the boundaries of the reserve”, which is necessary for the complete and final legalization of Alekseenko’s villa. There were no other targets. This becomes obvious when viewing the documents of the commission created by the governor solely to help "friend Andrei." The commission workers “specified” the borders of the Agrisky reserve, in other land areas - only brave, empty words.
And, by the way, (let's get back to ordinary human logic): why the hell did they give up on clarifying the boundaries of the reserve, which were marked back in Soviet times, when such work was carried out carefully and objectively? Could it be that Soviet scientists were so mistaken that they needed to be corrected by the forces of Kondratieff's illiterate "eco-militia"?

Papa's corruption provided her beloved daughter not only with the opportunity to swim in the pool in her Black Sea estate, but also provided great opportunities for expensive travel around the world. By the end of school, she visited London and Paris, admired the landscapes of Norway and Iceland, and appreciated the beaches of the Maldives.
Of course, there is in her now banned Insta and a photo of Krasnodar with a patriotic comment: "Your nightmare." This "high appreciation" of the motherland was recorded during a stay in Turkey.
Colleagues from Life.ru dug up information about other hobbies of the “golden Polina”. Here, for example, is a photo of a young lady on a yacht.

"Puzzle" of parts of the yacht on which the family of Andrey Alekseenko swims © Instagram
On this yacht, as colleagues write, the family arranges gourmet dinners on the Kuban River and in the Black Sea. Experts believe that we are talking about the yacht of the Italian brand Azimut.
“I will assume that this is a thirty-meter Azimuth. The price is from 4.5 million euros, sometimes even 10 million. It depends on the model, year of manufacture, equipment, registration flag, whether VAT has been paid or not,” a representative of one of the yacht trading companies told Life. Such a yacht requires a professional crew, for which two double cabins are provided.
Of course, the matter is not limited to yachting fun. Here is a photo where the beloved daughter is driving a premium crossover, very similar to the BMW Alpina XB7. Cost under twenty million.

Daughter of an official driving an SUV. Photo © yandex.ru, instagram
A few words about Alekseenko's stepson - Igor Podshivalov. A strange young man, 25 years old, living in the center of Krasnodar in the expensive residential complex "Tower", for some reason, at times, posing as an employee of the investigative committee. He really has nothing to do with SC. So, once passed student practice. And it is unlikely that the UK would be interested in an employee who posts on his now banned Instagram, pictures with the illegal abbreviation "AUE" and the slogan "life for thieves !"

The greatness of the guy was also manifested during the searches of the house and in the office of daddy, which were carried out on December 22 of last year. Then, during the interrogation of the defendant already in the investigator's office, Alekseenko asked for one call. I called my friend Veniamin - Governor Kondratiev. He called back his metropolitan "contact" - Yuri Kovalchuk. Bottom line: after turning on the "levers", Alekseenko was not then detained. Showed up for work the next day. But, so that the Kuban leader could not continue to interfere in the work of the investigation, the federal eskashniks immediately took the case for themselves. It would seem that the situation is suspended ...
But loving Igor, as soon as he saw his dad free, he immediately wrote a heartfelt post on his page “slavyan1n”. The meaning of which: "dad is at home", but for the "crap", whose idea with a corruption criminal case against dad failed - "this is just the beginning."

For Igorka, “crapped” are law enforcement officers who started working on a bribe-taker dad? According to the conviction of this character, young beyond his years, now the employees of the Investigative Committee should introduce themselves like that? “I am a crap major Ivanov” or “Crapped investigator for especially important Petrov”? Pontovity boy shores not beguiled it?
Or, in general, his brain is amputated and his son cannot understand that the security forces do not come to the offices of officials just like that, gawk at documents and inquire about health. They come in when the evidence base for corruption crimes has been collected.
It is worth mentioning the non-poor wife of Andrei Anatolyevich - Galina.
Curious math. In 2015-2020, Andrei and Galina Alekseenko officially earned 45 million rubles for two. Moreover, most of the amount was "contributed" by his wife, who has been in business for only a year and a half. She has a sole proprietorship in real estate management. And where did all this immovable family joy come from? Where, by the way, quite a few objects actually belonging to the family have not been taken into account, in particular, the same villa in Agria has not been noted.
Alekseenko, is he a financial Hawker Siddeley Harrier - a corrupt "aircraft" in a vertical bribery takeoff?
Recall that in 2000 he was sent to a criminal penal battalion for the procedure of taking away from the soldiers a daily allowance of 60 rubles, accompanied by cuffs. And the beginning of the working biography of the current knight of the Kuban kickbacks did not bode well. Andrey Alekseenko in the early 2000s worked as a gardener, painter, security officer and engineer at the Krasnodarselmash plant.
Then, however, it is not clear how, he became the owner of two Krasnodar construction companies and the head of a passenger transportation company on the Black Sea. All organizations were liquidated, two of them were liquidated by the tax authorities due to incorrectly indicated owners and addresses. That is, it was certainly not necessary to talk about hundreds of millions of income at that time.
The starting point was 2007, when Alekseenko began working in the administration of the Tuapse district. But the true dawn of corruption came in 2015, when he was approved by the deputy governor. Pretty quickly, a "glade" for the shadow mowing was determined - construction. And, we hope, it is precisely this area of "work" of the former first vice-governor of the Krasnodar Territory, now the mayor of the Kuban capital, that today is of particular interest to investigators.
Yes, at the end of December 2021, the investigators had the only established fact of a bribe - the transfer to Alekseenko of an exclusive Perazzi hunting rifle, an Italian manufacturer of Hi-End sports and hunting weapons at a price of 1.6 million rubles from “grateful developers” for “solving issues”. (Remarkable, by the way, weapon: Kimberly Road with a shotgun Perazzi 12-gauge model MX12 won the gold of the Olympics in Atlanta in 1996 and in Athens in 2004). But now there are some doubts that in the deep-layered corruption scheme of Papa Alekseenko, only this one hunting object was lit up.
The principle of the formation of Alekseenkov's "vertical of power
In Kuban, trouble does not come alone, it comes as part of a highly effective management team. Wherever Alekseenko worked, he always created an effective (one cannot take away) corrupt team of officials “for himself”. So it was during his work in Tuapse.
The district is now headed by Alekseenko's friend and fellow soldier Vitaly Mazninov. The corrupt bureaucratic Tuapse syndicate was able to dissociate itself today and put up for sale 6,5 thousand!!! land plots with overlapping forest fund lands. Which is absolutely illegal. But if all these transactions are covered by Alekseenko, through a friend of Mazninov, then why not? And this is far from the only Maznin "achievement". Fellow soldier Mazninov is an untouchable figure, so he allows himself a lot, acting without fear.
According to Vitaly Mazninov, you can write a corruption textbook. For the area “given” to him by his friend Andrei, Mazninov did absolutely nothing. Even in the official regional press, one cannot find a positive report on the work of this municipal figure. But it is easy to find amazing stories about him in the Kuban blogosphere. They describe with gusto how Mazninov was noted for his trip with a pretty secretary to Moscow for some kind of symposium on housing and communal services at the expense of the budget, just during a series of accidents in the district communal apartment. There are stories, like a chapter during the natural disaster of June last year, when due to flooding and the complete unpreparedness of the area for natural disasters, people died, dumped from the area, turning off the phone for a couple of weeks. At that time, there was a stream of reports on the central television about the disaster that had befallen the coast. They also showed the destroyed bridge on the resort federal highway in Lermontovo. Its collapse was due to the fact that Mazninov easily waved the documents for the construction of the Aqua Park in ... the river bed (one of the actual owners of this water entertainment is called Alekseenko). The flow in the narrowed channel simply flooded over the bridge, built back in the days of the USSR with a tenfold margin of safety. But bureaucratic greed was not included in these calculations at that time. That is why the bridge collapsed.
And in general, in the biography of the head of Mazninov, there are continuous failures and disasters, which even in the reports of the central television channels are jamb. TV reporters told about the disruption of the hot meal program in the schools of the district, when children were fed “doshirak”, about the traditional pollution of the sea with oil products due to rotten sewage treatment plants, about the battle of the inhabitants of the houses for the adjacent territories, which the rogue officials also manage to put up for sale. An endless topic - "failures" in the gas supply of apartment buildings that are connected to gas tanks - people cook meals on tourist cans for months and heat up water for bathing children on kerosene gas. Despite the fact that the program to provide the population with natural gas (and this is a direct order from the President to Governor Kondratiev) has not advanced a single percentage point. Now in the Tuapse district, only 15 percent of consumers use natural gas. Worse only in the Yakut camps with the tundra. On the other hand, poaching felling of valuable forest species under the “patronage” of officials is flourishing. As well as illegal buildings, with the trimming of landslide slopes, because of which the federal Black Sea highway is crawling. Some people think that this is not possible. And you mentally say the word "loot". And the scheme of work of the Alekseenkov team in Tuapse will immediately become clear. It doesn’t matter what: at least on the elimination of the consequences of the elements and clearing the rubble: everywhere there is a place for kickbacks. that need to be "shared". Otherwise, the Kuban corruption vertical of power will stop working.
After Alekseenko appointed Mazninov as his plenipotentiary for Tuapse, Maznin's Toyota Camry began to constantly stop by at the gates of the regional administration. Evil, but knowledgeable, Tuapse languages, claimed that it was "gratitude" being carried. Why the head of the district began to be called a "collector" behind his back. It is difficult to verify the veracity of the statement. But that's what the grateful Mazninov "gave" the owner of an apartment in Krasnodar on the street. Borodino - so gave the same!
It cannot be said that the Tuapse law enforcement officers did not try to give Mazninov what he deserved. Were. And there were searches. And criminal cases were opened. That's just the result for the servicemen is sad: professional, principled investigators were thrown ... into the district police.
However, over time, the Tuapse “layouts” in Alekseenko’s wallet did not become the most voluminous. Not from the fact that income from the "homeland" has become less. Other corruption streams have become much more full-flowing.
The bigger the problem, the more problematic it needs to be to get the most out of it.
In general, almost all vice-governors of the Krasnodar Territory have their own corrupt business interests.
Vice for Agriculture Korobka, shamelessly “squeezes out” farm land for his family. Former vice-governor Voronovsky, so shamelessly “sawed” the funds of the national road project, that even the Presidential Administration recommended Kondratiev Voronovsky to be removed from the vice-governors. It should be noted that the funds from this multibillion-dollar cut, formalized as a “donation from business”, were also used to build the Patriot Park (this overly expensive project is being implemented on the border of Krasnodar and the governor’s native Dinskoy district). The scheme of very dubious financing of this "patriotism", by the way, could be easily calculated by law enforcement officers. If such a task were set. But something inspires calmness in Kondratiev, something makes you believe that the investigators will not touch this topic? Veniamin Ivanovich himself, in a private conversation, once remarked that, they say, our president is a patriot, and when I show him the rebuilt complex, he will forgive everything. Well, yes, this is from the point of view of a normal person, to build a patriotic park for bribes and kickbacks, as if not according to the Orthodox. But this is Kuban. This is the norm here.
But back to Alekseenko. This "comrade" sat down on the topical, and very noble topic of helping deceived equity holders. During the years of Kondratiev's rule, an inexplicable, in terms of the effectiveness of the work of the administrative team, a paradox happened. For 2015 - the year of accession of Veniamin Ivanovich in the Kuban , there were 33 problematic new buildings in the region.
What then Kondratyev himself reported to the prosecutor's office, vowing to solve the problem as soon as possible. As a result of many years of "effective work", the number of problematic LCDs jumped more than 10 times, exceeding three hundred. Now all the pro-government regional media are writing with boiling water with delight, telling how effectively this problem is being solved. Ignoring how crooked and frankly unfair this is. Many deceived equity holders at the expense of the special aid fund (and this is mostly federal money) are returned the cost of the paid square meters ... We are talking about those new settlers whose houses are now at a minimum degree of readiness. But for such "returns" about any purchase of other housing, of course, is out of the question. But in the statistics graphs, problematic LCDs disappear.
But there are in the list of long-term construction and houses in a high degree of readiness. And then the cunning officials turned out to have a place to turn around.
For Alekseenko, “long-term construction” has become the main source of improving personal well-being. As vice-governor, Andrey Anatolyevich surrounded long-term construction with "care". And if Alekseenko surrounds something with care, then no one can escape from this environment.
Perhaps the first case of Alekseenkov's "help" to deceived equity holders was his supervision of the problematic residential complex "Seventh Heaven" in Krasnodar. In October 2019, the case against the General Director of Kraizhilkomresurs JSC Avedis Seferyan was submitted to the court. (The founder of "Krayzhilkomresurs" is the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Public Utilities of the Krasnodar Territory, supervised at that time by Alekseenko, the joint-stock company operates a number of MSW landfills, including the infamous Belorechensk garbage dump). Seferyan was accused of fraudulent embezzlement of funds from the budget in the amount of 95 million rubles. According to the investigation, the head of AO Seferyan, by prior agreement with other citizens, entered into a loan agreement with YURSK LLC (developer) in the amount of 95 million rubles for a period up to December 31, 2017, ostensibly to finance the construction of the Seventh Heaven residential complex. Then, in the period from April 20 to December 8, 2017, the attackers transferred this amount to the settlement accounts of controlled companies and disposed of the money at their discretion. The scam, of course, was far more complex. Let's briefly talk about the results: Vice-Governor Alekseenko, who was already in charge of the problem of deceived equity holders at that time, fiercely defended Seferyan, convincing people of a happy resolution of the problem. Budget money was dissolved, Seferyan fled abroad and was put on the wanted list. Are the investigators now step by step following the corruption path of Andrey Anatolyevich, aren’t they wondering why such a “defense” of Seferyan suddenly came from?
When a fund for the protection of the rights of citizens participating in shared construction was formed in the region in 2019, Alekseenko was also entrusted with overseeing its work. The foundation's website now has a lot of words about the nobleness of the goals. But from the very beginning, something was confusing in the organization of this work of the foundation. First of all, questions arose about the houses that immediately began to be put into operation, “thanks to the care of the regional authorities and “personally Alekseenko” houses. It turned out that the houses stood unfinished for years, and then suddenly, like a magic stump, someone waved in the air. Long-term construction began to be commissioned within a matter of weeks.
But in this situation, the “logic of the actions of vile developers”, who fell into the category of scoundrels-long-term construction workers, turned out to be completely incomprehensible. Now, if you are a cunning swindler who decided to rob fellow citizens by collecting money from them for apartments, then why would you spend anything on building a box of 20 floors, laying communications, interior decoration, arranging the yard? He collected money - and screwed into the forests. It's strange, after all, when the house is almost built, and you suddenly turn out to be a crook? But why did a large part of the problematic construction projects in the Krasnodar Territory become problematic precisely at the final stage? The builder was declared unscrupulous, at a time when the house, after a small finish, could only be “plugged into the outlet”?
Need examples? LCD "Cascade" Krasnodar, Levanevskogo, 187. On August 7, 2020, the press service of the regional administration gave information: "The problematic long-term construction of the residential complex "Cascade" was commissioned in Krasnodar. Shareholders began to receive keys to apartments. The UPD company (developer) was supposed to complete this facility back in 2015.” Further, Alekseenko's comments about the fact that, they say, there were separate problems, there were no necessary capacities. But most importantly!!! “New investors were identified and found, who completed all the necessary construction and installation work. Additional capacities were introduced, cable electrical networks were built to put the facility into operation.” Was it really necessary to wait five years and put the developer in jail in order to throw an electric cable "to the house"?
By the way, the residents of the residential complex themselves say that the payment for the “cable building process” was organized just by ... the original developers located in the pre-trial detention center. That is, if we discard the propaganda husk, then the following may remain in the bottom line. The builder could not agree on "special conditions" with an official (and we are talking about Alekseenko). For which he was blocked from connecting power facilities in an almost finished house. Moreover, several families even lived in this “long-term construction”, which simply had nowhere to live. That is, the level of readiness of the house at the time of its announcement was problematic - 99% or even higher. To the great happiness of the bureaucrats, the residents began to go to rallies, which generally gave the authorities a reason to "worry." They filed a case against the developer, squeezed the object from him, handed it over to their authorized developer, took the funds of the builder sitting in prison and completed the connection of the networks (what used to prevent this short and not the most difficult procedure from being completed?) And it is possible that they also threw a couple of hundred million to the new to the “developer” from the fund for helping deceived equity holders, to “perform the entire range of necessary work”, which were later successfully sawn up and provided the developer with a prison, and Alekseenko’s daughter shopping in London.
And yes, another new developer, who was so "accidentally" lucky, sold unsold apartments built by him and received an absolutely cost-free profit. It is not a sin to share such easy money with curators.
Let's talk about Alekseenkov's scheme using the example of the most striking, due to the high rally of the deceived equity holders of the "Multiplex Kino" residential complex, on the street. Uralskaya, 100 and 100/5 in Krasnodar. More than a thousand equity holders were victims here.
First, a quote from Alekseenko, just about this ZhK: “You know that, together with law enforcement and control agencies, we take an active position in the issue of completing problematic facilities. Our work should bring visible results - first of all, for residents who have been unable to move into their own apartments for so long. We must all approach the implementation of the work schedule with maximum responsibility. These issues are under the control of the governor.”
Wonderful words. It would also be necessary to add that “a useless developer (LLC Yug-GarantStroy), the organizer of a criminal group, Gennady Dyakov, was convicted by a court of fraud on an especially large scale and is already pulling his term of 7 years in a penal colony. So to him!
But let's talk a little about other details ... They would be curious for the investigators if they now had a talk with Dyakov, who was winding his term. Even when looking at the current view of the construction, which was stopped in 2017, it is clear that the developer has done a lot. The swindlers would certainly have limited themselves to a foundation pit or a zero cycle, and not figured out boxes of 20 floors.
And the reason for stopping the construction is also that Andrey Anatolyevich Alekseenko liked the site in the center of Krasnodar, at the intersection of Levanevsky and Severnaya streets, owned by Dyakov. Just at the time when the construction of the residential complex was carried out quite successfully.
From Alekseenko, this plenipotentiary of caring for equity holders, a tempting offer was made to present this "fat" plot as a gift. After the refusal, the developer's problems began. It all ended for Dyakov and his partners in prison. The site remains "undeveloped".
Well, now let's get back to the property, which is listed for Alekseenko's wife - Galina. There is no feeling that today the land plots that have not yet been resold, non-residential real estate, registered in the name of a wife, are just “kickbacks” from those who preferred not to mess with a sweet couple? Well, it is no coincidence that Galina Alekseenko has an individual entrepreneur specializing in the "field of real estate management."
Andrei and Galina, according to the regional media, are now, as it were, in divorce cases. But what is strange: despite the presence of various residential real estate, when in December they came with a search to Andrey Alekseenko’s apartment in a house on Tyulyaev Street, Galina Alekseenko, who was “divorcing”, opened the door to law enforcement officers.
The searches on December 22 were hardly unexpected for Alekseenko himself. On December 3, the bell rang. Appointed only on October 27 at the suggestion of Alekseenko, Vice Mayor of Krasnodar Kirill Mavridi, employees in balaclavas were taken out of the building of the Krasnodar City Hall in handcuffs. Mavridi was taken to an “interview” at the Investigative Committee. According to local media, Mavridi at that time was charged with taking a bribe in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. It looked somehow small, considering that the average bribe in the Krasnodar Territory, which is champion in terms of corruption, has a “price tag” well over a million.
At that time, another piece of information about the episodes in which Mavridi was involved was of greater interest. The information was published by some telegram channels specializing in crime. It dealt with the organization of a deeply echeloned flow of thank-you gifts “upstairs” towards Andrei Anatolyevich from developers in Krasnodar and Sochi. And although Mavridi and Alekseenko were still friends with Tuapse (Mavridi, also a member of the "Tuapse team", he took the place of the deputy head of the administration of the Tuapse district after Alekseenko left this chair and went on promotion), it is unlikely that Andrei Anatolyevich could count on "partisan silence "Kirill Pavlovich in the polls in the Sledkom.
The bribery commonwealth, which attracted the attention of law enforcement officers, consisted mainly of Alekseenko's Tuapse entourage. The corruption "caravan" also had its own publican - tax collector - Dmitry Evgenyevich Yatselyuk, who until recently worked as the head of the State Treasury Institution "Main Directorate for Construction of the Krasnodar Territory. Yatselyuk, at one time was the head of the capital construction department of the administration of the Tuapse district. So yours too. Before moving on to work in the regional structure, he led the capital construction department of the city of Sochi.
Yatselyuk turned out to be a very responsible collector of tribute: he photographed the "submit" and sent the pictures for evaluation to the "receivers" - will it go or not? "Superfluous" in this action was showing photos to friends, comrades, acquaintances.
When law enforcement officers came to Yatselyuk, he essentially had no other choice but to start cooperation with investigators. Apparently, his "curators" soon found out about Yatselyuk's "betrayal". Dmitry Evgenievich was fired from his posts. He returned to his house and to his stalls in the Tuapse village of Agoy.
At the time of Mavridi's arrest, it was obvious that Kirill Pavlovich was nothing more than an intermediary in this "transmission mechanism". That same exclusive hunting rifle, elite alcoholic drinks, and other expensive presents were not intended for him.
Let us quote the information of one of the Kuban telegram channels.
“The security forces are now also holding “conversations” with the leaders who “made gifts”. Someone says that they were forced to make a corrupt “thank you”. But there are also "gifters" who, in the course of conversations, stray into pathos. Phrases like: "These leaders are wonderful people do everything for the good of their native Kuban."
It's just about Alekseenko A.A.
After the frankness of the defendants, on December 22, the morning visit of law enforcement officers to Andrey Anatolyevich's house took place with a search instead of breakfast and the official was transported to the workplace to carry out similar investigative actions. A conversation with the investigator ... Then, the intervention of Kondratiev and Kovalchuk saved Andrei Alekseenko from direct transit to the Krasnodar pre-trial detention center. Moreover, the current lack of information about the progress of the investigation of the criminal case by the investigatory committee, it seems, has created a feeling among Alekseenko himself that he is criminally untouchable.
The theme of his criminal and corrupt passions is now resurfacing precisely in connection with rumors about his possible transfer to Kherson. An interesting, of course, alternative: either a prison, or the leadership of a new territory. But even if Alekseenko is “forgiven” for stealing a billion dollars in the Krasnodar Territory, who can doubt that during the restoration process this figure will heat up the budget so much that he will buy himself a yacht of such a size that the current one will look like an oar. However, even such a development of events cannot be assumed. Restore the destroyed must be honest, able to work effectively leaders. Among which Alekseenko can not be attributed. However, his much more likely final entry into the zone also poses a considerable danger, in this case, for the thieves' community. To the common fund, it certainly should not be allowed. Bite off, roll back, saw and customs. And at the same time, it will report on a significant improvement in the life of all ZKs.
Roman Trushkin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info