The Presnensky Court of Moscow again acquitted Adam Yakhutl, ex-deputy chief of the police of the transport department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Southern Federal District. This was the first to report on the telegram channel VChK-OGPU. Yakhutl was accused of receiving almost $ 1.5 million, promising to help certain defendants be removed from the case of embezzlement of 70 billion rubles from Mosoblbank. However, at the hearing in the Presnensky court, the case completely collapsed, the evidence for the prosecution was not confirmed. In November 2020, Yakhutl was acquitted, but it was overturned by a higher court. After a new trial, Yakhutl was acquitted again.

According to the investigation, Yakhutl promised assistance in the case of embezzlement of 70 billion rubles from Mosoblbank for $ 1.5 million. The prosecution's position was based on the testimony of businessman Dmitry Ganelin, according to whom Yakhutl demanded $ 1.5 million from him for stopping the persecution of his acquaintance, the former deputy chairman of the board of Mosoblbank Dmitry Vasilyev. Details of this story are in the investigation.
Back in 2016, the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs completed the investigation of a criminal case on large-scale embezzlement committed by the management of MOSOBLBANK. It was established that the former co-owners of the bank, father and son Malchevsky, Julius Zedin and deputy chairman Dmitry Vasiliev, had withdrawn from the bank and stolen more than two billion US dollars. During the investigation, Dmitry Vasiliev, who had a residence permit in Latvia, disappeared and was put on the wanted list. Vasiliev was constantly looking for new solutions and constantly offered the SD staff money through them for his withdrawal from the case.

Ganelin volunteered to help, whose firms had accounts in Mosoblbank and through these firms the members of the criminal group withdrew and stole part of the money. During the investigation, Ganelin managed to pay off and this fact became decisive in the choice of Vasiliev.
Ganelin told Vasiliev about his opportunities in the SD and promised that the criminal case against him would be dropped. Having received from Vasiliev more than two million dollars to transfer to the SD staff for the termination of the criminal case, Ganelin simply appropriated them, investing in his business, and when Vasiliev demanded them back a year later, he did not find anything smarter than to refer to the fact that he transferred them to the employees SD, but they could not exclude Vasiliev from the number of the accused.
Since Ganelin's version did not look very plausible, he decided to concretize it and put forward it, screwing into it Colonel Yakhutl, whom he had known for more than ten years.
According to Ganelin, it was he who paid Yakhutl $ 1 million and 20 million rubles for the SD staff, but nothing was done. Since Vasiliev himself could not become a victim, Ganelin submitted an application.
According to, Ganelin, not being a lawyer, entered into an agreement with Vasiliev for the provision of legal services, for which he received $ 2 million. One of the witnesses during the judicial investigation confirmed that Vasiliev had indeed transferred the funds in several payments. Ganelin made a statement about the crime more than a year after the allegedly transferred funds. Initially, the inspection was carried out by the SU in transport in the Southern Federal District. To determine the jurisdiction, materials from the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on transport in the Southern Federal District were sent to Moscow. For some unknown reason, the material ended up in the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the North-Eastern Administrative District, where a criminal case was initiated against unidentified persons. They refused to involve Yakhutl as an accused, since there was no evidence of his guilt. Then the criminal case was transferred to the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for ZAO, which attracted Yakhutl as an accused.
During the hearings in the Presnensky court, it turned out that back in December 2015, an agreement on the provision of legal assistance was signed between Ganelin and Vasiliev. On the basis of this agreement, Ganelin undertook to provide Vasiliev with some kind of legal assistance in representing his interests in the RF IC, the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the RF Prosecutor's Office. The amount to be paid was $ 2 million. At the same time, Ganelin is not a lawyer or a lawyer. He himself did not deny the existence of such an agreement, but assured in court that he transferred money to Yakhutl not from the amount received from Vasilyev, but from the funds that he borrowed from a certain friend of Smirnov. Another interesting point surfaced at the hearing. During the events when $ 1 million was allegedly transferred to Yakhutl, Ganelin created a company, in the authorized capital of which an amount equivalent to $ 1 million was just contributed. This information was also not checked by the investigators.
As a result, the case has already fallen apart twice in court. And Ganelin will have difficult explanations with Vasiliev.
It is worth noting that at one time the FSB of the RF FSB conducted an audit against two employees of the department. Yakhutl assures that they came to his cell and announced that his mother had died, “unable to bear the shame” after the arrest of her son. You can get to her funeral only if you admit receiving money from Ganelin. Then Yakhutlya can change the measure of restraint.

To be continued
Denis Zhirnov