The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info continue to publish letters from the prison of the former head of the Serpukhov district, Alexander Shestun. High-ranking officials, including those from the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, and the head of the Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation, Ivan Tkachev, at one time demanded that the inconvenient official leave his post. Shestun wrote down all these threats and published the recording. He also filed a complaint about corruption by Tkachev. In it, Shestun said that the bribes were expressed in the fact that he paid for Tkachev and his subordinates to rest at the Bear's Den recreation center (Moscow region, Serpukhov district, Priluki village) and in Drakino Park (Moscow region, Serpukhov district), as well as paid for their joint drinking in the restaurant of Drakino Park. In addition, on the eve of the professional holiday of the Chekist Day, Tkachev I.I. informed Shestun that the guys needed to make gifts, and Shestun took Tkachev I.I. bag with expensive phones. Each of these events cost about 2 million rubles. In total, in monetary terms, such services were provided and gifts were given to Tkachev for about 10 million rubles. For all this, Shestun was sent to prison for 15 years. But he does not give up and continues his work from the dungeons.

“On June 13, 2018, on the first day of the World Cup in Moscow, 50 FSB special forces stormed my house. I could not believe that Vladimir Putin, having spent trillions of rubles on preparing the World Cup infrastructure, would do such a base act. Instead of dismissing high-ranking employees of the FSB and the Presidential Administration, I was arrested for the audio recordings I published with their threats and blackmail. Shame, even in small doses, cancels out the triumph from the wide hospitality of fans from all over the world. Only later, in prison, where there is time for a leisurely contemplation of the political landscape of analytical conclusions, I realized that history is cyclical. The grandiose Olympic Games in Sochi were replaced by a world shame - the annexation of Crimea. What was the point of proving to the whole world the civilization of Russia, in order to draw it like that later?!

Our fans at the World Cup in Doha, the capital of Qatar, faced not only with hatred, but rather with disgust. The point is not only in the removal of the exclusion of FIFA from the Russian team from participation in the World Cup. Our team could simply not pass the qualifying games. Residents of the entire planet sincerely condemn Moscow for the invasion of Ukraine. Of course, the degree of censure is different (friendly and unfriendly countries). For example, Russians would simply not be allowed into Europe due to visa restrictions. ….
Today it is impossible for our fans to defend their dignity…. Failures on the fronts of the "second army of the world" affect ordinary citizens. ….
The glorious victories of Russian weapons over Napoleon and Hitler are crossed out.
The aftertaste of the Russians from the last two World Cups is diametrically opposed. Intoxication from a successful World Cup in Moscow gave us hope for a full-fledged membership in the family of the world community. And Doha became a bitter hangover….
Tiny Qatar has also deprived us of leadership in the export of LNG gas, replacing Russia in the European market of buyers of blue fuel.
On June 13, 2018, at great speed, under the howling of sirens and flashing lights, I raced through dressed-up Moscow in a high-speed bus of the FSB special forces towards the prisoner's lot. Then it finally dawned on me that behind hospitality ... only arrogance is hiding ... and the whole world will soon shudder from atrocities.
December 1, 2022 A.V. Shestun".