A group of victims from surrogacy agencies contacted the editors of the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info. We publish their letter.
“Our case is very large and high-profile, it is part of a series of high-profile criminal cases against surrogacy agencies and fertility doctors under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on child trafficking, which have been booming in Russia since 2020, when the pandemic began, the borders were closed, and Chinese and other foreign children were simply stuck in the country and the authorities began to detect "farms" (apartments) with babies all over the country (2 criminal cases in Moscow - Rosyurconsulting agencies (there are already first verdicts) and Sweetchild; Krasnoyarsk (there are first verdicts), Kaliningrad (there are first sentences); Petersburg (there were 2 cases, with the death of Chinese babies, but it somehow all died out and there is no information).

We are biological parents who suffered from the Sweetchild agency, we have a second criminal case against them under the article "Fraud", which was conducted and illegally terminated by the Meshchansky MRSO of the ICR in Moscow at the time when it was headed by Tambiev Marat Khamidovich - he then moved to Tverskoy MRSO TFR in Moscow and was detained for a bribe. You often write about him. Accordingly, he appointed investigator Katkova as the head of the investigation team, which terminated the criminal case in the presence of undisguised criminal dirt in the case and since then the case has been pressed. UD, Judge Goryunova. Then the appeal of the Moscow City Court overturned this decision, declaring it illegal, and now our complaint, in accordance with Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code, has returned for a new consideration to the Meshchansky Court in a different composition of the court (Judge Mayorova). The IGU also confirmed the official forgery on the part of the investigator Katkova - she signed two identical resolutions on the termination of the UD with discrepancies in the operative part. Now we are waiting for investigator Katkova at the Meshchansky Court to give explanations about her actions, but she left the Meshchansky MRSO quite soon after signing this decision and is somehow clearly in no hurry to respond to court calls .... The Moscow Prosecutor's Office fully covers all this.
We are victims of a fraudulent agency (11 in total, citizens of the Russian Federation and China)
Statistics are stubborn things. There are two criminal cases against the agency Sweetchild (on child trafficking - conducted by the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR in Moscow; and ours under 159 of the Criminal Code), there are two civil proceedings against Sweetchild. Where there is no clinic "Mother and Child" - everything is going well, a criminal investigation is underway (Sergey Lebedev, the owner of the agency, accused under the article of child trafficking and put on the wanted list, there is an official letter from the Sledkom); in civil proceedings, adequate honest decisions are made in favor of citizens robbed by the agency (there is documented evidence of other people's replanting of other people's embryos, under which millions of prepayments (and biomaterial in addition) were written off from the victims; surrogate mothers there split in two according to the documents - at the same time were in two different cities.
But where the clinic "Mother and Child" appears, this is all fiercely crushed, and a criminal offense (it is common for 11 victims), and a civil court under such obvious criminal and proven circumstances. The doctor of this elite clinic, Kamilova Dilorom Pulatovna, implanted 6 embryos instead of 5 (where would an extra embryo come from in completely anonymous programs?), Their applications for cycle synchronization were found in the medical records of surrogate mothers (fresh protocol), and the program of the victim did not assume this at all, there there were only cryo-frozen embryos, that is, a completely different protocol. Kamilova implanted the embryo of an injured client of a surrogate mother with an ovarian cyst, and this is a contraindication, hormonal failure, pregnancy on IVF in this case is impossible, that is, they simply killed someone's long-awaited children (embryos) in obviously doomed transplants. At the same time, the "doctor" Kamilova recorded in the medical record. that it was the biomother who suffered from her who demanded that the embryo be implanted in this particular cycle with an ovarian cyst (well, that is, the biomother demanded to kill her embryo if she had a 100% prepaid contract for the surrogacy program with an unlimited selection of surrogate mothers if they had to be removed from the program according to medical indications). All this was included in an advance payment of 2 million rubles, the contract was signed by the Sweetchild agency for a front construction company, which at the same time was building a private residential building for the owners of the Sweetchild agency in the Moscow region. According to the morphological quality on the date of freezing, according to the documents, it is clear that the embryos implanted by anonymous surrogate mothers also differed from those of the victim - that is, these are other people's implantation of other people's embryos, and the biomaterial (embryos) and money were simply stolen from the victim.
The case also involves the state hospital GBUZ "GorodskI am a clinical hospital. Pletneva, who was unable to document anything due to the complete falsification of the "hospitalization" and "miscarriage" of the dummy surrogate mother, did not find anything better than to inform the court that the surrogate mother's medical record "drowned" along with two dozen other medical records of the same gynecological department and plus to this with two dozen more stories of childbirth from the maternity hospital No. 20 at the same hospital.The hospital dragged a lot of ridiculous falsifications to the court, everything was exposed.
In April 2022, the victim filed a clarified civil lawsuit with full disclosure, where all the contradictions in the case documents that exposed the falsifications were spelled out; all defendants were named in the lawsuit as an organized group with distributed roles and Rospotrebnadzor was involved. After that, some characters, who for many years called themselves doctors, jumped out of their jobs, and the Pletnev hospital and the Mother and Child clinic stopped going to court hearings and did not even honor the hearing of the case on the merits with their presence - but all this DID NOT STOP THEM TO WIN THE COURT in the presence of so many crimes in the documents. When and how the clinic was able to explain to the judge "from a medical point of view" how five embryos turned into six and other "strange things" without coming to court sessions - one can only guess. Rospotrebnadzor issued a conclusion in favor of the injured patient.
Podolsky, Ilya Mikhailovich, is a lawyer at the Mother and Child clinic, and something tells us that he most likely took part in the miraculous suppression of the criminal and civil cases in which this clinic appeared.
Joseph Trostinsky
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info