The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info became aware of the war for the inheritance of the former chairman of the board of directors of the ALROSA investment group and co-owner of Sobinbank Khalid Omarov. The authoritative oligarch, who was called "Putin's elite" and was associated with the "Kingisepp" organized criminal group, was wanted after fraud with a New York bank, fled to the UK and, as it turned out, changed his name.
According to a source of the Cheka-OGPU, even after that, Vasileios (aka Khalid) Omarov could not lay low and even landed in at least two public scandals. Although no one compared it with the old name, the photo circled all the British tabloids. We are talking about harassment of the manager of the London Royal Marriott Hotel and the subsequent attempt by the “Russian tycoon” to buy the silence of the victim. And there was also a case when Omarov's wife Margarita, whom the British press dubbed "a resident of the street of billionaires", was caught stealing a figurine in the Chelsea auction house. According to the interlocutor, Omarov was a chronic alcoholic and spent most of his forced emigration in rehabilitation centers. Contrary to rumors of a murder in Africa, Khalid died at his home in London in August 2018.

The fact that Khalid and Vasileios are the same person was officially established quite recently in the Odintsovo City Court of the Moscow Region. This was requested by his brother Nail, who, after confirmation from Themis, accepted the inheritance: an apartment in Moscow on Orekhovy Boulevard, as well as shares in the authorized capital of Stone Management Company LLC, Stone XXI Leasing Company LLC, 000 "Stone-Insurance", LLC "EDZh10" and LLC "Stone-Auto".
But Tatyana, the civil wife of Khalid and the mother of his two children, intervened in the matter. The woman challenged the transfer of inheritance to Nail, since the direct heirs are the son and daughter of Omarov. The court's decision was overturned in the appellate instance, and a criminal case was recently opened in the UK under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud" against the brother of the deceased businessman.
Rucriminal.info became aware of new details of the struggle for the inheritance of the former chairman of the board of directors of the ALROSA investment group and co-owner of Sobinbank, Khalid Omarov.
In London, the authoritative oligarch, who was called "Putin's elite" and associated with the "Kingisepp" organized criminal group, changed his name to the sonorous Vasileios. In exile, he lived in a civil marriage with Tatyana Grishanova. Khalid-Vasilios has two of his children (born in 1986 and 1992, they live in Greece and the United Arab Emirates. After the death of the head of the family in August 2018, one of the notaries opened an inheritance file in the name of Vasileios, where the documents of the children-heirs were attached.
Meanwhile, the brother of the deceased, Nail Omarov, knowing about the existence of his nephews, turned to another notary. There he asked to open a hereditary case with the name Khalid. Through the court, he managed to recognize the fact that Khalid Omarov and Vasileios Omarov are one and the same person. After that, Nail received certificates of acceptance of the inheritance and became the owner of an apartment worth about 50 million rubles on Orekhovy Boulevard in Moscow and five LLCs that deal with leasing, insurance, precious stones and have millions of assets on their balance sheets.
Having learned about this, the widow Tatyana Grishanova flew to Moscow. She said that she had long lived with Vasileios in London and received income from her late husband's business. First, she wrote a statement (shortly before the inheritance scam, the woman strangely lost her apartment on Academician Pilyugin Street), and later the children joined the woman's statement. A criminal case was initiated against their uncle under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud”.
To be continued
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info