Former employees of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, previously dismissed due to high-profile corruption scandals from law enforcement agencies, using official connections in the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the acquaintances of Vitaly Nikolaevich Rodionov (former employee of the Directorate T (counterintelligence in transport) of the FSB for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Selezneva Pavel Andreevich, director of the Central Park of Culture and Education (a former employee of the RUOP), with employees of the highest echelons of law enforcement agencies, created an organized community (OPS) for the purpose of illegal personal enrichment.Rucriminal.info told about how this OS and its leaders work in the first part of the investigation
In continuation, we will talk about the top managers of the OS and their assistants - the head and deputy head of the 3rd motor transport department, popularly referred to as the "commercial" SKROOT UFSB for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region - Alimpyev Vladimir Gennadievich and Tsetsersky Dmitry Nikolaevich, employees who daily travel around the enterprises in order to collect " tribute”: Panimatchenko D.Yu., Lukyanov A.V., Samborsky Y.V., Platonov E.D., Fedotov D.A., Trenin R.S., Savinov A.V. For example, they fully support and cover up the corrupt activities of M.S. Novgorodsky. in State Unitary Enterprise Passazhiravtotrans.
Full control over financial flows, including the receipt and development of budgetary funds and their transfer "upstairs", is carried out by Rodionov V.N.
A significant number of companies were involved in order to enrich themselves. One of them is Aspect North-West JSC, which receives a significant part of all funds related to activities to ensure the security of strategic facilities in the region. The head of Aspect North-West JSC is Gaevsky Dmitry Andreevich. Thus, a situation has arisen in which it is impossible to avoid communication with Vitaly Nikolaevich Rodionov when determining the amount of a kickback from a contract in St. Petersburg
Committee for Transport of St. Petersburg, Committee for the Development of Transport Infrastructure of St. Petersburg, JSC "Metrostroy of the Northern Capital" St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "Petersburg Metropolitan", St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Mostotrest", St. Petersburg State Institution "Directorate of Transport Construction", St. Passazhiravtotrans - all key positions in these structures are occupied by OS participants.
As a source told Rucriminal.info, in addition to regulating the price of construction contracts, Rodionov Vitaly Nikolaevich, along with Seleznev P.A., Velesevich A.A., Sizov A.S., Komyagin K.A. control activities for the implementation of contracts through the Committees and budgetary institutions of the transport complex of St. Petersburg. Thus, absolutely all contractors wishing to take part in the design and construction must obtain the approval of V. N. Rodionov, P. A. Seleznev, or higher-ranking OS participants (more on them later). In addition, they control financial flows in terms of construction, reconstruction, equipment, security, namely: they determine, control and regulate the price of contracts of contractors with all the ensuing corruption components.
Velesevich A.A., Lyzin A.V., Novgorodsky M.S., Komyagin K.A., Sizov A.S. . Each of them plays one of the important roles in the criminal schemes of OS within the Committees and State Unitary Enterprises of St. Petersburg.
As a result of a survey on the condition of anonymity of contractors, employees and on the basis of the set of facts, it was established that Rodionov V.N., Seleznev P.A., Velesevich A.A., Lyzin A.V., Novgorodsky M.S., Komyagin K. A., Sizov A., control the financial flows of all transport institutions of St. Petersburg without exception, as well as the distribution of contracts between their companies: Atika LLC, Aspect North-West JSC, ATP Bars-2 LLC, LLC " Taxi-2, Geocad LLC, Defense TB LLC, Defense OP LLC, Kursus LLC, RTS Management Company LLC, Polytech LLC, MTK LLC, SK LLC POINTER, OOO Lenspetsavtomatika, OOO Amtel, OOO Korneo, JSC NEF, etc.
As a result of a survey of beneficiaries of contractors, on condition of anonymity, a “fee” for admission to contract work was established in the amount of at least 10% of the cost of the contract. Or the OS participants themselves are the beneficiaries of contracting organizations through relatives and acquaintances, which further increases the damage and the scale of corruption (as in the case of Velesevich A.A. with Gefest LLC).
In addition, Rodionov Vitaly controls absolutely all purchases and contracts with contractors of the Committee for Transport of St. Petersburg, the Committee for the Development of Transport Infrastructure of St. Petersburg, JSC Metrostroy of the Northern Capital, State Unitary Enterprise Metropoliten, State Budgetary Institution Mostotrest, Directorate of Transport Construction of St. Petersburg, in terms of repair programs, overhaul, procurement vehicles, materials, fittings, selection of private security companies, installation and installation of all kinds of equipment, etc.). Given that the cost of contracts and purchases is not controlled or regulated by anyone except participants in the OS, and practically ki has no upper bounds, the scale of OS income is impressive! If you want to hand over a construction site in St. Petersburg, reconstruct an existing or build a new route, you simply cannot bypass and avoid communication with OS participants or their proxies.
Spreading the influence of the OS and declaring the connections of the leaders of the OS with high-ranking employees of the FSB of the Russian Federation, a former employee of the RUOP Seleznev P.A. Responsible in the OS for resolving issues at the level of power departments of the city of Moscow and the city of St. Petersburg. He is also responsible for the provision of private security companies (OO "Defense." is in the area ofresponsibility of Seleznev P.A.). It is worth noting that Rodionov V.N. and Seleznev P.A., in case of disagreement of their opponents with their conditions, do not hesitate to threaten the initiation of criminal cases by the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
One of the OS enrichment schemes is the systematic receipt of kickbacks from any contracts concluded with contractors for the design and construction of transport facilities.
The budget of the institutions of the transport sector of St. Petersburg is divided into revenue (subsidies and fares) and expenditure (contracts with contractors) parts. Accounting for income and expenditure is carried out separately, therefore, the income received as a result of the conclusion of a specific contract is not related to the costs of its implementation, which means that the costs of implementing the contract are not limited by anything, except for the fantasy of OS participants who fully control contractors. In the future, the financing of these fantasies is shifted to the shoulders of ordinary citizens through an increase in transportation tariffs, etc.
Corruption costs are necessarily included in the price of contracts with contractors. To increase the amount of monetary enrichment, at the request of the heads of the OS, excessive amounts of work and activities are laid down that are not provided for by the current rules and regulations. Further, they are already "dragged" by authorized persons.
The amount of monetary enrichment of OS participants from a specific contract agreement is easy to determine by submitting the project for verification to the state expertise. The difference in the estimated cost of construction, which received a positive conclusion from the examination and the state examination, will be the corruption costs laid down for the OS by the contractor. As a rule, the estimated cost of projects carried out by contractors is overestimated by more than 2 times in relation to projects that have received a positive conclusion from the state examination.
To conceal criminal acts, after the completion of construction and installation works, actually unfulfilled, but documented excess volumes reflected in closing documents and Acts are signed by the heads of the OS in the Committee for the Development of Transport Infrastructure of St. Petersburg, the Committee for Transport, JSC Metrostroy of the Northern Capital, St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise Petersburg Metro, St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Mostotrest", St. Petersburg State Institution "Directorate of Transport Construction" and other institutions controlled by the OS.
To estimate the volume of illicit enrichment obtained as a result of concluding contracts with contractors, it is enough to refer to the site https://zakupki.gov.ru/. Taking into account the size of the "fee" of 10%, we get:
- OPS received about 270 million rubles from Aspect North-West JSC in recent years;
- from the organizations KURSUS LLC, BSTR LLC, TIM Development LLC, approximately 18 million rubles;
- Polytech LLC and Paritet LLC received state contracts from the city for a total of 1,102,110,993 rubles over four years,
- JSC "Metrostroy" (currently in the stage of bankruptcy) fulfilled only contracts for the Transport Committee for 10 billion rubles, respectively, 1 billion - earned on contracts of the OPS, for the St. Petersburg State Institution "Directorate of Transport Construction" in the amount of 128 billion ( 12.8 billion), for CTTI SPB in the amount of 70 billion (7 billion);
- about 60 million from Geocad LLC;
- approximately 106.1 million rubles from Lenspetsavtomatika LLC;
- about 3.8 million rubles were received from the contracts of Armtel LLC;
- about 4 million rubles from Korneo LLC;
- about 14.9 million rubles from NEF LLC.
Information about the actual development of funds is not available in open sources, and the amount of funds disbursed, except for the OS, is not controlled by anyone. Taking into account the value of the corruption tariff for the opportunity to perform work for fixed assets in the amount of at least 10%, it is easy to calculate the amount of illegal enrichment of fixed assets for 2021 from contract contracts. The total amount of funds directed to the OS common fund from contract agreements for the entire period of OS existence in monetary terms is at least 20 billion rubles.
All the same persons are involved in this scheme: Rodionov Seleznev Velesevich A.A., Sizov A., Komyagin K.A., Novgorodsky M.S., Lyzin A.V. in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region - Alimpiev Vladimir Gennadievich and Tsetsersky Dmitry Nikolaevich, operational employees who daily visit enterprises and organizations in order to collect "tribute": Panimatchenko D.Yu., Lukyanov A.V., Samborsky Ya.V., Platonov E.D. ., Fedotov D.A., Trenin R.S., Savinov A.V.
To be continued
Timofey Zabiyakin
Source: www.rucriminal.info