The editors of Rucriminal.info continue to publish the most interesting materials from the case of the shootout on Rochdelskaya Street.

The shootout on Rochdelskaya occurred due to a conflict between the owner of the Elements restaurant, Zhanna Kim, and designer Fatima Misikova: the latter believed that Kim did not pay her 8 million rubles extra. for the repair. Henchmen of the thief in law Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy), Andrey Kochuykov, nicknamed Italian, Eduard Romanov and several other people came to demand money from Kim. Kim called her lover Kenes Rakishev, an oligarch from Kazakhstan, to solve the problem. And he has already attracted to dismantling a lawyer-fixer associated with the FSB of the Russian Federation, Eduard Budantsev, whom the oligarch Iskander Makhmudov had previously recommended to Rakishev. Together with Budantsev, Vladimir Kostrichenko arrived at Rochdelskaya. As a result, Budantsev opened fire with a Beretta 92 FS pistol. As a result, 2 people died and 3 were injured. However, thanks to the connections of Budantsev in the FSB, the case was turned in such a way that it was from Buantsev that they made a victim.
In December 2017, the lawyer Eduard Budantsev was re-interrogated in the Presnensky District Court. Judge Tatyana Vasyuchenko agreed to this because of the large number of disagreements and inconsistencies in his testimony. During the hearing, the court compared Budantsev's words with audio and video recordings of the events of that evening, as well as with details of phone calls.
So, for example, at the very beginning of the process, the lawyer announced his arrival at the Elements restaurant after a call from the owner of the restaurant Zhanna Kim. According to him, the girl allegedly asked for help in negotiations with unknown people demanding that she return the debt.
It was revealed in court that there was no such call on the record, and that Kim's conversation was not on the audio recording. The girl recorded the meeting on a dictaphone.
When Budantsev's lie became obvious, he stated that everything seemed to him. It also seemed to him that Kim reported that the amount that extortionists allegedly demanded from her had increased.
In general, one gets the impression that Vasyuchenko wanted to deal with this case according to the law, and tried to find the truth. Maybe that's why instead of the post of chairman of the Kuntsevsky court, for which she was preparing, she was dismissed.
Now it is already obvious that the criminal case, which became the reason for the fourth military war, was fabricated for a specific purpose - to get Budantsev out of harm's way. His patrons are still afraid of publicity, because after the shootout and subsequent power manipulations, Nursultan Nazarbayev called the presidential administration and asked to deal with this story. After that, the country's leadership was given an answer that the situation had been settled. No one reported on the real state of affairs. Nazarbayev's call was caused by the fact that the cover for Zhanna Kim was a businessman from Kazakhstan, Kenes Rakishev, who is also called the wallet of the ex-president of Kazakhstan.
Lies of a lawyer in court are a strong reason to reconsider the events of those days and hold the lawyer-declarer liable for giving false testimony. And in general, if the court made decisions according to the law, it would recognize that there were no grounds for the use of weapons by him, and then Budantsev should have been in the dock on charges of murder.
But the criminal does not tolerate the subjunctive mood. The lie of Budantsev was revealed at the stage of the investigation, but at the direction of the senior investigator under the chairman of the ICR, Konstantin Krivorotov, the case was put on the brakes and stopped. Budantsev remained at large, and Krivorotov received the Order of Courage for "courage and selflessness in the line of duty."

To be continued
Alexey Ermakov
Source: www.rucriminal.info