And again, the beloved and untouchable contractor of the general director of Rosseti Andrey Ryumin (the former head of Lenenergo) is at the center of the scandal. and the VChK-OGPU telegram channel spoke in detail about the big scandal with a large cartel conspiracy, behind which the "shadow" of the CEO of Rosseti Andrey Ryumin is visible. However, it was possible to solve the problem with the Federal Antimonopoly Service. Now instead of Artemyev, the FAS ruled tShaskolsky, who is extremely close to Ryumin. Therefore, JSC "Energo-project engineering" is again "on top" and has become a participant in a new fraudulent scheme. Details are in a new investigation by and the VChK-OGPU telegram channel.

The North-West Interregional Directorate of Rosprirodnadzor initiated a case under Part 1 of Art. 8.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Employees of Rosprirodnadzor took samples of what was poured into a former quarry located on the lands of the forest fund and found that instead of clean soil, Lenenergo's favorite contractor Energo-Proekt Engineering JSC (owned by the former vodka queen Zhanna Bulavchik) recycles waste generated from another construction site in Leningrad Region, namely the construction of a new Gazprom LNG processing plant in Ustyeva-Luga.
According to a source, Zhanna Bulavchik rented on behalf of Lenenergo a former quarry (more than 50 hectares) in the Kingisepp District of the Leningrad Region for noble purposes to restore the forest after cutting down trees in another area. I made a project on my knees (of course, it is not mentioned about filling with garbage and the required volume with the project) with the help of officials of the Leningrad region and began to import garbage and fill it with a quarry under the pretext that it is necessary to prepare the territory for planting beautiful Christmas trees. Bottom line: there is garbage, but no trees! The auditors have a bunch of questions and not a single answer so far.
How and who allowed Zhanna to issue on behalf of Lenenergo a deliberately unprofitable plot of 50 hectares, on which lakes and pits after quarrying?
Who checked and signed the estimates for these volumes of work?
How and to what extent did the participants in this scam cut between themselves the money for the disposal of garbage?
What damage has been caused to the forests of the Leningrad Region and at whose expense will it be compensated?
As our sources note, all the threads from this story are drawn to the untouchable Ryumin.
It is precisely Ryumin's connections in the power structures, and the perpetrators of the scam are hoping to roll up this case and confuse the traces ... ..
As a reminder, earlier the FAS Russia commission revealed that the actions of OOO Spetstekhnologii, OOO Energooutsourcing, OOO Orion and JSC EnergoproektEngineering contain signs of violation of paragraphs 2, 3 of part 1 of Article 11 of the Law on Protection of Competition, expressed in section the commodity market between the specified economic entities, in particular, bidding on a territorial basis and maintaining prices at biddings for the implementation of design and survey, construction and installation work for technological connection of applicants at power grid facilities.
The FAS Russia Commission came to this conclusion in connection with the following. According to the explanations dated 23.09.2019 by the leading engineer of capital construction of the branch of PJSC Rosseti Lenenergo Tikhvin Electric Networks Arzamastsev D.O. "Tikhvin electrical networks" Grigoriev I.A. turned to the leading engineer of the capital construction department of the branch of PJSC "Rosseti Lenenergo" "Tikhvin electrical networks" Arzamastsev D.O. with a proposal to prepare documents for the commissioning of facilities, work on which was performed by the contractors of PJSC Rosseti Lenenergo under contracts worth up to RUB 500,000. Also Grigoriev I.A. pointed out that Arzamastsev needed to work with two contractors - LLC "Orion" and LLC "Spetstechnologii". In the fall of 2019, Grigoriev I.A. instructed D.O. Arzamastsev work also with the NGO "Energy outsourcing".
In accordance with the protocol of interrogation of witness V.A. Kirsanov. of 05/27/2021 in the criminal case Ne 1200024110016000058 after the conclusion of framework agreements between PJSC Rosseti Lenenergo and LLC Spetstechnologii (dated 01.10.2019 N 19-13574), LLC Energooutsourcing (dated 04.16.2019 Ne 19-5170) and LLC "Orion" (dated 04.16.2021 19-5173) Grigoriev I.A. gathered a meeting at which the distribution of contractors by districts of the Leningrad region was fixed (LLC Orion performs work - in the Tikhvinsky district, in the Boksitogorsky district, LLC Spetstechnologii, LLC Energooutsourcing, in the Kirishsky district).
According to clause 3 of part 1 of Article 11 of the Law on the Protection of Competition, agreements between business entities are recognized as a cartel and there are agreements between business entities that sell goods on one product market, or between business entities that purchase goods on competing entities, then one product market, if such agreements lead or may lead to the division of the product market on a territorial basis, the volume of sales or purchases of goods, the range of goods sold, or the composition of sellers or buyers (customers). Thus, the FAS Russia Commission contains sufficient information on the signs of the conclusion of an agreement restricting competition between Spetstechnologii LLC, Energooutsourcing LLC, Orion LLC and EnergoProekt-Engineering JSC, the purpose of which was to divide the commodity market between these economic entities , in particular, bidding on a territorial basis and maintaining prices at biddings for the implementation of design and survey, construction and installation works for technological connection of applicants at power grid facilities. In connection with the discovery of signs of violations of the antimonopoly legislation other than the violations on the grounds of which the case was initiated, in accordance with part 1 of article 43, paragraph 1 of part 1.1 of article 47 of the Law on Protection of Competition, the FAS Russia Commission:
To qualify the actions of LLC "Energooutsourcing", JSC "EnergoProekt-Engineering" and LLC "Orion" under clauses 2, 3 of part 1 of article 11 of the Law on the Protection of Competition. ..
5. PJSC Rosseti Lenenergo, LLC Orion and LLC Spetstekhnologii provide, within three days from the date of receipt of this definition, certified information: - information on cash flows indicating the complete data of payers and recipients of payments, amounts and transactions, appointments payments on all settlement accounts opened for conducting economic activities for the period from 01.01.2018 to the date of receipt of this Definition.
6. LLC Orion, LLC Spetstechnologii and LLC Energooutsourcing provide certified information within three days from the receipt of this definition:
- economic justification of the inexpediency of participation in procurement procedures for the implementation of design and survey, construction and installation work for technological connection of applicants at power grid facilities carried out by PJSC Rosseti Lenenergo, LLC Orion in Tikhvin and Kirishsky districts, LLC Spetstechnologii in Boksitogorsky and Kirishsky districts, Energooutsourcing LLC in Boksitogorsky and Tikhvin districts.
7. PJSC ROSSETI LENENERGO, within three days from the date of receipt of this definition, duly certified copies of the following documents and information: - orders of municipal administrations on the provision of land plots without concluding lease agreements for the performance of construction and design work for the placement of power grid facilities, as well as powers of attorney issued by PJSC Rosseti Lenenergo to contractors.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued