Former Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukaev has been released. The decision on his parole was never appealed, despite the fact that it was issued with a scandal and in the presence of a number of violations by the ex-minister. Ulyukaev himself, according to a source of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel, is sure that his letters to Vladimir Putin “worked” and he puts his future fate in the hands of the president. At least, Ulyukaev himself assured so in a letter that turned out to be at the disposal of the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU.
In his prison diary, Ulyukaev was not so submissive, he criticized the current government, the structure of the country, the annexation of Crimea, etc.
Rucriminal.info today collected a selection of Ulyukaev's prison works. We will acquaint the reader with a letter to Vladimir Putin, several excerpts from the diary, the story “The Martian” about Ulyukaev’s prison everyday life and his article about the economic circle that he led in the colony.

"Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!
Two years ago I wrote you a short letter, and as it was handed to me, you read it. I hope you read this letter too. During these two years I experienced a lot, thought a lot and rethought anew. Six months in a pre-trial detention center, and now a year and a half - with breaks for treatment in a prison hospital - in a strict regime colony have given me a lot of food for thought, a strict judgment on myself. I certainly repent of what I did, that I let you down, that I was not worthy of your trust.
Here, in the colony, I try, as far as my seriously deteriorating state of health allows, to translate my repentance into useful deeds: I work in the library, I teach economics classes for convicts, helping them gain knowledge and skills that will help them in social adaptation after release. But here is hidden a colossal reserve of involving hundreds of thousands of people in an active working life, potentially quite ready for productive work.
Of course, in freedom, I could be of much greater use and make my repentance truly effective.
But the main thing that worries me is that I cannot support my loved ones, my family, who really need my support. I take full responsibility for my dependent underage schoolchildren who are now entering a difficult age, especially my son, who is now 14 years old - the age at which the foundations of adulthood are laid. My duty is not only to provide them financially, but also to educate them, warn against mistakes, and lead them on a straight path in life. My daughter, she is 9 years old, waits for me home every day (she was told that I was on a long business trip), she cries all the time.
And of course, my main concern is my parents. Mom is 87 years old, she is a disabled person of the second group, dad is 88 years old, he is also a disabled person of the second group, he almost lost his sight, he can hardly move. They are in dire need of constant care and assistance. Rely on truly them but me, no one. And most of all they are afraid that they will not wait for me. I am probably the only prisoner in the country who, being a pensioner himself, simultaneously has elderly parents and young children as dependents.
I ask you to show mercy not to me, but to my loved ones, to return their father, husband and son, to give them hope for the future.
If this is acceptable to you, then I would like to devote myself completely to my family, without pretending to be any activity and publicity. Of course, if I can be of any use to you or, in your opinion, to the country, I will be ready to do everything in my power. I assure you that you will not have to regret your mercy.
Sincerely, A. Ulyukaev"
And now Rucriminal.info moves on to several messages from the prison diary of the ex-minister:
"The apothege of Putin's regime in IK 9.5.19: cold, wind, nasty drizzling rain. Dressed in crimson jackets, frozen band members blow their blue lips, mercilessly out of tune, play cheerful hymns from films interspersed with "Get up, the country is huge." One and a half hundred prisoners with banners they walk around the construction of the church (there is money for the church, of course, despite the fact that electricity is constantly cut off in the IK, the cable is 1947, shallow, completely worn out, and the backup is even worse!). There was also a prisoner disguised as a WWII soldier near the tanks with buckwheat and tea.
"In the USSR, they celebrated a single holiday - the day of the Soviet army and navy. Then the Russian Navy became a separate day. Now the anniversaries of individual fleets have become holidays. Next in line is a nationwide celebration of the anniversaries of each boat!"
Ulyukaev's story:
The Martian woke up on a strange iron bunk about two floors in a rather large dark and empty room. They explained to him that this is quarantine, where all newly arrived colonists are placed for 2-3 weeks. Probably, in order to bring the necessary medical examinations and make sure that the newcomer does not pose any danger to the colonists in the form of bacteria, etc. It is strange, however, that no doctors can see him they didn’t take samples, they didn’t do any tests.
In quarantine, besides him, there are 3 "orderlies", who look after the order and explain to the Martian the features of life in the colony, talk about the colonists. They come in from time to time and the "employees" - mutter something and immediately leave.
Gradually, a picture of the life of this world appeared in the brains of a Martian. And not so much from the stories, but from the subsequent direct participation in this strange colonial life.
How they treat. Any of the bearded jokes will be an accurate reproduction of colonial medicine. And about how they treat - smear with ointment. And about how instead of an appendix they cut off a leg. And about the fact that one tablet in half - this half from the head, and this one - from the stomach. To begin with, a convict (or wasp, if modernized - from convict. This word here, as in the entire so-called law enforcement system, is pronounced through e and with an emphasis on the second syllable) you need to get out of your local area, get to the medical unit and get there. Which is not at all a trivial task.
How they teach. There is a vocational school here, which belongs to the FSIN system, and a secondary school, which is a branch of an ordinary city general education evening school.
How they feed. The official estimate is 72 rubles a day for one convict: 19 rubles. - breakfast, 33 - lunch, 22 - dinner. In this way, 2,200 rubles accumulate a month, which are deducted from those prisoners who have an income (salary or pension). Others enjoy for free. By the way, the same applies to utility and similar expenses (about 2,000 more rubles per month), to payment for clothes, bed linen, etc. that is, working in prison is not economically profitable.
They go to the dining room 3 times a day - for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We form by 5. First, you need to line up at the exit from the local area, bravely proceed to the car, wait, approach the canteen in formation and, on command, enter from the right one at a time. After lunch, line up again near the dining room, wait (quite a long time, sometimes 10-15 minutes), walk to the local area, wait, go in one by one from the right. Total - net stay in the dining room - 10 minutes, gross lunch - 30-40 minutes, including 20-30 minutes of building and rebuilding.
The required daily 3300-3500 calories are collected mainly from combi fats, margarine, bread.
In recent years, the former Minister of Economic Development has been preparing the following articles:
. "Economic education as a factor of social adaptation of convicts
The Government of the Russian Federation has launched and finances a program to improve the financial literacy of the population. Its relevance is indisputable: citizens of the country become easy prey for financial fraudsters, embark on risky adventures, and cannot distinguish legal and risk-free operations from illegal and high-risk ones. The activity of the population in the areas of initiation of individual entrepreneurship and small business, start-ups is low. Citizens find it difficult to orient themselves in the regulatory framework of economic activity, issues of protecting their labor and social rights.
As in the days of Lunacharsky and Krupskaya, the eradication of illiteracy is on the agenda. The financial literacy program is being implemented with varying degrees of efficiency in higher and secondary educational institutions, enterprises and even kindergartens. But there is one more and by no means a small category of the population, which is completely not covered by this useful activity. And yet it is here that it can bring maximum results. These are convicts who are in places of deprivation of liberty. Now it is about 500 thousand people. In terms of economic education, we can add about 100,000 people in a pre-trial detention center to them.
More than 100,000 are released every year. These are mostly young, healthy, full of energy people who could and would like to enter an active socio-economic life, to catch up. This is a powerful reserve for mitigating the demographic situation, a constant deterioration in the ratio between the economically active and the disabled population. This reserve is comparable in size to the imbalance in the labor market, with a positive balance of labor migration of the population.
Meanwhile, in practice, this reserve remains non-actualized. And the unwillingness of those released from places of deprivation of liberty to understand and perceive the socio-economic realities of life hinders the realization of its potential. Long years of imprisonment contribute to infantilism, isolation from modern trends, orientation to false values. Yes, in colonies it is possible to receive secondary education, vocational training in a working profession, even higher education in absentia. However, they cannot provide the necessary socio-economic knowledge and guidelines. In addition to them, it would be nice to use the mechanism of self-education, structured within the circle work.
We will try to defend this thesis on the material of the work of the economic circle of the correctional colony IK-1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation in the Tver Region. The circle was created at the end of 2018. In the course of the work, an asset of permanent participants was formed in the amount of more than 30 people. Since participation in meetings is not limited on some days other convicts come, attracted by this or that topic, which are previously announced. The head of the circle is the author of these lines, who, by the will of fate, ended up in this colony.
Forms of work - the alternation of lectures of the leader on topical socio-economic topics with seminars, where reports and abstracts prepared by the participants themselves are discussed. Reports are prepared in writing, then heard orally and discussed. Speakers are determined on the basis of voluntariness and interest. A pleasant surprise for the head of the circle, who taught economics and headed the relevant departments in three leading Russian universities (MISI, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State University), was the obvious motivation and interest of the participants to be not just free listeners, but to immerse themselves in the material, prepare reports, speak, study literature. And this is a problem in the colony, of course. The library here is good - in terms of fiction. But there are almost no fundamental, as well as topical books on economics. Therefore, it is necessary, by the joint efforts of the members of the circle, to order the necessary books in the wild, to receive them in transmissions.
In any case, both lectures and reports at seminars are, in a good sense of the word, provocateurs of a discussion that is conducted like in a good bar “until the last client”, that is, until the last question. There are no taboo topics or unanswered questions.
In terms of content, the topics of the classes are a combination of fundamental ones (“Social production and social wealth”, “Factors of production and labor productivity”, “Gross domestic product and its structure”, “What is the financial market”, “Investment and its tools”, “Money and money circulation", etc.) with relevant topics ("The current state of the Russian economy", "Socio-economic results of 2018", "The essence and problems of modern pension reform", "Actual issues of small and individual entrepreneurship", "New opportunities for individual investment”, etc.”.
At the same time, the sequence of topics basically corresponds to the principle of ascent from the general to the particular. An example of the latter is the consideration at the meeting of the principles of operation of the Potok investment platform for individuals, created by Alfa-Bank.
Prepared lectures, reports and abstracts in written form are available for viewing and study by convicts. Convicts who have prepared the most interesting and high-quality reports and abstracts are encouraged. Of course, not getting a promotion is the motivation for preparing the report, but it has not bothered anyone yet.
The immediate plans of the circle include the preparation of abstracts on fundamental works on economics, such as Samuelson's Economics, Keynes's General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, etc.).
The time is not far off when the first active members of the circle will be released. I am sure that their adaptation to the realities of the socio-economic life of modern Russia, the search for an adequate place to apply their labor, knowledge and abilities will be successful.”

Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info