According to the source of the telegram channel VChK-OGPU and Rucriminal.info, until April 2024, Moscow streets will be cleared of snow by employees of budgetary organizations of the capital. Well, and a few migrants who took part in the “attack” on Finland.
Muscovites and guests of the capital, after a blackened snowfall, observe street cleaners atypical for the city on the city streets. These are mostly people of Slavic appearance in orange vests over the top of mismatched clothes, who in small groups clean the alleys and white-stone streets with shovels.
Mostly men who work in structures subordinate to the Moscow City Hall are forced into forced labor. - “Among us are IT workers, and employees of the State Budgetary Institution Zhilischnik, and employees from prefectures, in general there are only state employees,” says the interlocutor of Rucriminal.info - “If you don’t go out to clear the snow, then at least they will deprive you of a bonus or dismissal for absenteeism, no additional payment no, you just spend your working day in the fresh air, there are no orders for forced work either, all orders are only verbal.”
Due to an acute shortage of labor from the countries of Central Asia, whose citizens either managed to leave for their homeland or were forced to go to the so-called Northern Military District zone to dig trenches and fight, there was no one to clean the streets of Moscow. A source in the mayor's office emphasizes that Sobyanin adopted all the orders on forced labor for office city officials and, by his unspoken order, people are forced, under threat of punishment, to go out to clean the streets. The shortage of labor resources is felt not only among janitors; there is also an acute shortage among plumbers, electricians and drivers of specialized vehicles - tractors and other cleaning and repair equipment.
As the Cheka-OGPU said, you can also meet quite unusual street cleaners on the streets - citizens of African and Arab countries. These are the consequences of the “attack on Finland”.
Moscow’s attempt to organize an attack on Finland with a flow of illegal migrants from African and Arab countries, who were supposed to cross the Russian-Finnish border on bicycles and on foot, ended in complete failure.
This was done by analogy with the Belarusian experience, when Minsk organized breakthroughs of African refugees across the Belarusian-Polish border.
According to a source from the Cheka-OGPU, Sergei Kiriyenko personally ordered the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, to gather illegal immigrants from the Middle East, Africa, etc. in all centers for accommodating refugees and migrants. Through VTB structures, bicycles were purchased for the future Tour de Helsinki, and outreach work was carried out among illegal immigrants, who, of course, wanted to get to Western Europe.
They managed to scrape together several hundred migrants, who staged an “assault” on the Finnish border.
However, the security forces in Finland quickly got their bearings and repelled most of the illegal crossings, and later promptly decided to completely close all checkpoints on the border with Russia.
Now migrant “stormtroopers” have to be settled in Russia, and on the streets of Moscow you can meet unusual street cleaners.
Timofey Zabiyakin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info