The ex-senator and partner of Roman Abramovich, 69-year-old billionaire Efim Malkin, who took their common child, an 8-year-old daughter, from the mother, was unanimously supported by other heirs of his wealth. True, according to the telegram channel VChK-OGPU and Rucriminal.info, the unanimity here is more like a motive: to gain control over the girl, who, if something happens to her father, will automatically become a full-fledged contender for a share in the billionaire’s wealth. And the whole story with the weaning of the child from the mother is very similar to an attempt to save Malkin’s capital from fragmentation in case he is no longer alive.
It is obvious that members of the elderly oligarch’s current family, who have always treated him consumeristly, now see benefit in terrorizing a schoolgirl, whom the tyrant has been hiding from her own mother for almost a whole year. Therefore, it is impossible to believe that the child will be accepted into the family with maternal warmth and care by Efim Malkina’s current wife, the owner of beauty clinics Donya Malkina. The one who survived the departure of her husband to another (who gave birth to this girl), and then found the strength to take the prodigal billionaire back. It is unlikely that she will be happy to raise someone else’s child, and even with such grievances in the past.

Or, the eldest daughter of a billionaire, Elina Malkina, who travels at her father’s expense with two ex-husbands at once and abuses plastic surgery in pursuit of beauty and a third husband. Will she accept her younger sister as her own? The question is rhetorical.

And, if previously these women silently pretended that nothing was happening, now, as the Cheka-OGPU has learned, they are expected to appear soon in the Presnensky court, where they will have to confirm that black is white, and the isolation of a child from his family, a healthy and impeccable mother, in favor of a 69-year-old pensioner - this is a benefit for the child. No normal woman would be able to say this without having an interest in it, but in the scandalous trial initiated by Efim Malkin, there will be no one to condemn for this. That kind of thing is par for the course there.

Let us recall that at earlier meetings Judge Natalya Karzhavina, who had more than once taken the side of rich and influential fathers (Chaika’s case) in family disputes, legalized the will of the ex-senator by temporarily handing over to him his daughter, whom he never returned to his mother. Moreover, the billionaire still, by hook or by crook, keeps the child completely alienated from everyone, playing with the girl’s fate like a puppet.

From the latest news: an 8-year-old second-grader was re-enrolled in the biased private school A-Status, from where she was expelled a month ago on the orders of a billionaire. Prior to this, Efim Malkin unilaterally took away documents from the public school named after. Griboyedov and a prestigious music school, where, based on the results of the exams, the girl was transferred to the budget.
The furor with yet another broken bottom was caused by the speech at the last court hearing by a representative of the guardianship service (in the presented fragment there is a recording dated March 6), who clearly claims that the father does not violate the interests of the 8-year-old girl by separating her from the mother with whom she lived all life. Is it even worth writing that this is the year that the country has proclaimed as the year of the family, when all the competent authorities are either turning a blind eye to this egregious situation, or, like this corrupt official, they are working off bribes from the ex-senator?
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucrimianl.info