The Babushkinsky District Court of Moscow denied parole to lawyer Alexei Litvinov. Litvinov is a key figure in a simply fantastic corruption story, which the VChK-OGPU telegram channel found out about. He, being a solver and intermediary in the transfer of gigantic bribes, was to become a key figure in one of the largest investigations into corruption in the Kuban. Didn't. Litvinov testified against dozens of judges, officials at both the regional and federal levels, and the then mayor of Sochi, Anatoly Pakhomov. Everything he said was confirmed. However, the materials were abruptly simply buried, having decided to attract only a few "switchmen" according to Pakhomov's testimony. Only the former deputy heads of Sochi, Anatoly Rykov and Sergey Yurin, turned out to be accused.

Rucriminal.info continues the corrupt "story No. 1".
In the court session of the Khamovniki Court of Moscow, the protocol recorded such an "opening statement" to the testimony of A.Yu. Litvinov. as a witness for the prosecution in the vice-mayors' case: "First of all, I would like to say, since we have not seen each other for a long time, that I regret what happened, and I am sincerely sorry for your loved ones, your relatives, this is really a big shock for your family, for my family.At the same time, I want to say that without wishing you harm, I MADE, I CONSIDER THE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT decision, initially NOT STUDYING THE MATERIALS OF THE CASE, not pausing to study them and see what is there, what is not, I decided for myself to cooperate with the investigation, because we all understand very well, everyone present in this hall understands very well that my testimony is truthful, that it is the absolute truth (quote from the testimony of 04/23/2021).
On 06/08/2019, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation refused to conclude a pre-trial agreement with Litvinov A.Yu., as he tried to present himself as an “intermediary”, and not an “organizer” of the scheme for legalizing unauthorized construction objects.
Pre-trial agreement with Litvinov A.Yu. was signed on the second attempt, after Litvinov decided to "recognize EVERYTHING that is written in the charge", namely:
- creation with his participation of the Org. Group in 2010
- on the receipt of a bribe by the group from the developer Stroganov I.A. for LCD "Sofia-Park" and "Marina-Park" at least 150 million rubles.
- about receiving bribes from the developer Klyus V.V. for residential complex "Svetlana-Park" not less than 40 million rubles. and a number of others.
On January 21, 2020, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation established that “the information available in the testimony of Liivinov A.Yu. about A.N. , Uleeva S.N., Borozdina M.S., Shafieva A.Yu."
The head of the investigation group of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation A.V. Salivonik established that Rykov A.N. received from Stroganov I.A. at least 25 million rubles. for allegedly having the opportunity to influence the trial with the administration of Sochi.
Also, the head of the investigation team of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation established that Litvinov A.Yu. received from Klyus V.V. 60 million rubles for "speeding up the process of signing a building permit." At the same time, Rykov and Yurin were not informed.
The foregoing indicates that Litvintv A.Yew. lying. Lying brazenly and systematically.
The position of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, which has not yet taken measures in accordance with Art. 317.8 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation on the revision of the sentence passed against the defendant, with whom a pre-trial agreement on cooperation was concluded, due to the fact that it was discovered that the defendant reported false information.
Employees of the Directorate of the Security Service of the Federal Security Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation were absolutely right, pointing to the “scheme for commissioning unauthorized buildings in the form of the Marina-Park and Svetlana-Park complexes” in their reports addressed to the head of the department, Ivan Tkachev.
At the disposal of Rucriminal.info there are judicial acts that served as the basis for recognizing the objects as "commissioned" and recognizing the ownership of the developers on these objects.
Judicial acts on the complex "Marina-Park":
09/09/2015 in case N2-2550/2015 judge O.A. Didik of the Khostinsky District Court of Sochi, at the claim of the developer against Rosreestr, recognizes the developer's ownership of the reconstructed pool building - 4 floors.
06/29/2016 case N 2a - 4990/2016 Judge V.A. Sluka of the central district court of the city of Sochi according to the claim of the developer against the administration of the Krasnodar Territory (Gosstroynadzor), the Marina-Park complex was recognized as put into operation - 10 floors.
03/23/2017 N 2-1511 / 2017 Judge V.A. Vlasenko of the Central District Court of Sochi on the claim of I.S. Vorobiev to the cadastral engineer recognizes the need to preserve the building in a reconstructed form and recognizes the ownership of the 11th and 12th floors.
Judicial acts on the complex "Svelana-Park":
1) 06/13/2019 Leninsky District Court of Krasnodar on the claim of M.A. Kostanovskiy to the administration of the Krasnodar Territory kept a 10-storey building in a reconstructed state. 08/08/2020 judges N.V. Dunyushkina, D.A. Bashinsky, Chaban L.N. upheld the decision of the Khostinsky District Court of Sochi in case N2-2050/2019 dated 12/20/2019 to preserve the reconstructed 13-storey building of the complex.
However, for some reason, someone, for some reason, replaced the "scheme of legalization of unauthorized construction" about which the employees of the Department K of the SES of the FSB of the Russian Federation wrote with administrative processes that essentially replaced the procedure for issuing building permits, which ended in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. And this someone forgot to notify the leadership of the FSB of the Russian Federation about this.
Information about the arrests of the Litvinovs' property is distorted. Neither the investigation nor the state prosecution found out, within the framework of the pre-trial agreement, information about the whereabouts of the funds, as taken out by Litvinov A.Yu. to Austria (3 million euros and 700 thousand dollars), and withdrawn by him and his father from the accounts already during the investigation. Also, for some reason, the Litvinovs, unlike other defendants, disposed of real estate without any problems, including after the court issued judicial acts on the imposition of arrests.

To be continued
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info