As it became known to the telegram channel VChK-OGPU and Rucriminal.info, known in his circles as the chairman of the board of directors and beneficiary of Gazprom LNG Technologies LLC, Aleksey Konstantinovich Kakhidze is mired in total scams and deception of credit institutions and government agencies. Kakhidze attracts money from creditors, promising to build many medium- and small-tonnage LNG plants throughout the country. In reality, this money is not being used for its intended purpose; out of the planned several dozen plants, only a few have been built, which have exceeded all estimated costs and, to a large extent, do not produce the required volume of products.

LLC "Automobile Company Mostrans", the beneficiary of which is Alexey Kakhidze, attracted tens of billions of credit and leasing funds to purchase a fleet of trucks running on LNG. They were bought at inflated prices, and the difference all settled in his company LLC "Gefest". Most of the equipment was never delivered to the territory of the Russian Federation, it simply does not exist in reality, it is only on paper, and the creditors' money settled abroad.
According to a source of Rucriminal.info, all companies are in a state of negative cash flow and regularly face a liquidity deficit due to the lack of the necessary revenue to service the debt burden, since at the stage of investment activities, CAPEX is overstated many times for both equipment and equipment. It has already reached the banal lack of working capital to pay salaries to employees.
The whole essence of Kakhidze's business comes down to only one thing - to attract funds from creditors under various pretexts in order to support the existence of his empire. Today, all companies are mired in debt, and creditors are no longer issuing new amounts of funds. Due to systematic delays, creditors have begun procedures to seize machinery and equipment for debts. The same is true for other companies of which he is a beneficiary: JSC United Energy Construction Corporation, LLC Marine Technologies, LLC AK MT CFO, JSC Gazkholodtekhnologiya, JSC Liskimontazhkonstruktsiya, LLC Center Stroy, LLC Stroy Invest. All these companies are mired in debt and mutual cross-fictitious obligations.
Earlier, Kakhidze's name "surfaced" in the media in connection with the leak of the email of Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Babakorv.
Babakov is actually a lobbyist and partner of Alexei Kakhidze (he has a certificate of Babakov's assistant). As journalists found out, Kakhidze uses Babakov to expand his business. Kakhidze sends Babakov various requests, which Babakov forwards to government agencies to knock out preferences for Gazprom SPG Technologies LLC.
The trio (Babakov, Kakhidze, Zobnin) also traveled to Mongolia together.
"One hand washes the other" - this is about the relationship between Babakov and Kakhidze. How can Babakov earn billions of rubles? Very simple - lobby Kakhidze's interests. For example, several years ago Gazprom SPG Technologies decided to build a small-tonnage complex for the production of liquefied natural gas.
The only problem is that the complex needs to be built in the nature conservation area of the Ussuri Nature Reserve - on the territory of the Kedrovaya Pad Biosphere Reserve and the Land of the Leopard National Park. Of course, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment refused to allocate land and build. What does Kakhidze do? Runs to complain to Babakov, and also sends him a ready draft with a petition to the Ministry of Ecology on behalf of Babakov. All that remains is to put the outgoing number and signature.
Or another case. Gazprom SPG Technologies wants to build a new project in Solnechnogorsk near Moscow, earning billions on it. But they want to save on taxes, contracts, land, etc. They quickly submit a request to Babakov with a request to create a "separate economic zone". Profit. And, of course, Babakov's office immediately takes it into work.

Roman Trushkin
Source: www.rucriminal.info