The property of the VChK-OGPU telegram channel was simply a fantastic corruption story with all the documents and layouts. Its meaning is extremely simple. A number of high-ranking officials and representatives of state corporations created something like a common fund and invested funds stolen from the budget in the purchase of real estate in the USA, Monaco, London and antiques. In total, such assets were purchased in the amount of $ 200 million. Assets were recorded for the face value of Denis Mikhailov, relatives of the Deputy Minister of Economic Development Pyotr Zaselsky. However, at some point, the nominal figure decided that he was the real owner of these riches and should not share. This was superimposed on the fact that in the orderly ranks of corrupt officials there was a "split", which grew into a war with the involvement of the security forces. The intermediate result is as follows: the top manager of Rostec, Alla Laletina, was sent to a pre-trial detention center, the investigator of the ICR Gabdulin, who dealt with her case, resigned, and Deputy Minister Zaselsky lost his position.

At the disposal of was the full text of Denis Mikhailov's statement to the FSB of the Russian Federation and we will publish it at the end of the article. In the meantime, we will tell you the information we know about Mikhailov's difficult personal life. He is the brother of the wife of Peter Zaselsky, was married to a socialite Nadezhda Obolentseva. Then he left for Monaco, where he went all out. Pyotr Zaselsky, seeing how Mikhailov was "rolling downhill", decided to assign him a reliable person. So a very young Oksana Ivanova appeared in the life of Denis. Everything turned out even better than Zaselsky could have imagined, Oksana became the legal wife of Mikhailov and, in which case, would be his main heir.

In a statement addressed to the director of the FSB of the Russian Federation Mikhailov D.L. admits to being a very rich man. However, Mikhailov assures that with the help of pressure, in particular from the GUEBiPK and the 4th Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, they are trying to take away the assets that he himself lists (see photo). This is a set of properties around the world, worth over $200 million.

It follows from Mikhailov’s narrative that at first the top manager of Rostec, Alla Laletina, “pressed” and “wanted to squeeze out” the property. And when she was imprisoned, "the high-ranking mover" of the "will of Laletina A." in relation to me (my property) is her former leader, with whom she still has a “warm” relationship.

According to Mikhailov’s statement, his close relative, now former Deputy Minister of Economic Development Pyotr Zaselsky (resigned in March 2021), started the attack on the assets. “Zaselsky P.V. also demands that most of the property be re-registered to him, arguing that the financial condition that I earn is the quintessence of his (Zaselsky P.V.) efforts during my formation as a rich man while serving in the Rosatom structure.
Further, Mikhailov asks the director of the FSB of the Russian Federation to take measures to protect him from possible illegal actions, etc.
With great difficulty we managed to find who Mikhailov was. It turned out that until 2012 he held the post of commercial director of CJSC TVEL-INVEST (the “granddaughter” of Rosatom) and he is no longer remarkable for anything else. However, the VChK-OGPU spoke with several sources who told what lies behind this story.

Quite a long time ago, Peter Zaselsky, while still a banker, and not an official, began to build schemes to steal money from the treasury. This was facilitated by his long-standing and close relationship with the then First Vice-President of TVEL Vladimir Rozhdestvensky (now Advisor to the President of TVEL). The money was embezzled under the guise of imaginary contracts concluded by TVEL INVEST, allegedly in the interests of Rosatom. These schemes provided for an extremely reliable person in the management of TVEL-Invest and Zaselsky remembered his wife's brother Tatyana Denis Mikhailov. He was appointed commercial director of TVEL-Invest. The source characterizes Mikhailov as a narrow-minded, but very executive person. As a result, Zaselsky began to entrust him with the purchase of family assets. And not only their own. The schemes for the withdrawal of budgetary funds created by Zaselsky were expanding, and at one point a good friend Alla Laletina, who has been working in Rostec structures since 2010, became their participant. And then Zaselsky even became a deputy minister.
And Mikhailov's functions expanded, and he began to invest the stolen money not only for Zaselsky, but also for other participants in the schemes. And then Mikhailov had a conflict with Laletina. According to the source, it happened because of a trifle.
“Mikhailov began to “turn up his nose” and started a scandal with Laletina because of a couple of missing bottles of expensive wine in a house on Rublyovka, which was re-registered on Laletina. Laletina also caught on. And it began. A real war with the division of “assets” and the involvement of security forces,” said the interlocutor of the Cheka-OGPU.
As a result, Laletina sits. The Investigator of the TFR, Gabdulin, who led her case, preferred to resign. In forced retirement Zaselsky also curled up, aiming for the minister's chair.
“Zaselsky’s dreams associated with the state. the service collapsed, which led to a whole chain of various events and Zaselsky’s intention to transfer assets from Mikhailov to more adequate persons, to which the latter, naturally, began to resist believing that since the criminal money Zaselsky would not find ways to turn them in his favor, ”notes a source.
And now publishes the full text of Mikhailov's statement.
Director of the FSB of Russia A.V. Bortnikov from Mikhailov Denis Leonidovich ...
Statement I would like to inform you that I, Mikhailov D.L., am a Russian businessman and a major foreign investor. The main portfolio of assets is concentrated in the United States (luxury real estate, luxury and art, construction business, etc.). The total amount of my fortune, at the moment, exceeds 20 billion rubles.
So, since October 2021, a number of high-ranking officials from law enforcement and other central structures of the Russian Federation ((GUEBIPK, 4 Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Tax Service, FSB, etc.) have united in order to seize assets belonging to me for the purpose of subsequent appeal to their address (controlled persons The indicated officials are trying to turn the following property or funds already received by me from its sale into their address:
house 8520 Skyline Drive, Los Ange Les, California, USA, worth $9 million
- house 1152 Calle Vista, Beverly Hills, California, USA, worth $13,500,000;
- house 1140 Calle Vista, Beverly Hills, California, USA, worth $10,550,000 million
- an apartment in Odeon Toweg, Monaco worth $21,000,000;
- Apartment 100 Knightsbridge, Apartment DQ2-03. One Hyde Park, London, United Kingdom, worth $30,000,000;
- an apartment at the address: Moscow, Vorontsovskie Prudy 3, 131, worth $3,000,000;
- a house in the Odintsovo district, Moscow region, worth $22 million
- a plot at Zelenaya Hollow, Settlement Gorskoye, Odintsovsky district, Moscow region, (1.87 hectares), worth $20,000,000 million
- commercial office building on Vasilisa Kozhina street, 7/1, Moscow, worth $40,000,000
- commercial office building Nauchny proezd, 19, Moscow, worth $2,000,000
- at a number of Sotheby's auctions (manager Nicol tel. +1-212-606-7150), I purchased various antiques and art objects with a total value of more than $ 15,000,000 (supporting documents are available);
- a number of other small objects.
I know that the “customer” and the main beneficiary of the illegal actions against me is the not unknown citizen Alla Laletina (located in the prison, the criminal case was investigated by the investigator of the RF Investigative Committee Gabdulin), with whom I had extremely conflicting relations, due to the fact that that I was the initiator of the dissemination of truthful information regarding Laletina A., which, subsequently, was the reason for a number of TRADs and criminal prosecutions in 2021. I also know that the high-ranking mover of the “will of Laletina A.” in relation to me (my property) is her former leader, with whom she has a “warm” relationship to date.
As a result of my “harassment” organized by Laletina A., in 2021, my sister’s husband, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation P. Zaselsky, lost his position, who is currently forced to be content with work that does not correspond to his level of education, qualifications, personal and business qualities .
Zaselsky P.V. he also demands to re-register most of the property to him, arguing that the financial condition that I earn is the quintessence of his (Zaselsky P.V.) efforts during my formation as a rich man while serving in the Rosatom structure.
At the end of 2021, I repeatedly sent appeals of various content to the above-mentioned structures of the Russian Federation in order to clarify the situation around me and asked me not to allow manipulation of the state authorities. bodies of the Russian Federation in someone's personal, selfish interests. These Appeals only aggravated the situation and led to the fact that a number of checks were initiated against me and people close to me and connections, my Mikhailova D.L. began to be controlled. movement, personal and business contacts, telephone, Internet, lifestyle and leisure, etc.
In this Appeal, I also want to point out that the level of my financial well-being is solely the result of my legal labor activity at TVEL-Invest CJSC (a Rosatom structure) in the period up to 2012.
Based on the foregoing, I ask you to take measures and prevent the commission of illegal actions against me (Mikhailov D.L. and my relatives and connections) aimed at converting in my favor the funds and property belonging to me located on the territory of the Russian Federation, USA, Great Britain, Monaco and other countries in the amount of more than 20 billion rubles. February 15, 2022 Mikhailov D.L.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued