At the disposal of the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info was a certificate of activity in the suburbs of the construction monster GK "Airplane" - Vladislav Koltsov. He turned out to be a major shadow figure with many corrupt connections among officials and in the power bloc.
according to gr. Koltsov Vladislav Viktorovich and his connections in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region, the deal of the SAMOLET Group of Companies for the development of the residential complex Yurlovo, Pyatnitskoye Highway, Moscow Region
In the period from 2003 to 2007 Koltsov Vladislav Viktorovich, as part of a stable group of persons from among the lawyers: Bogusevich, Usoltsev S.A., Morgunov R.N., employees of Vedomostvo CJSC and Development Center CJSC and employees of LLC Promsvyaznedvizhimost carried out in favor of Promsvyazbank JSC, under the guise of privatization, a raider seizure of agricultural land near Moscow, including on the territory of the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region (CJSC Kryukovo, CJSC Iskra, CJSC Sovkhoz Pobeda and others) with a total area over 7000 ha.
Koltsov V.V. I am personally acquainted with the owners of Promsvyazbank JSC, who are on the international wanted list, Dmitry and Alexei Ananiev, whom he was introduced to by his father-in-law, Milov Nikolai Ivanovich, earlier under M.Yu. Luzhkov, who headed Mosryba JSC (distribution of quotas for fish and seafood in Moscow). Currently, the Ananyevs are on the international wanted list on charges of embezzlement by them as part of an organized group of property of PJSC Promsvyazbank in the amount of more than 66 billion rubles and 575 million US dollars and their legalization.
Koltsov V.V. has information and documents compromising the activities of the Ananyevs in taking possession of lands near Moscow in the Dmitrovsky, Istra and Solnechnogorsk districts of the Moscow region, as well as their illegal banking activities, including the legalization of funds obtained by criminal means of their withdrawal to offshore banks of the Republic of Cyprus.
Father-in-law Koltsova V.V. - Milov Nikolai Ivanovich was a close acquaintance of the mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov, conducted joint business with the Ananiev brothers and was a member of the board of directors of the bank or affiliated structures. At the same time Milov N.I. is currently the chairman of the Regional Public Organization of the Moscow Region "CLUB OF FISHERS AND HUNTERS" (TIN: 7707158299), which also includes the head of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor) since 2004 - Dankvert Sergey Alekseevich. Crossing Dankvert S.A. and Milova N.I. can be traced, among other things, by the interest of Dankvert S.A. to the topic of regulating the seafood market, including participation in the creation of the Fish Association, the basis of which was the companies of the Russian Sea group, as well as the Northern Company and ROK-1.
08/07/2019 NGO "Club of fishermen and hunters" was reorganized into AUTONOMOUS NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION "CLUB OF HUNTERS AND FISHERMANS" (PSRN: 1195000004100).
In the early 2000s, Milov N.I., due to the specifics of the activities of Mosryba JSC (the assignee of Mosrybkhoz JSC), was closely acquainted with the mayor of Moscow, Yu.M. Luzhkov, who, together with his son, often organized hunting for on the territory of the Vozdvizhenskoye farm in the Klinsky district of the Moscow region, which is on the balance sheet of the NGO "CLUB OF FISHERS AND HUNTERS", chaired by Milov. At the same time, in the same period of time, Milov N.I., in order to protect the business of his son-in-law Koltsov V.V., introduced him to influential people from law enforcement agencies who ensure that Koltsov solves his problems with the law and does not bring him to criminal liability ( confirmation - including the participation of the Anti-Terror Foundation organization (President Vladimir Nikolayevich Zaitsev) as a member of Vtormet Industrial Group LLC OGRN: 1027700082277, TIN: 7716125300 (ferrous scrap processing, liquidated in 2016 through bankruptcy with debt to the IFTS more than 300 million rubles).
The building of Mosrybkhoz JSC is located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow at the address: 125190, Moscow, Ermolaevsky lane, 22-26 p. Security and Anti-Corruption of the City of Moscow, as well as more than a dozen legal entities affiliated with Koltsov V.V. (including LLC "Green-Town"). In connection with the stated facts, there is information about the fact of personal acquaintance of Milov M.I. with the former head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of Moscow, and currently the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region, Police Lieutenant General Viktor Kuzmich Paukov.

At the same time, in connection with the implementation of entrepreneurial activities Koltsov V.V. on the territory of the city of Khimki, Moscow Region, namely, the work of its LLC "KHIMKINSKY BETONNY PLANT" (TIN: 5047091228, OGRN: 1085047000543), as well as LLC CHOP Spetsnaz (TIN: 5047062700, OGRN: 1045009566282), the latter has close ties with the Deputy Head of the GSU of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region Colonel of Justice Alekhno Igor Alexandrovich (currently appointed head of the investigative unit of the GSU), who was previously the head of the Investigation Department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Khimki, Moscow region.
In March 2016, after an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation on a “direct line” by one of the defrauded equity holders of the German Village cottage settlement, which was being built in the area ofthe village of Ruzino, Solnechnogorsk District, Moscow Region, in relation to the management of the construction company OOO Sabidom, the Investigation Department of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region, a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of a crime under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The representative of the Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow Region, in the course of communication with the media, explained that it was far from immediately possible to achieve the initiation of a criminal case against the deceived equity holders. On March 4, 2016, the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region, which conducted the pre-investigation check, issued a refusal decision. "The prosecutor's office recognized it as illegal and canceled it, sending materials for initiating a case to the investigating authorities." Damage to citizens from the actions of developers is estimated at more than 1 billion rubles.
On March 31, 2016, the Solnechnogorsk court sanctioned the arrest of Aleksey Kishenkov, the owner of the land plot under the construction of the Bely Gorod settlement, placing him in a pre-trial detention center. Kishenkov, during the preliminary investigation, claimed that he had nothing to do with construction companies and embezzlement of funds. Kishenkov was simply the owner of the land under the construction of the Bely Gorod KP, which he leased out for construction and which they were supposed to buy from him.
At the same time, during the specified period of time, the investigation was carried out by the SO of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region and on the fact of embezzlement of funds from equity holders of the German Village KP near the village of Ruzino, Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region. At the same time, it was reliably established that the owner of the land plot provided for the construction of the German Village KP was Koltsov V.V., registered at that time as an individual entrepreneur. It should be noted that despite the great public outcry, the case was investigated by the investigator of the district investigation department, and not by the investigation group of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region, while the investigation did not study the legality of the transaction with the land plot in the village of Ruzino (cadastral number: 50: 09:0070603:806) previously owned by Koltsov V.V. and sold by him LLC Sabidom-Group for the amount of 800,000,000 rubles. Koltsov V.V. unlike Aleksey Kishenkov, he was not brought to criminal responsibility in the case of the Sabidomo company; In the same period of time, after the sale of a land plot in the village of Ruizino to the Sabidomo company, Koltsov V.V. on a land plot with a cadastral number: 50:20:0010504:186, with an area of 1.15 hectares at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovo district, rural settlement Barvikhinskoye, Zhukovka village, Novo-Ogarevskaya street, house 18, a mansion with an area of 1458 sq. m. (cadastral number: 50:20:0010504:175), and a guest house with rooms for servants with an area of 558 sq.m (cadastral number: 50:20:0010504:174).
Based on the foregoing, there is reason to believe that in the matter of not attracting Koltsov The.The. as a defendant in criminal cases initiated both against deceived shareholders of the Sabidom company and in other criminal cases related to the theft of land plots from the State in the Moscow Region, he is actively assisted by high-ranking employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from among the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow region, incl. Head of the CMU Colonel of Justice Alekhno I.A.
So, in criminal case No. 83293, initiated on 07/09/2016 by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region in relation to Evgeny Igorevich Pavlov, who was charged, on the grounds of the corpus delicti provided for in paragraph "b" part 2 of article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, 04/12/2017 reclassified to Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region was directly involved in the failure to involve Koltsov in this case and its subsequent termination.
During the preliminary investigation in this case in 2017, after the start of the implementation by the investigator of the Solnechnogorsk District Department of Internal Affairs, Moscow Akimova V.A. investigative actions in the house of Koltsov The.The. at the place of his actual residence in the village. Zhukovka of the Odintsovo city district of the Moscow region and the discovery of stamps, seals and other material evidence indicating his involvement in the preparation of documents for real estate transactions, including those related to the criminal case under investigation, telephone calls were received on the mobile phone of the investigator and the senior operational support group from on behalf of the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region and in an orderly tone, it was demanded to stop the production of search. Subsequently, investigator Akimova V.A. was summoned for a conversation with the deputy head of the Main Investigative Directorate (to the head of the CMU, Colonel of Justice Alekhno I.A.), who reprimanded her and demanded that the case be transferred to the production of the Main Investigative Directorate. Subsequently, the said criminal case was being processed by the 4th department of the SC GSU of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region and, after several investigative actions, was terminated due to the absence of elements of a crime in the actions of the accused.
The initiation of a criminal case and the subsequent prosecution of the Pavlov brothers (Denis and Evgeny) is connected with their accusation of stealing a land plot with a total area of 14 hectares from state-owned lands, which previously belonged on the right of perpetual use to the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "Scientific Center for Biomedical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological agencies" (FGBUN NTSBMT FMBA of Russia). During the preliminary investigation, it was reliably established that in 2010-2011 Pavlov Denis Igorevich acted by proxy from the company CJSC Elite Dachi in the interests of the Green Town Group group of companies owned by Koltsov V.V. and subsequently registered a plot of 14 hectares as the property of his own brother. After the initiation of a criminal case in 2016 and the prosecution of his brother, Pavlov Evgeny Igorevich, for fraud, Pavlov D.I. Koltsov V.V. informed that if he did not assist them in terminating the criminal case, Pavlov D.AND. will testify to the investigation against Koltsov The.The. and indicate his role as a customer.
At the same time, knowing that between Koltsov V.V. and their mutual acquaintances, there is a conflict related to the debt of the latter to Koltsov and the initiation of the procedure for the personal bankruptcy of the debtor, Pavlov D.I. promised to assist Koltsov in providing compromising information of interest to him in relation to the debtor.
At the same time, at the end of the summer of 2019, documented information was received about V.V. Koltsov’s evasion. from the payment of land tax on land plots owned by his family (excluding land plots registered to affiliates and nominees) for a total amount of more than 700,000,000 rubles. The specified information was transferred to the Administration of the Solnechnogorsk, Dmitrovsky and Istrinsky districts of the Moscow region, the territorial bodies of the Federal Tax Service. In addition, at a personal appointment with the Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Moscow Region, documents confirming the evasion by V.V. Koltsov were handed over. from paying large taxes.
At the request of the IFTS for the Moscow Region, an audit was carried out, during which an attempt was made to interview Koltsov V.V. due to the circumstances outlined, however, instead of Koltsov, his representative arrived at the IFTS, acting by proxy, Koltsov himself evaded appearance. After the audit, the Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Moscow Region sent a request to the Department of State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the Moscow Region to correct the information on the number of Koltsov's land plots and their cadastral value in the Rosreestr data, while pointing out the need to correct a technical error that allowed Koltsov to hide the real number of real estate objects owned by him and evade taxes.
At the same time, the Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Moscow Region, on behalf of the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region, received a telephone call with a request not to attach importance to the facts revealed in relation to Koltsov V.V.'s land assets. and stop checking leaving everything as it is, without taking measures to correct Rosreestrom information regarding the property of Koltsov V.The.
In 2013, Koltsov Vladislav Viktorovich, being the ultimate owner of a land plot with a total area of 124 hectares in the area of the village of Yurlovo, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region, in order to legalize it and receive funds from the sale, attempted to sell it to large developers of the Moscow region - the Morton groups of companies and Kortros. The amount of the transaction was estimated at 140,000,000 US dollars. Based on the results of negotiations and study of title documents, Morton Group of Companies announced that it was decided to refuse to purchase a land plot (about 11 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road along Pyatnitskoye Highway), the information was published in the Kommersant media.
Subsequently, in the fall of 2018, Koltsov V.V. an attempt was made to sell this land asset again.
On the fact of the theft of a plot of land with an area of124.3 hectares, in the area of the village of Yurlovo, Solnechnogorsk municipal district, it was received on behalf of V.B. The 3rd department of ORB No. 5 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia carried out a complex of operational-search measures aimed at verifying this information, however, based on the results of this verification, a decision was made to refuse to initiate a criminal case.
November 26, 2019, info appeared in the media information that the construction company Samolet Group of Companies will build another 700,000 sq. m. m in the new Moscow and Moscow region. Investments in these projects will exceed 56 billion rubles.
The first project for 550,000 sq. m will be built on 108 hectares near the village of Yurlovo in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region. According to the information provided by Samolet Group of Companies, the residential complex is planned to be fully built by 2030.
Samolet Group is one of the largest housing developers in the Moscow region. The company's portfolio exceeds 12 million square meters. m.
At the same time, in the same period, information compromising Koltsov V.V. was transferred to the FSB in Moscow and the Moscow Region. and its partners from among the management and owners of Promsvyazbank JSC. In the period from the end of 2017 to the beginning of 2018 in relation to the former owners of Promsvyazbank JSC, incl. criminal cases were initiated against the Ananyev brothers and investigative measures began, as a result of which the Ananyevs were charged in absentia with the withdrawal of 66 billion rubles from Promsvyazbank before the reorganization, and they themselves were put on the wanted list.
In the fall of 2019, employees of the 4th department of the UEBiPK of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region, at the request of Pavlov E.I., Polyanin B.I. and Zhavner A.G. with the direct participation of the captain of the FSB Petrushevsky A.S. an audit was initiated in relation to Andreevsky Park LLC, the beneficiary of which is Potapov A.B.
On December 27, 2019, in relation to “unidentified persons from among the management of Andreevsky Park LLC, at the request of c. Zhavnera A.G., despite the presence of civil law relations and the absence of signs of a crime, the SO of the Solnechnogorsk Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region initiated another criminal case under part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
At the same time, on December 27, 2019, in order to obtain incriminating Potapov A.B. information and pressure on the former head of Andreevsky Park LLC Androsov S.M. on the basis of operational materials of the employee of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for Moscow and the Moscow Region Petrushevsky A.S. on the fact of fraudulent activities against Mr. Sobakina O.N. The SO of the Solnechnogorsk Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region initiated a criminal case against "unidentified persons" under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
On the same day, these criminal cases were combined into one proceeding and, on the basis of the decision of the deputy head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region - the head of the CMU, Colonel of Justice Alekhno I.A. case No. 1191460038001758 was withdrawn from the production of the SO MIA of Russia for the urban district of Solnechnogorsk, Moscow Region and transferred to the production of the 1st department of the SC GSU of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region.
02/11/2020 at the address of the place of residence of the former director of Andreevsky Park LLC Androsov S.M. officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region conducted a search. FSB captain S.A. Petrushevsky was also present during this investigative measure, and upon its completion he accompanied Androsov S.M. when he was brought for interrogation to the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region.

02/14/2020 in respect of Androsov S.M. a measure of restraint in the form of house arrest was chosen.
February 20, 2020 Androsov S.M. despite the absence of any evidence of the involvement of Androsov S.M. to commit unlawful acts against Mr. Sobakina O.N., incl. confirming the amount of harm caused to him (except for the testimony of the “victim” himself), in the framework of criminal case No. 1191460038001758, he was charged under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The preliminary investigation in the case of the “district level” with one episode against one victim was investigated by the 1st department of the SC GSU of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region for more than 15 months, and subsequently transferred to the Solnechnogorsk City Court of the Moscow Region.
During the preliminary investigation, operational officers of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region repeatedly made attempts to persuade Androsov S.M. to testify against Potapov A.B. and obtaining compromising information.
01/28/2021 The criminal case initiated against “unidentified persons” from among the employees of Andreevsky Park LLC was separated back into a separate proceeding and returned back to the production of the Solnechnogorsk Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region, subsequently reclaimed to the production of the Central Investigative Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Moscow region and materials were extracted from it, on the basis of which a criminal case was initiated against Androsov S.M., the former general director of Andreevsky Park LLC, under Part 2 of Article 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Subsequently, the specified criminal case was transferred to the Solnechnogorsk City Court of the Moscow Region.
On 08/03/2020, on the basis of the Resolution of the Solnechnogorsk City Court of the Moscow Region, the criminal case received by the court on charges of A.B. Potapov of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was terminated. 08/14/2020 said decision of the court entered into force.
11/30/2021 in respect of Androsov S.M. The Solnechnogorsk City Court of the Moscow Region issued a sentence on charges of committing a crime under Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, sentenced to a suspended sentence of 2 years 6 months with a trial period of 3 years.
On February 9, 2022, by the verdict of the Solnechnogorsk City Court of the Moscow Region, Androsov S.M. found guilty of committing a crime under Part.2 Article.201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, with the imposition of a sentence of imprisonment for a period of 5 years probation.
Based on the foregoing, there is objective evidence that Koltsov V.V. with the involvement of his connections from among the top management of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region, his acquaintance gr. Pavlov D.I., who is in personal hostile relations with Potapov A.B. and the employee of the territorial department of the FSB for Moscow and the Moscow Region, captain A.S. Petrushevsky, attracted by them. as well as persons from among the senior staff of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region and the Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow Region, attempts are currently being made to attract Potapov A.B., Androsov S.M. and other persons from among the participants in the Andreevsky Park commercial project as suspects and defendants in fabricated and custom-made criminal cases “against unidentified persons”, and their subsequent isolation in order to facilitate the seizure of control over land plots and property of the Andreevsky Park settlement, as well as the suppression of activities aimed at compromising Koltsov V.V. and disclosure of information about his evasion from paying land taxes on an especially large scale and his involvement in organizing a contract killing in 2007 of the former head of the land committee of the Administration of the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region - Leontyeva E.I. At the same time, Koltsov is pursuing the goal of preventing the spread of A.B. Potapov. information about the illegal nature of his acquisition of land assets in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region for the purpose of subsequent legalization of funds from the sale of them to Samolet Group for the amount of more than 140 million US dollars.
Currently, together with Koltsov V.V. LLC Specialized developer "Samolet-Yurlovo" was created, the project is under implementation - excavation and preparation of the construction site are underway.

Roman Trushkin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info