After the last publication of Rucriminal.info “Pill for 200 million rubles” about multibillion-dollar embezzlement from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Funds of Moscow and the Moscow Region by an organized criminal group, Pavel Bogomolov, the chief hepatologist of the Moscow Region, began to become hysterical.
Firstly, Bogomolov was not invited to the award ceremony, on the day of the medical worker, where he was so eager. The broadcast took place on June 18, 2023 on Channel One. They say that this is a personal order of Golikova herself.
Secondly, Bogomolov had a sharp conflict with his lawyer Yarmak, who took tens of millions of rubles from Bogomolov to “resolve” judicial issues with the judges of the Ostankino district court Khusnetdinova A.M., the chairman of the court Telegina E.K., the judge of Mytishchinsky City Court Naumova C.Yew., judge Mosoblsuda Polyakova Yew.The., judge 10 th Arbitration Court of Appeal Dosova M.The. But all illegal decisions taken by these "judges" were canceled by higher authorities.
As it became known to Rucriminal.info, the judges have already written explanatory notes about their contacts with Yarmak A.V. True, all as one claim that they did not receive any money from him. There were only verbal assurances to pay after the necessary decision was made. But after the adoption of the necessary judicial act, Yarmak A.The. disappeared with the money, forgetting about his promise to thank the judge for the "correct" decision. Judge Khusnetdinova A.M. went the farthest, saying that she was simply forced by the chairman of the court, Telegina E.K., and she could not do anything about it.
Now the question arises of who will hand over whom first, Bogomolov Yarmak, as a swindler, or Yarmak Bogomolov, as a bribe-giver.
If the first option threatens Yarmak with a serious accusation, and Bogomolov will be able, as usual, to try on the role of a kind of victim of lawyer arbitrariness, then the second option threatens Bogomolov himself, and Yarmak will become only an intermediary in the corruption chain.
In a word, cockroach races begin! Now, who will be slammed by the fly swatter of the investigation faster, and who will run to the finish line, depends on Bogomolov and Yarmak themselves!
The Rucriminal.info investigation said that after 4 years of investigation, a complete picture of the theft of money from the accounts of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Moscow Region and Moscow had finally emerged.
It was possible to establish that an organized criminal community is operating in the Russian Federation. More than 8 billion rubles of compulsory medical insurance funds have been stolen.
Starting from 2017, on the initiative and under the leadership of the chief hepatologist of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region, head of the department of hepatology of MONIKI Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov, a criminal community was created, consisting of: Shub Nadezhda Anatolyevna, Kurko Neli Ibragimovna, Petrenko Ekaterina Yuryevna, Bazhenova Alexandra Ivanovna, Smaznova Evgenia Borisovna, Dementieva Elena Alexandrovna. The purpose of the criminal community was the theft of compulsory medical insurance funds from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Moscow Region and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of Moscow.
Through the organizations that were acquired by Bogomolov, through nominees, with the aim of committing serious crimes, namely fraud on an especially large scale, as a result of the crimes, the money stolen from the accounts of the MHI funds of the Moscow Region and Moscow was directly illegally used in favor of members of the criminal community, by providing funds with knowingly false documents on the provision of medical care to patients with hepatitis C.
The distribution of roles in the criminal community was carried out as follows:
- Bogomolov Pavel Olegovich, using unquestioned authority among his accomplices, carried out the general management of the above people and societies through figureheads. He determined the ways and methods of embezzlement of budgetary funds, maintained corrupt ties with officials both personally and through proxies, distributed the income received from criminal activities.
- Shub Nadezhda Anatolyevna, was the right hand of Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov. Fulfilled the formal role of the owner of most of the above companies. She was the President of the United Medical Systems Group Joint Stock Company, and also held the positions of Deputy Chief Physician for Economic Affairs in a number of key companies. Coordinated the work of nominees. Through proxies, she legalized funds obtained by criminal means.
- Kurko Nelya Ibragimovna, was the financial director and chief accountant of all companies. Its tasks included giving legitimacy to the activities of the criminal community, preparing false accounting and other reporting data, and legalizing funds obtained by criminal means.
- Petrenko Ekaterina Yurievna, was the deputy of Kurko Neli Ibragimovna. Her tasks included collecting cash legalized by Kurko Nelya Ibragimovna and transferring them to Bogomolov Pav Lu Olegovich and Shub Nadezhda Anatolyevna.
- Bazhenova Alexandra Ivanovna, carried out documentary interaction with the compulsory medical insurance funds. Her tasks included preparing false lists of patients, false invoices for payment of supposedly provided medical services, sending invoices to funds through special communication channels.
- Smaznova Evgenia Borisovna, was one of the dummy general directors of MC Harmony LLC, Center for Targeted Therapy LLC and a number of other companies. Followed the direct instructions of Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov. She cashed out stolen funds, transferred them to Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov, and kept records of Bogomolov's personal expenses.
- Dementieva Elena Alexandrovna, former general director of FERER LLC. Carried out the legalization of stolen funds of compulsory medical insurance, through the purchase and supply of antiviral drugs for hepatitis C, for a group of companies with a low residual shelf life at repeatedly inflated prices, incl. through the largest Russian distributors JSC R-Pharma, etc.
- Kurpilyanskaya Elena Nikolaevna, dummy general director of the companies LLC MK Caring Doctor, LLC MC Harmony, etc. Helped Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov in embezzlement of compulsory medical insurance funds. Cashed out stolen funds.
- Oprishchenko Denis Sergeevich, dummy general director and chief physician of LLC MC Harmony, LLC Center for Targeted Therapy, LLC MAIR, etc. Helped Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov in embezzlement of compulsory medical insurance funds.
- Lyubimy Oleg Alexandrovich, dummy general director of OOO MK Caring Doctor. He helped Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov in embezzlement of compulsory medical insurance funds.
- Titov Igor Olegovich, citizen of Belarus. Currently, he is the dummy president of the United Medical Systems Group Joint Stock Company, as well as the manager of other companies owned by Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov.
- Sirotkin Vladimir Vladimirovich, confidant of Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov and Nadezhda Anatolyevna Shub. Performed personal, incl. intimate assignments of the latter. He collected and delivered cash, transferred them along the chain to Petrenko Ekaterina Yuryevna, Shub Nadezhda Anatolyevna, etc. He died under strange circumstances in the spring of 2020 in Bali, where he was hiding from criminal prosecution together with Ekaterina Yuryevna Petrenko.
- Gaykov Yaroslav Sergeevich, trustee of Shub Nadezhda Anatolyevna, collected cash with their subsequent transfer to Shub Nadezhda Anatolyevna.
- Makhson Anatoly Nakhimovich, for a short time owned a 5% stake in the Joint Stock Company Group of Companies United Medical Systems. He was personally invited by Bogomolov Pavel Olegovich, who wanted to use the authority of Makhson to give maximum legitimacy to the created criminal community. Makhson Anatoly Nakhimovich for a long time was the director of the PRIVATE INSTITUTION OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION "MOSCOW MEDICAL ACADEMY", through which Bogomolov Pavel Olegovich produced fictitious diplomas about the retraining of doctors. In the future, these diplomas were used in the above companies as a formal confirmation of the legality of work in the types of activities declared in the license.
- Yarmak Anton Valerievich, lawyer. Confidant of Bogomolov Pavel Olegovich. Through Anton Valeryevich Yarmak, Bogomolov Pavel Olegovich was involved in corrupt interaction with the judges of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, namely, Judge E.V. Dubrovskaya, Judge of the Mytishchi City Court of the Moscow Region S.Yu. Naumova, Judge of the Ostankinsky District Court of Moscow Khusnetdinova A.M. , Judge of the Moscow Regional Court Polyakova Yew.V., Judge of the Kuzminsky District Court Sakovich T.M., Chairman of the Ostankinsky District Court Telegina Ye.K.
- Podgornova Lyudmila Alexandrovna, director of the legal department of the group of companies. Confidant of Bogomolov Pavel Olegovich. Through Podgornova, forged court documents were prepared, which she later transferred to Yarmak Anton Valerievich.
- Zhulev Yury Alexandrovich, co-founder of the patient organization. He handed over to Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov personal data of citizens suffering from hepatitis C. In the future, these data were used by Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov to embezzle budget funds.
- Turinsky German Anatolyevich, Deputy Director of the Moscow City CHI Fund. A friend of Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov. Through Turinsky and with his patronage, the funds of compulsory medical insurance were stolen from the fund and transferred to the accounts of companies controlled by Bogomolov Pavel Olegovich, in particular LLC MK Caring Doctor.
Ways and methods of embezzlement of budgetary funds by an organized criminal community under the leadership of Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov:
An organized criminal community led by Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov used the following theft scheme means of compulsory medical insurance: data of patients from different regions of the Russian Federation (name, passport, insurance policy number, address of registration), patients with hepatitis C, through the head office of JSC "GC "OMS" were transferred to medical registrars in medical organizations owned by Bogomolov. Based on these patients, false medical records (case histories) of day hospital patients were formed. On the basis of medical documents, a picture was formed, as if the patient had been coming to the day hospital for treatment for a month or more, where he was given 1 (one) antiviral tablet every day out of all medical procedures. On the basis of forged medical documents, Bogomolov's henchmen generated invoices and sent them to the funds of Moscow and the Moscow Region to pay for the supposedly provided medical care. In fact, no help was provided. In turn, the Funds of Moscow and the Moscow Region paid these accounts without any verification. In case of refusal to pay false bills, corrupt mechanisms of communication with judges were used, in particular case No. A41-106008 / 19, when more than 200 million rubles were recovered from the TFOMS MO under false documents.
Such a scale of theft became possible due to a certain defect in the Russian legislation on compulsory medical insurance, which was successfully used by Pavel Olegovich Bogomolov, who has special knowledge in this area, in particular: only funds intended for so-called inter-territorial settlements were stolen, when payment for medical care provided to the insured outside the insurance region is provided by the health insurance fund at the place of assistance, as well as the corruption of the fund's officials, such as Turinsky German Anatolyevich.
To be continued
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info