The editors of the telegram channel of the VChK OGPU continue to analyze the publicly posted on the Internet mail archive of Stanislav Fedorov, an adviser to the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, known for his extensive corruption contacts.
Correspondence with Fedorov’s cohabitant, Grebenshchikova Yaroslava (letter dated April 15, 2021) and with the personal orderly of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation Alexey Isaev dated August 30, 2023

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indicates that Isaev and Fedorov engaged in openly lobbying activities not only in the Supreme Court, but also in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.
So, starting in 2021, they pushed for the appointment of the notorious Senator Kavdzharadze, who has a criminal past, to the post of plenipotentiary representative of the Federation Council in the Supreme Court of Russia, regularly expressing in various official documents sharp criticism of the previously held position of plenipotentiary representative of the Federation Council in the Supreme Court of Russia E.B. Mizulina.
At the same time, compromising material was collected regarding the most likely candidate for this position - Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building A.A. Klishasa.
Thus, it was indicated that “Mizulina E.B. the potential of the work of the authorized representative was not realized.
Reports on the work of the plenipotentiary representative of the Federation Council in the Supreme Court in recent years indicate that the personal participation of the plenipotentiary representative in the work of the judicial system is reduced only to presence at meetings of the Plenum of the Supreme Court.
In addition, individual public statements by the authorized representative (for example, that there is currently a “replacement of the judicial power with the legislative power”) do not contribute to constructive relations between the Federation Council and the Supreme Court.
There are also no concrete results from the work of the plenipotentiary representative, which would actually make it possible to protect the interests of the Federation Council in the judicial system.”
Also in the correspondence with Fedorov’s cohabitant there is an angry note regarding the opinion expressed by A. Klishas in April 2021 about the need to not rush to adopt the Supreme Court bill on criminal misconduct.
Fedorov categorically writes that Klishas (as, by the way, the Government of the Russian Federation) does not accept the position of the President of the Russian Federation on the need to adopt a federal law providing for the introduction of a criminal offense.
He also questions the senator’s professional and scientific competence, essentially accusing him of sabotage.
It would be interesting to know whether this certificate is the personal position of Fedorov himself or whether Kavdzharadze’s lobbying was agreed upon with the Chairman of the Supreme Court V.M. Lebedev?

Continuing in 2023 the campaign to discredit Mizulina and Klishas, with the intention of creating advantages for Kavdzharadze, necessary for the appointment of Kavdzharadze to the post of plenipotentiary representative of the Federation Council in the Supreme Court of Russia, despite the official position on the need to appoint the chairman of the Council Committee to this position Federation for Constitutional Legislation and State Building A.A. Klishasa.
At the same time, Fedorov’s lobbying move did not achieve results, and by Resolution of the Federation Council of October 11, 2023 No. 599-SF, A. Klishas was appointed plenipotentiary representative of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.
Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info