The state prosecution is completing the presentation of evidence in the Presnensky District Court of Moscow in the case of billions in bribes of ex-colonel of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Dmitry Zakharchenko from the largest contractors of Russian Railways and the bankers serving these contracts. Thus, the second verdict of Zakharchenko is expected soon, and with it the billionaire, the former co-owner of GK 1520 (the largest contractor of Russian Railways) Valery Markelov, who, unlike the bankers, did not have time to leave Russia.

Rucriminal.info acquaints its readers with a transcript of a fragment of a restaurant conversation between Dmitry Viktorovich Zakharchenko (Z) and the co-owner of Novoye Vremya bank, ex-husband of singer Anna Semenovich Stankevich Ivan Alexandrovich (C), which was recorded by the FSB. In it, then still a colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a large capital cashier, they discuss the purchase and sale of the plant, the investments of Russian billionaires, buildings in the Crimea and the conditions under which Russia will return the peninsula to Ukraine, as well as about sanctions, the prospects for the country's Muslimization, and so on.

In a conversation between a law enforcement officer and a banker, loud surnames are heard, both of whom were clearly familiar with these people. For example, they mention the vice-mayor of Moscow Natalya Sergunin, some Chechen businessmen, Semyonich, people they call Churchill and Big Roth, the Capital Group company, Ramzan Kadyrov, Garik and Mikhailovich. There is nothing to be surprised at, these are all characters and heroes related to each other.
For example, Mikhailovich Zakharchenko and Stankevich call Yunaev Avsholum Mikhailovich, a longtime partner of Stankevich and Zakharchenko. Yunaev, by the way, testified against Zakharchenko and told how he paid bribes to the colonel. The Yunaev clan is closely connected with both the Moscow government and Sergunina. As the Infobomba telegram channel reported, Rosa Yunaeva (Aronova) is a relative of Aharon Aronov (Lazar Safaniev), the husband of Natalya Sergunina's sister Irina, who holds many family assets.

And the nephew of Avsholum Yunaev, Stanislav Nasimov, holds the post of deputy general director of the Fund for the overhaul of apartment buildings in Moscow.
As Rucriminal.info was the first to find out and told its readers, formally Sergunina's former husband, a native of Chechnya, Movladi Natsaev, in the bases of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow in the early 2000s was listed as a criminal contingent. And with his antics, he fully confirms the similar color assigned to him by the operatives. And now he is a person close to the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov.

Sergunina is closely associated with the large Moscow developer Capital Group, one of the main co-owners of which through the Cypriot structures is convicted businessman Pavel Tyo. In turn, businessman Gavriil Yushvavev, whom Zakharchenko and Stankevich call Garik, is a partner of Capital Group in a number of projects, including in Moscow City. Yushvaev has not appeared in Russia for several years, as he fears being detained in connection with the Moscow City massacre.
The VChK-OGPU Telegram channel said that there is a "Moscow trace" in the investigation of the Zakharchenko case. In the fall of 2018, another co-owner of GK 1520 Valery Markelov was arrested for giving bribes to Dmitry Zakharchenko. Together with him, they took into custody a lawyer, close friend and confidant of Zakharchenko, Viktor Belevtsov. Zakharchenko met with businessmen, received sums from them (which grew every year), wrote down real estate objects and firms that actually belonged to Dmitry Zakharchenko to the next of kin. One of these firms is ELLIPS LLC (“El”). It was created in 2012 (the beginning of the flourishing of Zakharchenko's activities), and its only founder was Marina Gennadyevna Belevtsova, a close relative of Zakharchenko's "right hand". Viktor Belevtsov himself was initially listed as the general director of this structure, but then he resigned so as not to "shine". In recent years, LLC “El” has received over 60 million rubles under state contracts, and most of these funds came from the budget of the Moscow government. The most interesting thing is that literally a flurry of government contracts from the capital's authorities "hit" Ellipse after the arrest of Zakharchenko, in 2017-2018. Often contracts were signed with Zakharchenko's firm as with the only supplier. The extreme variety of services that Ellipse rendered to the city authorities is quite surprising: the services of an ambulance; loading and unloading works; bus rental; car rental with a driver, etc. An interesting fact. State contracts with the structure of Zakharchenko were signed by city structures, mainly controlled by Natalya Sergunina.
In addition, Zakharchenko and Stankevich were related to a large channel (the first made a cover for the law enforcement line, the second was one of the co-organizers) to launder the gigantic sums stolen from the budget. Well, and the highlight of this conversation is the aforementioned Semenovich. One would think for the Year of Semenovich Nisanov, but he does not fit the age indicated by the interviewees. But Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin is quite suitable.
Rucriminal.info cites a fragment conversations.

Z: And with these people nothing works, right?
S: With brothers? Valera met with them today. They just arrived. They were in America for two months.
Z: Yes? They live so well too, huh?
S: Well, I don’t know, maybe because it’s good or because it’s bad, I don’t know, maybe they ran there for two months, I don’t know. But they just arrived. Valera is with them today.
Z: Or resting.
S: Maybe we had a rest. He wrote that everything seemed to be fine. They must now bring something into the general. There is something like twenty million rubles, something like they cut down. Well, and it seems like they promised to put it in the bank. I say, "Well, okay." What, and so ...
Z: ... you made money, yes, did you chop it?
S: I think that their older brothers still chopped up when the beginning of the nineties was.
Z: Well, these fools have too.
S: They are advice vouchers ... NP3 Belarusian. So why shouldn't they have chopped up. And this, as I understand it, is just their task there to increase what is there. Because the contact, as I understand it, was given to him by the elder brother, when this one ... it's also not just that.
Z: ... yes, this is Sergunin's worth.
S: Well, it’s already, maybe they did it themselves ...
Z: Well, this is a Czech, they have this Czech there.
S: But here's what I just see what's there, with whom they communicate. Well, where did it come from? Otherwise Semyonovich would be there ... He is sixty years old, and this one is thirty-five, yes. How else would they have communicated there differently? And they have been there together for ten years. Well, there are no miracles. Well, now they will probably push the refinery. Because something is wrong now ... Well, we'll see next Wednesday. If they don’t rewrite anything, it’s probably time for them to get acquainted already. And they say: “Well, everything, like everything is fine. We are ready ... "Well, I ... Father-in-law asked. “Everything is fine. Like they are ready to sell for five. " - "Why five?" “Well, that's the normal price. We have invested so much there. This is so much profit. " - “what is the profit? Are you morons? "
Z: Who wants to sell for five?
S: Well, they want to sell for five yards.
Z: Who?
S: Hosts.
Z: Oh, the hosts.
S: Hosts. I say: "Are you morons?"
Z: For example, ten.
S: I say: “What are you, morons? You need to pay off your debts and that's it. And thank you to say that you, well, how to say, will be released in peace. " He says: "MKB type is ready to discount fifty percent of the loan." They had two and three yards, but there was like ... They want one and a half already, but: "For a billion two hundred we can agree." I say: “But now you count this loan with a discount, you have to pay with us, there with other banks, where you typed,” I say, “if you give this offer, we will come, say. Well, it is understandable that people, yes, they buy the MKB discount right away, there two hundred billion is earnings. " Everyone understands that they have already bought ... I'm not even saying that then the course was 30, now there is 80.
Z: Of course they will work.
S: “That is, everyone understands, and this asset will be bought from you. But I understand, you want there, that there is a way out, well, there are two hundred, three hundred million. Maybe ask there yourself, yes. Well, this topic is understandable, but the fact that you just want to cash in there, there are two ends. Well, they'll just tear you apart, you fools, and that's it. " Life hangs on a thread, and they think about profit.
Z: And so it’s already earned.
S: Hy, they are for a beautiful life. As I understand it, they just fucked it all up. Well, someone made money, someone fucked up. Well, it doesn't matter to us.
Z: But Churchill has money.
S: Well, Churchill is only losing with them, I think. It started working earlier because ...
Z: What about Big Mouth?
S: Well, Big Mouth, there, well ... They owe him something 10 million, in my opinion, they owe him, Big Mouth, rubles.
Z: Do you think they won't give it back?
S: Yes, I think they will. They won't go anywhere. All the same, the plant needs to be launched. Well, such an asset, and it will not rot, this is not a potato. All the same, the owner will be there today or tomorrow. It is clear, maybe they will not settle with them right away, but there are papers, they will come and say: "Guys, come on, you somehow extinguish something there in parts."
Z: With a big mouth, you can not count.
S: Well, I think now they will get to know the Czechs and will somehow be more accommodating. Now, in an amicable way, if the database is rewritten, you can still give a month, and then all the same ... I'm just too afraid with them - to press with the sale, because the father-in-law is very unreliable. The fact that the father-in-law wants to sell does not mean that this oligarch wants to buy.
Z: We must meet, yes. There is nothing to do here.
S: No, I say how to meet? I say, I say to Churchill: “Bring the paper that we are ready to sell for such and such a price, and the power of attorney for negotiations is given to such and such a person alone. Because you have three shareholders and everyone has their own opinion. " Well, what are we now, we will also look like fools, they will come there, they will say: "Buy!" And then one with a fraction of half a percent will say: "Fuck you ...". Well, Churchill understood everything, he was already bizarre. I talked to him for a long time today. I told him: "Well, the Czechs have already returned." He blushed, turned white, he really does not want to get to know them.
Z: ...
S: Yes. Valera says this, when they came last Friday, he says ... And he is his - Viktorovich. Well, the one that Lyosha, who ...: “VIktorovich, well, I'm an honest person, I don't run anywhere. " - "Where are you going to ... run with a broken leg." “Why would I break my leg? Well, I'm here. " Yes, ... such. Only Viktorovich calls you, Viktorovich. M ... rare. He invested six and a half million euros in the construction of a house in the Crimea and did not finish it, well, you idiot.
Z: ...
S: Yes, it was not ... There he swung. His own construction company was building. Moron.
Z: Yes, for six and a half you can build a house ...
S: Well, there is still land, right there on the side of the mountain, in the forest, well, the place is wonderful. No, I agree, if you have a billion, you have homes all over the world, why not build it in Crimea. Great idea. This one ... which draws from circulating assets ... What do people think about?
Z: Who will go there, to the Crimea?
S: No, well, I say if once a year someone spends a weekend there. For a billionaire, this is absolutely normal history.
Z: Well, not in Crimea, I think, if a billionaire ..
S: Well, maybe a billionaire under sanctions.
Z: Therefore, they will now build in the Crimea. Or in Sochi somewhere.
S: Is it worth building in the Crimea? It seems to me that Crimea is all the same, well, how many years it is there, it will still be returned. Well, there ...
Z: Hy, why?
S: Well, how?
Z: Do you think it will?
S: Hy, if Ramzan Akhmatovich is not the president, then I am sure they will return.
Z: Yes, but how will they return?
S: Well, who needs this hemorrhoid? Well, he came, absolutely new man.
Z: No, it won't, it will already be a social explosion ... What are you, for the people, a return is, well, you can't imagine ... his rating will be minus one.
S: For whom?
Z: It doesn't matter. Refund - no, it will not be returned for sure. They will pedal, put, let's some, somehow, but ...
S: Well, they will make it some kind of neutral territory.
Z: They will not be returned from Russia, why, because any person, even the most corrupt one, understands that this is, well ... In Russia, you can do everything: fight, steal there ... but not return the land. Return is all, the rank of the traitor at once. Now there is so much money ...
S: I don’t know.
Z: They will not return. Such is the law that it may not be needed ... It is not needed. Even if it is needed, because we have nowhere to go to rest, there are sanctions everywhere, only Crimea. If there were no sanctions, then you can safely ride.
S: Well, it seems to me that there are two ways of development in Russia, there I am not talking about five or ten years, but generally in the future. Either Muslimization, it will be some kind of Muslim country, yes. Well, after some time, I don’t know, for several decades. Either Americanization, well, or Europeanization, whatever the name is. Russia cannot be simply, well, how is it, on the wave of the Russian people, which is not left, who drink too much, which is diluted by Muslims and Chinese from the Far East? Well, I don't see easy.
Z: Really, they give birth a little.
S: Well, of course, these are ten people, Chinese and Muslim. So what? Who will stay? How many Russians will there be in fifty years?
Z: They give birth a little.
S: And if there is, accordingly, Muslimization, I agree that then Crimea will not be given back. And if Americanization, then it seems to me, they will even find a transitional figure.
Z: I think there will be no Americanization, because America doesn’t need it. It's easier for them to be the third world there.
S: Well, then some of their satellites should ...
Z: Monkeys with monkeys.
S: Well, a satellite of some kind. I still have to go to someone, well, there, roughly speaking.
Z: Well, participate. If it doesn’t close and then doesn’t happen, as it was under the Union, but, unfortunately, aggravated, with Europe, the aggravation, we are wrong ...
C: Hy, with Europe, you can equalize in three seconds.
Z: Yes, how many are they ... These are monkeys ... to call, to say ... And with Europe, it is more difficult there, there are Jews sitting there. Germans, British, French or Americans, everything ... of course, America has become strong ... there are these Rothschilds, Rockefellers. You know, you also need to invest in the election campaign, there, too, somehow, well, no one does it ... investments there. I look at China, the Chinese are already investing in the election campaign there. They do, well, so indirectly. It is clear that they are dodging, dodging, and for this reason, China, they are now only playing tricks. They let them live until the Chinese ... and began to go out there.
S: Well, yes, and already apply for some kind of leadership.
Z: There the Jews thought a little, these Rothschilds, the Rockefellers there probably met, which seemed to be yellow-faced ... And they began to cheat, and I see, well, on the stock exchange their shares have already sunk, that's it. That is, the crisis has eaten the planet. They painted everything. Everything is relative: the price of oil, the price of gold, as they put it ... Iran was released with these sanctions, they also kept there, well ... The Cubans were released.
S: Yesterday, by the way, I spoke with Timur, a Kazakh, he just returned from Tehran. I say, "Wow!" He says: "Yes, I used to fly there often." Now, when there are no sanctions, he says: "They all have this opinion, yes, they opened them because they closed us, and Europe needs to feed somewhere." In fact, this is a fairly large market, comparable to ours. Eighty million population, it is enough, as it were undeveloped, who can ... Well, as ours sold everything from Europe, all this, imported goods, all this shit. The flow will also go there now.
Z: Yes, they have a lot of money, the Iranians.
S: A lot, yes.
Z: So now they will buy all this ...
S: We also had a lot of oil.
Z: Well done. The Europeans, of course, now ... Well, the Americans will rush now.
S: Ours go there, well, Russian companies, builders, they say, a lot have gone there now.
Z: Hy, for Russia it is a minus that Europe was closed. America may be far away, we won't get there. And Europe, well, how ...
S: It's better to get to America directly with Mikhailovich as a shareholder in Novoye Vremya.
(S. laughs)
Z: And Google.
S: Yes. Well, he doesn’t take Google with him, well, just give him “Novoye Vremya” on the road, equip him, so to speak.
Z: That bitch too, huh? Well, at least I would take it, look there ... When will such an opportunity be ?!
S: Never.
Z: They won't let me go there. He understands this ...
S: Well, yes, yes.
Z: He said at the beginning, and then ...
S: Well, he's like Europe with the third world. He wants like these natives - here I am for you glass beads, and you give me some gold.
Z: Well, this is for development, even if you see something just for development, so that ...
S: Well, of course it's interesting.
Z: He also wants me to fly to New York with him. Have you gone crazy, or what?
S: Moron.
Z: No, if he took me, I would of course fly with him to New York, as an honest man.
S: No. Well, okay. They are all in San Francisco right now, right?
Z: I would, if I ... my dream ... I think they ... went there.
S: Well, I see.
Z: You are looking at the development, well, here it is, the world, another world, a completely different level.
S: Learn something. It's interesting ...
Z: Well, for sure there, if you know English, you will immediately understand why they are there to see how it is built, to ask some questions. Everything. At least a general outlook. It is clear that this is ... Well, some kind of contacts to exchange there. You can correspond or there ... Anyway, they are ahead.
S: Where he goes, they are just 50 years ahead of the whole planet. What they do there is not even written in science fiction books.
Z: Well, there already, as I understand it, one of our oligarchs invested in this one: either Google is not Google or Facebook, in some beginning, some kind of VKontakte ..
S: Usmanov invested in Uber, Milner invested, in my opinion ...
Z: Wiener?
S: Milner. Milner is who ... These are our Internet users. They also invested somewhere, either in Google or in Facebook. Milner, yes.
Z: Here they are somehow, someone advised them, You will invest ... That is, it is far away even. And, Mikhalych, beast, does not take. Well, then he planted half a yard in there. Less will not be there.
S: Yes, of course.
Z: If not even more. I think he and Garik drove half a yard there.
S: And Garik, I think, probably puts all his own things there. As far as I understand, he was a strong member of Capital Group here, raised something, probably lost something there. Well, it still remains, where now? Invest in construction here? He's not crazy.
Z: He was a member of Capital Group, right? Therefore, Mikhailovich is a house and ...
S: Of course. And the pool is all of this, of course. He then put the yard there. They all kissed his hands, ran.
Z: And now, I think, he just brought it out there ...
S: And now everything that he has here is for sale. That's when he walked, they just say ... Well, my acquaintances told me there, they say: "Garik just flew on his wings, how he entered successfully." And now I think that the euphoria has already passed and, of course, then he pulled something out there, something now it .. And I think that he no longer wants. And this is probably all there is, I think he goes there and beyond….
Z: Well, there is a yard, probably ... And if you invested a yard, then, of course, what to say.
S: Yes.
Z: And he doesn't want to take you, because ...
S: So that I don't warm my ears there.
Z: Well, I see. Why should you warm up? It's just ... in Sochi ... you want to go to Courchevel ...
To be continued
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info