January 11 marked the nineteenth anniversary of the murder of Yuri Tishkov. It was like a knife in the heart ... Smart, honest. Cool player, later a talented commentator, football agent. The details of this terrible crime are in the investigation material, which was prepared for the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info by the well-known sports journalist, author of books about football Alexei Matveev.

Part 1.
You don't often meet people like Tishkov in life. In big football - a rarity. The heart bleeds because of an irreparable loss. Although I'm not very sentimental.
... Closer to the night, January 11, 2003, "thugs" attacked him near the house. Actually at the entrance. Yura parked the car in the parking lot, was going to go home, where his wife Elena and little son Zhenya were waiting for him. Yura did not reach ... He received dozens of stabbing blows with sharpeners. The obvious, planned murder of someone objectionable guy. Yuri at that time was only 31 years old.
The investigation, the prosecutor's office has not yet made public the names of the criminals. Hey, investigators, prosecutors! Why are you needed if you're not doing anything to catch the killers? Then you will understand what we are talking about.
I didn’t know Yuri personally, I didn’t have a chance to meet at events, press conferences. But we talked on the phone regularly, asked to evaluate the events taking place in Russian football. We talked about problems. The former striker of the capital's Torpedo, Dynamo never refused an interview. And he was not shy about discussing sensitive topics.
Already at the end of, albeit a short, but brilliant career as a player (he stopped playing early due to an injury), he fiddled with the boys of his native youth sports school "Torpedo". The children loved the friendly mentor. He also commented on football matches on television. A rare case: I enjoyed his reports, waited for them, listened to a deep, interesting analysis. Since the time, probably, Vladimir Maslachenko has not experienced such pleasure.
Involuntarily admired: what an honest, clean guy! When, in a conversation with me, Yura was openly indignant at the actions of the then management of the Eduard Streltsov Stadium. According to him, men with beer bellies from the nearest casino "Crystal" were allowed to run on the juicy grass of the arena, and local boys were driven like stray dogs.
Yura's position is close, understandable to all normal people. What kind of development of football can we talk about with such an openly bestial attitude towards children and young men?!
Here is my version of the bloody events. It is in many ways similar to the one that took place in the story with the elimination of the former general director of Spartak Larisa Nechaeva.
There is no need to invent anything, “wind up”, put forward mind-blowing versions, to realities that have nothing to do with it. And you do not need to be a deep analyst to compare things that are ordinary at first glance. The thread of this crime leads to the then football club "Torpedo-ZIL", formerly called "Torpedo-Metallurg", later FC "Moscow".
I am inclined to the version of revenge on Yuri for the transfer he organized from Torpedo-ZIL to the camp of the Moscow Spartak midfielder Dmitry Smirnov. The transition was completed in December 2002. Yuri was a sports agent for Smirnov, the profession itself was just emerging in Russia.
The story of the transition was accompanied by a loud scandal, representatives of the Torpedo team even sued the player because of his decision. But they lost the case. Tishkov also had knowledge in jurisprudence. A bloodbath soon followed. Yura was beaten with sharpeners in January 2003, compare the dates.
There are other circumstantial evidence as well. Shortly before the procedure for introducing the Zilov team for the next season (just in 2003), I talked with the legend of our football, Valentin Kozmich Ivanov. He was a member of the leadership headquarters of the torpedoes. The conversation, among other things, turned to the tragic death of Yura Tishkov. Yura's blood hasn't cooled yet... They killed him in January, and I talked to Kozmich in February.
At the mere mention of the name of Tishkov, undisguised malice literally escaped from the lips of the master of football. “Yes, this Tishkov hid Smirnov from us. I told him: do not get out of the house, wait it out, and you will be in Spartak, - the famous master of the 60s said with a twisted face from anger. These phrases were cut very unpleasantly. What even more prompted the idea that the thread of the crime leads precisely to the torpedo club. After all, the famous Valentin Ivanov is naturalness itself: if he didn’t love someone, even hated him, he immediately poured out anger. Such is nature.
I will add one more important, if not key, touch to the tragic story with Yuri Tishkov. The very odious Yuri Belous was the president of the then torpedo teams.

By the way, he also threatened me with possible reprisals in 1996. I actually caught him speculating on tickets for the upcoming Euro matches in England with the participation of the Russian team.
Cherished tickets for fans were distributed by the Infobank Sportmarketing company, whose interests were then represented by Belous. In an article published in Trud, I exposed the crooks who "pushed" our football fans tickets at exorbitant prices.
Thus, they grossly violated all conceivable points of the UEFA regulations. In a respected organization, it was strictly forbidden to arbitrarily increase prices for the mentioned services - up to and including disqualification, both of the national football federation itself and of the national team representing it. But nothing and no one stopped the greedy, hefty profit-hungry businessmen. So I burst out with printed material, of course, having indisputable evidence in my hands.
This Belous, apparently on the instructions of the bosses of Infobank, was not too lazy to come to the editorial office of Trud. But they didn't even talk to him. “Go to court if you are dissatisfied with something. And Matveev is our leading reporter, he does not lie, ”the unlucky businessman was answered.
The frustrated figure from football left with nothing. In parting, he threw a remark: they say, I didn’t get enough in 1994? He hinted at the then massacre with cuts. I did not remain in debt, obscenely sent a rogue.

To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info