The Moscow City Court upheld the decision of the Dorogomilovsky court to extend the arrest term against Andrei Volontir, a victim and the main witness in the Taganskaya organized crime group case. For a long time, in the interests of the Directorate of the FSB of the Russian Federation, he participated in operational activities, often as a decoy, and helped put dozens of corrupt officials behind bars. At the same time, Volontir recorded absolutely all his conversations with officials and security officials, thus becoming the custodian of a huge archive of audio-compromising evidence. On August 25, a year later, Volontir was arrested for the first time and was admitted to SIZO 99/1 ("Kremlin Central"). In November 2020, Volontir, after several suicide attempts, was transferred to the psychiatric ward of the Butyrka SIZO. Then the court, taking into account his mental state, decided to change the preventive measure to a milder one, limiting certain actions. And in the spring of 2021, he was arrested again in the same case. The charge is extremely absurd - Article 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (commercial bribery). The volunteer took part in an operational experiment, transferred the money to Oleg Fomin, who was associated with the Tagansky, and this was blamed on him. In reality, the businessman was then too carried away by exposing corruption, recordings, and Office K decided to "close" its former agent.
Rucriminal.info publishes Volontir's appeal to the Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation Alexander Bortnikov, after which it was decided that it was time to "get rid" of the agent.
“Dear, Alexander Vasilievich!
I ask you to take personal control and give a legal assessment of the unlawful actions of the employees of the Central Office of the FSB.
I, Volontir Andrey Vladimirovich, am a representative of Kolar LLC. On the balance sheet of this organization is property (three land plots in the Moscow region with a total area of about 38 hectares), which since 2017 have been trying to illegally withdraw from the ownership of the organization by persons, some of which are related to the Taganskaya organized criminal group.
In 2018, at the request of representatives of Kolar LLC, with the operational support of the 8th department of the Department "K" of the SEB, the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee in Moscow initiates criminal case No. 11802450048000031 under Part 4 of Article 159 against Golubtsov A.A., Shmelev P .V. and Grekova V.M. when attempting to illegally seize the property of Kolar LLC. In the future, in view of the particular importance of the initiated criminal case, the senior investigator for the internal affairs department under the chairman of the RF IC, Lieutenant-General N.V. Tutevich, takes over for his proceedings. By the method of committing a crime Golubtsov A.A. and Shmelev P.The. chose a fictitious bankruptcy based on falsified documents, about which there is relevant evidence in the IC of Russia. Active assistance to A.A. Golubtsov and Shmelev P.The. representatives of the self-regulating organization AU "Liga" (Penza), namely the bankruptcy trustees N.Yu. Pavlenkova, E.Yu. and, someone, Fomin OV, who describes himself as the direct head of the SRO AU "Liga".
Despite the arrests of A.A. Golubtsov and Shmeleva P.V., representatives of SRO AU "Liga" Mikhailina E.Yu. and Pavlenkova N.Yu. continued the fictitious bankruptcy procedure in order to seize the property of Kolar LLC. Throughout 2019, we, as representatives of Kolar LLC, have repeatedly notified the investigator N.V. Tutevich in various ways. and an employee of the 8th department of Office "K" Petryakov R. about various attempts of representatives of the self-regulating organization AU "Liga" to finish the crime they started, but our arguments were not accepted for implementation and no one stopped the started crime.
In December 2019, an employee of the 8th department of the Office "K" Petryakov R., informs me and my partner about the need to transfer monetary reward to Fomin O.V., arguing this is the only way to stop the crime of representatives of the SRO AU "Liga" and some operational needs. O.V. Fomin himself. at the meeting confirms that he acted out of selfish motives in the interests of A.A. Golubtsov. and other members of the Taganskaya organized criminal group, and Petryakova R. calls our common friend, repeatedly referring to close relations with the leaders of Petryakov R. Throughout January 2020, Fomin O.V. together with R. Petryakov, providing psychological coercion and extortion of funds, they receive 6 million rubles from me. Realizing that they actually forced me to commit a crime, I am writing a statement to the Central Administrative District Department of the Interior in Moscow. This statement remains unattended by law enforcement officers and under pressure from O. Fomin. and Petryakov R. I had to transfer another 3 million rubles. Being in an extremely hopeless situation due to the lack of funds for further transfer and experiencing constant pressure from O.V. Fomin. and Petryakova R., under the threat of seizure of property from Kolar LLC from legal possession, I am writing a statement to the Department of Internal Affairs of the Southern Administrative District in Moscow and the subsequent transfer of 11 million is carried out on March 12 by the control of the Department of Economic Crimes and the PC in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow. March 13, 2020 from K in the Central Administrative District of Moscow initiates a criminal case against O. Fomin. and me under Article 204.1, and immediately terminates my criminal prosecution on foot.
On March 13, 2020, R. Petryakov learns about the arrest of O. V. Fomin. and through my acquaintance he transmits threats against me, namely, about my illegal criminal prosecution at the request of Petryakov's leaders.
All the events I describe were recorded on a household dictaphone for the purpose of personal safety. There are audio recordings of R. Petryakov forcing me to transfer monetary reward to OV Fomin. and threats addressed to me about my illegal criminal prosecution. In view of the high position held by R. Petryakov in the structure of the FSB, I take the threats seriously.
I ask you to consider the arguments indicated in the application and give a legal assessment of the actions of the FSB officer Petryakov R. and protect me from possible revenge on the part of this officer himself and his management for my legitimate participation in the initiation of a criminal case against their friend Fomin O.V.
I am ready to give explanations at the first request and provide all audio recordings of conversations with Fomin O.V. and Petryakov R. "

Timofey Grishin
To be continued