According to the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU, on 08/09/2022, the Babushkinsky District Court of Moscow will consider the petition of the convicted Krasnodar lawyer A.Yu. Litvinov on parole. Litvinov is a key person involved in a simply fantastic corruption story, which the Cheka-OGPU found out about. He, being a solver and intermediary in the transfer of gigantic bribes, was to become a key figure in one of the largest investigations into corruption in the Kuban. Didn't. Litvinov testified against dozens of judges, officials at both the regional and federal levels, and the then mayor of Sochi, Anatoly Pakhomov. Everything he said was confirmed. However, the materials were abruptly simply buried, having decided to attract only a few "switchmen" according to Pakhomov's testimony.
We remind you that on September 28, 2021, the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow, lawyer Litvinov A.Yu. sentenced to seven years and six months in prison, to be served in a strict regime colony and a fine of 60 million rubles. The basis for the sentencing was the recognition by the lawyer Litvinov A.Yew. guilt allegedly in the implementation of intermediary actions in the transfer of bribes to Sochi officials.
Sentencing lawyer Litvinov A.Yu. and briber-developer Stroganov I.A. The Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow was associated with a scandal. Accomplice A.Yu. Litvinova entrepreneur-builder Storganov I.A. "decided to pay for A.Yu. Litvinov." capital lawyers Kveidze and Falomeikin 42 million rubles for assistance in imposing the most lenient sentence on Litvinov.
Further with the convicted lawyer Litvinov A.Yew. interesting things began to happen.
The Moscow City Court changed the convicted lawyer Litvinov's sentence from strict to general.
The management of FKU "SIZO-4" considered that the convict A.Yew. Litvinov falls under "exceptional circumstances" under the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, and left him to serve his sentence in a pre-trial detention center. In a short time, the management of the FKU "SIZO-4" considered that the convict A.Yu. Litvinov had completely recovered and was worthy of being released
The source of the Cheka-OGPU reports that the convicted lawyer Litvinov A.Yu. a key link in the operation to create obstacles to the ex-chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court Chernov A.D. in moving to the post of chairman of the cassation instance of the court of general jurisdiction and appointing in his place the infamous Khakhaleva E.V. - the former chairman of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Krasnodar Regional Court who fled abroad. Our expert on the region believes that the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory V.I. Kondratiev.

During the implementation of the ORD for the lawyer Litvinov A.Yew. exhaustive material was collected on the relationship between Litvinov A.Yu. and Khakhaleva E.V. In particular, Litvinov A.Yu. openly demonstrated to clients his ability to obtain any judicial act in the Krasnodar Regional Court. He explained in detail what the size of "gratitude" is made up of. As an "advantage" of their services, they were guaranteed the minimum terms of legal proceedings: 2 weeks - the court of first instance, 5 days - the appointment of the case in the Krasnodar Regional Court, from 1 day to a week - for the refusal of a cassation appeal. These fantastic terms were actually used by the courts and gave a reasonable understanding to the interested parties of the seriousness of the possibilities of the lawyer Litvinov.
A Rucriminal.info source reports that during the arrest of Litvinov, the main problem was the amount of information coming from him. In addition to detailed stories about his relationship with Khakhaleva E.V., which included the registration of real estate belonging to her for assistant lawyers in the Olympic Sochi, Litvinov testified against a dozen judges of the Krasnodar Territory.
Our source reports that we are talking about the following judges:
1. Gorlov A.S. - former chairman of the Leninsky District Court of Krasnodar. By the decision of the QCJ of March 27, 2020, the powers were terminated ahead of schedule.
2. Yakimenko A.S. - ex-judge of the Adler district court. By the decision of the QCJ of February 26, 2019, the powers were terminated ahead of schedule.
3. Judges of the Judicial Collegium for Administrative Cases of the Krasnodar Regional Court:
- Agibalova V.O.
- Diyanova S.P.
- Yakobovskaya E.V.
- Dunyushkina N.V.
- Bashinsky D.A.
- Rogova S.V.
- Zenin V.A.
- Sibyatulova L.V. and others continue to work.
All these judges issued court decisions in cases in favor of persons who are currently being bribery (including Stroganov) in the case of "Sochi vice-measures", in which lawyer A.Yu. Litvinov was arrested and already received his sentence .
Given the "scale of the disaster" bordering on the complete discrediting of the Kuban justice, it was decided to "put the brakes on the case" against the judges. "Switchmen" are vice-measures of the Olympic capital.

Khakhaleva E.V. gave the opportunity to leave the country, A.S. Gorlov and A.S. Yakimenko “quietly left”, depriving them of the status of judges, while the rest “got off with a slight fright”. However, Not everyone agrees with such compromises within the FSB central apparatus.
In connection with the new introductory testimony Litvinova A.Yew. that he "could tell bribe-givers that money is needed for bribes to judges" change dramatically. Professional lawyer Litvinov began to assure that in the Krasnodar Territory there is a "vicious practice" when court decisions are made with the sole purpose of "securing" officials. Why do judges - they just don’t have time to come up with
In the court hearings of the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow, lawyer Litvinov, according to a source, took the position that judges become "victims" of the administration and the practice that has developed during the preparation of Sochi for the Olympic Games. He convinces that the courts of the Krasnodar Territory were "subordinate to the will of the Sochi administration." The leadership of the Krasnodar Regional Court was "discarded control lists of cases" from the administration of the city of Sochi and "demanded" their unconditional execution from the court.
Litvinov A.Yu. stated in court that he knew for certain that the head of the city of Sochi A.N. Pakhomov, in the presence of FSB officers, called the Chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court A.D. Chernov and said: "What did you take out there ???" Allegedly, after such a call, the court decisions were immediately canceled.
Litvinov said that the deputies of the Head of Sochi did exactly the same. Litvinov described the relationship between officials and district courts as follows: "Rykov and Yurin opened the doors to the Sochi district courts with their feet."
Our source says that now the question arises of what to do with the minutes of the court sessions, because. A.Yu. Litvinov clearly "overdid it" in the above testimony. Our expert on the region says that it is unlikely that between A.D. Chernov and A.N. Pakhomov, a conversation in that tone was possible. At our disposal came the dictaphone recordings and their printouts of Litvinov's speeches in the Khamovniki Court of Moscow, as well as a number of materials that did not fall into the criminal case. They make it possible to publicly raise a number of questions about the reasons for "confidence" in the testimony of a lawyer in the framework of a pre-trial agreement with the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, which will be done in the near future.
In fact, within the framework of this case, the question of the independence of the judiciary in the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation of the Krasnodar Territory was raised. It is surprising that someone's private interests allowed, in principle, such a formulation of the question.
Excerpts from the scandalous testimony of Litvinov A.Yu.: “Later, as I understand it, this is my personal opinion that both Rykov and Yurin (former vice-mayors of Sochi) liked the influence on the courts, that in principle the courts obeyed their will very well and later on, such checklists could absolutely easily be used for personal interests.”
Litvinov A.Yu.: “Where did this system originally come from? It was during the preparation for the Olympic Games that cases really arose that required some urgent action to resettle people who fell into the zone of resettlement and construction of Olympic facilities and there were control cases, there were instructions from the Government, and in such cases they really ran through the courts, provided these lists, referred to the fact that this is the control of the Government”.
Litvinov A.Yu.: “Rykov and Yurin opened the doors to the district courts of Sochi with their feet, those district courts overwhelmingly supported the position of the administration.”
Litvinov A.Yu.: “And I was directly in court once, there was an assistant judge nearby, who was just called by Rykov or Yurin and the court employee received this list by e-mail, opened it, listened to everything. Yes, good. There is. I (unintelligible) work in court for this person, how can you say “yes” to municipal officials, somehow you respect yourself for a start”
(testimony of Litvinov A.Yu. at the court session of the Khamovniki Court of Moscow dated April 23, 2021 in case No. 01-0010/2022)
According to Rucriminal.info sources, the entire vertical of executive power has repeatedly demonstrated its intention to stop building the resort city of Sochi. In 2012, a ban on construction work was introduced in the "Olympic" law, in 2014 significant restrictions were introduced by a special Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, in 2015 a "landing force" of federal security forces headed by Deputy Prosecutor General Kikotem landed in Sochi.
Governor of Kuban V.I.Kondratiev and Mayor of Sochi A.S.Kopaigorodsky generally announced a complete ban on housing construction until the development and approval of the new General Plan of Sochi.
As a result, the price per square meter of housing in Sochi has rapidly approached the cost of housing in Dubai. And the center of decision-making on construction has moved from the executive branch to the judiciary. And the "impossible" became possible.
Rucriminal.info will analyze in detail the mechanism for the "legalization" of large apartment construction in the very center of Sochi. Its address is Chernomorskaya, 6, and it has been given the romantic name "Marina-Park". What is hidden behind these names?
On April 24, 2015, the judge of the Khostinsky District Court of Sochi in case No. 2-703 / 2015 dismisses the claims of the Prosecutor and the Administration of the city of Sochi against the developer E.V. Popandopulo about the demolition of the reconstructed pool of the Sanatorium "Svetlana", 4 storeys.
On August 18, 2015, the Krasnodar Regional Court (judges Makhalai G.A., Sagitova E.I., Shurova I.N.) upheld the decision, the complaint of the Sochi administration was denied.
On September 9, 2015, the federal judge of the Hostinsky Court of Sochi Didik O.A. in case N 2650/2015 satisfies the claim of the developer E.V. Popandopulo to Rosreestr and obliges to make changes to the cadastral registration of real estate, changing the functional purpose of the building and increasing its area by almost 1,000 sq.m. Rosreestr will not appeal the decision. As a result, E.V. Popandopulo no longer owns a swimming pool, but a four-story building with an area of 3,166 sq.m.
On October 1, 2015, the judges of the collegium for administrative cases of the Krasnodar Regional Court - Dunyushkina N.V., Bashinsky D.A., Rogova S.V. in case No. 2-5152/2015, they canceled the decision of the Central District Court of August 13, 2015, in favor of the Sochi administration, and ordered the Sochi city administration to issue a permit for the reconstruction of the Marina-Park apartment complex on a land plot with code number 23:49: 0302010:1289 in accordance with the parameters specified in the conclusion of the non-state examination dated 07/06/2015
At the same time, the Sochi administration refused the developer, since the land plot was located in the protected zone of the monument of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation and construction on it was prohibited.
The absence of state expertise and state environmental expertise against the background of the above already seem like "little things."
On October 11, 2015, the federal judge of the Krasnodar Regional Court Sibyatullova A.V. makes a decision to refuse to transfer the cassation complaint received on 12.10.2015 for consideration in the court session of the cassation instance.
July 29, 2016 the judge of the Central District Court of Sochi Sluka V.A. in case N 2a-4990/2016 satisfies the claim of the developer against the administration of the Krasnodar Territory. With this judicial act, the judge recognizes the Marina-Park complex as put into operation.
08/22/2016, the judge of the Central District Court of Sochi Sluka V.A. by definition clarifies the decision of 07/29/2016 and obliges Rosreestr to register the property developer's right to the premises of the 10-storey Marina-Park complex with an area of 9,439.5 sq.m.
03/23/2017 the judge of the Central District Court of Sochi Vlasenko V.A. in case N 2-1511/2017 satisfies the claim of an individual N.S. Vorobyov. to the cadastral engineer Chernukha T.A. on the preservation of the reconstructed form of the 11th and 12th floors of the building and the registration of ownership of them.
As a result, the 12-storey complex "Marina-Park" is ready, the apartments are sold.
However, the dissatisfaction of the federal center is growing. They demand "landings" from the security forces, since it is simply impossible to ignore the 12-story building in the very center of the resort of Sochi. The answer was not found the first time. The source says that in 2017, the materials were refused.
But in the end, in October 2018, there are very high-profile arrests in Sochi, with news coverage on federal channels. The vice-mayors of Sochi - Rykov A.N., Yurin S.P. - were arrested. and lawyer Litvinov A.Yu.
It was the lawyer Litvinov who became a "find" for the Chekists. Having familiarized himself with the materials of the ORM, and realizing that at one time he “spoke” a lot about the judges and this is recorded, he decides to follow the path of least resistance and testifies to the investigation about the circumstances of the adoption of the above judicial acts. But the decision has already been changed and Litvinov is being created with a new version of what happened. It falsely testifies that the "mechanism of legalization" of the unauthorized building was planned and implemented ... by the administration of Sochi, and all the above decisions were made by the courts legally "under psychological influence" on the judges by the administration of Sochi.
As a result, following the old principle "while two fools are fighting, the smart one earns", someone gracefully ends the game. Representatives of the administration of the city of Sochi find themselves in prison for issuing an absolutely legal refusal to the developer and trying to defend him in court.
The only surprise is that the central apparatus of the FSB of the Russian Federation "believes" in such a mechanism, or, for some reason, pretends to believe it.
Testimony of lawyer Litvinov A.Yew. and the materials of the ORD of the FSB of the Russian Federation in relation to judges are almost sent to the shelf. Bye.
The problem is that such a result from the imposed bans is unlikely to suit the federal center.
The author of the "graceful scheme" loses sight of the main thing. In November 2014, the Decree on the restriction of construction in Sochi was signed by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.
Will it be possible to convince the President of the plausibility of the version of the "helplessness" of the federal judges of the Kuban, who issued the above decisions, which actually made it possible to build apartments in the center of Sochi, bypassing his ban under the influence of the "psychological persecution" of the Sochi administration ... is an interesting question. Time will tell.
Rucriminal.info, as it becomes ethically possible, will publish the dialogue of lawyer Litvinov A.Yu. with the developer of the complex "Marina-Park" Stroganov I.A. on the storage of marble for the renovation of the premises of the chairman of the board of administrative affairs Krasnodar Regional Court Khahaleva E.V. in the complex "Marina-Park".

Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info