The Moscow City Court postponed until January 11, 2022 the hearings in the case against the form prosecutor of the Zaterechny district Olga Shvetsova. She is charged with contract murder. According to the investigation, the prosecutor appealed to the "authority" Aslan Gagiev (Dzhako) to kill the investigator of the Moscow Interdistrict Investigation Department for Transport Alexander Leonov. The reason is everyday conflict. Earlier, Leonov was married to his sister Shvetsova and they had a very difficult divorce with the division of property. Shvetsova turned to Gagiev for help, and he decided to tie himself up with the prosecutor with "blood" and gave the order to the killers to eliminate Leonov. The investigator was killed in the west of Moscow on September 12, 2012. That evening, he was returning home with his common-law wife, the judge of the Savelovsky District Court, Tatyana Adamova.

Gagiev himself does not testify against Shvetsova. The charges are based, among other things, on the testimony of one of the gang members who was a participant in the crime. cites testimony from members of Jaco's gang about how Shvetsova discussed the problem with Leonov with Gagiev and how Jaco instructed to carry out the murder.
“In mid-August 2011, he does not remember the exact date, in the evening, while in Moscow, Dzugutov GZ called him. and asked to drive up to a cafe located in the Art Hotel, in the Khodynskoye Pole area of Moscow ....
At this time, Gagiev A.M. already sat at a separate table in the campaign of Sergei Tsallagov and a woman about 50 years old. There, in a cafe, he learned from GZ Dzugutov that this woman is Olga Shvetsova, a prosecutor of some of the regions of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. At that time, he already knew Sergei Tsallagov for about a year and a half, since he saw him at least 20 times in a campaign with A.M. Gagiev. He knows that Sergei Tsallagov worked at that time as the director of Digbank and often came to Moscow. Gagiev A.M., Tsallagov S. and Shvetsova O. talked at a separate table for some time. A.M. Gagiev, S. Tsallagov and O. Shvetsova were sitting at a table second to the right of the entrance.

He, Yurtov R.V. and Dzugutov G.Z. also ate and talked. As he understood, at the time of them with R.V. Yurtov. arrival, Gagiev A.M. and the rest were in the cafe for at least an hour. A few minutes after their arrival Gagiev A.M. got up from the table and walked towards the restroom. At the same time, he signaled to him. He approached him near the reception desk. The latter told him: "I will have to work someone out, warn R.V. Yurtov.
He told Gagiev A.M. that Yurtov R.The. together with him. At the same time, R.V. Yurtov himself approached them. Already in the presence of R.V. Yurtov, A.M. Gagiev said: "We need to get ready for work, I will give information on the face later." He and Yurtov R.V. they answered that they would prepare and “work out”. Under preparation Gagiev A.M. I meant to pick up a car, weapons, communications. After that, Gagiev A.M. sat down again at a table with S. Tsallagov and O. Shvetsova. After a while, A.M. Gagiev. called Dzugutov G.Z. and told him to make O. Shvetsova a connection with him, that is, to find a new "clean" phone and a SIM card for a figurehead, which to transfer to O. Shvetsova. Dzugutov G.Z. gave Shvetsova O. the "clean" phone with a SIM card he had with him. As far as he knows, Dzugutov himself G.Z. subsequently Shvetsova O. did not call and did not contact in any other way. They sat in the cafe for about an hour and a half and then left. Before leaving, he and Dzugutov G.Z. went to the table of A.M. Gagiev, at which were sitting Tsallagov S. and Shvetsova O. The latter, when they approached, greeted him and Dzugutov G.Z. separately. Shvetsova O. sat facing him. Then he told Gagiev A.M. that they were going to leave and asked his permission. Gagiev A.M. said that they can go, "says the testimony with which acquaints readers.
A few days later, he received a call from A.M. Gagiev. to a conspiratorial phone and said that he would be given an envelope with information on the person who was talked about in the cafe during the above conversation. Also Gagiev A.M. said that after receiving the envelope, this person can be immediately "worked out", that is, killed. Four or five days later, he was handed a sealed envelope, unidentified. Who transmitted it, does not remember. The envelope contained a photograph of a face and an address, which he no longer remembers, in the area of the stadium and the Dynamo metro station. The photograph was in color, with a glossy finish, approximately 9x12 cm in size. The photograph showed an image of a man. Subsequently, he learned from the news on TV that his last name was Leonov. Having received the envelope, he and R.V. Yurtov. began tracking, in order to find out the routes and time of Leonov's movements. He connected Gutiev U.Kh. to the surveillance. and Omarova A.S. At the suggestion of R.V. Yurtov, he also attracted E.I. Yashkin to the surveillance.

In the next two weeks, he, Yurtov R.V., Gutiev U.Kh., Omarov A.S. and Yashkin E.I. were engaged in surveillance. They were put up one by one near the address, which was given to them in an envelope. At least 14 days alternately stood near the said house, but Leonov never showed up. In the same period, about a week after the start of the surveillance, he contacted A.M. Gagiev on a secret phone. and said that Leonov did not appear at the address they were given. Gagiev A.S. replied that he would try to find out the reason. After about a week, Gagiev A.M. I called him and said that there was no other address, but clarified that Leonov had contacted some judge, with whom he could live. During the conversation Gagiev A.M. said that the order for the murder of Leonov was made by O. Shvetsova, who was sitting with him and S. Tsallagov in a cafe at the Art Hotel. According to A.M. Gagiev Leonov did some harm to O. Shvetsova's sister, who lived and worked in Moscow. Two weeks after the start of the surveillance of the said house, a white Peugeot car driven by Leonov drove into the yard. At that moment, he and R.V. Yurtov were monitoring the house. R.V. Yurtov identified Leonov. They decided to continue monitoring the car. After about 20 minutes Leonov got into a Peugeot car and drove away from the house. He and Yurtov R.V. followed by a motorcycle. Leonov drove to one of the district courts in Moscow, in the area of st. Forest Moscow. There he parked and sat in the car. Then a woman got into his car, and the two of them drove to the Krylatskoye district of Moscow, on st. Krylatsky hills. Upon arrival, Leonov and this woman entered an apartment building on the street. Krylatsky hills. He and Yurtov R.V. have remembered this house. After that he reported this new address to A.Kh. Gutiev, A.S. Omarov. and Yashkina E.I. For several days, the guys were monitoring this new house and found out that Leonov lives there and regularly arrives there in a Peugeot car.
After that he and Yurtov R.V. decided to carry out their murder plan. To this end, he instructed Gutiev U.Kh. become at the entrance to the Krylatsky hills area from the Zvenigorod highway. R.V. Yurtov he himself determined the place where Yashkina E.I. In the tasks of Gutiev U.Kh. and Yashkina E.I. it was included to inform him and R.V. Yurtov. by means of a radio station about Leonov's passage in a Peugeot car past them, that is, they coordinated them. They used the Vertex radio stations, as far as he can remember. The place of the murder he and Yurtov R.V. chose a parking place in front of the house on the street. Krylatsky hills of Moscow.
In mid-September 2011, he does not remember the exact date; in the evening, he and R.V. Yurtov. on a foreign-made motorcycle under his control, we drove to the house on the street. Krylatsky hills. They stood at the entrance to the courtyard of Leonov's house. Yurtov R.V. with him was a pistol with a silencer, similar to the PM pistol, which he had taken at the Ramenki-1 SNT in his dacha near Moscow. After some time Leonov arrived in a Peugeot car. He told U.Kh. Gutiev by radio. and Yashkin E.I., that Leonov appeared, and they can leave their places. When Leonov drove into the yard and drove to the parking lot, Yurtov R.V. immediately went in that direction. From where he stood on the motorcycle, Leonov's Peugeot car was not visible in the parking lot. After about a minute Yurtov R.V. returned. He got on the back of the motorcycle and said, "we're done, let's go." He realized that Leonov had been killed, and they drove off. They drove out of town, drove to the Moscow Ring Road, arrived at the dacha in "Ramenka-1", where RA Bagaev, II Zasseev, GG Slonov lived. and Kudziev T.M. There, Yurtov R.V. had to get rid of the gun. Upon arrival, Yurtov R.V. he told him that he had shot at Leonov at the moment when he wanted to get something out of the Peugeot car. Also Yurtov R.V. said that there was a woman in the car with Leonov. From the dacha in Ramenki, he and Yurtov R.V. left by car, leaving the motorcycle at the dacha. The next day, he arrived at the dacha in Ramenka, where A.M. Gagiev was staying. He reported to him that his order had been fulfilled and told the circumstances of Leonov's murder "
“No later than 01.09.2012, the exact date and time have not been established, the head of the criminal community Gagiev A.M. an order was given to the head of the structural unit of the criminal organization - the gang Dzhioev A.B. about the commission of the murder of A.S. Leonov
During this period, Dzhioev A.B. informed about the direction of the head of the criminal community Gagiev A.M. about the commission of the murder of A.S. Leonov the members of the gang led by him, which is a structural subdivision of the criminal community, Yashkin E.I., Yurtov R.V., as well as active members of the criminal organization Omarov A.S. and Gutiev U.Kh., who gave their voluntary consent to participate in the upcoming crime.
Being the head of the structural unit of the criminal community and at the same time the organizer of the crime, Dzhioev A.B. developed a plan to commit the murder and distributed the roles between the accomplices in the upcoming crime, according to which Dzhioev A.B. retained control over the execution of parts of the criminal plan, surveillance of A.S. Leonov. and delivery of R.V. Yurtov to the crime scene, who was entrusted with taking part in the surveillance of A.S. Leonov, as well as direct production of shots at him from firearms. Also Dzhioev A.B. entrusting Yashkina E.I., Omarov A.S. and Gutiev U.Kh. to spy on A.S. Leonov, to report on his movements by means of a secret connection and in any other way to facilitate the implementation of the criminal plan.
Carrying out preparatory measures for the upcoming murder of A.S. Leonov, in the period from 09/01/2012 to 09/10/2012, approximately 6 times, in the morning and evening, Yashkin E.I. and R.V. Yurtov, in an unidentified Honda Accord, stood in different places near the house at the place of residence of A.S. Leonov, at the address: Moscow, st. Krylatskie Hills, house no. 36, building no. 1 and observed the said house in order to determine whether AS Leonov lived there.
In turn, in the same period of time, Dzhioev A.B., Omarov A.S. and Gutiev U.Kh., on an unidentified Volkswagen Golf car, as well as an unidentified foreign-made motorcycle, were tracking Leonov A.S.
In view of the fact that during the specified time, Yashkin E.AND. and Yurtov R.V. failed to identify A.S. Leonov, further surveillance of the house began to be carried out by A. B. Dzhioev. and R.V. Yurtov, on an unidentified foreign motorcycle.
In the period from 09.09.2012 to 12.09.2012, Yurtov R.V. together with Dzhioevym AB, on an unidentified motorcycle of foreign production, under the control of the latter, arrived at the household located at plots No. 109, 111, 112, 113, 114 at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovo district, pos. Summer vacation, SNT "Ramenka-1", where Yurtov R.V. took an unidentified Baikal pistol of 9 mm caliber, equipped with a device for silent shooting and loaded with at least 5 rounds of ammunition. After that, Yurtov R.V., with the aim of using in the upcoming murder, carried out illegal carrying of the specified weapon.
As a result of the surveillance, Dzhioev A.B., identified the place of the crime - the courtyard of the house, at the address: Moscow, st. Krylatsky hills, house number 36, building number 1, in which Leonov A.S. lived, and in time - 09/12/2012, when Leonov A.S., together with his wife, will return home.
On behalf of Dzhioev A.B., who acted in pursuance of the instructions of the head of the criminal community Gagiev A.M., Yashkin E.I., together with Omarov A.S. began to monitor the road in the area of the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow, located on the street. Butyrskiy Val, 7, Moscow, where Leonov's wife A.S. worked. - Adamova T.Yu. in order to inform A.B. Dzhioev by means of a radio station. about the movement of A.S. Leonov home. For a similar purpose, on the route from the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow to the house of A.S. Leonov, on behalf of A. Dzhioev, there was U.Kh. Gutiev, also equipped with a radio station for secret communication with the rest of the accomplices in the crime.
12.09.2012, no later than 6 pm, Yashkin E.I. and A.S. Omarov, in an unidentified Honda Accord, stood in front of the building No. 5 on the street. Butyrskiy Val in Moscow, about 50 meters from the Savelovskiy District Court of Moscow.
On the same day, at about 21 o'clock, when the Peugeot car, driven by AS Leonov, drove away from the building of the said court and drove in the direction of the house, past Yashkina E.I. and Omarova A.S., they, through a portable radio station, reported this to Dzhioev A.B.
In turn, Gutiev U.Kh., who was on the route of A.S. Leonov, realizing his part of the criminal plan, informed A.B. Dzhioev, about the movement of A.S. Leonov's car. towards the house of the latter.
On the same day, 09/12/2012, in the period from 19 hours 30 minutes to 22 hours 00 minutes, Yurtov R.V., acting as part of a criminal community, at the direction of its leader A.M. Gagiev, together with A. B., on an unidentified foreign motorcycle under the control of the latter, armed with the above-mentioned firearms, arrived in the courtyard of an apartment building at the place of residence of A.S. Leonov, where he was expecting the latter, with the intent of killing him.
09/12/2012, in the period from 22 hours 00 minutes to 23 hours 00 minutes, when the car "Peugeot" drove into the courtyard of the house at the address: Moscow, st. Krylatskie hills, house number 36, building number 1, parked there and Leonov AS got out of it. and Adamova T.Yu., about the approach of which his and Dzhioeva A.B. the accomplices of the crime Yashkin E.I., Omarov A.S. warned in advance. and Gutiev U.Kh., Yurtov R.V., fulfilling the role assigned to him in the crime, approached A.S. Leonov, using an unidentified Baikal pistol of 9 mm caliber, equipped with a device for silent shooting and equipped with ammunition, made in Leonov A.S. at least 5 shots, causing the latter to have gunshot wounds, from which he died at the scene of the crime. "

To be continued
Arseny Dronov