How the family of a major official of the Moscow City Hall makes money on the extraction of rocking chairs

Phenomenal opportunities open up administrative resources and connections! Relatives of the Minister of the Government of Moscow, First Deputy Head of the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow Alexei Nemeryuk, under the guise of an official, played a major scam. As the VChK-OGPU telegram channel and found out, Nemeryuk’s relatives took a long-term lease (leasing) of sports equipment for a fitness room for a period of 5 years, equipped them with 3,000 sq.m. of the sports complex, operated the equipment day and night and do not pay rent, do not return the equipment to the lessor and win lawsuits. With whose help they win is very clear.
On March 1, 2017, LLC Leasing Company "EXPERT-FINANCE" (Lessor) and LLC "Fantastica" (TIN 5003072330) concluded a long-term financial lease (Leasing) agreement dated March 1, 2017 for a period of 60 months. Since February 2019, payments under the contract have ceased, the equipment has not been returned to the lessor. The amount of the debt is more than 50,000,000 (fifty million) rubles.
The equipment was installed at the address: Moscow, st. Avtozavodskaya, 18, P2-027, shopping center "Riviera", without the right to move it. The equipment continues to be "successfully" and operated free of charge, but already under the name of the fitness center "LOMOV JIM"!
Since March 2020, a bankruptcy procedure has been introduced in respect of Fantastica LLC. The general director of Fantastika LLC claimed that Fantastika LLC did not have this equipment and could not (or did not want to) return anything. The indicated room, in which the equipment was supplied and installed, (and continues to be used!) allegedly has already been handed over to another organization, and what kind of equipment is installed there is a moot point. This premises is rented by Lomov LLC.
To use the legal right to seize their own equipment - the owner is not allowed!
The said equipment is pledged to the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency". The absence of equipment, its non-return as collateral equipment, its concealment (or the possible fact of theft) causes direct damage to state interests on an especially large scale!
As found out, the following picture emerges on affiliation issues:
The founders of Fantastica LLC are individuals:
- Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Galkin (aka General Director), (TIN: 772438994681),
- Nemeryuk Anna Mikhailovna (TIN 770474390709), she is also a relative of the well-known Minister of the Government of Moscow Nemeryuk Alexei Aldekseevich, First Deputy Head of the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow.
- Kuzmina Natalya Vladimirovna (TIN 770405035767).
LLC "Fantastica" - the former owner of the Trademark "LOMOV"
in 2020 with almost the same founders, openly
LLC "LOMOV", founders at that time:
- Nemeryuk Anna Mikhailovna (TIN 770474390709),
- Kuzmina Natalya Vladimirovna (TIN 770405035767).
- Galkina (Spouse) Elena Viktorovna (TIN 7743782022).
which, instead of Fantastica LLC, entered into a lease agreement for the same areas of the fitness center, while continuing to operate our equipment!
Subsequently, the participants transferred their shares
European media group LLC (TIN 7743782022)
- founder of 100% Chamov Alexander Alexandrovich (TIN 772450689275) - he is also a co-owner of a fitness club.
In turn, Mr. Chamov A.A. is also one of the founders of
LLC "Atmosfera" (TIN 7714380897), together with Ms. Nemeryuk A. M.
- Nemeryuk Anna Mikhailovna (TIN 770474390709),
- Chamov Alexander Alexandrovich (TIN 772450689275).
Atmosfera Global LLC (TIN 9718034980) - founders:
- Nemeryuk Anna Mikhailovna (TIN 770474390709),
- Chamov Alexander Alexandrovich TIN 772450689275),
UNION LLC (TIN 7724924666) Founders:
- Pastukhov Vladimir Vladimirovich (TIN 772438522128) - he is also a co-owner of a fitness club.
- Khramtsov Evgeny Vladimirovich (TIN 381016147306) - a friend of the club owners and a chain dog - a lawyer.
- Chamov Alexander Alexandrovich (TIN 772450689275)
General Director: Pastukhov Vladimir Vladimirovich (TIN 772438522128) until May 12, 2017
General Director Chamov Alexander Alexandrovich (TIN 772450689275) from 05/12/2017
Since 2020, a large block of arbitration proceedings has been initiated against Fantastika LLC and its affiliated structures. Representatives of Fantastika LLC began to deliberately drag out lawsuits, including the process of terminating the lease agreement and returning the equipment. Leasing payments are not paid, the property is not returned. The beneficiaries of the fitness club have several legal entities with business processes for managing sports and fitness centers in Moscow and in the regions of the Russian Federation (Lomov LLC, Atmosfera Global LLC, UNION LLC, Atmosfera LLC, etc. .d.) . Everybody structures are affiliated with each other. The lawyer representing the interests of all affiliated structures of the debtor is represented by the same person - Mr. Yevgeny Vladimirovich Khramtsov, who is a business participant. These individuals, also being participants in legal structures, are involved in the bankruptcy process launched by Fantastika LLC, which indicates the deliberateness of the bankruptcy procedure introduced and an attempt to withdraw collateral property to the "side"!
Thus, Fantastica LLC, Lomov LLC, European Media Group LLC, Atmosfera LLC, Atmosfera Global LLC, UNION LLC, Chamov Alexander Alexandrovich, Pastukhov Vladimir Vladimirovich, Nemeryuk Anna Mikhailovna, Galkin Dmitry Vyacheslavovich, Kuzmina Natalya Vladimirovna, Khramtsov Evgeny Vladimirovich belong to the same group of persons controlled by Alexander Alexandrovich Chamov and Vladimir Vladimirovich Pastukhov, united by family, corporate and economic ties. With direct affiliation, it is not possible to prove anything in court! We went through all the stages of consideration - everywhere a refusal. Based on the fact that the founders are not responsible for the conduct of business activities. And this despite the fact that the founders participate in another 10 enterprises in this field of activity, invest their funds, and are absolutely not interested in the activities of the enterprises they created and do not influence their work in any way!))
Sources of drew attention to the presence among the founders of these structures - a well-known surname in the circles of the Government of Moscow - Nemeryuk Anna Mikhailovna (TIN 770474390709), this is not a namesake, but the wife of Nikita Alekseevich Nemeryuk's younger brother - Minister of the Moscow Government Nemeryuk Alexei Alekseevich, the first Deputy Head of the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Trade and Services of the City of Moscow. It is the hand of Alexei Nemeryuk that can be seen in the ongoing events and court decisions.
Lengthy negotiations on the return of equipment and various options for paying off debt under a leasing agreement in 2019-2020 did not lead to success. Every time they evaded transferring the equipment to the owner
On January 30, 2020, in order to seize the equipment, the owner was not allowed into the premises, the equipment was not presented, they were not returned, stating that this premises is now occupied by another company, another legal entity On this basis, at the beginning of 2020, the owner filed an application with the Department of Internal Affairs Moscow to initiate a criminal case against the General Director Galkin D.V. on the basis of fraud.
On April 28, 2021, with the involvement of representatives of the equipment supplier, the OBEP of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow inspected the equipment at the address of delivery and installation, which confirmed the complete availability of equipment for the period of the inspection at the specified address. in Moscow dated April 28, 2021, it follows that the inspection of the scene conducted by the officers of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Leninsky District established that the disputed property is located at the indicated address, (Moscow, Avtozavodskaya st., 18, P2-027) .
Thus, Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Galkin, Director General of Fantastika LLC, as part of the structure of affiliated persons, does not return, by fraud and abuse of trust, and attempts to transfer the property owned by Expert-Finance Leasing Company LLC to another legal entity worth more than 50 000,000 rubles (Fifty million) rubles, which, according to the note to Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is an especially large amount. The equipment is pledged to the State Corporation "DIA".
The owner has been trying to resolve the issue in civil law for more than two years. During these years, the owner's organization, under the loan agreement, accrues interest, penalties and fines, driving the organization into debt! At the same time, the debtor, through affiliated structures, continues to use the equipment free of charge, degrading its quality, does not make it possible to withdraw the equipment for its sale and repayment of debts to the DIA Group, deliberately delaying all arbitration processes.
The initiation of a criminal case was denied, due to the lack of corpus delicti.
To be continued
Roman Trushkin