The judicial corps of the Krasnodar Territory breathed a sigh of relief. The statement of claim of the Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation to the former main court of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Chernov and an impressive number of representatives of the Chernov clan, after hanging around in the district courts of Kuban, was, as a result, transferred to the Krasnogorsk City Court of the Moscow Region in mid-December. The claim is about appealing to the state of a gigantic, estimated at 7 billion, "property complex" that ended up in the hands of the clan by far from righteous means.

Rukriminal.info believes that the panic of the Kuban judges is understandable. Initially, the claim was thrown to the Kropotkin court. But everything there was “caught” by the family of the now deceased former head of the district Vitaly Ochkalasov, a great friend of Alexander Dmitrievich (moreover, Ochkalasov’s widow and his children are also listed in the lawsuit). That is, it would be necessary to judge according to the law, but how? Then the prosecutor general’s paper ended up in the Central Court of Sochi. Which also twisted the local servants of Themis in a bad way. In Sochi, hundreds of real estate properties were sawed up for kickbacks, and completely illegal, unauthorized buildings were legalized by the courts. And always with the self-interested patronage of the court. And the kickback to Chernov for a number of properties (in particular, for the Melodiya shopping center, which we talked about) is also “gratitude” for resolving “issues” from the Black Sea mafia – the family of the Sochi authority Vitya “Nerussky” (we talked about this “friendly” division of the shopping center). Which, despite the disappearance of the "Don" (they say that "Nerusskiy" was buried somewhere in the mountain forests), honors criminal traditions.
So, if the lawsuit had remained in the regional courts, those who were forced to make decisions would have had an epic wedge: well, how to issue a "verdict" on the seizure of the clan's 7 billion property in favor of the state, when much of this property is kickbacks from what was confirmed in those very same courts?
Obviously, what kind of tough decision the Prosecutor General expects on the high-profile lawsuit. But how to make the only correct decision for corrupt Kuban courts? Not an easy task. Chernov expected that the lawsuit would ultimately be transferred to one of the Moscow district courts (there are also good connections there), but the Prosecutor General's Office, it seems, calculated the cunning moves. And the lawsuit was sent to Krasnogorsk near Moscow. We hope that our texts will also help in passing a fair sentence. Today we will continue.
In general, when you look at the list of defendants in the Prosecutor General's lawsuit, the picture is painted in some Sicilian colors. Among the defendants are wives and mistresses, an illegitimate son and a "marital" granddaughter, other relatives, friends. It seems that Chernov's corruption was transmitted to his entourage for years in a variety of ways. It could be "infected" sexually and airborne, caught through a handshake.
Initially, all these defendants were by no means greedy. But, having come into contact with the "hotbed" - Alexander Dmitrievich Chernov, they immediately converted to the corrupt faith. Without any incubation period. And the first convert in this corrupt Kuban zombie land was Chernov's first wife - Galina Timofeevna Chernova. In her youth, a modest girl, a vocational school student with a sewing bent, became one of the first (in the subsequent series) loves of, as it now turns out, the Russian champion in judicial corruption. And one can assume that when the young judge, who was then making his career in Kazakhstan, proposed to young Galya, she had nothing in mind about the upcoming construction of criminal schemes.
The first, already, as it were, long-time ex-wife, Galina Timofeevna Chernova, is not listed among the defendants in this high-profile case. But among the property ordered for seizure in the claim of the Prosecutor General's Office are premises in Krasnodar on Yankovsky Street, 41. This is where the Notary Chamber of Krasnodar Krai is located. Its president is G. T. Chernova, and the vice-president is the Chernovs' daughter, Elena Aleksandrovna Ryazanskaya. The premises in question are registered to the granddaughter of Alexander Dmitrievich and Galina Timofeevna – Anastasia Ryazanskaya (wife of the son of judge Elena Khakhaleva – Kirill).

And it is precisely this granddaughter – a judge of the regional arbitration court, who is listed among the defendants in the lawsuit. The notary chamber… rents premises from the granddaughter of the notary grandmother.

However, this point, against the background of the grandmother’s other earnings, is somehow awkward to even call slightly criminal. Galina Timofeevna has different corruption scales. Although the family does not disdain such a trifle as “divorcing” the entrusted chamber for a ridiculous, by Chernov’s corruption standards, rent. But we will tell you about other fashionable “lines” of earnings of the “granny”.
The first is the sale of vacant positions of notaries by holding “independent” competitions for replacement. Judging by the number of summonses to the Federation Council of the President of the Federal Notary Chamber Konstantin Korsik to the "carpet" of Valentina Matviyenko, the topic is relevant. Matviyenko has repeatedly "hinted" to the Russian notary to the top brass that there is a big problem with these competitions. In the Krasnodar region, we are talking about bribes totaling tens of millions of rubles. Almost no competition for vacant notary positions in the "fat" districts (for example, Krasnodar, Sochi, Novorossiysk, Anapa, etc.) is held without assessing the financial capabilities of the applicants. After which the most financially attractive "victory" in the competition is offered.
To assess the scale, we will give an example of one, albeit long-standing, competition. We chose this illustration only because Galina Chernova's first place of work as a notary, after the family moved to Kuban from Kazakhstan, was Tuapse. It was here that Chernova first began working as a notary. The story is connected with Valkova's voluntary retirement from notary work. By that time, Galina Timofeevna had long been the regional notary president. Having put together a strong criminal group around himself to "coerce" applicants for attractive notary positions to bribe. The organized criminal group included - at that time the head of the regional justice Irina Kovaleva and her lover - an employee of the regional division of the Ministry of Justice Nikolai Zakharov. Zakharov, a former police officer (he worked in the Seversky district department of the region), dismissed from the authorities for organizing fraudulent schemes related to covering up VAT schemes, and having as a result of the trial a sentence under Art. 159, part 2; 30, part 3 and 33, part 5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It seems strange that a person with such a sentence could just be the head of the department of resource provision of accounting of the Department of the Ministry of Justice for the Krasnodar Territory. That is, one of the leaders of the structure headed by Kovaleva. But love, as we know, is blind. ¬¬¬¬
At that time, the commission for holding competitions for vacant positions included both representatives of the notary and representatives of the justice system. In reality, only two votes decided everything: Chernova and Kovaleva.
It was Zakharov in the OPS structure who was responsible for "negotiations" with candidates and voicing the price of "victory". But in the case of the competition in Tuapse, everything did not go smoothly. Valkova herself took on the "issue", having held "negotiations" with the parents of one of the applicants. And it was she who presented them with a "bill" for the victory: a cottage for herself in the resort village of Agoy on the seashore (when the events unfolded, it belonged to the chairman of the Tuapse District Court Sergei Evgenievich Krotov) and half a kilo of gold jewelry "personally for Chernova". In those cheap resort times, the purchase of a cottage bribe cost the applicant's family only 5 million rubles (the current price is under 50).
Vera Mikhailovna Valkova took the gold to Chernova and prepared another 500 thousand rubles for a bribe to Kovaleva. When Zakharov found out about this "petty detail", the applicant's family, hoping to resolve the issue in such a "traditional" way, was doomed. Zakharov was offended not by the bribe itself, but by its indecent smallness. True, Zakharov tried to "reason" with the candidate's family. He held negotiations with Ashot Karagozyan (at that time the head of the enterprise for bunkering oil products in the port of Tuapse) and asked to convey that the acceptable amount should be at least 2 million. At that time, this was the price of a two-room apartment in Tuapse. The applicant's family, which the organized crime group had already forced to spend a lot "for the service", refused such another "increase" in rates. The most surprising thing is that all this notary-corruption fuss was going on right at the time when the investigation of Zakharov was being completed and the case was being transferred to court. The case was sent there on August 5, 2016, the verdict was issued on December 12, 2016. And the competition for Tuapse was held on September 23, 2016. Considering the connections of his "great love" Kovaleva, Zakharov could feel immortal. And it is clear that there was no talk of any victory for Valkova's protégé. Initially, the victory "for Zakharov's reasons of principle" was won by a young lady who did not pay anything. But then this disorder was "corrected". Today, the premises where Valkova's notary office was located in Tuapse on Karl Marx Street 15 (and this is the very center of this port city) are occupied by the office of another notary - Nartova. And it must be said that she received the position for a pittance. Valkova handed over to the management of the notary chamber "jewelry" for only 100 thousand rubles, for resolving the issue of appointing A. Nartova. What's up today? Nartova has her own office on Karl Marx. The cottage in Agoy (23:33:011001:403-23/232/2020-2) was "customsed" for themselves by Valkova's children, sending their mother "to the madhouse". Now its official owner is Valkova's daughter Elina. After the order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 63 dated 03/30/2018 "On approval of the procedure for holding a competition to fill a vacant position of notary", regional representatives of the Ministry of Justice were deprived of the opportunity to participate in the commissions for holding these competitions. Which on the one hand destroyed the organized crime group in its original form, since Kovaleva and Zakharov were removed from the scheme, but on the other hand made Chernova a monopolist in this corruption scheme. Soon Kovaleva transferred to please the justice of Adygea with their peculiarities. Now she is already retired. And now Igor Babayev works in the place of the head of the regional division of the Ministry of Justice. He also has a peculiar relationship with the Chernov clan. Chernov at one time rejected Babayev from a leadership position in the regional court. Yes, the career prospects of Babayev's daughter, who has a notary license, also with the monopoly of Chernova and her family on competitions, were doomed without financial injections. However, formally Babayev did not hold a grudge against such a fiasco - getting involved with the Chernov clan would have been simply risky then.
After the "departure" of Chernov's accomplices, one was left at the bribe trough. The situation turned out to be like in the joke: "and then it went off the rails." If any of the Kuban law enforcement officers were interested in the scheme (which is highly unlikely), they could have called for a polygraph many "winners" of notary Chernov competitions in recent years. We would have learned a lot of interesting things. We can throw in some names of strange "winners": Netsvetailova I.V., Netsvetailov D.V., Minosyan L.S., Barcho R.R., Takhmzyan A.A., Basova O.M., Klimenkov G.P. and N.A. and A.R., Dunamalyan A.M., Simatov A.A., Kamuz A.S., Sergeev I.O., Sidorenko (who suddenly became Mikheev) V.T., Lagodina L.I., Morozov N.D. and others. They all became notaries as a result of a conspiracy based either on the right connections (as in the case of the daughter of the justice chief Kovaleva - Shirokina E.V.), or, which is much more common, on "bringing in" considerable money towers. In fact, it is possible to have a heart-to-heart talk, under the protocols of the surveys, with many winners of competitions in attractive districts. And the anger that not so long ago the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko brought down on the notary public precisely because of the venality of competitions would be amplified to the level of a hurricane.
The fact that Matviyenko is trying to somehow bring order to this twilight (at least in Kuban for sure) sphere is definitely not included in the plans of the notary public leadership. After all, then such abundant corruption troughs will float away. Among which the sale of notary places is far from the only one.
Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info

Rukriminal.info believes that the panic of the Kuban judges is understandable. Initially, the claim was thrown to the Kropotkin court. But everything there was “caught” by the family of the now deceased former head of the district Vitaly Ochkalasov, a great friend of Alexander Dmitrievich (moreover, Ochkalasov’s widow and his children are also listed in the lawsuit). That is, it would be necessary to judge according to the law, but how? Then the prosecutor general’s paper ended up in the Central Court of Sochi. Which also twisted the local servants of Themis in a bad way. In Sochi, hundreds of real estate properties were sawed up for kickbacks, and completely illegal, unauthorized buildings were legalized by the courts. And always with the self-interested patronage of the court. And the kickback to Chernov for a number of properties (in particular, for the Melodiya shopping center, which we talked about) is also “gratitude” for resolving “issues” from the Black Sea mafia – the family of the Sochi authority Vitya “Nerussky” (we talked about this “friendly” division of the shopping center). Which, despite the disappearance of the "Don" (they say that "Nerusskiy" was buried somewhere in the mountain forests), honors criminal traditions.
So, if the lawsuit had remained in the regional courts, those who were forced to make decisions would have had an epic wedge: well, how to issue a "verdict" on the seizure of the clan's 7 billion property in favor of the state, when much of this property is kickbacks from what was confirmed in those very same courts?
Obviously, what kind of tough decision the Prosecutor General expects on the high-profile lawsuit. But how to make the only correct decision for corrupt Kuban courts? Not an easy task. Chernov expected that the lawsuit would ultimately be transferred to one of the Moscow district courts (there are also good connections there), but the Prosecutor General's Office, it seems, calculated the cunning moves. And the lawsuit was sent to Krasnogorsk near Moscow. We hope that our texts will also help in passing a fair sentence. Today we will continue.
In general, when you look at the list of defendants in the Prosecutor General's lawsuit, the picture is painted in some Sicilian colors. Among the defendants are wives and mistresses, an illegitimate son and a "marital" granddaughter, other relatives, friends. It seems that Chernov's corruption was transmitted to his entourage for years in a variety of ways. It could be "infected" sexually and airborne, caught through a handshake.
Initially, all these defendants were by no means greedy. But, having come into contact with the "hotbed" - Alexander Dmitrievich Chernov, they immediately converted to the corrupt faith. Without any incubation period. And the first convert in this corrupt Kuban zombie land was Chernov's first wife - Galina Timofeevna Chernova. In her youth, a modest girl, a vocational school student with a sewing bent, became one of the first (in the subsequent series) loves of, as it now turns out, the Russian champion in judicial corruption. And one can assume that when the young judge, who was then making his career in Kazakhstan, proposed to young Galya, she had nothing in mind about the upcoming construction of criminal schemes.
The first, already, as it were, long-time ex-wife, Galina Timofeevna Chernova, is not listed among the defendants in this high-profile case. But among the property ordered for seizure in the claim of the Prosecutor General's Office are premises in Krasnodar on Yankovsky Street, 41. This is where the Notary Chamber of Krasnodar Krai is located. Its president is G. T. Chernova, and the vice-president is the Chernovs' daughter, Elena Aleksandrovna Ryazanskaya. The premises in question are registered to the granddaughter of Alexander Dmitrievich and Galina Timofeevna – Anastasia Ryazanskaya (wife of the son of judge Elena Khakhaleva – Kirill).

And it is precisely this granddaughter – a judge of the regional arbitration court, who is listed among the defendants in the lawsuit. The notary chamber… rents premises from the granddaughter of the notary grandmother.

However, this point, against the background of the grandmother’s other earnings, is somehow awkward to even call slightly criminal. Galina Timofeevna has different corruption scales. Although the family does not disdain such a trifle as “divorcing” the entrusted chamber for a ridiculous, by Chernov’s corruption standards, rent. But we will tell you about other fashionable “lines” of earnings of the “granny”.
The first is the sale of vacant positions of notaries by holding “independent” competitions for replacement. Judging by the number of summonses to the Federation Council of the President of the Federal Notary Chamber Konstantin Korsik to the "carpet" of Valentina Matviyenko, the topic is relevant. Matviyenko has repeatedly "hinted" to the Russian notary to the top brass that there is a big problem with these competitions. In the Krasnodar region, we are talking about bribes totaling tens of millions of rubles. Almost no competition for vacant notary positions in the "fat" districts (for example, Krasnodar, Sochi, Novorossiysk, Anapa, etc.) is held without assessing the financial capabilities of the applicants. After which the most financially attractive "victory" in the competition is offered.
To assess the scale, we will give an example of one, albeit long-standing, competition. We chose this illustration only because Galina Chernova's first place of work as a notary, after the family moved to Kuban from Kazakhstan, was Tuapse. It was here that Chernova first began working as a notary. The story is connected with Valkova's voluntary retirement from notary work. By that time, Galina Timofeevna had long been the regional notary president. Having put together a strong criminal group around himself to "coerce" applicants for attractive notary positions to bribe. The organized criminal group included - at that time the head of the regional justice Irina Kovaleva and her lover - an employee of the regional division of the Ministry of Justice Nikolai Zakharov. Zakharov, a former police officer (he worked in the Seversky district department of the region), dismissed from the authorities for organizing fraudulent schemes related to covering up VAT schemes, and having as a result of the trial a sentence under Art. 159, part 2; 30, part 3 and 33, part 5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It seems strange that a person with such a sentence could just be the head of the department of resource provision of accounting of the Department of the Ministry of Justice for the Krasnodar Territory. That is, one of the leaders of the structure headed by Kovaleva. But love, as we know, is blind. ¬¬¬¬
At that time, the commission for holding competitions for vacant positions included both representatives of the notary and representatives of the justice system. In reality, only two votes decided everything: Chernova and Kovaleva.
It was Zakharov in the OPS structure who was responsible for "negotiations" with candidates and voicing the price of "victory". But in the case of the competition in Tuapse, everything did not go smoothly. Valkova herself took on the "issue", having held "negotiations" with the parents of one of the applicants. And it was she who presented them with a "bill" for the victory: a cottage for herself in the resort village of Agoy on the seashore (when the events unfolded, it belonged to the chairman of the Tuapse District Court Sergei Evgenievich Krotov) and half a kilo of gold jewelry "personally for Chernova". In those cheap resort times, the purchase of a cottage bribe cost the applicant's family only 5 million rubles (the current price is under 50).
Vera Mikhailovna Valkova took the gold to Chernova and prepared another 500 thousand rubles for a bribe to Kovaleva. When Zakharov found out about this "petty detail", the applicant's family, hoping to resolve the issue in such a "traditional" way, was doomed. Zakharov was offended not by the bribe itself, but by its indecent smallness. True, Zakharov tried to "reason" with the candidate's family. He held negotiations with Ashot Karagozyan (at that time the head of the enterprise for bunkering oil products in the port of Tuapse) and asked to convey that the acceptable amount should be at least 2 million. At that time, this was the price of a two-room apartment in Tuapse. The applicant's family, which the organized crime group had already forced to spend a lot "for the service", refused such another "increase" in rates. The most surprising thing is that all this notary-corruption fuss was going on right at the time when the investigation of Zakharov was being completed and the case was being transferred to court. The case was sent there on August 5, 2016, the verdict was issued on December 12, 2016. And the competition for Tuapse was held on September 23, 2016. Considering the connections of his "great love" Kovaleva, Zakharov could feel immortal. And it is clear that there was no talk of any victory for Valkova's protégé. Initially, the victory "for Zakharov's reasons of principle" was won by a young lady who did not pay anything. But then this disorder was "corrected". Today, the premises where Valkova's notary office was located in Tuapse on Karl Marx Street 15 (and this is the very center of this port city) are occupied by the office of another notary - Nartova. And it must be said that she received the position for a pittance. Valkova handed over to the management of the notary chamber "jewelry" for only 100 thousand rubles, for resolving the issue of appointing A. Nartova. What's up today? Nartova has her own office on Karl Marx. The cottage in Agoy (23:33:011001:403-23/232/2020-2) was "customsed" for themselves by Valkova's children, sending their mother "to the madhouse". Now its official owner is Valkova's daughter Elina. After the order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 63 dated 03/30/2018 "On approval of the procedure for holding a competition to fill a vacant position of notary", regional representatives of the Ministry of Justice were deprived of the opportunity to participate in the commissions for holding these competitions. Which on the one hand destroyed the organized crime group in its original form, since Kovaleva and Zakharov were removed from the scheme, but on the other hand made Chernova a monopolist in this corruption scheme. Soon Kovaleva transferred to please the justice of Adygea with their peculiarities. Now she is already retired. And now Igor Babayev works in the place of the head of the regional division of the Ministry of Justice. He also has a peculiar relationship with the Chernov clan. Chernov at one time rejected Babayev from a leadership position in the regional court. Yes, the career prospects of Babayev's daughter, who has a notary license, also with the monopoly of Chernova and her family on competitions, were doomed without financial injections. However, formally Babayev did not hold a grudge against such a fiasco - getting involved with the Chernov clan would have been simply risky then.
After the "departure" of Chernov's accomplices, one was left at the bribe trough. The situation turned out to be like in the joke: "and then it went off the rails." If any of the Kuban law enforcement officers were interested in the scheme (which is highly unlikely), they could have called for a polygraph many "winners" of notary Chernov competitions in recent years. We would have learned a lot of interesting things. We can throw in some names of strange "winners": Netsvetailova I.V., Netsvetailov D.V., Minosyan L.S., Barcho R.R., Takhmzyan A.A., Basova O.M., Klimenkov G.P. and N.A. and A.R., Dunamalyan A.M., Simatov A.A., Kamuz A.S., Sergeev I.O., Sidorenko (who suddenly became Mikheev) V.T., Lagodina L.I., Morozov N.D. and others. They all became notaries as a result of a conspiracy based either on the right connections (as in the case of the daughter of the justice chief Kovaleva - Shirokina E.V.), or, which is much more common, on "bringing in" considerable money towers. In fact, it is possible to have a heart-to-heart talk, under the protocols of the surveys, with many winners of competitions in attractive districts. And the anger that not so long ago the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko brought down on the notary public precisely because of the venality of competitions would be amplified to the level of a hurricane.
The fact that Matviyenko is trying to somehow bring order to this twilight (at least in Kuban for sure) sphere is definitely not included in the plans of the notary public leadership. After all, then such abundant corruption troughs will float away. Among which the sale of notary places is far from the only one.
Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info