As a source told Rucriminal.info, the ICR is conducting investigative actions related to the billionaire, the founder of the insurance company Nasta and the Russian Industrial Bank (ROSPROMBANK), the owner of the Lefkadia wine estate, Mikhail Nikolaev. Investigator Roman Vidyukov checks Nikolaev for involvement in the withdrawal of ROSPROMBANK's assets, primarily two large buildings. The evidence base has already been collected, the former president of Rosprombank Sergey Salogubov was questioned on these circumstances. In 2019, he was sentenced to five years for embezzlement of bank funds and is now at large. Everything goes to the presentation of charges against Nikolaev, only the acquaintances of the billionaire interfere with this.

The Rucriminal.info correspondent became aware of the essence of the claims against Nikolaev, which may turn into accusations.
In 2007 Nikolaev M.I., being the owner of CB ROSPROMBANK, entered into a deal with Kiprskiy Laiki Bank. In accordance with the terms of the deal, Laiki Bank directly acquired 50.04% of the shares of the Russian bank, the remaining share was planned to be acquired after an audit. The deal was worth about $ 80 million. The first share Nikolaev M.I. received immediately. However, Nikolaev agrees to provide his company, RPB Holding, with a loan secured by shares of the company that owns the bank. Thus, Nikolaev receives the money in its entirety, the interested managers of the subsequently collapsed Laiki Bank will receive a considerable share of these funds in the form of kickbacks. Apparently, taking into account the same gratitude, Nikolaev leaves in the Bank the management under his control, which helps to successfully spend the funds of the bank and the Cypriots to finance the companies belonging to him, including the acquisition of the famous Lefkadia and other assets. After the sad peak of Laika Bank in Cyprus, there is a wonderful period of timelessness for the philanthropist and winemaker Nikolaev, which is expressed in the fact that the government of Cyprus is not up to the non-core assets of Laika Bank, which they inherited, and there are no longer any obligations to the previous managers of Laika Bank itself.
So, in 2014, Nikolaev decides to regain part of the assets for which he had previously received money and which were included in the perimeter of the transaction in accordance with the shareholder agreement. According to a source of Rucriminal.info, through ingenious legal manipulation, the bank is removed from the number of voters in a real estate transaction and real estate is simply sold for a pittance to Nikolaev's company, by the way, in this company he even officially became a member of the board of directors. But, this is all just juggling with the law, which, if Nikolaev were not, according to his own statements, a friend of a number of high-ranking security officials, they would not have been in vain, and the fraud begins at the moment when the funds received by RPB invest for the building are solely the decision is not invested anywhere, but in companies owned by Nikolaev, in Lefkadia in particular. And the ever-memorable ROSPROMBANK does not receive a dime. The cynicism of the situation lies in the fact that the building itself is leased to ROSPROMBANK itself, at a price twice the market price. That is, having stolen the premises from the bank, the same premises were rented out to the bank. When the leadership of the Republic of Cyprus got their hands on foreign assets, the whole scheme was opened, but the bank did not live to see it being made public.
At the disposal of Rucriminal.info was Sergey Salogubov's appeal to law enforcement agencies.
“I ask for your attention and assistance in connection with the unlawful actions of an organized group of persons aimed at stealing the assets of CB ROSPROMBANK (LLC) (hereinafter referred to as the Bank).
Since February 2016, I have been acting president of CB ROSPROMBANK LLC, being the sole executive body.
Currently, the beneficiary and the actual owner of 48% of the Bank through dummies is the citizen Mikhail Ivanovich Nikolaev. Throughout my work in the bank, from the side of D.V. Korolev, who is the head of the security of M.I. Nikolaev, and other persons acting on the instructions of Nikolaev, I received requests for the withdrawal of bank funds under unsecured loans with no prospects for their subsequent return, that is, theft of bank funds. Since I was clearly aware that I was being asked to become an accomplice in the theft of funds, I answered Korolyov with a categorical refusal. At the same time, D.V. Korolev He referred to the fact that this demand and the order of the actual owner of the bank - Nikolaev, exerted psychological pressure on me, forcing me to participate in the theft of funds.
Moreover, actions to steal the Bank's assets were taken by Nikolayev earlier, as a result of which the property belonging to the Bank was stolen.
Thus, in 2007, RPB-Holding OJSC was a member of the Bank with a 99.9% stake in the authorized capital, and S.I. Wasserman was nominally its CEO. However, the actual owner of OJSC RPB-Holding and, accordingly, the Bank was M.I. Nikolaev.
26.12. 2007, an extraordinary general meeting of the Bank's participants made a decision to acquire a stake in the amount of 52.13332% of the authorized capital of RPB-invest LLC by contributing to the authorized capital of the latter as a contribution to the property owned by the Bank, namely: non-residential premises with a total area of 2289, 1 sq. ... m., located at the address: Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 35, bld. 2. Pursuant to the specified decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Participants, the Bank on 22.02.2008 transferred, and LLC RPB-invest took over the abovementioned property, the market value of which amounted to 179,653,000 (one hundred seventy nine million six hundred fifty-three thousand) rubles.
This transaction was economically unjustified, since RPB-invest LLC prior to this transaction did not have assets commensurate with the real estate transferred by the Bank and was unprofitable. Thus, the criminal group under the leadership of Nikolaev M.AND. got the opportunity to dispose of the property of the Bank. For a long time, this property was leased to the Bank itself and to third parties, and the funds received from the lease were also stolen.
02/07/2010 at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Participants of RPB-invest LLC, the Bank, being a majority participant in RPB-invest LLC with a share in the authorized capital of 52.13332% and being under the actual management of M.I. Nikolaev, voted for the appointment with 02/08/2010 for a period of 3 (three) years for the post of General Director of LLC RPB-invest, the same - Sergey Iosifovich Wasserman.
12/30/2013 Sergey Iosifovich Wasserman, whose terms of office as CEO of LLC RPB-invest expired in February 2013, and, therefore, illegally exercising the rights and powers of the executive body of LLC RPB-invest, entered into with the Bank represented by and. O. President - Vice-President Muk Natalia Danilovna a new lease agreement for the above-mentioned non-residential premises, under which the Bank's monetary obligations were fulfilled to the settlement account of RPB-invest LLC opened with the Bank.
He, Wasserman S.I., acting as part of an organized group and realizing a criminal intent aimed at acquiring the right to someone else's property by deception or abuse of trust, in order to hide the traces of a crime committed, opened a settlement account for RPB-invest LLC in OJSC NB TRUST for the transfer of funds received from the sale of the above non-residential premises, as evidenced by the additional agreement submitted by him, S.I. Wasserman, to the Bank dated June 30, 2014 to the lease agreement.
In the future, he, S.I. Wasserman, continuing to illegally exercise the powers of the executive body of RPB-invest LLC, acting deliberately at the direction and in the interests of members of an organized group under the leadership of Nikolaev, realizing a criminal intent aimed at acquiring the right to someone else's property by deception or breach of trust, organized a fictitious Extraordinary General Meeting of Participants of LLC RPB-invest on the issue of alienation of the property owned by LLC RPB-invest, previously contributed by the Bank as a contribution to the authorized capital of LLC RPB-invest.
At the same time, he, Wasserman S.I., realizing the illegality of his actions and wanting the onset of socially dangerous consequences, or allowing the possibility of their occurrence, in violation of the requirements of the Federal Law of 08.02.1998 No. 14-FZ "On Limited Liability Companies" did not notify the Bank , as a participant of RPB-invest LLC, on the time and place of the Extraordinary General Meeting of RPB-Invest LLC participants, as well as the proposed agenda.
As a result, on 06/09/2014 at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Participants of RPB-invest LLC by a Liability Company Limited by the shares of TROSLI HOLDINGS LIMITED (British Virgin Islands) with a share in the authorized capital of 47.86668% represented by Vladimir Ivanovich Gudimenko, who acted by power of attorney, in the absence of the Bank - a participant in LLC RPB-invest with a stake in the authorized capital of 52.13332%, and, therefore, in the absence of a majority participant, an interested party transaction was approved, namely: alienation in favor of LLC EstateGroup under an agreement sale and purchase of non-residential premises with an area of 2278.5 sq. m., located at the address: Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 35, bldg. 2, and the transfer of a share in the amount of 43/100, amounting to 0.0305 hectares in the right to lease a land plot with a total area of 0.071 hectares, located at the same address.
At the same time, earlier, as follows from Minutes No. 5 dated 06/09/2014 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Participants of RPB-invest LLC, persons acting as part of an organized group, in order to prepare and hide traces of a crime, performed actions aimed at electing a member of the Board of Directors Nikolaev M.I. a member of the Management Board of LLC "EstateGroup" - a fictitious body of management of the company, - created exclusively for criminal purposes in the absence of any commercial expediency.
In such circumstances, in order to give the appearance of the legality of the vote Extraordinary general meeting of participants of RPB-invest LLC on the issue of alienation in favor of EstateGroup LLC of the above property, and, consequently, the upcoming sale and purchase transaction, Sergey Iosifovich Wasserman, elected Secretary of the meeting, and Vladimir Ivanovich Gudimenko, elected The Chairman of the meeting, acting as part of an organized group, on 09.06.2014, in the absence of a representative of the Bank, drew up and signed Minutes No. 5 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Participants of RPB-Invest LLC, according to which the Bank, on far-fetched grounds, was recognized as an interested person in the transaction, on the basis of which an illegal conclusion was made that there were no grounds for taking the Bank's votes into account when determining the voting results.
At the same time, Sergei Iosifovich Wasserman and Vladimir Ivanovich Gudimenko, acting deliberately as part of and in the interests of an organized group, entered into Protocol No. 5 of 09.06.2014 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Participants of RPB-Invest LLC information that Mikhail Ivanovich Nikolaev is an affiliated person, since he is a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank and at the same time is a member of the Management Board of EstateGroup LLC.
Thus, the Bank, being a majority shareholder in LLC RPB-invest with a share in the authorized capital of 52.13332%, and, therefore, by virtue of the provisions of the Charter of LLC RPB-invest, Federal Law No. 14-FZ dated 08.02.1998 "On Limited Liability Companies" and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, having the right to directly participate in the management of RPB-invest LLC, including the right to attend the general meeting of the company's participants, take part in the discussion of issues on the agenda and vote when making decisions, due to criminal actions of an organized group consisting of the above persons, was illegally deprived of the right to vote at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Participants on 06/09/2014 on the issue of alienation of the above property.
In order to further implement the criminal intent, to conceal the traces of the committed crime and the location of the property acquired illegally, the persons acting as part of an organized group took actions to alienate (probably repeatedly) the above property.
So, according to the information contained in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It, the owner of the above property is currently Alliance Capital LLC (OGRN 5147746081973, INN 7707843640).
At the same time, the members of the organized group created the appearance of a paid deal. The funds received by RPB-invest LLC were “chased” through the companies affiliated with Nikolaev and subsequently also stolen.
Thus, as a result of illegal actions of persons acting as part of an organized group under the leadership of M.I. Nikolaev, the Bank, being a member of RPB-invest LLC with a share in the authorized capital of 52.13332%, was illegally deprived of the owner's rights to determine the methods property management of RPB-invest LLC and its use for entrepreneurial activities.
Thus, persons who acted intentionally as part of an organized group committed theft of someone else's property by deception or abuse of trust on an especially large scale, namely on non-residential premises with an area of 2278.5 sq. m., located at the address: Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 35, bldg. 2, and a share of 43/100, constituting 0.0305 hectares in the right to lease a land plot with a total area of 0.071 hectares located at the same address, thereby causing the Bank property damage in the amount of on an especially large scale, that is, they committed a crime under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Also, I ask you to draw your attention to the fact that as a result of the theft of the Bank's assets, the ability of a credit institution to meet its obligations to customers, including citizens - depositors, is reduced, which in the event of bankruptcy will entail causing significant harm to the budget of the Russian Federation and state interests.
I am ready to provide documents confirming the arguments set out in the application immediately upon the request of the law enforcement officers. "

To be continued
Timofey Grishin