As a source reported after the publications of the VChK-OGPU and Rucriminal.info about the heads of the timber mafia (leaders are the head of the Federal Forestry Agency Ivan Sovetnikov and State Duma deputy Nikita Chaplin), law enforcement agencies seized documents and equipment from the director of the Moslesproekt branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Roslesinforg of Rosleskhoz (the leading enterprise in the field of forest relations in the Moscow Region) Chirkun M.V.
As part of the materials on the illegal registration of land plots of the land category of timid points with K№ 50:20:0010312:70; K№ 50:20:0010312:71; K№ 50:20:0010312:72; K№ 50:20:0010312:73 from the lands of the State Forest Fund, the copyright holder Shokhin A.N., Shokhina E.A., on which capital structures were built, including a residential building, with a total area of 2250 sq.m. We are talking about the estate of the family of the President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin.

Before the formation of these plots, the territory was part of the forest plot of the State Forest Fund with K№ 50:20:0010336:358 of the tenant of Eximart LLC, the oligarch Branovitsky I.S., from which the said plots were illegally allocated, after several cadastral divisions (manipulations), the land plots became the lands of settlements, with the new owner Shokhin A.N.
Rucriminal.info found out how the lands of the federal property of the State Forest Fund were stolen. The firms of Chaplin Yu.K., Chaplin N.Yu., Chaplina T.V. made a request that the land plots are not included in the boundaries of the State Forest Fund, to the director of FL "Moslesproekt" FSBI "Roslesinforg" Netbalsky N.K. (headed for 15 years - son-in-law of the President of the RSPP Shokhin A.N.), who concluded that the land plot is not listed in the forest register, then the director of the Zvenigorod branch of the State Institution of the Moscow Region "Mosoblles" (all lands surrounding the Rublevskie forests of the Moscow Region) Chirkun M.V. made an ACT that the specified land plots are not the State Forest Fund. In fact, FL "Moslesproekt" FSBI "Roslesinforg" Netbalsky N.K., in conjunction with the director of the Zvenigorod branch of the State Institution of the Moscow Region "Mosoblles" Chirkun M.V. destroyed archives of forest documentation, documents, replaced them with forest maps, forest tablets, where the desired area was not included in the boundaries of the State Forest Fund of the Moscow Region.
Then the Chaplin firms submitted a package of documents to the administration of the Odintsovo District of the Moscow Region and registered the applicant's rights to lease land plots with subsequent redemption for +- 50,000 -200,000 rubles, depending on the area of the land plots.
After registering the land plots in the category of land of populated areas, the land plots were sold at a price of 3 to 10 million US dollars and more, and in fact they sold federal property of the Russian Federation, by forging forest maps, forest tablets, taxation characteristics and descriptions, plans for afforestation of forest plots.
Over 20 years, more than 1,000 such cases of sale of land plots, registered by forgery by the Chaplin and officials of the Forestry Department of the Moscow Region land plots from the lands of the State Forest Fund. The same thing was done on many sections of the State Forest Fund of the Moscow Region, which are indicated in the applications addressed to the heads of law enforcement agencies.
"EVERYONE is now OUT and does not know what to do with the castle of Shokhin A.N. and other oligarchs erected on forest sections of the State Forest Fund of the Podushkinsky district forestry of the Moskvoretsky forestry of the Odintsovo urban district of the Moscow Region," a source told Rucriminal.info.

Sovetnikov I.V., Chaplin N.Yu. agreed with the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov on the dismissal of Agulov E.V. from the post of Chairman of the Forestry Committee of the Moscow Region.
From 12/11/2024, Stanislav Yuryevich Oprya (repeatedly verified by N.Yu. Chaplin, I.V. Sovetnikov) was to be appointed Chairman of the Forestry Committee of the Moscow Region, it was announced everywhere, the contract and the Governor's order were signed, he was presented to the team.
From 12/02/2024, S.Yu. Oprya is officially the Deputy Chairman of the Forestry Committee of the Moscow Region.
On Wednesday, 12/04/2024, something went WRONG:
At the end of the working day, S.Yu. Oprya was called to his office by the Chairman of the Committee, E.V. Agulov, and sent home, the office was taken away, the equipment was removed.
"Nobody tells anyone anything, it is still unclear why.
Now the personnel department is in "SHOCK", they do not know what to do, because of the information curtain.
The Main Directorate of the Regional Security Service of the Moscow Region gave instructions to cancel the pass for Opre S. Yu. for passage and travel to the Government of the Moscow Region and the Forestry Committee of the Moscow Region, citing an oral instruction from the Governor of the Moscow Region, Vorobyov A. Yu.
Now even a one-time pass for Opre S. Yu. to enter the Committee or the Government of the Moscow Region is prohibited, passage only with the consent of the Main Directorate of the Regional Security Service of the Moscow Region,” notes the source of Rucriminal.info.
In July 2023, since cases were revealed in which, being a member of an organized crime group, he prepared draft orders of the Committee that contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, in favor of and on the instructions of Chaplin N. Yu. and Sovetnikov I. V. on a non-gratuitous basis, and the Chairman of the Forestry Committee of the Moscow Region, Bozhenov O. V. (former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia) i) immediately fired Oprya S. Yu, gave him one hour to pack his things and formalize his dismissal, did not allow him to transfer his affairs, and banned everyone from communicating with him.
Among other things, Sovetnikov I. V. is being considered for the post of Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation.
On November 12, 2024, a joint meeting was held between Mishustin M. V., Patrushev D. N., Kozlov A. A., Sovetnikov I. V., as a result of which an order was given to the Director of the Department of Personnel of the Government of the Russian Federation Vishnyakov A. I. to prepare a package of documents addressed to the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin for the approval of the candidacy of Sovetnikov I. V. for appointment to the post of Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation. Currently, the materials are being signed by Mishustin M. V. We are waiting for the signature to send to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
To be continued
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info