As Rucriminal.info already wrote, the "gray eminence" of the North-West region Alexander Gimadiev, also known as the head of the "M" department of the St. Petersburg FSB, is aimed at capturing and managing all the shadow, and not only, cash flows of the Leningrad region.
Having received as a potential witness (which does not cancel his status as an accused) the ex-deputy chairman of the control committee of the governor of the Leningrad region Oleg Zinchenko, Gimadiyev strikes at one of the most profitable areas - construction.

Starting with the St. Petersburg billionaire, co-owner of the Euroinvest company, the well-known developer Andrei Berezin, also known as the wallet of the governor Alexander Drozdenko, Alexander Vladimirovich took on the officials of the building block of the Leningrad region. After the detention, and then the arrest, last Saturday of the deputy chairman of the construction committee of the Leningrad region, Sergei Shalygin, for a small bribe of half a million rubles by the standards of a "big construction site", there was an occasion to send the Investigative Committee to the regional Gosstroynadzor. Given the unprecedented, and effective, activity of the Investigative Committee in the committees of the regional government over the past six months, there is no doubt that the current "inspection" in the State Construction Supervision Authority will also end with an increase in the population of the pre-trial detention center and a corresponding decrease in funding sources and financial reserves of the Governor of the Leningrad Region. Recall:
- in early December, the ex-chairman of the fuel and energy committee, Yuri Andreev, was detained and arrested;
- in January, the former deputy chairman for state property management Oleg Zinchenko was detained;
- ex-deputy chairman of the Gosstroynadzor Lobanovsky was sentenced in December to 5 years for taking a bribe;
- the case of the former head of the department for issuing permits for the construction of Gosstroynadzor Raisa Skuridina went to court;
- Roman Kirbabin, chief specialist of the State Construction Supervision Committee, is under investigation.
Gimadiyev now has more than enough "initial data" for the UK. As it became known to Rucriminal.info, Shalygin expressed a desire to help the investigation and admitted his guilt. However, as a valuable source of information, he was arrested for two months, and not released on bail, as is usually the case in such cases. The point here is that the story of Alexei Bobrov, which served as the reason for the arrest of Shalygin, is by no means the result of an operational development or the usual inclination to cooperate with Bobrov as a potential bribe-giver. Here everything is more interesting and stupider. Shalygin, who, due to the nature of his work and shadow activities, it would seem, should be as careful as possible, conducted unprotected conversations on a regular telephone, including far from personal topics. Secure messengers - no, I have not heard. Add here Mr. Shalygin's serious passion for alcohol - and the puzzle will be formed. The rest is a matter of elementary technology, especially since Shalygin's phone, like the phones of most officials of the Leningrad region, has long been tapped by operatives of the regional FSB, and reports on the results of wiretapping regularly lay down and lie down on Gimadiyev's desk. All that remains for him is to give the “face” command at the right time in the direction of the defendant that is interesting at that moment. Moreover, the direct executors in such cases, as a rule, are the profile Department of Economic Security of the Police Headquarters, so that the employees of the “M” department, together with their leader Alexander Gimadiyev, always remain in the shadows.
It must be understood that the arrested Bobrov is also not eager to be responsible for Shalygin's gouging and drunkenness alone, therefore, purely humanly, he has a grudge and wants revenge. Since a rare business brings only one place and one official in the government of a subject of the federation, then in two months of arrest, Alexey Bobrov is thought to write a detailed and voluminous essay on a given topic, outlining facts, names and details. Memory in a pre-trial detention center in people who are accustomed to completely different living conditions begins to work very well, remembering the smallest details of recent times. Sometimes even the ones that didn't exist.
Paying tribute to the creative mind and perseverance of Gimadiyev, we look forward to the next no less spectacular and effective actions of the investigating authorities and the FSB, and, as in a good duel, the response of Governor Drozdenko. If he disregards the increased activity of his opponent, then the arrests may begin to grow like a snowball, sooner or later the quantity will definitely turn into quality, and it will be too late for Drozdenko to act, with no one and nothing.
Source: www.rucriminal.info