In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a criminal case is being investigated on charges of embezzlement by fraud against Oleg Mitvol, Zharkov and Titov. The actions of these persons caused almost 1 billion rubles of damage to the federal budget and the budget of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The accused Mitvol was detained on June 8, 2022 at Vnukovo airport while trying to fly to Dubai, was subsequently arrested and is currently in custody in SIZO No. 1 in Krasnoyarsk. At the same time, State Duma deputies Alexander Khinshtein and Oleg Savchenko personally vouched for Mitvol, pointing to "Mitvol's deal with the investigation" and the desire to pay off the damage caused.

According to a Rucriminal.info source, as part of the preliminary investigation in this criminal case, “miracles actually happen,” which should at least become grounds for checking the activities of Konchus K.I. and his subordinates from the competent authorities. The following facts deserve special attention: in the framework of the investigation, Konchus K.I. seized the property and assets of the defendants, in total it turned out to be arrested in the aggregate for about 250 million rubles, while the damage in the case is almost 1 billion rubles. From time to time, while extending Mitvol's detention, investigator Konchus K.I. in his petitions, he indicates that Mitvol has bank accounts in foreign currency outside the Russian Federation, as well as expensive real estate, and therefore he must be kept in custody. Considering these two circumstances, the investigator Konchus K.AND. contrary to the requirements of the law, and logic in general, twice allows a notary visit to Mitvol during his detention, as a result of which Mitvol issued powers of attorney for close relatives and controlled persons to dispose of funds and real estate located both in Russia and beyond. For the first time, notary Petrov A.V., in August 2022, comes to Mitvol directly to the building of the Federal Security Service of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Krasnoyarsk, Dzerzhinsky St. 18 is indicated by the place of the notarial act directly in the text of the power of attorney), where the power of attorney is issued (on the 22 AA 4939157, registered in the register under No. 24-94-n / 24-2022-13-566) for Vinogradova I.A. (controlled by Mitvol's wife - Lyudmila), giving the latter the right to dispose of Mitvol's funds located in PJSC Rosbank.
As a source told Rucriminal.info, as a result of such a simple operation, under the patronage of Konchus K.I., Mitvol's wife, by the hands of Vinogradov I.A. withdraws about 25 million rubles from accounts in PJSC Rosbank, and more than 2 million dollars in cash !!! picks up from bank cells. 25 million rubles withdrawn from accounts at PJSC Rosbank, by an interesting coincidence, were returned to Mitvol Tinkov by the bank, it was about the theft of this money in June-July 2022 that the media wrote. With all this, to date, Mitvol has paid no more than 1 million rubles to pay off damages in the criminal case. Why these funds were not seized (and may be lifted) is a separate question.
The second power of attorney (already for daughter Alice) was issued on March 16, 2023 by the acting notary of the Krasnoyarsk notary district Petrov A.V. - Combat A.F. (on form 24 AA 5059164, registered in the register for No. 24/04-n/24-2023-1-248). This power of attorney was issued to represent the interests of the principal in First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC, located in the United Arab Emirates, where Mitvol did not fly on the day of detention. The power of attorney also gives the right to dispose of the 200-meter apartments owned by Mitvol, which are located in one of the most expensive residential complexes on the palm tree - Dubai Royal Atlantis, apartment 308. Where the money withdrawn this time will go and to whom the overseas property will be re-registered is an open question. It is noteworthy that the place of drawing up the second power of attorney is Krasnoyarsk, st. Maerchaka d.48 - Krasnoyarsk Tuberculosis Hospital No. 1 of the GUFSIN in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in which Mitvol O.L. himself has been kept for a long time in very comfortable conditions, having the opportunity to use mobile communications for his personal purposes. What is most interesting is that he calls while in custody from Konchus K.I.’s mobile phone…

To be continued
Arseny Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info