A source from the VChK-OGPU telegram channel reported that the so-called partners of the billionaire and part-time State Duma deputy Andrei Skoch are experiencing an “unhealthy revival.” The reason for this is not at all happy. For the second time in recent years, oligarch Andrei Skoch was suspected of cancer.

The billionaire parliamentarian initially had no fears for his health and came for modern procedures at the Clinical Institute of Aesthetic Medicine. However, during the examination, doctors discovered a tumor in Skoch. Now many studies have been ordered to show whether it is malignant or not. According to the interlocutor, the new tumor greatly frightened Andrei Skoch himself, who only three years ago underwent surgery to remove the tumor. In 2021, events developed according to the same scenario: a billionaire came to the Guta dental clinic to get his teeth spruced up, but immediately ended up in the emergency room. He had a tumor removed from the maxillary sinus, which, after a special examination, was classified as a cyst.
However, ordinary miners, deceived at one time by the structures of Skoch and his partner Usmanov, invite the State Duma deputy to dialogue.
Rucriminal.info continues the saga of deceived miners and metallurgists of the Belgorod region.
Our publications do not go unnoticed. Opponents of a group of minority shareholders of LGOK OJSC launched an unprecedented information attack against the miners of the Lebedinsky GOK.
Various media are used, from regional television to Federal channels.
Thus, in the Russia24 Belgorod story, a threat was made against not only members of a small group, but also a warning to all miners in the region not to even try to think about supporting a group of minority shareholders. whom the authors of Lenta-ru called scammers. The stories from Metalloinvest are replete with distorted facts and contain outright lies.
Metalloinvest's PR people didn't stop there. They conducted a whole conspiracy investigation into the ARGA Human Rights Association, which defended miners in Europe, and tried to smear the President of the Association in order to discredit the activities of human rights activists.
The fact is that ARGA defends the interests of not only a small group of minority shareholders, but also invited all minority shareholders of the Lebedinsky GOK to join the Claim and declare their rights to private property.
The colossal efforts of Metalloinvest with a huge budget for custom articles and television spots are being made due to the fact that Metalloinvest’s lower-level lawyers were unable to fulfill even a compromise agreement with the miners reached at a high level. Instead of signing an already agreed upon settlement agreement, in order to curry favor and save an insignificant amount for their bosses, Alex Tumanyan and Sergey Chibisov (pictured and video) fabricated a criminal case against Andrei Burkin, the leader of a group of miners.
Which, according to lawyers, should have frightened the miners, thereby forcing them to abandon further struggle for justice. But the desire to curry favor with Usmanov, Moshiri and Skoch led to results opposite to those expected.
For many years, the miners tried to reach a peace agreement so as not to wash dirty linen in public. They wrote letters asking for peace to Usmanov, Efendiev, etc. In response to the letters, lawyers and employees of Metalloinvest got in touch with the miners.
Some, referring to the decisions of the lost courts, threatened the minority shareholders with criminal prosecution, others, showing good will and humanity, tried to find a way out of this situation, and Grigory Levchenko almost succeeded. However, attempts at peace were dashed by the misplaced zeal of the head of the legal department, who relies on immediate, intermediate results to demonstrate his significance.
As a result, on June 4 of this year, the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights accepted an appeal from the ARGA association in defense of Russian miners. The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention accepted the ARGA's appeal in defense of Andrei Burkin.
Also, preparation of a claim against Metalloinvest, affiliated legal entities has begun. persons and its beneficiaries on the fact of illegal seizure of miners' property, fraud in the EU, Great Britain and tax evasion (on an especially large scale).
The legality of placing Metalloinvest Eurobonds on the credit and financial market without taking into account the interests of minority shareholders of Lebedinsky GOK OJSC and OEMK OJSC will be contested. The miners have documentary evidence regarding all criminal aspects of the activities of Metalloinvest and its shareholders. Metalloinvest, neither in Russia nor in the EU, reported the 3-4 billion export revenue of its enterprises, which quietly settled offshore, and the pre-tax profit of the foreign trade link was reported at the level of 7% of revenue!
As the Russian proverb says, force a fool to pray to God, and he will break his forehead.
Thanks to the zeal of Alex Tumanyan and Sergei Chibisov to save pennies for their owners by yet another deception of the miners will most likely lead to huge material costs and inevitable reputational damage for Messrs. Usmanov, Skoch and Moshiri.
Andrei Burkin's support group also asks you to sign a petition to protect and support him:
A hearing has been scheduled for August 1, 2024 in the case of the representative of the group of minority shareholders, Andrei Burkin, in the Sverdlovsk District Court of the city of Belgorod.
A group of miners invites the defender of family values, Andrei Vladimirovich Skoch, a State Duma deputy from the voters of the Belgorod region, to a hearing on case No. 12401450007000466.
From the resolution on the separation of the criminal case dated January 31, 2024 at 19:51 -
“Senior investigator of the 4th department of the Investigative Committee for the ROPD of the Investigative Directorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Closed Joint-Stock Company of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Captain of Justice E.V. Olshevsky in agreement with the Deputy Chief of the RCPD of the Investigative Directorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Closed Joint-Stock Company of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Colonel of Justice A.A. Zaprudnov:
“Thus, unidentified persons committed extortion, that is demand for the transfer of property, namely the funds of JSC Holding Company Metalloinvest in an especially large amount, under the threat of disseminating information that could cause significant harm to the rights and legitimate interests of JSC Holding Company Metalloinvest, that is, they have committed a crime under paragraph “b” » part 3 art. 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the above circumstances from criminal case No. 12201450007000708, it is necessary to single out a criminal case for a new episode of criminal activity in relation to persons unidentified by the investigation.”
Yuri Prokov
Source: www.rucriminal.info