According to the source of the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU, it is currently extremely restless in the Bank Dom.RF. The attention of the SB employees was attracted by the dubious concessions of Alexander Ivanov, the director for problem assets. A number of loan cessions carried out by him and amicable agreements executed were executed at a lower cost. Particularly stood out was the assignment of obligations to the Bank of a large entertainment center in the home of the top manager, in Nizhny Novgorod. The large entertainment center "Robinson-NN" was pledged to the State Bank, the rights of claim to which for 250 million were sold by Ivanov to the persons behind the beneficiary of the business - Sukhanovskiy V.E. and at a price ten times cheaper than a blank loan.

As it turned out during the internal audit of the SVK, the interested party and the banker were neighbors, and their wives were friends. After the main troublemaker moved from Nizhny Novgorod to the capital, warm relations continued and allowed the deal that was unprofitable for the bank to collapse.

However, even more surprising for the bank employees were the facts that surfaced about the unconventional orientation of the main investor, who, according to eyewitnesses, was having fun at SPBILF-23 in the company of young law students. After the discovery of his account on the American social network for minorities, the troublemaker, who found himself in a negative information field, according to the interlocutor, is trying to resolve his issues by moving to an increase in the Debt Restructuring Assistance Fund under the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

At the disposal of Rucriminal.info was an unusual correspondence from a dating site, one of the participants of which is Alexander Ivanov. In correspondence with casual acquaintances, a young hornet from Moscow with a nickname - Alex Velvetty (Alex Barakhatisty), Alexander Ivanov in the world, complains about the hardships of routine office plankton in the Arbat area, and is not at all averse to “stinging” someone from new acquaintances. He himself, according to the questionnaire on the site, considers himself a non-binary personality and is ready for various experiments on the eve of the holiday of all lovers - St. Valentine's Day.

Yuri Prokov
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info