воскресенье, 2 февраля 2025 г.

Kislyak's Web

Kuban "Al Capone" in a robe

The well-known "fixer" and shadow leader of the Kuban justice system, Chairman of the Kuban Council of Judges, Chairman of the Civil Collegium of the Krasnodar Regional Court Vladimir Kislyak manages not only the Krasnodar Regional Court, the regional district courts and its Chairman Alexey Shipilov, as a personal "CJSC", but also controls all financial flows for decisions made by the regional and district courts. Permissiveness and large financial receipts from decisions made seemed to him insufficient income and, apparently, he decided to put the financial flows of the Krasnodar Arbitration Court under his control, trying to replace Chairman Alexey Egorov with his own man, "ordering" compromising videos and articles regarding Egorov and his family in the media and various Internet resources, including in "Moment of Truth".

Publications of negative content in the media and Internet channels are Kislyak's "thing". He has long used this technique against his opponents and colleagues, very skillfully and successfully. "Ordered" and published compromising articles against the "unwanted" leadership of the 4th Cassation Court, which overturned illegal and paid decisions, achieved his goal. Articles against Shepilov, about him drinking, and his wife managing the court and deciding all issues, are needed by Kislyak in order to provoke and draw Shepilov into a confrontation with dissatisfied judges, to whom Kislyak gives illegal, criminal orders to make the decisions he needs. Kislyak bullies "recalcitrant" judges by calling them to the Council of Judges, which is his "cudgel" for taming judges who disobey his orders. There is a huge wave of negative information about Kislyak today and he understands that he will not be able to steer and cope with this situation on his own. He needs Shepilov's help with his administrative resource.

Kislyak is following a proven and successful scheme. At his request, they are spreading negativity towards the Sochi businessman Tozlyan, trying to attract and pull his administrative resource to their side, touching on key employees in the AP to resolve their issues.

In order to somehow whitewash himself before the Supreme Court, Kislyak publishes articles in the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, where he is published on a permanent commercial basis, that all the attacks and articles exposing him in corruption, pressure on judges, are the tricks of dissatisfied and dismissed Sochi judges. Convenient for the legend! But the judges were dismissed half a year ago, and the articles have been going on for more than ten years. Where former judge Novikov in his numerous videos accused Kislyak of corruption and pressure on judges, after which Kislyak did everything to put him in jail and shut his mouth.

In order to somehow mitigate the negative in the media and secure some paper for the Supreme Court and show it off, Kislyak asks to organize a controlled check against himself based on numerous publications in the media, that he and his family have foreign passports, permanent residence in a foreign country, permanently reside in Cyprus, own real estate, etc.

Only the result of the check is already predetermined. He applied to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Krasnodar Territory, where the majority of members of the collegium of judges of the Krasnodar Territory and district courts, which are subordinate to him and on which he has influence, special checks will be carried out by the Regional structures, with which Kislyak has long-standing friendly relations. Therefore, the result will be obvious: "NOTHING WAS CONFIRMED." He is divorced from his wife, the children live with her. Kislyak has no relation to the real estate, money and accounts of his wife and mother-in-law abroad. As usual, the ex-wife earned everything herself with her mother-in-law.

In Kuban, everyone has long known that Kislyak takes all the corrupt money immediately abroad. The billions of his former boss Chernov are a drop in the ocean compared to what Kislyak has abroad. According to the source, the new head of the UFSB has something to work on, to show his toughness and integrity, to spin this octopus of corruption built by Kislyak, and he will be hundreds of times more corrupt than the notorious Rostov judges. Only he needs to enlist the support of federal structures, otherwise Kislyak will suppress all the checks, having connections and entangling everyone in his money web.

Operating billions in cash, it will be difficult to get out of it. As soon as targeted work begins on Kislyak and his accomplices, there will be a lot of testimony, audio recordings, including on judges, who gave what commands, where, to whom and for what it was given, how and through whom the money was transferred abroad. If we review and collect all the publications that make up more than one volume on Kislyak and his accomplices, then it will be much easier for the FSB officers to work, the necessary material for the investigation is almost ready. The most important thing is that this octopus is within the power of the new head of the FSB. And that he shows his strong character and does not get entangled in Kislyak's professionally woven web. If Shepilov has no reason to worry, he should contact the VKKX in connection with the conflict of interest on the subject of verification of Kislyak's connection with Cyprus, citizenship, permanent residence, real estate of the family and children, accounts abroad, offshore companies. According to what documents, and what real estate does the family, wife and children of Kislyak use and own, where have they lived in Cyprus for many years? And for what purpose does Kislyak fly there monthly and constantly, if he is divorced from his wife? Or is this just a fictitious divorce? Cyprus and other countries are the base for concentration of Kislyak's corrupt assets. According to the interlocutor, it is time for the special services, the Supreme Court to stop "Kislyak's exclusivity". Why can Kislyak have real estate, children and a wife abroad, why can he humiliate honest judges and give criminal, illegal orders, why can he use the Council of Judges and the Krasnodar Regional Court to achieve corrupt goals? And why, as usual, will nothing happen to him for this? He always comes out dry, the checks do not give anything and will not give anything until they take him seriously and send the check to another region. It is very strange that for many years the media has been writing about Kislyak's connection with Cyprus and about corruption, but everything happens quietly and unnoticed.

Other judges, like in Rostov, would immediately have their powers terminated and sent under investigation. This is how exceptional Kislyak is under the patronage of Supreme Court judge Momontov.

Arseny Dronov

Source: www.rucriminal.info

Паутина Кисляка

Кубанский "Аль Капоне" в мантии

Всем известный "решала" и теневой руководитель кубанского правосудия, председатель Совета судей Кубани, Председатель гражданской коллегии Краснодарского краевого суда Владимир Кисляк управляет не только Краснодарским краевым судом, районными судами края и его председателем Алексеем Шипиловым, как личным "ЗАО", но и контролирует все финансовые потоки за вынесенные решения краевым и районными судами. Вседозволенность и большие финансовые поступления от принятых решений, показались ему недостаточными доходами и, судя по всему, он решил поставить под свой контроль и финансовые потоки Краснодарского Арбитражного суда, пытаясь сменить Председателя Алексея Егорова на своего человека, «заказывая» компрометирующие ролики и статьи в отношении Егорова и его семьи в СМИ и различных интернет-ресурсах, в том числе в "Моменте Истины".

Публикации негативного содержания в СМИ и интернет-каналах, это "фишка" Кисляка. Он давно пользуется этим приемом против своих оппонентов и коллег, очень умело и успешно. «Заказанные» и опубликованные компрометирующие статьи против "неугодного" руководства 4 Кассационного суда, отменявшего незаконные и проплаченные решения, достигли его цели. Статьи против Шепилова, о том что тот пьет, а его жена управляет судом и решает все вопросы, нужны Кисляку для того, чтобы спровоцировать и втянуть Шепилова в противостояние с недовольными судьями, которым Кисляк дает противозаконные, преступные команды для вынесения нужных ему решений. Кисляк третирует "непокорных" судей вызовом на Совет судей, который является его "дубиной" для укрощения ослушавшихся его распоряжения судей.

В отношении Кисляка сегодня идет громаднейший вал негативной информации и он понимает, что сам не вырулит и не справиться в этой ситуации. Ему нужна помощь Шепилова со своим админресурсом.

Кисляк идет по отработанной и успешной схеме. По его заказу идут негатив на Сочинского предпринимателя Тозляна, пытаясь привлечь и перетянуть на свою сторону его админресурс, затрагивая ключевых сотрудников в АП для решения своих вопросов.

Что бы как то отбелить себя перед ВС, Кисляк выпускает в «Российской газете» статьи, где он печатается на постоянной коммерческой основе, что все нападки и статьи изобличающие его в коррупции, давлении на судей, - это проделки недовольных и уволенных сочинских судей. Удобно для легенды! Но судей уволили пол года назад, а статьи идут более десяти лет. Где бывший судья Новиков в своих многочисленных видеороликах обвинял Кисляка в коррупции и давлении на судей, после чего Кисляк все сделал, что бы его посадить и рот ему закрыть.

Что бы как-то смазать негатив в СМИ и заручиться какой-нибудь бумагой для ВС и козырять ей, Кисляк просит организовать в отношении себя управляемую проверку по многочисленным публикациям в СМИ, о том, что он и его семья обладают иностранными паспортами, ПМЖ иностранного государства, постоянно проживают на Кипре, обладая недвижимостью и т.д..

Только результат проверки уже предопределен. Он обратился в Квалификационную коллегию судей Краснодарского края, где большинство членов коллегии судьи Краснодарского краевого и районных судов, которые у него в подчинении, и на которых он имеет влияние, спецпроверки будут проводить Краевые структуры, с которыми у Кисляка давние дружеские отношения. Поэтому результат будет очевиден: «НИЧЕГО НЕ ПОТВЕРДИЛОСЬ». С женой разведен, дети живут с ней. Отношений к недвижимости, деньгам и счетам жены и тещи за границей Кисляк не имеет. Как обычно, бывшая жена все заработала сама с тещей.

На Кубани всем давно известно, что Кисляк все коррупционные деньги выводит сразу за границу. Миллиарды его бывшего шефа Чернова, это капля в море, против того, чем обладает Кисляк за границей. По мнению источника ка, новому руководителю УФСБ есть над чем работать, показать свою жесткость и принципиальность, раскрутить этот спрут коррупции, выстроенный Кисляком, а он будет в сотни раз коррумпированнее нашумевших ростовских судей. Только нужно заручиться поддержкой федеральных структур, иначе Кисляк все проверки загасит, имея связи и запутав всех в своей денежной паутине.

Оперируя миллиардными суммами наличных, выбраться из нее будет сложно. Как только начнется целевая работа в отношении Кисляка и его подельников, появится много показаний, аудиозаписей, в том числе на судей, кто какие команды давал, куда, кому и за что отдавалось, как и через кого выводились за границу деньги. Если пересмотреть и собрать все публикации, которые образуют не один том в отношении Кисляка и его подельников, то сотрудникам УФСБ работать будет значительно проще, нужный материал для расследования практически готов. Самое главное, чтобы этот спрут оказался по силам новому начальнику УФСБ. И чтобы он показал свой твердый характер и не запутался в профессионально сплетенной паутине Кисляка.

Если у Шепилова нет повода для переживаний, он должен обратиться в ВККС в связи конфликтом интересов на предмет проверки связи Кисляка с Кипром, гражданства, ПМЖ, недвижимости семьи и детей, счетов за границей, офшорных компаний. По каким документам, и какой недвижимостью пользуется и владеет семья, жена и дети Кисляка, где живут на Кипре много лет? И с какой целью Кисляк ежемесячно и постоянно туда летает, если разведен с женой? Или это просто фиктивный развод? Кипр и другие страны, это база сосредоточения коррупционных активов Кисляка.

По мнению собеседника, спецслужбам, Верховному Суду пора прекратить «исключительность Кисляка». Почему Кисляку можно иметь недвижимость, детей и жену за границей, почему ему можно унижать честных судей и давать преступные, противозаконные команды, почему он может использовать Совет судей и Краснодарский краевой суд для достижения коррупционных целей? И почему ему за это, как обычно ничего не будет? Сухим он выходит всегда, проверки ничего не дают и не дадут, пока за него не возьмутся серьезно и не отправят проверку в другой регион. Очень странно, что много лет СМИ пишут о связи Кисляка с Кипром и о коррупции, но все проходит тихо и незаметно.

Другим бы судьям, как в Ростове, сразу прекратили бы полномочия и отправили под следствие. Вот такая она исключительность Кисляка при покровительстве судьи ВС Момонтова.

Арсений Дронов

Источник: www.rucriminal.info

"Sports will eventually help lift sanctions"

How Nikita and Dmitry Mazepin are getting rich from war

Nikita Mazepin, after a series of scandals with drunken and drug-fueled parties, beating up girls, publicly distanced himself from old friends, and is clearly trying to gain the trust of a more "reliable" company. Relatively recently (judging by the publication of joint photos), the son of oligarch Dmitry Mazepin began shooting with Pavel Torgashov - another hero of the VChK-OGPU publications, the son of the chief security officer of the investment holding "Finam" and a friend of another son of his father and son-in-law of the criminal billionaire Skoch, Evgeny Manturov. All this, according to the plan of Nikita Mazepin and his team, should form a positive image of an athlete and businessman (the father periodically takes his son with him to various official events), replacing the image of a rich rake with sadistic inclinations who is not indifferent to alcohol and substances, which he continues to be. Dmitry Mazepin sees Nikita as his successor. What can Mazepin Jr. inherit? Rucriminal.info is trying to figure it out.

Dmitry Mazepin has been involved in scandals related to the takeover of the Togliattiazot enterprise for almost 15 years. During this time, other unsightly facts about Mazepin's activities have surfaced, characterizing him as an outright raider. Various sources have written a lot about this.

The oligarch's "roof" is considered to be the head of Rostec Sergey Chemezov, who since 2014 headed the board of directors of PJSC Uralkali, previously owned by Mazepin. Since 2023, this position has been occupied by Dmitry Osipov, Chemezov's supervisor for Dmitry Mazepin's business. Osipov headed Uralkali from 2013 to 2020. In 2021-2023. was the CEO of PJSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation, of which Rostec is a shareholder, and since 2016, he has been a member of the board of JSC UCC Uralchem, which was then owned by Mazepin.

High patronage has made Dmitry Mazepin untouchable. Neither Uralchem, nor Uralkali, nor Togliattiazot publish financial statements in open sources. The current owners of these enterprises are also not indicated. This is allowed on the Russian market only for large state-owned companies - Roscosmos or Rostec, but not private ones. Concealing the beneficiaries of Mazepin's former structures and their financial results indicates that the oligarch's business is inextricably linked with the Russian government.

This was confirmed by the appointment of Dmitry Mazepin in November last year as the head of the Russian Water Sports Federation (FWSR). In December, Mazepin took the position of vice president The Russian Olympic Committee (ROC), headed by the Minister of Sports, former Governor of Khabarovsk Krai Mikhail Degtyarev.

The vice-presidents of the ROC also included Oleg Belozerov, head of Russian Railways, Petr Fradkov, chairman of the board of Promsvyazbank, which is the backbone of the Russian military-industrial complex, oligarchs Gennady Timchenko and Arkady Rotenberg. The composition of the vice-presidential team speaks for itself - a person alien to the Russian government would definitely not be allowed there.

In November 20023, Dmitry Mazepin lost a court case that upheld sanctions against the oligarch. By that time, Mazepin had transferred his assets to the top management of his enterprises, but the European Court still considered the oligarch a source of income for the Russian government.

Apparently, Dmitry Mazepin decided that sports would eventually help lift the sanctions. The choice of sports federation for Dmitry Mazepin was not accidental. In March 2023, the International Swimming Federation allowed Russian swimmers to compete in competitions with a neutral status. Since November last year, athletes have been able to take part in relay races. This became known on November 20, and on November 22, Dmitry Mazepin took over as the head of the FVVSR, becoming a sports functionary.

With his new position, the oligarch Mazepin wants to disown his raider past, but this is unlikely to happen.

Today, according to open sources, Dmitry Mazepin is penniless. The revenue of his companies in 2023 amounted to 20 million rubles, profit - 7.9 million rubles. However, Forbes magazine estimated the businessman's fortune at $2.4 billion in 2024. In 2021, it was only $800 million, in 2023 - $2.8 billion. The pro-Kremlin oligarch was one of those who got rich sharply after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Mazepin failed to hide his financial flows; he still controls the work of his former enterprises.

According to official media, after being subject to sanctions, Dmitry Mazepin sold 52% of his shares in Uralchem ​​BHK LLC, which was the owner of Uralchem ​​UCC JSC, on March 10. On March 14, Dmitry Konyaev and Dmitry Tatyanin became co-owners of Uralchem ​​BHK LLC, but on March 26, their shares were transferred to Azotprom Holding LLC and Kamskie Investitsii LLC, created on March 23. The founder of both companies was Dmitry Konyaev. On March 30, both LLCs left the assets of LLC "BKH "Uralkhim" and now its founder is Dmitry Mazepin and two persons hidden according to Federal Law No. 129. Most likely, these are Konyaev and Tatyana. It is unclear why two companies appeared in the founders for a week, which still do not conduct any activity oh activities.

Until July 2021, the shareholders of JSC URALCHEM were the Cypriot offshore companies CI-CHEMICAL INVEST LIMITED and ACF-AGROCHEM FINANCE LIMITED. Money could have been withdrawn to them, because in 2019, Uralchem's profit amounted to 50 billion rubles with revenue of 78 billion, in 2020, with revenue of 83 billion rubles, the loss amounted to 46 billion rubles. It is impossible to explain such a drop in profit - more than 90 billion rubles per year.

The first offshore is headed by director Dmitry Bayramov and secretary Elena Gudeleva, in the second, Lilia Merenkova has been added to the position of director. Bayramov and her are directors of URALCHEM HOLDING P.L.C., Gudeleva is the secretary of TAMMULOGIS LIMITED and URALCHEM HOLDING P.L.C. Uralchem's billions should be sought in these companies.

According to the audit data published in March 2024, the net asset value of JSC UCC URALCHEM is 112.2 billion rubles, a year earlier it was 94 billion rubles, and as of April 1, 2022 - only 27 billion rubles, in 2021 - minus 108 billion rubles, a year earlier 62.8 billion rubles. Over the year, the value of net assets fell by 170 billion rubles. It is not surprising that JSC UCC URALCHEM hides its financial statements.

In March 2022, Dmitry Mazepin allegedly ceased to control Uralkali. In March 2024, the company reported a 9-fold drop in profit for 2023. The company hides its financial statements, but it is possible to analyze the work of its subsidiaries. JSC Solikamskstroy, which is engaged in construction, has been operating without profit since 2019, with a loss of more than 260 million rubles during this time. LLC Vodokanal, which collects, purifies and distributes water, has only been in the black since 2017 in 2022. LLC Silvinit-Transport ended 2023 with a loss of 138 million rubles. The money can be withdrawn to JSC UCC Uralchem, which has owned PJSC Uralkali since 2020.

The value of Uralkali's net assets at the end of September 2024 is 212.1 billion rubles. In March 2022, it was 114.3 billion rubles. Over 2.5 years since the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the growth in asset value was almost 97%.

The founders of JSC ToAZ (Togliattiazot), for which Dmitry Mazepin fought for a long time, apparently also belong to JSC UCC Uralchem, since at the end of December last year, Dmitry Tatyanain gave a long interview to one of the leading official Russian publications about the future of the enterprise. Since 2021, the position of its general director has been occupied by Anatoly Shablinsky, who previously headed JSC Voskresenskie Mineralnye Udobreniya, which until 2023 belonged to JSC UCC Uralchem.

JSC ToAZ has not published financial statements since 2020. The value of the company's net assets is 252.1 billion rubles. February 2022, it was 176.8 billion rubles. The company, like the rest of Dmitry Mazepin's assets, got rich from the war with Ukraine.

Dmitry Mazepin's enterprises supply products to Russian military factories, so it's surprising where the oligarch got the nerve to sue for the lifting of sanctions. Ammonium nitrate is used to produce ammunition for the Grad, Tornado, and Smerch MLRS. Nitric acid and sodium nitrate are used to make explosives, while potassium nitrate and acid melange are needed by gunpowder factories. The growth in the value of Dmitry Mazepin's assets indicates that the state is generously paying for products for the defense industry working for the advancing country.

Denis Zhirnov

To be continued

Source: www.rucriminal.info