Why the FSB does not trust the Main Investigative Directorate of the TFR in the Stavropol Territory

The case against the head of the Stavropol State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Aleksey Safonov, and his subordinates, accused of taking bribes, was not initiated by the Main Investigative Directorate of the ICR in the Stavropol Territory,
and the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the North Caucasian Federal District. According to a Rucriminal.info source, the explanation for this is very simple. Safronov is just one of the tentacles of a giant corruption octopus, which was once created by the former head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Stavropol Territory, Alexander Oldak, who is now an assistant to the governor Vladimir Vladimirov and is aiming for the senator's chair. One of the tentacles of this octopus is the current deputy head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Stavropol Territory, Anatoly Demin. This is Dug and the business partner of Oldak's "right hand" of the head of the UEBiPK Fedor Dubrivny. We had at our disposal a certificate of the stormy activities of Dubrivny, Demin and their many accomplices.
Information regarding Fedor Alekseevich Dubrivny and affiliated persons
F.A. Dubrivny - Head of the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (UEB and PC) of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Stavropol Territory (Stavropol, Dovatortsev St., 19a), police colonel.

According to available information, Fedor Alekseevich Dubrivny is the owner of the premises at the address: Stavropol, st. Mira, 248, first floor. This room is leased to a confectionery factory (at the same time, it is registered with his wife - Dubrivnaya Yu.). He is also the owner of a number of commercial premises on 45 Parallel Street of the city of Stavropol (together with G.A. Galushanyan).
Is an actual partner and investor in the construction sector for G.A. Galushanyan. (godfather), Sopko A.N. (IP, the best friend of Galushanyan G.A.), Arapov V. (subordinate of F.A. Dubrivny).
A close and financial friend of A.S. Demin. (Deputy Head of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Stavropol Territory).
Business partner in the professional sphere and friend of Ivanov Igor Nikolaevich (head of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Stavropol Territory).
According to available information, he had friendly and business contacts with the clan of Raul and Rauf Arashukovs (as well as Demin A.S.).
With regard to the relationship with Gyulushanyan G.A .:
Gyulushanyan Georgy Arkadievich (aka Zhora, Goga, Yura) (actual head of LLC Blesk, LLC Avtoban), previously worked as deputy head of the Stavropol Territory Committee for State Procurements. Has family ties with Fedor Alekseevich Dubrivny (godfather). The companies are engaged in participation in state auctions (the main direction is construction, repairs).
According to the available information, together (with F.A. Dubrivny) they own commercial premises in the city of Stavropol, at the moment they are building a shopping center in the city of Krasnodar. Moreover, F.A. together with G.A. Gyulushanyan are investing in the construction of apartment buildings in Yerevan. Dubrivny F.A. invests, not on his own behalf, but while he was on vacation in the summer of 2019, he flew to Yerevan. The name of the construction company is unknown, there are several of them.
In the period from March to April 2020, within the framework of the State Defense Order (State Defense Order), the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Stavropol Territory carried out the purchase “Construction of an administrative and service building, Stavropol, st. Dovatortsev, 52 within the framework of the state defense order for 2020-2022. " (https://zakupki.gov.ru/epz/order/notice/ea44/view/common-info.html?regNumber=0121100006220000017) EA No. 0121100006220000017, worth 295 million rubles. Affiliated company LLC GROUP-E (INN 2634054578) with G.A. Gyulushanyan and Dubrivny F.A., was recognized as the winner of this purchase. The second place was taken by the affiliated company LLC Managing Company ARTI-STROY (INN 2302065223, Armavir, is the insurance company in this purchase). Previously, in order to “divert eyes,” a complaint was filed for previously placed errors from the affiliated company SK Granit LLC (persons who prepared the complaint: a group of employees Amirkhan Bunguev, Alexander Kravchenko, Olga Lyutkova, head Galstyan Armen (friend and partner in consulting in the segment of the state order Galushanyan G.A.) - all live in Stavropol), due to the fact that the affiliated company Group-E LLC won the purchase at the maximum contract price of 316 million rubles, the understudy did not enter.
SK Granit LLC (TIN 7707417024) is a company of friends of the Galstyan-Gyulushanyan tandem, as well as TechnoStroyAlliance LLC (Moscow). Used to file complaints with the FAS Russia.
In the direct management of A.Sh. Galstyan the following companies are located: LLC "Monolit" (Izobilny), LLC "Speed" (Stavropol), IP Galstyan A.Sh., IP Bunguev T.U., IP Dudaev Sh.V., LLC Rudger ( . Stavropol), Altair LLC (Stavropol). Employees (from among the permanent): Bunguev Amirkhan, Kravchenko Alexander, Lyutkova Olga. Field of activity: preparation of technical specifications and instructions for government customers with the simultaneous provision of the application of the desired winner, clarification of incoming requests, complaints and consideration with rejection of applications. According to available information, located at the address: Stavropol, st. Piragova building 15 (office unknown).
In the union "Gyulushanyan-Dubrivny" there is a third partner Mkhoyan Hamlet Zhirikovich (brother of his wife, Davoyan Leva Iskosovich, is the founder of LLC "Blesk" and PSK "Georgievskdorstroy"), who is the actual head of the companies PSK "Georgievskdorstroy" and LLC "TechRemontServis single official leader V.I.Piskunov). Mkhoyan G.Zh. also takes financial part in joint projects of G.A. Gyulushanyan. and Dubrivny F.A.
The former head of Gyulushanyan G.A. in the committee of the Stavropol Territory on public procurement, is Donskikh Yuri Yurievich, head of LLC "Procurement". LLC "Procurement" works in the field of consulting on Federal Law No. 44-FZ, serves the city of Stavropol, Mikhailovsk, Essentuki and directly the company LLC "Blesk" (also affiliated companies with it).
With regard to the relationship with Arapov V .:
Officially head of department at UEB and PC. In fact, he supervises the construction activities of his brother (acting as an official). The actual owner of the three-storey hotel "Flora Boutique - Hotel & Spa" in Arkhyz (150 meters from the cable car "Northern Lights"), opened on March 11, 2020. Preliminary construction estimate - 150 million rubles (joint investment of Vitaly Arapov and FA Dubrivny). In this hotel, both F.A. Dubrivny himself and his personal subordinates participating in the joint business, for example, Deputy V. Arapov, employee of the UEB and PC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Stavropol Territory Maxim Tsimbalov (he is a close friend of V. Arapov, who work paired since the days of work in the Tax Police). According to available information:
Maxim Tsimbalov is responsible for collecting bribes from entrepreneurs. The classic scheme of work: personally, in his car, he comes to the heads of companies (mainly the construction industry), sends a notification of the beginning inspection of the UEB and PC GU MVD SK and directly hints that the inspection can stop as soon as possible, if the department employees are sufficiently motivated, while the case did not become criminal and did not transfer to the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee (mainly to the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Industrial District of the city of Stavropol).
Audi car, state number E838EN 199:

A distinctive feature is the style (crocodile leather shoes, three-piece suits).
With regard to the relationship with Demin A.S .:
Anatoly Sergeevich Demin, Deputy Head of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Stavropol Territory.
Consists of close friendship and financial activities with F.A. Dubrivny. Cases relating to the personal interests of F.A. Dubrivny conducts personally (supervises, controls all documents in criminal cases, is responsible for communication with the Court and lobbying cases in it).
According to available information, he had friendly and business contacts with the clan of Raul and Rauf Arashukovs. (among other things, this information with some details is set out in the article https://pasmi.ru/archive/252122/ and https://rucriminal.info/ru/material/kak-klan-deminyx-zaxvatyvaet-stavropolskiy-kray, and (See also https://compromat.group/main/investigations/24370-futbolista-v-glavnye-sledovateli.html).
ADDITION regarding the relationship of Donskikh Yu.Yu. with G.A. Gyulushanyan and a number of affiliated persons and companies:
Yury Yuryevich Donskikh and Arkady Yuryevich Gyulushanyan began their commercial activities in 2014, immediately after they stopped working in the Stavropol Territory Committee on Public Procurements.
Episode number 1.
In 2014, they opened Procurement LLC (TIN 2634812373), the founder and director of which is Yury Yuryevich Donskikh. The main activity is consulting services in the field of federal law No. 44-FZ. In fact, these people, having numerous acquaintances among state and municipal customers, as well as an administrative resource, offered them their services in preparing tender documentation for certain contractors, who were also their acquaintances and relatives. So, for example, the father of Gyulushanyan G.A. He is the head of the department for monitoring the material and technical base of medical organizations of GBUZ SK "MIATs" under the Ministry of Health of the SK - Gyulushanyan Arkady Sergeevich. By prior arrangement, the father informed his son about the upcoming purchases for the repair of medical institutions, after which the son offered his familiar contractors to perform work at these facilities and guaranteed them victory in the tender, as well as the signing of acts of work performed by the customers for a fee. The father, as the head of the department, gave instructions to medical institutions to cooperate in the procurement of repair work with his son, after which G.A. Gyulushanyan was involved in the procurement. and Donskikh Yu.Yu.
Example: GKUZ SK "Regional sanatorium" Druzhba "for children with respiratory tuberculosis" (TIN 2636004646). In 2015, for the overhaul of this institution, the Ministry of Health over 20 million rubles were allocated. By prior arrangement G.A. Gyulushanyan and Donskikh Yu.Yu. with individual entrepreneur Lubenchenko R.D. it was decided that they would guarantee him a victory in all purchases from this customer for a 15% rollback. After that, they took away the electronic digital signature (EDS) from the customer and made purchases under the numbers 0321200025815000061-0321200025815000072 (from 61 to 72) in total 12 auctions. In all purchases, except for EA061, IP Lubenchenko R.D. won, and firms controlled by G.A. Gyulushanyan were on the safe side. and Donskikh Yu.Yu., For example, in EA062, EA065, EA069, EA070 IP Lubenchenko won, and the second place was taken by OOO Donsstroy, the director of which is Donskikh Daniil Yuryevich (younger brother of Donskikh Yu.Yu.) How we found it out: our the organization applied for all these purchases, however, they admitted us only to EA061 due to the fact that there was nothing to reject. Before the auction, the IP Lubenchenko R.D. himself came to us. and offered us a 10% kickback if we didn't take part in the tori. We refused and at the auction we made a drop of 1% from the initial contract price. IP Lubenchenko did not bargain below. After that, our organization was rejected for the second parts of the application and was declared the winner of IE Lubenchenko R.D. We filed a complaint with the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Investigative Committee, the complaint was found justified, after which LLC “Procurement” had no choice but to recognize our organization as the winner. The customer signed a contract with us for the overhaul of the roof, and we completed the work. At the facility, we met the head physician of the medical institution Shalaiko Tatyana Andreevna, who told us about the scheme of work of LLC "Procurement", and also said that she was forced to give them her EDS by order of the management of the GBUZ SK "MIATs" under the Ministry of Health of the SK - Gyulushanyan Arkady Sergeevich.
Episode number 2.
A consulting agreement has been concluded between Procurement LLC and the state customer FGBU “Administration for the operation of the Kumsky hydroelectric power plants and the Chograysky reservoir” for the conduct of all construction tenders of this customer. EDS is held by LLC “Procurement”, which organizes the victory in all purchases of a given subject, with only one contractor LLC “PMK # 38” (TIN 2628009834), 17 government contracts were concluded for the amount of 738 million rubles. LLC "PMK # 38" pays Gyulushanyan and Donskikh 2% of the price of each contract by bank transfer.
Episode number 3.
The city of Essentuki. On November 13, 2015, Alexander Yuryevich Nekristov, a longtime acquaintance of Yu. Yu. Donskikh, was appointed the head of the city of Essentuki. Deputy Head of Essentuki A.Yu. also appointed their common friend Sergei Khurtaev. After that, in January 2016, the head and his deputy organized a meeting of local contractors and announced that from that time on, all purchases in the city of Essentuki will be carried out according to the following scheme: Donskikh Yu.Yu. prepares tender documents for certain contractors, all contractors are coordinated through the city administration, and if someone wants to win a particular contract, he must pay S. Khurtaev 15% of the contract price. This cost includes the services of Donskikh Yu. (3%). Those contractors who are not satisfied with this alignment will no longer see work in Essentuki. One of these contractors was the main road builder of the city LLC Kavmindorstroy - Ivakhnik Yuri Nikolaevich. He refused such conditions and lost his job. He was immediately replaced by two affiliated organizations Blesk LLC, Avtoban LLC and GeorgievskDorStroy PSK, which, in addition to the common founder, are actually headed by a close friend of Gyulushanyan G.A., Mkhoyan Hamlet Zhirikovich.
List of purchases in which these organizations won:
Customer Auction Winner Runner-up Amount
Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Administration of the City of Essentuki
0321300075618000110 PSK Georgievskdorstroy LLC Blesk 10 940 751.73
0321300075618000109 PSK "Georgievskdorstroy" LLC "Blesk" 12 662 018.17
0321300075618000108 PSK "Georgievskdorstroy" LLC "Blesk" 10 267 501.14
0321300075618000116 PSK Georgievskdorstroy LLC Avtoban 11 703 097.69
0321300075618000097 PSK Georgievskdorstroy LLC Avtoban 13 881 876.43
0321300075618000099 PSK Georgievskdorstroy LLC Avtoban 11 437 334.35
0321300075618000095 PSK Georgievskdorstroy LLC Avtoban 11 118 092.07
In 2018, a criminal case was initiated against the first deputy head of the Yessentuki administration, Sergei Khurtaev, under Article 286 of the Criminal Code - abuse of office. At the moment, the investigation continues, Khurtaev was removed from his post and hired at the PSK "GeorgievskDorStroy"
Episode number 4.
Nevinnomyssk. On November 17, 2016, Mikhail Anatolyevich Minenkov was appointed the head of the city of Nevinnomyssk, who had also been the head of the city of Mikhailovsk for two years, where he met and began his "cooperation" with LLC "Blesk" and personally Mkhoyan Hamlet Zhirikovich. Becoming the head of Nevinnomyssk, his "cooperation" Mininkov M.A. continued with this organization, so in the city all purchases have not been completed road works, as well as landscaping began to be carried out in LLC "Procurement".
List of procedures:
Customer Auction Winner Runner-up Amount
Housing and communal services management
0121300003219000077 LLC "Blesk" PSK "Georgievskdorstroy" 89 621 052.63
0121300003219000111 LLC "Blesk" 35 789 019.60
0121300003219000086 LLC "Blesk" 210 526 315.79
0121300003219000073 LLC "Blesk" 65 957 664.96
0121300003218000101 LLC "Blesk" PSK "Georgievskdorstroy" 71 376 218.06
0121300003218000103 LLC "Blesk" PSK "Georgievskdorstroy" 32 585 154.06
0121300003218000086 LLC "Blesk" PSK "Georgievskdorstroy" 145 864 691.59
0121300003217000094 LLC "Blesk" 13 741 029.70
0121200004717000304 LLC "Blesk" 27 207 238.79
Payment by LLC "Procurement" is received through LLC "Blesk" by bank transfer, in cash. According to the information we have, the Mkhoyan family re-registered their Mercedes car in the name of G.A. Gyulushanyan.
To date, LLC "Procurement" has already been holding all tenders for the implementation of any repair work in the city of Nevinnomyssk.
Episode number 5.
Stavropol. Initially, in Stavropol, LLC "Procurement" held tenders only for its close friends LLC "Blesk", and knowing also most of the city administration Donskikh Yu.Yu. in particular, together with the first deputy head of the administration of the city of Stavropol A.A. Myasoedov. agreed that LLC "Procurement" will prepare all tender documents for the municipal committee of the city administration of Stavropol for contractors who will be selected in advance by the city administration. LLC "Procurement" entered into direct contracts with the committee of municipal services for the development of tender documents. They received the main payment for their services from contractors after they won the tender by non-cash payment. After such a successful cooperation, LLC “Procurement” also conducts a similar work for the urban planning committee of the city administration of Stavropol, preparing tender documents for the construction of schools, kindergartens and other administrative buildings.
An example of procedures in Stavropol:
Customer auction Winner Runner-up Amount
Urban Economy Committee
0121200004719000188 LLC "Blesk" 409 581 950.00
0321300001118000032 LLC "Blesk" PSK "Georgievskdorstroy 25 909 941.00
We also want to clarify an example of payment for services. At the beginning of 2019, the Committee for Municipal Economy of the Administration of the city of Stavropol published purchase No. 0321300001119000070 for the repair of sections of public highways of local importance in the city of Stavropol in the amount of 309,810,138.02 rubles. The tender documentation was developed and prepared by Yu. Yu. Donskikh. and Gyulushanyan G.A. specially for LLC "SMDS PMK", which won this purchase. After that, the contractor received an invoice from the individual entrepreneur Donskikh Yu.Yu. and SP Bagnova L.P. for a total amount of 3 million rubles for the provision of consulting services and preparation of the application.
Episode number 6.
Sochi FSBI "Yug Sport". Donskikh Yu.Yu. is a friend of Mikhail Vasilyevich Dremov, director of the YUG Sport FSBI. At the end of 2015, on a joint hunt (on animals), Donskikh Yu.Yu. suggested to M.V. Dremov services for the full support of all tenders at FSBI "Yug Sport" on the terms of 2% of the initial contract price. Since January 2016, Procurement LLC has been preparing all tender documents for this customer. Payment was made by contractors who entered into contracts with a minimum drop in the auction. Payment was made by bank transfer. In addition, LLC “Procurement” and themselves once entered into a state contract following the results of electronic auction No. 0318100072216000262 in the amount of 3,362,145 rubles for the performance of work on dedusting the arena's supporting structures, technical bridges and ventilation over the arena at the Ice Palace of Sports for Figure Skating and short track competitions ”. Also important information will be the fact that the head of the contract service of the FSBI "Yug Sport" is Nikolai Yuryevich Shapovalov, who previously worked under the leadership of Yu. Yu. Donskikh. and Gyulushanyan G.A. in the committee of the Stavropol Territory on public procurement.
The activities of all companies and the main names described above are controlled and "covered" by FA Dubrivny, AS Demin. and, if necessary, Ivanov I.N.
With regard to the activities of affiliated companies controlled by the individual entrepreneur Bungueva T.U. and SP Dudaeva Sh.V., from the last analytical note the following can be distinguished:
Selective analysis of public procurement (electronic auctions) www.zakupki.gov.ru in the Chechen Republic, in the period from 01.06.2020 to 10.11.2020.
Based on the analysis of public procurement, on the basis of the presence of a corruption component indicated on the website of the Central Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, two individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as IP) were identified:
1) Bunguev Tamirlan Uvaisovich (TIN: 262412397698)
Individual Entrepreneur Bunguev Tamirlan Uvaisovich
Registration: Russian Federation, 366512, Chechen Republic, Urus-Martanovsky district, Shalazhi village, M. Saydaeva st., 41
Phone: +7 (999) 379-20-67
E-mail: tamirlan_bunguev@mail.ru
BIK: 040702752
Ras./s .: 40802810956000003486
Cor./s .: 30101810000000000752
INN: 262412397698
OGRN: 318203600002514
2) Dudaev Shamkhan Vakhidovich (INN: 201012598209)
Individual Entrepreneur Dudaev Shamkhan Vakhidovich
Registration: 366512, Chechen Republic, Urus-Martanovsky district, village Shalazhi, st. Shkolnaya, 61
Phone: +7 963 989 33 28 / + 7-928-089 45 85
E-mail: lllamhan95@gmail.com / gzmzchr@mail.ru
Bank details: BRANCH "STAVROPOLSKY" JSC "ALFA-BANK" 355029, RF, Stavropol Territory, Stavropol, st. Lenin, d. 299
BIK: 040702752
Ras./s .: 40802810356000007668
Cor./s .: 30101810000000000752
INN: 201012598209
OGRNP: 319203600044378
In the course of the analysis carried out, electronic auctions were also established, during which these individual entrepreneurs became winners. The following are the procedures for the participation of each individual entrepreneur, indicating the number of the electronic auction (hereinafter referred to as EA), the initial maximum contract price (hereinafter referred to as the NMCK), the name of the procurement object, the authorized body and the state customer. Detailed information, with a full list of documents from the Unified Information System (hereinafter EIS), which are publicly available on the official website www.zakupki.gov.ru, available for download, are collected and set out in the Appendix to this analytical note (absent at the moment) ...
IE Bunguev Tamirlan Uvaisovich (TIN: 262412397698)
1. EA No. 0194200000520003582
Procurement object: "Maintenance of the boiler room"
NMCK: 1,875,000 rubles.
EA posting date: 21.08.
Authorized body placing the procedure: Committee of the Government of the Chechen Republic on State Order
State customer carrying out the procurement: State Budgetary Institution "Republican Oncological Dispensary"
2. EA No. 0194200000520003571
Procurement object: "Maintenance of compressor equipment"
NMTSK: 468 750 rub.
EA posting date: 21.08.
Authorized body placing the procedure: Committee of the Government of the Chechen Republic on State Order
State customer carrying out the procurement: State Budgetary Institution "Republican Oncological Dispensary"
3. EA No. 0194200000520003574
Procurement object: "Maintenance of ventilation equipment"
NMTSK: 2 812 500 rub.
EA posting date: 21.08.
Authorized body placing the procedure: Committee of the Government of the Chechen Republic on State Order
State customer carrying out the procurement: State Budgetary Institution "Republican Oncological Dispensary"
The total amount of EA performed: 5,156,250 rubles.
For the specified customer, within the framework of the IP under consideration, earlier, during the period of 2019, the following procedures were also carried out:
1. EA No. 0194200000519004844
"Maintenance of the oxygen station GBU" ROD ""
NMTSK 1,050,297 RUB
2. EA No. 0194200000519004786
"Maintenance of ventilation equipment"
NMTSK 2 880 699 rub.
3. EA No. 0194200000519004812
"Repair of the medical gas supply system"
NMTSK 1 283 334 rub.
4. EA No. 0194200000519004760
"Maintenance of the boiler room"
NMTSK 1 895 367 rub.
5. EA No. 0194200000519004724
"Maintenance of compressor equipment"
NMTSK 488 355 rub.
And in the period of 2018:
1. EA No. 0194200000518003748
"Maintenance of the boiler room GBU" ROD ""
NMTSK 1,875,000 rubles
2. EA No. 0194200000518003229
"Maintenance of ventilation equipment GBU" ROD ""
NMTSK 2 812 500 rub.
3. EA No. 0194200000518003312
"Compressor equipment maintenance services"
NMTSK 468 750 rub.
Total, the total amount of EA conducted from 2018 to 2020: 17,910,552 rubles.
Individual entrepreneur Dudaev Shamkhan Vakhidovich (TIN: 201012598209)
1. EA No. 0194200000520003867
Procurement object: "Prefabricated metal buildings"
NMTSK: 4 691 753 rub.
Date posted by EA: 30.09.
Authorized body placing the procedure: Committee of the Government of the Chechen Republic on State Order
State customer carrying out the procurement: State Budgetary Institution "Clinical Hospital No. 3 G. Grozny"
2. EA No. 0194200000520003897
Procurement object: "Supply of a block-modular complex for an oxygen generator with the provision of related services for installation and commissioning"
NMTSK: 01.10.
Date of placement of EA: 5 531 959 rub.
Authorized body placing the procedure: Committee of the Government of the Chechen Republic on State Order
State customer carrying out the procurement: State Budgetary Institution "Gudermes Central District Hospital"
3. EA No. 0194200000520003854
Procurement object: "Supply of a block-modular complex for an oxygen generator with the provision of related services for installation and commissioning"
NMTSK: 09/29/2020
Date of placement of EA: 2,400,000 rubles.
Authorized body hosting the procedure: Committee of the Government of the Chechen Republic on the State specific order
State customer carrying out the procurement: State Budgetary Institution "Republican Children's Clinical Hospital named after E.P. Glinka"
4. EA No. 0194200000520003864
Procurement object: "Supply of a block-modular complex for an oxygen generator with the provision of related services for installation and commissioning"
NMTSK: 09/30/2020
Date of placement of EA: 13 352 577 r.
Authorized body placing the procedure: Committee of the Government of the Chechen Republic on State Order
State customer carrying out the procurement: State Budgetary Institution "Republican Rehabilitation Center"
5. EA No. 0194200000520003907
Procurement object: "Supply of a block-modular complex for an oxygen generator with the provision of related services for installation and commissioning"
NMTSK: 4,950,000 rubles.
EA posting date: 01.10.
Authorized body placing the procedure: Committee of the Government of the Chechen Republic on State Order
State customer carrying out the procurement: State Budgetary Institution "Clinical Hospital No. 5 of Grozny"
6. EA No. 0394100001520000019
Procurement object: "Increase in the cost of fixed assets (supply of non-capital buildings (collapsible prefabricated dormitories for 100 people and installation work)"
NMTSK: 149,509,791 rubles.
EA posting date: 22.09.
Government customer carrying out the procurement: Military unit 6790
7. EA No. 0394100001520000028
Procurement object: "Increase in the cost of fixed assets (purchase of a block-modular boiler house)"
NMTSK: 4 852 749 rub.
EA posting date: 22.09.
Government customer carrying out the procurement: Military unit 6790
The total amount of EA performed: 185,288,829 rubles.
The peculiarities of the posted documentation for the period of 2020 include the fact of deliberate deletion of information about the creator of the Documentation and Justification files of the NMCC, as well as deliberate deletion of information about the person who made the changes. Also, in the analyzed procedures, an uncharacteristic instruction for filling out the first parts of applications was used, which is not typical for the rest of the Customer's documentation, which also establishes the relationship between these procedures. In all the procedures, the winner of which was the individual entrepreneur Dudaev Shamkhan Vakhidovich (TIN: 201012598209), mentioned above, the same instructions were applied, as well as the terms of reference, in the presence of the fact of unrelated government customers and various responsible persons for conducting public procurement.
There is reason to believe that commercial proposals for interconnected IP contracts were submitted from the same legal entities, from the same IP address, with no preliminary correspondence and a request from the Customers. Also, there is reason to believe that according to these legal entities there is no experience in the execution of orders identical to the analyzed procurement objects. These facts, when confirmed, indicate the presence of a corruption component and deliberately misleading the state customer by providing inaccurate information to the latter.
The relationship between these individual entrepreneurs is also established by the fact of service by one bank located at the same address in the city of Stavropol, Stavropol Territory. Taking into account the foregoing, all grounds have been obtained to believe the existence of criminal actions of a group of persons by prior conspiracy, in relation to the budgetary funds of the Chechen Republic, which are mastered through public procurement in the form of electronic auctions. At the same time, there is also reason to believe that there is a coordination center for the actions of individual entrepreneurs who are nominal figures of a real group of persons operating in the territory of the Chechen Republic. (information on relationships and affiliation is indicated in the part of information about G.A. Gyulushanyan and F.A. Dubrivny)

To be continued
Timofey Zabiyakin
Source: www.rucriminal.info