The telegram channel VChK-OGPU became aware of the sensational secret of the most “closed” house - Igor Sechin. It turned out that the wife of the son of the head of Rosneft, Ivan (died 40 days ago), Kristina Vladimirovna Sechina, has a reputation in certain circles as a “bluebeard” in a skirt. To hide who the new member of the Sechin family really was, the bride had her last name, first name and patronymic completely changed before the wedding. Previously, she had a passport for Tatyana Mikhailovna Sultanova and this is her real name. Before the wedding, she first became Kristina Vladimirovna Shchedrina. And then Kristina Sechina.

Why such secrecy?

It turns out that Tatyana-Kristina was previously married to the director of Formula 1 in Sochi, a large and wealthy businessman, Sergei Vorobyov, who died under strange circumstances at the age of 43, and all his property was seized by Sergeev’s wife Tatyana-Kristina. Because of this story, Igor Sechin, who was friends with Sergeev, was categorically against his son marrying Tatyana. But then I was forced to agree, on the condition that she would completely change her full name and it would be impossible to find out the identity of her son’s wife.

As a result, 35-year-old Ivan Sechin also died suddenly in the mansion of the elite SNT Green Wind-2 on February 5th. When he felt very bad, his wife Christina-Tatyana was in the house. It was she who decided not to call an ambulance, but for some reason sent a security guard to the pharmacy to get kidney medicine. He was gone for almost an hour, and when Ivan Sechin returned he was already dying and unconscious. Only after this was a regular ambulance called, and not a paid or “Kremlin” ambulance. As a result, the ambulance drove for an hour and upon arrival, doctors confirmed the death of the son of the head of Rosneft.

Ivan Sechin died just as strangely as Sergei Vorobyov did earlier. First, we will publish the material from the VCHK-OGPU, and then Rucrimininal.info will introduce readers to the story of Sergei Vorobyov’s mother.
An investigation by the VCHK-OGPU showed that the 36-year-old widow of Ivan Sechin is not at all who she claims to be. Her true biography was hidden by the simple tricks of the Sechin security service. The real name of Igor Sechin’s daughter-in-law is Tatyana Mikhailovna Sultanova. The daughter of a film industry worker and a bank employee was born and raised in the capital Solntsevo. At first, she followed in her mother’s footsteps and got a job at the Gagarinsky Design Bureau, but quickly realized that life from paycheck to paycheck was not for her, and she became a hunter for the hearts of wealthy men.

Tatyana Sultanova had the opportunity to meet the famous street racer, who later became the director of Formula 1 in Sochi, Sergei Vorobyov. Their romance developed rapidly and very soon the heartbreaker from the capital's bedroom Solntsev moved to the Odintsovo district to live with him in a huge mansion. The couple lived for several years, but Sergeev did not want to officially marry and got married exactly four months before his death.
The couple had a child, whose godfather was Igor Sechin, a good friend of Sergei Vorobyov. Also, the head of Rosneft asked Sergei to take custody of his son Ivan, who was fond of auto racing. As a result, he began to compete in competitions under the name of Vorobyov himself (for secrecy), and began to enter the house of the director of Formula 1 in Sochi.
Four months after his wedding to Tatyana, Sergei Vorobyov unexpectedly died at the age of 43.
Rucriminal.info, with small notes, provides the first detailed story from Sergei Vorobyov’s mother, Tamara Yusef, about the widow of Ivan Sechin.
"Confession of a Mother"
My first, probably, and last confession. Confession of a mother who lost her son, whom she loved more than her life and devoted her whole life to raising her son. When Serezhenka was born, I left the institute that I had dreamed of all my life (GITIS, acting department), and I never regretted it, because I had 42 years of happiness. Now I live like in hell. The world became empty. There is only one pain left. Pain and melancholy every second, every minute, from which you go crazy. You feel this especially acutely in the morning, when you wake up, that neither today nor tomorrow, you will never see him or hear him, his voice, his laughter. He will never call and ask: “Mommy, how are you feeling?” And only his smell, the smell of his skin, so beloved and dear from childhood, until he left, he is with me. This is how I have been living for many years. They say time heals, but this is not true. It does not heal, but cripples. The pain and melancholy are becoming sharper and sharper. And the worst thing is that my son did not say a word about his diagnosis. He couldn’t because he knew that this diagnosis was for two. And when they called from Germany and said that my boy was gone, the doctors put me into an artificial coma because they were afraid that I would not be able to withstand such a blow. After the coma there was a massive heart attack, then a second one (discharge). But they saved me, I still live, if you can call it life. At that time, I lived in a health center under the management of the president’s affairs. Previously, this was the Sosny sanatorium (Information about living in OK Sosny).
…..The worst thing is to bury your child. And how you can live after, it’s impossible not to describe, not to accept, not to come to terms with.
I was left alone. I have no brothers, sisters or other children. There is only one granddaughter whom I have not seen for 7 years, because against his wife, Tatyana Mikhailovna Sultanova, with whom her son was married for only 4 months, His assistant Tepper, they opened his personal safe in the office, and took away all the most valuable things from there, including a copy my will. I still don't know where the will is. I was in such a state that they thought that I would not survive this tragedy.
My boy's body was still in Germany when they started selling everything my son had purchased. And there was something to take. They did not hide their joy and jubilation at the departure of my son. My son had 6 or 7 cars, including a Mercedes-Maybach, and the same number of motorcycles, including Harley-Davidson and others. All cars, except Mercedes-Maybach, had sports tuning, which cost 3 times more than the cars themselves.
His ex-wife, with whom he lived for 3 years, and was only married for 4 months, was from Solntsevo, from a very dysfunctional family. She was the kind of girl who hunts for status suitors. She pursued my son for a year and did everything to get pregnant quickly. My son could not allow his child to suffer, and he rented a 3-story house in Buzaev, furnished it with exclusive furniture and settled her there. When my boy died, they declared him bankrupt, and that he had nothing, and his mother was mentally ill, so he kept me in a closed boarding house, although I lived in the most prestigious boarding house from the presidential administration.
Tepper Nikita and Anton Pretulin were my son’s assistants, but they were errand boys and did not have any function at work. And they all didn’t earn a penny. My boy supported them generously. They drove the most expensive cars, rented expensive apartments, which my son paid for, everyone knows about this. But they all betrayed him, and united to take everything he had. Tepper Nikita knew what could be taken, sold, appropriated. And Sultanova was an heiress. Only they didn't know what to do with me. They really hoped that I would follow my son, but it didn’t work out. But apparently, frightened by illegal actions, they hid, leaving me in serious condition and without a livelihood, all the cars and motorcycles were sold. Sultanova took everything that was there from the house to Buzaev. He had a collection of expensive watches, clothes worth tens of millions of rubles. Sultanova did not mourn for a single day. She ran around all the clubs, as they say now, “rocking”, it was all posted on the Internet. Then Seryozha’s friends explained to her that if she appeared in clubs again, they would break her legs. She even registered the burial place in the Troekurovsky cemetery in her name (burial passport). According to his status, he was given a burial place for free. Although I have never visited the burial site of my son in 7 years. The worst thing for me is that when I’m gone, they won’t be able to bury me with my son. She will simply sell this place to strangers. A month later, she began a relationship with the son of the most famous man in the country. My son, at the request of Ivan’s father, took over Ivan. And he didn’t take his eyes off him for 5 years. He even won competitions under the name Vorobyov. It’s just that this surname is very famous, and I don’t want to disgrace him. His father is my granddaughter's godfather. And he explained to his son that he would never allow Tatyana Mikhailovna Sultanova to marry. When my son died, she immediately told me that she was not going to return to the poverty in which she lived, on the contrary, she would try to improve her status and her material well-being, so she quickly did the same trick that she did with my son, took and got pregnant. Now I don’t know anything, but I don’t envy the family she ended up with. She is a very inadequate person and lies at every turn.
Later they took over the building where his office (purchase) was located. This building is located at Moscow, Yauzskaya street, building 10/2, building 4. My son won the tender. It could not be sold; it had to go to the city after the son left. But Tepper and Sultanova somehow sold it, to cover their tracks, they resold it 4 times (sale). And now an office building has been built there according to the architectural plan that was given to my son.
On the eve of my son's 50th birthday, he was born on July 30, 1969, I would like his friends to remember him. I apologize for printing your photographs without your permission. And on behalf of Serezha and me, I ask everyone’s forgiveness if I unwittingly offended anyone.”
According to Tamara Yusef, it turns out that even when her son’s body was abroad, Tatyana Sultanova began to sell off Sergei’s property, leaving the elderly woman with nothing. Moreover, the widow deprived her of the opportunity to communicate with her only granddaughter.
And a month after Vorobyov’s death (he was buried and at the Troekurovsky cemetery, the plot of which Tatyana registered for herself), the girl began dating... with Ivan Sechin. As the Cheka-OGPU notes, Igor Sechin was, to put it mildly, shocked by his son’s choice and repeatedly stated that there would never be a wedding. But Tatyana, as in the cases with Vorobyov, having lived with Ivan for several years in a civilian tank, became pregnant and the head of Rosneft gave the go-ahead for the marriage, on the condition that Tatyana Mikhailovna Sultanova would disappear forever. As a result, on June 13, 2018, this happened. On this day, at the Kutuzovsky Hotel Registry Office, Tatyana Sultanova turned into Kristina Shchedrina. And on November 30, 2018, a wedding took place, after which Shchedrina became Sechina.
A couple of interesting stories from the biography of Christina-Tatyana.
In 2013 (a year after Vorobyov’s death), the widow was driven by a Mercedes purchased by the Neftepromleasing company (later, like many cars of the Sechin family, the car was transferred to the ownership of PJSC Rosneft, and then to the balance of the TsSN Rosgvardia). And Tatyana Sultanova, who inherited from Sergei Vorobyov the legendary tuned Nissan Skyline with a capacity of 900 horsepower, which all street racers in Moscow remember, has a tax identification number that completely coincides with the tax identification number of individual entrepreneur Kristina Sechina. It must be admitted that now, apart from this data, no mention of the widow twice can be found in open sources. Everything has been cleared.
Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucrimianl.info