Rucriminal.info continues to talk about the cutting of the budget on the country's federal highways. Federal Institution "Department of Federal Highways "North-West" (Uprdor SZ) summed up the results of the next three competitions for the elimination of wear and tear and the maintenance of some road facilities in the Leningrad region. Almost 1.5 billion rubles. divided between three different companies, which would seem to be good, as it creates the appearance of competition. But we understand that competition (as well as democracy) is for the naive and idealists. Let's see who will share this small pie for PKU.
So, the smallest lot (188 million) for road maintenance went to SPK Green City LLC. This St. Petersburg company has long been working with multi-billion-dollar funds both with the Federal Public Institution Uprdor SZ and with other structures of Rosavtodor. The casket opens extremely simply - the co-owner of the company, billionaire Grigory Baevsky, although former, is still a business partner of two Rotenberg brothers - Arkady and Boris. No comments needed.

The largest lot (718 million) for the maintenance of the A-120 highway went to the famous JSC VAD. This is the fourth most powerful road construction company in the country, and its owner Valery Abramov is famous for the fact that he does not belong to any of the oligarchic clans. Remember, there was such a rare camp suit “alone on the ice”? This is Abramov. He is so powerful that last year he managed to fight off attempts by the Rotenberg clan to take VAD for themselves. How does multi-billionaire Abramov do this? The answer is simple - Valery is personally and well acquainted with Vladimir Putin from his time in St. Petersburg and, surprisingly, still (although not as easily as before) has the right to a personal audience. It was this that took place in 2023 and immediately put the greedy brothers in their place.
Well, whose average is 546.5 million to eliminate asphalt wear on the St. Petersburg Ring Road? The lot, like the other two - at the full maximum price - was taken by Technosphere LLC, billionaire and citizen of Malta Konstantin Khodosovsky. He is a former top manager of the giant Andrei Molchanov's LSR corporation, where ex-Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov also worked. The “Godfather” of both is the same Vladimir Golubev, nicknamed Barmaley, who, as the VChK-OGPU telegram channel has already repeatedly said, holds in his hands a good half of the federal road network through First Deputy Minister of Transport Andrei Kostyuk. However, Konstantin also has a more subtle connection with the Barmaley family, which we will talk about in the following episodes.

Important changes in the field of road construction in St. Petersburg could go unnoticed, but the Cheka-OGPU will not be able to pass by. If a new multibillion-dollar contractor appears in the established sphere of government contracts of some structure (for example, the St. Petersburg Directorate of Transport Construction (hereinafter referred to as “DTS”)), this will inevitably not go unnoticed by the controlling structures (including, of course, the specialized security officials). But all this will look completely different if the beneficiary of a long-familiar and understandable company imperceptibly changes. Read - one technical denomination will be replaced by another, and the legal entity will continue to receive budget billions in the same way as before.
We are lifting the curtain - in the near future the ownership structure of SK Orion Plus LLC (hereinafter referred to as Orion), a serious road contractor in St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod with government orders worth about 76 billion rubles, will change. Initially, the company belonged to businessman Alexander Usov, who, as the media have repeatedly written, has friendly family ties with the former Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Anatoly Serdyukov. But after the well-known story, the influence of the latter weakened, and the tax, as well as the economic police and the FSB began to show great interest in Usov’s business. The problems were resolved in an understandable way, and in 2018 the company was re-registered in the Leningrad region.
But by this time, Usov was already tired and realized that it was time to “get on his skis” (fortunately, a real palace had been waiting for him for a long time in sunny Italy). He left, handing over the business to relatives, and began to squeeze every last penny out of Orion, withdrawing funds abroad. As a result, despite decent figures for 2022 (9.4 billion in turnover, 162 million in net profit), Orion entered 2023 with difficulties and serious debts due to informal agreements with officials (the so-called “homework”).
And then, overseeing the distribution of the road budget in St. Petersburg and a number of other regions of the country, the authority Vladimir Golubev (also known as “Barmaley”) and his bureaucratic retinue, led by Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Andrei Kostyuk, decided to take the Orion Plus to your road clip. As a result, at the end of last year, Orion Plus became the property of Konstantin Sizikov. Of course, a 50-year-old businessman who bought a three-year-old BMWX5 30D and is registered in a small suburban house would not be able to afford this even close. He is just a technical character from the sphere of interests of Barmaley Jr. - Maxim Zhu kova. Without having data on the price of the transaction, we will only say that due to the friction that arose, Usov was forced to cede Orion at a significant discount.
However, after the transaction, during an audit it became clear that the real financial condition of Orion is not nearly as good as Usov promised. The icing on the cake was the emergence of interest in the company’s activities among the economic police and the Federal Tax Service (the cash-out schemes used by Usov were never distinguished by their sophistication). Taking into account the newly discovered circumstances, Zhukov decided to get rid of the potentially problematic asset, transferring it to other close businessmen. It is known that they were offered Orion, promising new billions from the St. Petersburg DTS and other government customers, but without telling them about the true depth of the problems. So in the near future we expect another change in the technical owner of this company, which, of course, we will inform our readers about. Of course, the name of the real buyer will not remain a secret either.
The Cheka-OGPU continues to talk about corruption in Uprdor, which serves the M7 Volga highway. The result of billions of dollars in cuttings is now in the public domain - you just have to drive along the route “Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod”. Especially in winter, you can see snow piles on the roadway and increased potholes. The situation is extremely dangerous. And the absence of any road equipment completely calls into question the safe operation of the roadway.
Let's look at the numbers: in the winter of 2023/2024, as a result of unsatisfactory maintenance of the M 7 Moscow-Kazan federal road, more than 800 accidents occurred in the Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir regions, of which there were deaths, including the death of children - more than 90 cases (injured (injured) more than 550 people).
The bulk of the accidents occurred due to improper performance of work on the maintenance of the highway by contractors, as well as the lack of proper control and response on the part of the head of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod Road Administration, Alexander Nefedov.
Contractor organizations involved in the maintenance of the above-mentioned M7 Volga highway (JSC DEP7 and LLC Nizhegorodavtodor) regularly receive money for maintenance within the framework of concluded government contracts, although in fact no work is being carried out.
Illegal activities are covered by the management of contracting organizations that are engaged in poor-quality maintenance of the federal highway, while receiving tens of millions of rubles from the state budget into their accounts every month; they are the ones who have close friendly relations with the “hero” of our previous articles - First Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Andrei Kostyuk.
Denis Zhirnov
Source: www.rucriminal.info