The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info continue to talk about the Deputy Prosecutor of the Tula Region Anton Shelepanov.
According to the source, he built a whole scheme for personal enrichment. The fact is that Shelepanov gave his subordinates a verbal instruction to coordinate personally with him any checks of businessmen, as well as the adoption of measures of prosecutorial coercion against them. From 2022, each district prosecutor is required to report to him in writing about any check that he is going to conduct against local businessmen. The results of the audits carried out again in a separate report indicating what specific measures will be taken are also subject to agreement with it. Failure to comply with this procedure threatens the district prosecutor with a disciplinary measure.
Such an organization of work without an appropriate order allows Shelepanov to control all prosecutorial checks of the local business community and, at his own discretion, determine the measure of responsibility for them.
According to the interlocutor of Rucriminal.info, the result of this approach in organizing work was Shelepanov's receipt of a large remuneration from one security organization in Tula.

In June 2023, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Sovetsky District of Tula established signs of a crime in the actions of the management of BARS LLC, which, as a justification for work experience for concluding a state contract, were presented with false documents as part of the application documentation. The results of this check were reported personally to Shelepanov, indicating the need to initiate a criminal case under Part 5 of Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with the further prospect of qualifying the act under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Having received the results of the check, Shelepanov, through his authorized representative, the 1st Deputy Prosecutor of Tula Pastukh, informed the head of the security company about the upcoming problems with a proposal to resolve all issues for a fee. Having received a large reward, Anton Shelepanov instructed his subordinates not to initiate criminal prosecution against the management of Bars LLC.
The feeling of impunity of Shelepanova is growing stronger in the Tula region every day. In behind-the-scenes conversations with his entourage, Shelepanov boasts of his close friendship with one of the deputies of the Prosecutor General of Russia, who promised him the chair of the regional prosecutor.
Unable to find himself in sports at the base built at the expense of the people's funds FOK Zarechye, Anton Shelepanov became interested in the cultural life of the arms capital of Russia. The fact is that the Prosecutor General of Russia Krasnov determined Shelepanov's salary to be so low that he is forced to use his administrative resource for leisure.
On July 4 and 11, 2023, two concerts of popular Russian stand-up comedians Sergey Orlov and Viktor Komarov took place in Tula, who dared to set the ticket price for their concerts in the range of 1000-3000 rubles. Of course, the purchase of tickets for such a price for the poorest deputy prosecutor of the subject, Anton Shelepanov, is an impossible task and a blow to the family budget. But fortunately, Shelepanov has a position and loyal assistants who, with one call to the management of the supervised concert hall, can get free tickets for him.
And so it happened, Shelepanov's faithful assistant, the 1st Deputy Prosecutor of Tula Pastukh, took the opportunity to serve his patron and knocked out tickets from the Tula Administration for such highly intellectual events that were intended for beneficiaries.
As a result, Shelepanov is pleased with attending concerts, Shepherd is another opportunity to serve.
The administration of Tula is asking the Prosecutor General of Russia to increase the salary of the Deputy Prosecutor of the Tula Region Shelepanov so that he can attend cultural events, because it is the employees of the municipality who have to blush in front of the beneficiaries who are perplexed where their tickets are, and not the prosecutors.
To be continued
Roman Trushkin
Source: www.rucriminal.info