суббота, 26 августа 2023 г.


How "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" handed over journalists to "authorities"

Sports journalist Alexei Matveev continues the story about mafia showdowns in a popular game - especially for the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info

And I didn’t go to Otari’s funeral, unlike Anzor Kavazashvili. Although I really wanted to look at the environment of the recent leader of the criminal world. Friends responded. “Georgians are already sharpening knives on you after Otari’s death. Why else “shine” in front of them with your cut hare?!”. The remnants of prudence still stopped, yes. I didn’t go to Vagankovo then, I could hardly restrain myself from the temptation.

It is better not to see people like Otari Kvantrishvili up close. Moreover, it is advisable not to communicate with them at all. But I still got lucky. After the next revelatory publications in near-football, Otari almost yelled at me in the presence, by the way, of numerous witnesses. “Look, Slava Koloskov rolled paper on you, asking you to protect him from attacks! - hysterical Otari Vitalievich. “Calm down, otherwise we’ll grind to powder.”

I have already said, and a few journalist friends warned. My comrade, Lyosha Perfiliev, from Pravda once told me that when officials read my notes, their faces change. “I accidentally overheard how they threatened with the help of people from Otari’s entourage to take you away and quarter you,” Lekha used to say to me with the best of intentions. - Okay, quarter, - they want to cut into small pieces. No one will glue you anymore. Be more careful."

But I kept pushing mine. Stupid character: when they allow me to behave like Otari and his ilk, out of a sense of contradiction, I do not concede. I raised the bar of risk, and I raise it. I'm still striving to the top.

How they cut my face, the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info already told in detail last year, there is no point in repeating. I'm talking about something else...


In the aforementioned fashionable Intourist, in the very center of Moscow, Otari rented a huge room. According to eyewitnesses, bags of money were scattered here and there. The omnipotent mafioso, who did not know the boundaries of his influence, "fed" many. Here are colleagues from Moskovskaya Pravda, for example.

They published a sports supplement for their newspaper. And they did not hide it - with Otari's money. Of course, he personally gave assignments to the “journalists”, who to criticize and who should not be touched. The publication was based solely on the interests of Kvantrishvili himself, "colleagues" obediently carried out everything. Well done! How could such “hand-knights of the pen” expose someone, dig up information about “fixed” matches in football, scold dishonest functionaries? Naive question.

After the somewhat unexpected death of my boss, Moskovskaya Pravda called me, asking for my opinion, what do I think about it. Yes, I didn’t think anything special. Not rejoicing, and not sad. I felt some relief, yes. That the mafia's sharp ax will not be brought. In any case, its tip at that time was slightly removed from my already cut mug.

Is it only in "Mospravda" werewolves-journalists wound up? Not at all. In "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", imagine, there was also a bastard from among the deputies of the editor-in-chief. With the Russian surname Ivanov. It turned out that Otari informed about all editorial plans, my future publications, for example. Even about my movements, the people of Otari knew thoroughly. Because this Ivanov received dirty money from the ubiquitous and omnipotent Otari. For the needs of his sailing federation, in which he was acquired, a sort of part-time job, except for the deputy editor of RG.

On that partly fatal morning, on the way to the editorial office of RG, it was not by chance that I was “run over”. We knew that before the start of the working day I play football with friends in the Pravdinsk sports complex. Watched.

I'm like a horror movie character with scars all over my face. Until now, the police are “slowing down”: they say, according to “operational data”, he is very similar to one of the wanted persons. Well, an editorial ID cools off the law enforcement officers. Behind.

Yes, not everyone managed to buy and intimidate! The famous Larisa Kislinskaya from the newspaper "Top Secret", including. Unfortunately, Larisa passed away relatively recently. Proud to know her, she's amazing! Withstood the pressure of the same Kvantrishvili. Tried to "gracefully" threaten her. I called the journalist's house and warned her. Say, something can happen to Larisa, but he will not be involved in this. And even took the corresponding statement then to the police department. Well, a "very cool" mafioso!

And bandits in football (smaller, larger than Otari) were, are and will be. The helpless government did not even begin to fight the negativity in the depths of the popular game. The next revelations from the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info, if possible, in the following exclusive publications.


Why is Otari's money dirty? Yes, because they were obtained by banditry: racketeering, that is, "attacks" on businessmen, entrepreneurs. Threats and blackmail. Particularly recalcitrant, obstinate, who did not want to share their hard-earned funds, were physically eliminated. Hence the bags of money in the aforementioned Intourist.

Why the crime boss rushed names but in football? Yes, because the number one sport in the world, whatever one may say. So Otari “licked” the then head of the football union Slava Koloskov. Stupidly wore him "grandmothers" with a far-reaching goal. Which? I intended, imagine, to go to the upcoming World Cup in America. To communicate neither more nor less with the then president of FIFA, the Brazilian Joao Havelange. What a football figure and a master of freestyle wrestling could talk about, one can only guess. It doesn't matter what about. If only Kvantrishvili would "shine" at such a high level. It was a super challenge. And here I was hanging under my feet with my revelations.

“You obviously spoiled his image with your publications,” the operatives of the Regional Directorate for Combating Organized Crime (RUOP) said later. They visited me in the clinic, where I lay with a cut face. “Otari, in all seriousness, created a political party of athletes in order to get into the State Duma with it,” the detectives confessed.

Yes, football in the face of Koloskov completely merged with the powerful mafia group of Kvantrishvili. The alliance looked unbreakable. But Otari did not live to negotiate with Havelange: he was shot dead in April of the same 1994. And in the summer, the World Cup kicked off in the United States.

While Otari was in good health, "shadow" money flowed like a full-flowing river to the RFU, Koloskov. Otari Vitalyevich came to the President of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) Vitaly Smirnov. Vitaly Georgievich frowned, but endured unexpected visits. And he accumulated anger at Slava Koloskov, the money went past the nose of the head of the Olympic movement. He even began to transparently hint to the football boss that he might be out of work, he simply would not be re-elected for another term.

A little later, however, Smirnov, foaming at the mouth at all sorts of meetings, conferences, and so on, passionately argued that a better football boss than Koloskov could not be found in the country. It is clear that Slava began to share with the ROC boss.

... In the 2000s, the President of the country appointed Vitaly Georgievich the head of the commission to investigate the facts of doping by Russian athletes, "as an honest, pure specialist and person." Once again it testifies to how far the authorities are from the real state of affairs, they absolutely do not know the “pureest corrupt officials” of the level of Smirnov, Mutko, and the like. After all, it was Mutko who ignored the numerous warnings of well-known experts about a future doping scandal. But this "muddy" gentleman in many ways is still in the ranks of the President of the Russian Federation. And so almost everywhere and everywhere.

Alexey Matveev

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