Today Rucriminal.info will talk about the current situation in the State Autonomous Cultural Institution of the City of Moscow Zaryadye Park (TIN 7702403412, Moscow, Varvarka 6s1) in terms of corruption and numerous violations of the labor rights of workers.

According to our source, the new director, former TV star of the 90s, ex-leader of "Muzoboz" Ivan Demidov, a prominent United Russia, felt like a celestial being, to whom the laws were not written and began to deprive workers right and left of all incentive payments (which make up 70% of the real average income). He does this with the help of orders for disciplinary sanctions for far-fetched reasons against people from the technical services of the first team that launched Zaryadye Park in 2017. The fact is that the new director has new patrons, who have new contractors, acquaintances, etc. For example, RD-Management Services LLC, which maintains ventilation systems and heating buildings, is affiliated with the administration. For the fact that employees of technical services demanded conscientious performance of work from her (in RD-Management "the ugly quality of services, their people drink and sleep at their workplaces, there is dirt in the ventilation chambers), they were subjected to such pressure that they left on their own. People did not want to As a result, court cases appeared in the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow 02-1040/2022 (02-5912/2021), 02-5744/2022, 02-0253(02-4977/2022), 02-1180/2022(02-6053 /2021, 02-6405/2022); case 02-0094/2023 (02-0379/2022) in the Timiryazevsky District Court of Moscow, cases in the Moscow City Court 33-25660/2022, 33-42289/2022.
As Rucriminal.info found out, all these cases are conducted / conducted for Zaryadye by lawyer IP Yakovleva under GPC agreements, whose services have currently cost this budgetary institution 1.425.000 million rubles, according to the official public procurement website. For disputes with their employees, this money would be enough to satisfy all their claims voluntarily. Yakovleva V.O. almost all of these cases were lost to employees. Despite this, budget money for it descends in an incredible amount. So that there are no suspicions that these are the services of the same person - the contracts are split up, for each meeting almost separately, all procurement items are named differently, but all these contracts are with IP YAKOVLEVA and all are labor disputes with their own employees. The last purchase at the moment for 525 thousand rubles. For a labor dispute. What kind of dispute is this and what kind of a star lawyer who costs so much, while losing almost everything that is possible?
As a result of her work and the actions of the administration in case 02-0094 in the Timiryazevsky court, the employee was paid very serious compensation for illegal dismissal and forced absenteeism (even Demidov I.I. impudence reached dismissals under the article). That is, illegal violations of the labor rights of employees, coupled with a hired third-party lawyer Demidov I.I. caused damage/costs to the budget of Zaryadye in the amount of about 5 million rubles. It is worth noting that Zaryadye has its own legal service of 8 or 9 really working people, of which one head of department, two deputies, legal advisers, plus a deputy director for legal issues with a salary of about 200,000 thousand and a total average of about 500,000 per month E. A. Arefieva.
And despite this, they buy the services of a third-party IP lawyer for 1.425 million rubles, which alone and personally handled these cases. It’s not even worth talking about such trifles as fictitious employment of workers - Ella Yurievna Yudintsova, a combined labor protection specialist, has been registered since 2017, she doesn’t even go to work, she receives a salary, because. in her main job, she is in the Department of Culture of Moscow (an organization superior to Zaryadye).

Organizations such as the GIT of Moscow (Gubin S.Yu.), Deputy Prosecutor of Tver Chekashkin N.v. frankly, they turn out of their skin from taking measures for violations of the labor rights of workers and on the facts of fictitious employment of Yudintsova E.Yu.
On the website of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in the section "Unified Register of Inspections" (search by TIN 7702403412) there are a large number of warnings against Zaryadye (GIT write off warnings so as not to take real measures against I.I. Demidov).

To be continued…
Denis Zhirnov
Source: www.rucriminal.info