The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.info became aware of the criminal prosecution of a talented scientist, the developer of a drug for the treatment of oncological diseases that has no analogues in the world (an alternative to chemotherapy without side effects) - Anastasia Lipatova, who has a dependent 5-year-old daughter with severe form of autism. By detaining and placing a woman in custody, the investigation knocks out a confession from her in involvement in the theft of subsidies allocated by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 2014. As part of the campaign conducted by the new rector to expose those involved in the theft of budget funds allocated for scientific projects, the investigation, under the auspices of higher curators, illegally involving Anastasia, decided to report on the work done.
At the same time, people who are actually involved in the theft are actively removed from the case by the investigation.
Rucriminal.info publishes the chronology of this story.
On December 06, 2017, the investigator for the Department of Internal Affairs of the SO for the city of Dolgoprudny GSU of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region Bogdanova V.G. on the grounds of a crime under Part. 4 Article. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, criminal case No. 11702460004000075 was initiated.
From the decision to initiate a criminal case, it followed that in the period from September 23, 2014 to July 14, 2016, funds allocated on the basis of an agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in the form of a subsidy for scientific research in the amount of more than 53,000,000 rubles were stolen by unidentified persons from the number of MIPT employees by paying monetary rewards to persons who actually did not carry out work on the project.
On December 11, 2017, Anastasia Valeryevna Lipatova was interrogated as a suspect in this criminal case, and, as follows from the interrogation protocol, the essence of her suspicion of committing a crime under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, namely: theft of funds by unidentified persons! Thus, at the time of the interrogation of Lipatova as a suspect, her involvement in the crime had not been established. Charge Lipatova A.The. was not presented.
In July 2018 Lipatova A.V. was called by the investigator Bogdanova V.G. in order to get acquainted with the decision on the appointment of a handwriting examination and to select samples of her handwriting. However, with the results of the examination Lipatova A.The. and her counsel were not acquainted. Lipatova was not notified of the suspension and resumption of the criminal case.
March 02, 2023 with Lipatova A.V. Kostyuk E.V., an investigator for the Department of Internal Affairs of the SO for the city of Khimki, of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region, contacted E.V. Kostyuk, who said that a summons would be delivered to Lipatova to appear at the department to participate in investigative measures. The summons was never served, but the investigator approved the appearance of Lipatova A.The. as of March 10, 2022, investigative actions were carried out in the building of the Prosecutor's Office in Dolgoprudny.
On March 10, 2023, without prior notice, Lipatova A.V. was charged and a measure of restraint was chosen in the form of a written undertaking not to leave and proper behavior. On the demand of the defense for the provision of decisions on the transfer to the production of the investigator Kostyuk E.The. of the present criminal case and on familiarization with the results of the handwriting examination, appointed in 2018, the investigator refused, explaining in part of the examination that it was not in the case file, and she needed to request an opinion from an expert institution. Also, the warrant of the lawyer Galustyan A.Yu., her petitions and statements were absent in the case.
Considering that there is no expert opinion in the case, the original financial and other documents that were sent for examination are allegedly “lost”.
As the interlocutor of Rucriminal.info said, on March 10, 2023 Lipatova A.V. was interrogated as a defendant in a criminal case, but refused to testify on that day, since the charge did not contain any information about the circumstances of the alleged crime (consisted of two pages). in relation to Lipatova A.The. a measure of restraint was chosen in the form of a written undertaking not to leave the place and proper behavior.
After the interrogation, the investigator stated that she needed to contact the deputy head of the SO for the city of Khimki, the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region, Lukov I.V. (who during the interrogation repeatedly contacted the investigator and controlled the process) and send him the interrogation protocol for control. Lukov I.V. was dissatisfied with the investigative actions carried out, in particular the non-recognition of Lipatova A.The. guilt, and demanded to come to the SO in Khimki "for a conversation."
03/10/2023 In the SB for the city of Khimki, the GSU SK for the Moscow Region Lipatov A.V. met senior investigator Velichkin V.V. who announced that the case was transferred to his production and handed Lipatova A.The. notification of the need to appear for filing charges on 13.03.2023
03/13/2023 Lipatova A.V. with the defense counsel came to the investigator Velichkin V.V., who announced that before the start of the interrogation he would like to notify the defense ka that the case was suspended under paragraph 1 of part 1 of Art. 208 Code of Criminal Procedure and then was renewed. No date has been set for these decisions.
Thus it is the case was suspended in connection with the failure to identify the person to be brought as a defendant, while Lipatova A.The. was a suspect in the said criminal case. However, no decision was made to dismiss the criminal case against her.
Also on March 13, 2023, Senior Investigator Velichkin V.V. introduced Lipatova A.V. and her defense lawyer with a decision to cancel the preventive measure, issued by him on 03/10/2023. the reason was the no longer necessary to apply a measure of restraint.
After that investigator Velichkin The.The. presented Lipatova A.The. charge (with a minor version of the charge dated March 10, 2023) and interrogated her as an accused. Lipatova A.V. She also refused to testify, due to the absence of a description of the circumstances of the crime in the charge, which violates her right to know what she is accused of.
After said investigator Velichkin The.The. held a confrontation with the witness Yakovets V.V., who testified that he took the money at the cash desk of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology by proxy from the project executors and allegedly transferred them to Lipatova A.V. in 2014. At the same time, the witness especially noted during the entire interrogation that despite the fact that A.V. Bogomolov, in fact, the project was under the leadership of Lipatova A.V. (which is not confirmed by orders or job descriptions). All questions of protection in essence were taken away.
After the confrontation Lipatova A.The. was detained, despite the cancellation by the investigator Velichkin V.The. the previously effective measure of restraint in the form of a written undertaking not to leave, in connection with the no longer necessary and only on the basis of the testimony of a witness who received the stolen money.
Persons who had the opportunity to commit a crime, including Yakovets VV, are openly removed from criminal liability by the investigation.
At the same time, the sole purpose of the detention of A.V. Lipatova, as indicated by the investigator V.V. Velichkin, is to obtain a confession from A.V. Lipatova. Control over the actions of Velichkin V.V. also carried out by Lukov A.A.
In the Dolgoprudnensky Court of the Moscow Region, a petition was sent by the investigator to apply to Lipatova A.The. measures of restraint in the form of detention.
The investigation submitted a decision to suspend the preliminary investigation dated 03/01/2023 under paragraph 1 of part 1 of Art. 208 Code of Criminal Procedure, issued by the investigator Kostyuk E.The. and a decision on the resumption of the preliminary investigation from the same date, issued by the deputy head of the SO for the city of Khimki, the Main Investigation Department of the RF Investigative Committee for the Moscow Region. there was no other information about the progress of the case from the moment of initiation until 03/01/2023 and the investigator could not explain the information.
During the trial, the defense presented evidence of the presence in the sole care of Lipatova A.The. 5-year-old daughter suffering from autism, the presence of a dwelling in her property, personal guarantees of well-known scientists, director of the IMB RAS, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.G. Georgieva, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.S. Praslov, Head of the Center for High Precision Genome Editing, IMB RAS Corresponding Member of the RAS D.V. Kuprash, scientific leader of the direction on oncolytic viruses P.M. Chumakov, who participated in the meeting and pointed out the impossibility of completing the trials of a drug for the treatment of oncological diseases, the developer of which is Lipatova A.V., the parallization of the activities of the laboratory and scientific research of world importance.
The attention of the court was also drawn to the absence in the case file of information about the progress of the case (lack of information about the extension of the investigation period, including taking into account the investigation period - by the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation; about the seizure and transfer of the case from the investigator Bogdanova, who initiated the criminal case), which does not allow to come to conclusions about the legality of the case being in the proceedings of the investigator Velichkin V.V., it is also indicated that the detention is illegal in the presence of a measure canceled by the investigator, in the form of a written undertaking not to leave).
Court at the request of the prosecutor's office term of detention Lipatova A.The. extended for 72 hours under the pretext of verifying information about the ownership of Lipatova A.The. residential premises.
At present, the defense has filed an appeal to the Chairman of the IC of the Russian Federation with a request to involve officials of the SB for the city of Khimki of the Main Investigation Department of the IC for the Moscow Region for illegal criminal prosecution of Lipatova A.V. (Appeal via the Internet to the reception of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on March 16, 2023 No. 1018591). On March 14, 2023, appeals were sent from the leadership of the IMB RAS to the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, the Commissioner for Human Rights with a request to take personal control of the investigation of the case, a certificate of the criminal case with violations and copies of the case materials were attached. From a personal appointment on March 16, 2022, a complaint will be filed with the Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow Region about illegal criminal prosecution and the lack of proper supervision of the investigation.
Lipatova A.V. is mate Rew's daughter, who has severe autism and is in her sole care. Widely known for her outstanding achievements in the scientific field: she is the author of 49 scientific papers, several patents, the head of the development of oncolytic viruses, the head of the development of therapy for lymphoproliferative diseases. Currently, under the leadership of Lipatova A.V. clinical trials are being conducted on a group of incurable patients. The detention of Lipatova A.The. the federal program for the development and preparation of drugs for the treatment of cancer patients was stopped, and patients were deprived of their last hope for salvation.
Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info