Behind the death of Alexei Navalny is not only great political will, but also specific people literally responsible for his life and health. And to be even more precise, formally. After all, what kind of health can we talk about in the land of permafrost, in the once all-Union BUR, where more than one thousand especially dangerous (including for the authorities) prisoners were broken, and criminals are still forced to make barbed wire for other slaves? Details are in the material of the VChK-OGPU observer and Rucriminal.
The known circumstances of the tragedy are as follows. At the time of his death, the politician was serving his next fine in a punishment cell for three days, allegedly for violating the regime. The day before, he participated in a video conference and received a lawyer, but was in normal health.
What versions are there? Of course, he could theoretically intersect with other convicts (an orderly, balanders - from the word gruel, those who distribute food), but most likely, as before, the oppositionist was isolated.
It is unlikely that he was literally tortured by the executioners of the regime from among the employees or colonist-activists: they would be afraid to entrust such a matter to anyone, since there could be excesses of the perpetrator, and there could be a banal leak of information. Therefore, we can assume that we are talking either about a special operation - something similar to the previously attempted poisoning, or about a natural breakdown of Alexei Navalny’s health against the backdrop of the same protracted, exhausting torture-dirty tricks throughout his entire imprisonment.
The founder of FBK and the author of anti-corruption investigations were definitely not saved.
According to official reports to their management, employees of the local prosecutor's office and the Investigative Committee did not see any violations on the day of the death of the prisoner (looking ahead, we note that in their reports the events of the death of the convict were described extremely poorly) and with particular zeal began to study in detail the events days earlier: who visited Alexey Navalny, whether he used any technical means of communication and what is noteworthy in his personal belongings.

Almost as quickly as they reacted to the death of the politician in the FSIN, the local supervisory agency sent a full report to the relevant department of the department for supervision over the execution of punishment of the State Police, where the events before and briefly, but indicating the time, the last hours of the oppositionist’s life were described minute by minute.
For comparison, the investigative group of the SUSC for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, headed by the deputy department, arrived at IK-3 of the village. Kharp around 15.00 Moscow time.

From the reports it follows that Alexey Navalny went for a walk at 12.11 (10.11 Moscow time), after the walk he became ill and was placed in the medical unit. Separately, we undertake to indicate who specifically is responsible for medical care in the colony.
The parent organization of MSCh 11 is located in Komi and is headed by Svetlana Solopova, a narcologist from Kemerovo. She changed her last name three times until she registered at the address with the owner of a private medical organization. When it became known about the death of Alexei Navalny, we managed to contact her, but the interlocutor hung up and wrote a message that “All information is in the operational department.”
Her subordinate, a native of Kyrgyzstan, who started as a doctor in one of the local colonies and is now in charge of two medical colonies in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, one of which is IK-3, Ruslan Tsoi, answered our call by saying that he was in the FSB and hung up.

His neighbor (and the neighbor of the head of the colony, but more about him later) and friend is the head of the colony, Alexei Lisyuk. The 39-year-old doctor, in whose hands the life of Alexei Navalny was in fact, repeatedly came to the attention of law enforcement agencies: in his native Kropotkin (Krasnodar Territory) he was brought to justice for downshifting - he was repeatedly detained and it turned out that he lived without documents, for trading in in unspecified places, and also confiscated a hunting rifle for violating the rules for storing weapons.

There he managed to work in the SES and was pulled by a friend to a warm place. He told his family that Alexei Navalny had come to his colony, but nothing more. In the medical unit entrusted to Lisyuk, according to reviews from former inmates, there was only analgin and brilliant green, and to put it mildly, he himself does not shine with medical talents.

The medical unit itself is licensed only as an outpatient clinic; there is no hospital in IK-3; those who require emergency care must be taken to the nearest hospital (usually in Labytnangi) or to a closed medical institution in Komi. But, as follows from official reports, they “fought” for the life of Alexei Navalny within the walls of the colony for about half an hour before the ambulance was called. These, as they say, golden minutes could be enough to take the necessary measures...

The doctors, who really rushed in very quickly, were already powerless and carried out resuscitation measures, unfortunately, more for the sake of formality. The politician's death was confirmed at 14.17 Moscow time.

There is another responsible person for this death - this is an official who was previously brought to justice, ex-businessman and father of an FSO employee, Vadim Kalinin, who has been the head of IK-3 since 2021. Back in the 2000s, he held a certain position and was convicted of exceeding official authority; the crime was related to strategic materials (goods, raw materials, equipment prohibited for export). However, the case was dropped, and Vadim Kalinin was given amnesty. After that, he was engaged in the agricultural business until 2018, but then he liquidated the company and went to serve in the Federal Penitentiary Service, where he quickly achieved career success. And all this thanks to his wife - it is known that the wife of the current head of IK-3, Natalya Kalinina, back in 2014, was a senior investigator of the Directorate for Supporting the Activities of Operational Units of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The son of jailers took a more privileged path - Danil Kalinin went to stay with relatives in Voronezh, where he studied at a branch of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia at the Voronezh Institute of Government Communications, (abbreviated VIPSI). A Kremlin security officer flaunts his status and posts photographs in military uniform with an FSO cap, emphasizing his status.

None of the Kalinins answered calls from the editors of the Cheka-OGPU and Rucriminal.
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info