Many readers of Rucriminal.info will probably remember the Soviet-era film magazine “The Wick,” which described in a satirical form the main problems of the country: corruption, sloppiness, bureaucracy and other vices and negative phenomena in the state.
The Ministry of Education of Russia, the Administration of the President of Russia, the Government Office and other departments are discussing who will become the next minister? Sergei Kravtsov was written off, including, apparently, the Kremlin’s internal political bloc is not happy with him, since certain sources even provide information about the unfavorable attitude of his former patron, Assistant to the President of Russia for Education and Science Andrei Fursenko. Too many mistakes were made, primarily of a public nature. The uniqueness of the situation lies in the fact that in fact no one is behind the Minister. Now Sergei Kravtsov is trying to find a common language with Metropolitan Tikhon and the Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, but they, apparently, are already tired of resolving his problems. According to rumors, it was Metropolitan Tikhon who brought Sergei Kravtsov together with the religious Prosecutor General of Russia Igor Krasnov, who helped solve several problems with his law enforcement agency. However, in fact, everyone is unhappy with Sergei Kravtsov, but who will take his place?

Under certain circumstances, it would be possible to sincerely sympathize with the current minister Sergei Kravtsov, whom everyone has already buried and is sharing his position, but only under certain circumstances. It must be nice to say hello every day to people who encourage you. On the other hand, it is also clear that a normal specialist will most likely not be hired as a minister, since the Russian Ministry of Education is a source of huge budget funds, including expenses that are difficult to track. After all, the Accounts Chamber of Russia is unlikely to check whether children are patriotic or not.
“Money doesn’t smell” is an expression attributed to the Roman Emperor Vespasian, who established a tax on public toilets. In Latin it sounds like "Pecunia non olet". The literal meaning of this catchphrase: no matter how money is earned, it is all the same. The catchphrase is usually uttered towards unscrupulous people without moral principles, for whom “the end justifies the means” and who are ready to do absolutely anything for their own benefit. Sergei Kravtsov and his team were entrusted with the Ministry of Education of Russia, endowed with tens of billions of rubles, after Rosobrnadzor, whose budget was only 1.5 billion rubles, organized a grandiose criminal community involved in racketeering universities, selling answers to the Unified State Exam and gold medals. However, on a large scale, Sergei Kravtsov made a mistake, and they will certainly find a replacement for him, who will continue to be guided by the above principle when determining state policy in the field of the younger generation.

Timofey Grishin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info