Farewell to the head of the Supreme Court, Vyacheslav Lebedev, who died over the weekend, will be held on February 28 in the columned hall of the House of Unions, and the very next day, on February 29, the Supreme Court will announce a competition for the new chairman. According to the VChK-OGPU telegram channel, there is talk on the sidelines that the position has been offered to Dmitry Medvedev.
Lebedev’s body had not yet been laid on the ground, and a serious “race” had already begun in the judicial community - who would be the first to convey information to the Presidential Administration and merge their competitors.
According to a source of the Cheka-OGPU, one thing is clear that the General Director of the Judicial Department, Alexander Gusev, is fulfilling the last task, and sums up his 20-year reign, because even his deputies are knocking on the thresholds in the offices of the security forces, trying to flush out their permanent boss. They talk about what houses he lives in and what cash flows he has received all these years.
Farewell to Lebedev will take place on February 28, and with him an era will pass, not only of the Supreme Court but also of the reign of Gusev, General Director of the Judicial Department. Whether he will be able to leave without opening criminal cases or not, time will tell, but in the corridors of power they are already talking about the fact that many cases have been started, and old materials have begun to be obtained against him.
The General Director of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Alexander Vladimirovich Gusev, has been involved in many corruption scandals for decades, but today Rucriminal.info reveals the secret of where money flows from the judicial system, and how Gusev’s children buy houses on Rublevki for 500 million rubles.

The daughter of the general director of Suddep, Myakinchenko Maria Aleksandrovna, who modestly lives in Khamovniki on Maly Levshinsky Lane in an elite apartment, is registered in her father’s apartment on Tverskoy Boulevard, 3, in an old house, which is the only one of all that can be declared. Not long ago it became known that her husband, a modest notary, purchased in 2021 in the Odintsovo urban district, in the village of Mozzhinka, a “house” for 500 million rubles, more than 700 square meters with another “modest house” for servants of 250 square meters 5 minutes from Nikolina Gora - one of the most expensive and prestigious areas of the Moscow region.
And this is only a small part of the real estate of Gusev’s “family”. We write “families” in quotation marks because it includes not only relatives.
Readers of Rucriminal.info will be very interested to know where the money allocated for the construction of courts and the budgets allocated for informatization and software for the Russian judicial system went. And what is the role of Director General of the RF Armed Forces Gusev in this, who for many years has been accustomed to resolving issues in the courts in favor of his friends on the call and likes to emphasize his difficult position and “honesty”.
To be continued
Arseny Dronov
Source: www.rucriminal.info