As Rucriminal.info previously reported, there is a former hockey player of the Russian national team, Alexey Tereshchenko, who has a lot of regalia and titles. He is an Honored Master of Sports, three-time world champion in hockey. But most importantly, he tells everyone that he plays hockey with Putin. We previously described in detail how Putin’s “partner” cheated the mother of NHL star Alexander Ovechkin out of money. Today we will remind you of this story and tell a new one.

We have collected comments from people who personally know Tereshchenko:
“He loves to live luxuriously, Patek Philippe watches, Mercedes cars, Vertu phones, suitcases, Luis Viton chests, an apartment for $8 million, a house on Minka in Lesnoy Gorodok, mistresses with gifts from Hermes, etc.., he constantly There wasn’t enough money for something and he constantly asked to borrow money, on average from $50,000 to $300,000.” – said one of the sources. - At the same time, he constantly asked for money for short periods of time, for two weeks, for a month, in the end he never gave it back and everything dragged on for a year or more. He referred every time that the clubs did not give him wages and bonuses. He even swindled his friends and teammates, who had godfathers of their children, out of money.”
In 2017, all the old-timers in the KHL already knew about Lyosha “Scam” and no one gave him money in the league, then Lyosha decided to switch to the NHL and people who simply love hockey. Realizing that Alexander Ovechkin is friends and communicates with many guys from the KHL, Tereshchenko does not risk asking him directly, but calls his mother Tatyana Nikolaevna Ovechkina and asks for money in loans, also in the old scenario and for a short time.
Tatyana Nikolaevna, of course, helped, because “Lyosha” played in “Dynamo,” the family’s native club and familiar with Alexander Ovechkin.
Tereshchenko thought that for the Ovechkin family the amount was 15-20 million rubles. It’s not that significant and no one will really bother about it, but he was mistaken.
Having not received her money on time, Tatyana Nikolaevna persistently but politely demanded it back from Tereshchenko. He started wagging, coming up with excuses and feeding him breakfast.
Tereshchenko, they stopped putting HC Dynamo in the squad for games; management hinted to him that until he resolved his issue with Tatyana Nikolaevna, he would most likely not play for Dynamo anywhere.
Realizing this, Alexey began to run around and look for where to re-borrow money again. He took it against receipts, and some were given to him without them, and many people are still trying to collect debts from him. After this precedent, after the end of the season, Tereshok no longer played for Dynamo Moscow.
In 2011 - 2012, it was fashionable to have a house in a cottage community, and accordingly there was a great demand for houses and plots of land in the Moscow region. In the Klin district of the Moscow region, one hundred square meters of land for building a summer house or cottage near the water cost on average from $2,000 to $5,500.

Our story is about specific plots of land - 50:03:0030280:225, 50:03:0030280:361, which miraculously turned from “free donated” into plots worth over 1 billion rubles. And not in decades, but in a very short and tight time frame. Artificially compressed...
So, by a lucky coincidence, one of the people’s deputies of the city of Klin, concurrently the president and director of the local hockey club “Titan”, Mr. V.I. Belov, received several tens to hundreds of hectares of very promising land into his ownership. Of course, according to the documents, this land was officially registered in the name of other figureheads, but in fact it belonged to and was under the control of a local government representative. It’s more convenient and safer this way, isn’t it?!

At this moment, the famous hockey player Alexey Tereshchenko appears on the arena (unfortunately, not the ice one).
Hockey player Tereshchenko, realizing that the sporting age is short and we need to think about the future, and the understanding president of the Titan hockey club from the city of Klin Belov, agree on a deal for the sale of land near the lake, which in the future can be used for the construction of a cottage village. Why in the future? But because these are agricultural lands and it is impossible to build on them. But if you really want to and the interested person is a famous hockey player, and even says that he plays with Putin!? Then any problem can be solved......
It is known that two plots of land “donated” to his mother were worth almost 1 billion rubles. and the other two were for a reason, and not for free. This was a business project by Tereshchenko and his companion for the construction of an entire village of 300+ houses located on 48 hectares. land. Two neighboring plots in this project were also donated on the same day by Tatyana Tereshchenko’s mother to two very interesting persons connected directly with Alexey Tereshchenko himself in other episodes..(more about them in the sequel)
At the same time, the plots allegedly donated to Tereshchenko’s mother were actually purchased for hundreds of millions of rubles, and then transferred to individual housing construction.
The money was brought in cash and given in bags right in the stadium director’s office, while the money was being counted, in At this point, deeds of gift for these plots were issued to the notary for Tereshchenko’s mother and her new “neighbors.”
At the same time, the plots registered in the name of Tereshchenko’s mother were initially supposed to be registered in the name of Alexey himself, but at the last moment he asked to register them in his mother’s name. Moreover, after receiving certificates of ownership for all plots, Tereshchenko and the partner had to distribute and register them in half 50/50. In anticipation of the acquisition of these plots of land, the following events occurred.
To “legitimize” their relationship, the partners agree on the following: Tereshchenko, under a loan agreement, transfers a small part of his share for the land plots to the account of the organization managed by his partner, for which, as a guarantee, Tereshchenko is formally included in the founders, and the partner pays the actual owner of land plots in cash.
Having transferred a large sum of money with six zeros for land plots (also not rubles) to the “right people” for changing the category of land, the partners received certificates of ownership of plots under donation agreements of 48 hectares of very promising land with a changed type of use, the lion’s share of which is 32 hectares formally registered in the name of Tereshchenko’s mother..
In 2012-2013, a project was completed, technical specifications were received, etc. It was time to start implementing the project, but..... partner Tereshchenko asked to re-register his part of the land to him and to do land surveying for a cottage village. The company that provided these services in Klin informed him that the land registered in the name of Tereshchenko’s mother was pledged to the Ak-Bars bank under a large loan and was pledged to the bank, with an encumbrance on it.
Tereshchenko, on the sly of his partner, took out a loan for several million dollars from the Ak-Bars bank and mortgaged their common land there for several years until 2017-2018. When Tereshchenko’s partner asked him in 2017 to transfer part of the land belonging to him to him or to pay him the money for it, which he paid upon purchase in 2012, Tereshchenko refused, saying that today the cost of the land is much cheaper. Later, in 2018, an advertisement appeared on the website of the real estate agency CIAN about the sale of one of the plots formally registered in the name of Tereshchenko’s mother for 67,000,000 rubles.
In this criminal way, Tereshchenko made his mother an official millionaire, deceived and cheated the state, and at the same time his partner.
There is one more small interesting detail....
In September 2012, all central channels reported news of the arrest of a major official. It’s a strange coincidence, but the accomplices of this major official in a criminal case are “neighbors” of Tereshchenko’s mother’s plots for the construction of a cottage community in the Klinsky district
And Tereshchenko A. himself gave deliberately false testimony to the investigator that he allegedly gave cash in the amount of $100,000, which was seized from the person involved in the criminal investigation, to buy him a Mercedes, although this money was intended for completely different purposes. Being from a dynasty of dishonest policemen (his father quit on time, his uncle was convicted of bribery), A. Tereshchenko is so confident in his impunity and omnipotence that he deliberately lies, forges documents, falsifies evidence, deliberately invents false information for investigators, detectives, judges, and then he himself writes complaints against them to the prosecutor's office.
In 2017, Tereshchenko “mocks” the police, he receives complaints and statements against the investigator of the Moscow Investigative Committee S. Volchkova (who did not return the $100,000 seized to him in 2012 during the arrest of an official) and a statement against the person arrested with this money in 2012 year of assistant official. At the same time, Tereshchenko does not specifically sign these statements himself and someone, not he himself, sends them with a false signature to the police. Maybe principled employees will be found and will conduct an examination of Alexey Tereshchenko’s statements, so that others will be discouraged from using them.

Roman Trushkin
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info