At the disposal of Rucriminal.info and the telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU was a new recording of the meeting between Anatoly Chubais and Ilya Suchkov, an entrepreneur who helped build Chubais's palace in the Moscow region.
At this meeting, Anatoly Chubais, due to unwillingness to quote: "... pay a triple tax out of nothing," entrusted the development and implementation of a scheme for laundering money used to build a mansion in the village of Predelkino, Odintsovo district, Moscow region, "ZhK Peredelki" citizen Ruben Vardanyan.

The main task assigned by Anatoly Chubais to Ruben Vardanyan was to carry out "enchanting diplomacy" by Ruben Vardanyan to modernize the scheme in order to reduce taxes. In other words, at the suggestion of Anatoly Chubais, the ZhK Peredelki mansion with an estimated cost in the region of 47,000,000 US dollars and a market value, according to 3 (Three) independent assessments, including a judicial one from 34,000,000 to 36,500,000 US dollars, was to be sold father and son Mints at an extremely low cost of 7,000,000 - 8,000,000 US dollars. In connection with the resulting debt of 39,000,000 - 40,000,000 US dollars, after the implementation of such a scheme, the Swiss company SFO Concept AG JSC had to be deliberately bankrupt.
But let's get back to the construction of "LCD Peredelki" for Anatoly Chubais in 2010-2016. and the legal "lawlessness" of the so-called preliminary investigation and legal proceedings, which lasted almost 7 (seven) years in criminal case No. 123632.
In 2012, the directors of the Swiss company JSC SFO Concept AG, founded on the initiative of Anatoly Chubais, Oliver Nedelaya and Andre Odermatt, on behalf of the same Anatoly Chubais, signed loan agreements with the Cypriot company O1 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED (TILSOKA LIMITED) for 22,000,000 US dollars with maturity in 10 years. The ultimate beneficiary of the lender's company is the same old associate and business partner of Anatoly Chubais, Boris Mints. It should be immediately clarified that Boris Mints, according to the media, is suspected of withdrawing funds from Russian pensioners for years and distributing bad loans to his offshore companies in Cyprus. For this purpose, Boris Mints created a group of companies O1 Group, which, among other things, included the company lender O1 TRUST SERVICES LIMITED (TILSOKA LIMITED).
According to the source of Rucriminal.info, until 2016 everything was going great, Anatoly Chubais and his entourage, boundlessly devoted to him, namely, the family office of SFO CONCEPT CONSULTING LLC (Russia), led by General Director Sergey Krychenko, successfully mastered Anatoly Chubais, as it became known now time, extremely doubtful received, the so-called "borrowed" funds in the amount significantly exceeding the income declared by Anatoly Chubais. This is one of the answers to the question why Anatoly Chubais financed the construction of "ZhK Peredelka" through a foreign, created by him Swiss company and, in fact, until May 2013, during the period when the so-called borrowed funds were received, he solely disposed of it.

In January 2016, the construction of the Residential Complex Peredelki was completed, and the property was commissioned by the Swiss company JSC SFO Concept AG, in connection with which the question arose of its purchase, in accordance with previous agreements with Anatoly Chubais, at market value from the Swiss companies. However, the new shareholder of the Swiss company JSC "SFO Concept AG" Ilya Suchkov, having learned about the true intentions of Anatoly Chubais, refused to participate in the process of laundering borrowed money by him and Boris Mints and offered Boris Mints and Anatoly Chubais to buy ZhK Peredelki at a market value, with a possibly valid valid the legislation of the Russian Federation and Switzerland at a discount for 33,000,000 US dollars. After the refusal of Ilya Suchkov, there was a grandiose scandal, during which Anatoly Chubais began to take revenge and showed himself in a "dirty" guise, an unscrupulous and vile position.
In 2016-2017, based on false denunciations by Anatoly Chubais and representatives of Boris Mints, the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Odintsovo urban district, 2 (Two) criminal cases were initiated against Ilya Suchkov, later merged into one under No. Suchkov to criminal liability for the alleged non-repayment by the Swiss company of loans received in 2012 by Anatoly Chubais, under the guarantees given by him for their repayment in 2023!
Further, in 2017, Anatoly Chubais applied to the same police department with a statement about the alleged theft of property allegedly belonging to him in ZhK Peredelki for an amount not established by the investigation of 20,000,000, or 67,543,905, or more than 70,000,000 rubles.
For reference: according to the documented data available in the case file, ZhK Peredelki and all property and equipment located in it were purchased until 2016 with the funds of the Swiss company SFO Concept AG JSC and, accordingly o by right of ownership until 2019 belonged to a Swiss company. Therefore, Anatoly Chubais actually had nothing to do with the property and equipment allegedly stolen from him. Moreover, according to unconfirmed reports, all the equipment allegedly stolen from Anatoly Chubais has been installed and is currently located in ZhK Peredelki, to which no one is allowed to come close.
The diligence with which the investigators of the SU UMVD of Russia for the Odintsovo urban district Egorova Zh.A. and Mogilevskaya A.G. "cooked" custom-made criminal case No. 123632 is simply shocking. With the written permission of Egorova Zh.A. the object of the crime recognized by the investigation - ZhK Peredelki - during the investigation period was already sold three times to 3 persons.
Material evidence, the location of which is not known, was not attached to criminal case No. 123632. Instead of physical evidence, the defendants in the case were presented with photographs of cardboard boxes with pasted sheets of paper, supposedly with a list of the equipment contained in them. Fantastic! Fake witnesses were involved in the case: Grishin G.G., Grevtsev D.M., Kuzmin O.A. and Sergeev A.V. who do not remember where and what specific equipment they bought for Anatoly Chubais, but only claim that they took it, though they can’t decide on the amount, money from Anatoly Chubais and his adjutant Sergei Krychenko for the purchase of equipment. The heads of Svyatovit-BIT LLC and KUB Company LLC, who, under agreements concluded with them in the interests of the Swiss company, actually installed the equipment, which was determined by the investigation as allegedly stolen from Anatoly Chubais, were not interrogated. Documents indicated in the indictment indisputably confirming the innocence of the accused were not attached to the case file. The criminal case was investigated and continues to be considered in the courts without a statement from the representative of the victim and in the absence of his authority. While Ilya Suchkov was in the hospital, the above-mentioned investigators forged a protocol on allegedly familiarizing him with the case materials. Unfortunately, the list of offenses by the investigation can be continued for a very long time.
Later it became known that the loan agreements concluded by the directors of the Swiss company Oliver Nedela and Andre Odermatt at the direction of Anatoly Chubais were feigned, and the borrowed funds most likely belonged to Anatoly Chubais, and on the accounts of legal offshore companies Boris Mints were only in storage. Why has no one from the competent authorities asked Anatoly Chubais about these circumstances so far?
There are many questions, but one conclusion suggests itself, with a high degree of probability, Anatoly Chubais laundered the money he dubiously received through loans. He received "loans" from the money belonging to him, and not to Boris Mints.
For 2 (Two) years now, criminal case No. 123632, No. 01-0104/2022, No. 01-0012/2023 has been hanging in the courts of Moscow and the Moscow Region. The case was twice returned for further investigation, and now the judges started a “ping pong” to find jurisdiction.
It seems that it is far from accidental that the case was pending before the judge of the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow, Filchenko M.S., for more than a year. During the time the criminal case was in the proceedings of the judge Filchenko M.S. no less gross violations of the rights of the defendants were manifested. Most of the motions filed by the defense of Ilya Suchkov disappeared from the case file, the consideration of which directly establishes his innocence. The reason for their disappearance is, according to the judge, their improper submission, in accordance with the current legislation, through the expedition of the court, and not in the court session. The case does not contain part of the minutes of the court sessions, there is no part of the case materials indicated in the indictment. The judge did not send the criminal case to the court of appeal for 4 months.
Participants of the process sent over 300 complaints about the violation of their rights. Even!
One gets the impression that the Russian Themis has completely gone blind and she simply does not need a bandage. She is unable to perform the functions assigned to her. There is also another opinion, maybe Anatoly Chubais's direct interest here is to achieve the result he needs. In this connection, for some reason, there is no doubt that the lawlessness in the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow simply rolls over and not only allegedly due to the improper competence of Judge M.S. Filchenko. In this case, in this situation, it is not at all appropriate to talk about justice, and even with respect for the rights of the accused, if we are talking about the case "ordered" by Anatoly Chubais and his fugitive friend Boris Mints.
(meetings of Anatoly Chubais with Ilya Suchkov)
Anatoly Chubais: come on, tell me the whole picture as it is
Ilya Suchkov: Anatoly Borisovich, look at us 2 (Two) weeks ago, I don’t remember the exact date of the 17th (February 2016), in my opinion, there was a meeting, joint: Sergey (Sergey Krychenko), Dmitry Mints, me and Elena ( Elena Orlova) employee of Ruben Karlenovich (Ruben Vardanyan). At this meeting Dmitry Borisovich (Dmitry Mints) radically changed the whole "scheme" that we agreed on last year
Anatoly Chubais: about which you agreed with him?
Ilya Suchkov: in your presence we agreed
Anatoly Chubais: Did you agree with him (Dmitry Mints)?
Ilya Suchkov: we agreed on everything, we are acting in her logic
Anatoly Chubais: So, what was the essence of the scheme?
Ilya Suchkov: the bottom line was that loans (we are talking about loans issued in 2012 by the offshore company of Boris Mints to the Swiss company SFO Concept AG JSC under the guarantee of their return given by Anatoly Chubais, with his 100% shareholding, in the amount of about 22,000 000 US dollars) “collapse” (are credited) towards the cost of real estate (“LCD Alterations”) plus there with some kind of delta.
Anatoly Chubais: it's clear, yes
Ilya Suchkov: 2 (Two) weeks ago I met with Dmitry (Dmitry Mints) and accordingly he told me that no, we will not work according to the old scheme
Anatoly Chubais: is it at this meeting?
Ilya Suchkov: Yes, at a joint meeting. I (Dmitry Mints) will buy it (ZhK Peredelki real estate) from your company (JSC SFO Concept AG, Switzerland) for 7,000,000 US dollars. I say "No. Why, because here is the conclusion of the lawyers (Swiss lawyers), I also handed over to him (Dmitry Mints) his (the conclusion of the Swiss lawyers), according to which in Switzerland up to 5 (Five) years in prison. I don't need it Anatoly Borisovich (Anatoly Chubais), respectively, neither me nor the general director (JSC SFO Concept AG, Switzerland) is Swiss. To be honest, Anatoly Borisovich (Anatoly Chubais) first trust, then incomprehensible 5 (Five) years, I honestly don’t want to sit for 5 (Five) years neither to the Swiss nor to me
Anatoly Chubais: understandable
Ilya Suchkov: I did not expect this when we agree on everything and agree in the presence of you, but Dima (Dmitry Mints) says no to me. That is, I'm sorry, but we do it this way and nothing else
Anatoly Chubais: let's do this, then, as I understand the picture now. So I understand it in the following way, what we have, we have changes in the "scheme" from Dima (Dmitry Mints) that are not accepted by you. So it is clear that in this case it is necessary to set the task of developing a “scheme” not before Dima (Dmitry Mints) but before Ruben (Ruben Vardanyan), who should “A” hear your proposal, you describe your version of the “scheme”, but again but I am not able to plunge into it and I do not need to plunge. So let's go Ruben (Ruben Vardanyan) returns next week, I tell him that the scheme of Dima (Dmitry Mints) is not accepted. I tell him that you have a proposal for your "scheme". Then he (Ruben Vardanyan) meets with you, listens to you, maybe he won’t accept it, he will give you some third, fourth. Then the next stage is called: the development of a new "scheme", which is acceptable to you and which is acceptable to me. So let's dedicate the next 2 (two) weeks of time to this
Ilya Suchkov: Anatoly Borisovich is in fact not my “scheme”, this is a “scheme” that was agreed with Ruben Karlenovich (Ruben Vardanyan) and Dmitry Borisovich (Dmitry Mints), that is, it has not changed on my part
Anatoly Chubais: that is, Dima (Dmitry Mints) changed the "scheme" that Ruben (Ruben Vardanyan) agreed upon?
Ilya Suchkov: yes, individually, which we agreed on together
Anatoly Chubais: Yes, I understand you. For me, Ruben (Ruben Vardanyan) is responsible for the whole “scheme” all the same. Dima (Dmitry Mints) probably also refused that “scheme”, you also need to listen to him why he refused
Ilya Suchkov: he (Dmitry Mints) refused, I explained to you because the father (Boris Mints), relatively speaking, takes (buys) this (“LCD Alterations”) for 30,000,000 US dollars according to the market estimate, then gives it (real estate " ZhK Alterations") Dima (Dmitry Mints)
Anatoly Chubais: you have described this "scheme" here
Ilya Suchkov: we agreed on it all together, it was proposed by Boris Iosifovich (Boris Mints), this is not my proposal. I just said that I would not be able to sell below the costs that we (the Swiss company SFO Concept AG JSC) made, and today we have bought plots for 8,000,000 US dollars and 30,000,000 US dollars invested in construction (LCD Alterations”), everything went according to accounts, I can’t fall below this amount Anatoly Borisovich
Anatoly Chubais: Of course, I also don't want to pay a triple tax out of nothing. Come on then, to the end, in fact, you are at risk, Dima (Dmitry Borisovich) is at risk, Boris Iosifovich (Boris Mints) is at risk, so of course we will need to somehow harmonize everything, minimize risks to the limit, but maintaining an acceptable level taxation. I set a task for Ruben (Ruben Vardanyan), on Tuesday Wednesday he arrives, I (Anatoly Chubais) meet with him so that he attracts you and set the task for him (Ruben Vardanyan) to carry out such "charming diplomacy", to the old "scheme" means to the old if somehow you manage to modernize it (“scheme”) so that there are fewer taxes, even better. I still hope that we have to complete this year. When did you receive your rating?
Ilya Suchkov: I’ll tell you now on February 12, I think we had a meeting on February 17 (February 2016) when everything turned upside down, everything changed

Anatoly Chubais: Well, I understand, I understand. Well, come on, I don’t have an exact answer to this question, the answer to this question is, what kind of “scheme” is chosen, with the task of the possibility of a non-radical increase in tax consequences. Therefore, ask the same question to Ruben (Ruben Vardanyan), he must understand all the limitations and he must work out a new scheme. I think, I hope that he (Ruben Vardanyan) will meet with you next week, immediately after the conversation with me, the conversation with me will take place somewhere on Tuesday or Wednesday, so your next step is to talk to him, discuss it there already " scheme, order, evaluation, and so on and so forth.
To be continued
Timofey Grishin
Source: www.rucriminal.info