Rucriminal.info has repeatedly talked about various raider takeover schemes. However, today the story is about a new type of raiding - when not teams of lawyers or professional "deciders" enter the fight for a valuable asset, but people with a big name and famous kinship.
Being a descendant of a great person is not heroism and not a way to get rich, however, solving your problems with the help of the phrase “ancestor’s memory” is quite profitable - everyone has a name, the hero’s deeds are honored and respected, so refuse any request to the relatives of the honored and famous it just becomes uncomfortable.
Everyone knows the pilot Valery Chkalov, they speak and remember about his exploits, not only streets, trade facilities and residential complexes are named after him, but there is even an expression among the people to do something “in Chkalov’s way”, that is, to act widely, boldly, recklessly and dangerous.
It is known that Chkalov left a solid legacy to his descendants - the opportunity to live in the center of Moscow, have a solid allowance, a personal driver and visit a summer cottage in Serebryany Bor.
One apartment in the prestigious Sadovoye district was allocated during the life of the pilot, and his office is still preserved in it. The other one went to the hero's relatives after his death, as well as the opportunity for a summer holiday in Bor in the country. However, the Chkalovs tried in every possible way to turn the “opportunity to rest” into “possession”. It is unsuitable, in their opinion, for such important people to “huddle” in their 100-meter apartments.
Not much is known about relatives, various media reported that the pilot's daughter Olga is a candidate of technical sciences, grandson Valery graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, and his great-grandson rides those who wish on a boat, was a short-lived commercial director and unsuccessfully ran for deputies.
A well-known surname always helped - studying at prestigious universities, trips to the USA, the opportunity to rotate in high circles and make connections - they moved through life, tapping their chest with their fists - “we are the Chkalovs!”.
Connections with Americans
An interesting fact: the descendants of Valery Chkalov have repeatedly argued in their interviews that the pilot was killed. Stalin and Beria were considered guilty. Chkalov's son Igor emphasized that the Americans, who sacredly honor the memory of the hero, are also confident in this version. After the interview was released, a big hatred was raised against the descendants - they were accused of living on large pensions and allowances for all the years, receiving apartments and various benefits, and now, pouring mud on the Soviet government that gave them literally everything, they are betraying their father, who by faith and he truly served his country, for the sake of the dacha, where Valery Pavlovich had never been. Someone accused the Chkalovs of working for the State Department and actively promoting the liberal agenda to the masses.
The Chkals have developed strong and long-standing ties with the Americans, their families have flown to the United States more than once, they have always spoken enthusiastically about the support of Western friends and how they honor the memory of the pilot, unlike the current authorities.
Many times the pilot's son came to the USA on the anniversary of Chkalov's famous flight. In 2002, he was elected an Honorary Citizen of the United States.
The grandson and great-grandson of Valery Chkalov were also not averse to making Western friends and often flew to the United States. Igor Chkalov wrote at the same time that he flies there “for work”.
It is not clear what kind of job the unemployed young man had in mind. But subscribers noticed that he often led his social networks in English.
First casualties (2010-2011)
The dacha issue for the Chkalovs arose quite acutely - there were more and more relatives, but they could not earn their own. Despite the condemnation and outrage of the public, relatives use the method of "family" raiding to the fullest - the first courts began more than 10 years ago.
The first victims of the Chkalovs in the struggle for property were ... the Chkalovs.
As Rucriminal.info found out, families do not get along, we discovered the fact that relatives were suing each other because of an apartment in the center of Moscow.
The courts have repeatedly ruled that all the declared persons can live in the apartment, so the story with the apartment turned out sideways, and it is still in social security.
Against the Government of Moscow (2012-2013)
The Chkalovs also repeatedly and unsuccessfully sued the Moscow authorities. They tried to prove their ownership of the dacha in Bor.
Accompanying expensive lawyers does not always lead to success, and in the case of the Chkalovs - never, all courts are lost. But this did not stop them from suing again - in 2020, and again with the same ending. I recall the phrase from the joke about "the case that fed the lawyer all his life."
Against ownership
The “Chkalovsky-style” raiding scheme looks like this: while the house with the land has a legal owner who bears the multimillion-dollar burden of paying taxes and utilities, the raiders enjoy absolutely free living among the rich and famous. In parallel with this, the owner is pumped up with courts and numerous exhausting checks for his survival from the territory inhabited by numerous relatives of the pilot.
Status means a lot to them - they are genetically accustomed to everything free: gifts, attention, special position and attitude. Already the fourth generation has tasted the benefits of "special status" and is ready to fight for it to the end. At the same time, neighbors and acquaintances characterize the hero's descendants as arrogant and aggressive people, accustomed to complete impunity. The bases of court decisions and enforcement proceedings also give an idea of their attitude to the law and society: numerous fines, electricity debts, beatings and arbitrariness. I would like to note that only those events that reached the legal assessment of state bodies got on this honor roll.
Deceived journalists (2021-present)
Numerous media outlets became the next victims of relatives. It is not known what documents were presented to journalists, but the facts of numerous court decisions that have entered into legal force seemed to be hushed up. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain how the press was deceived - here and there headlines about the "family nest" and property rights flashed, although the pilot Chkalov had never been to the dacha in Serebryany Bor, and the "family nest" is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region. It is known that before the death of the pilot, the dacha was in the use of another family. However, it is difficult to deny the fact that such a name in the title attracts the reader.
Instead of success and a victorious war in the media, the attempt to manipulate the ancestor failed - the descendants only drew too much attention to themselves. As it turned out, not all journalists are led by a high-profile surname, and in a number of journalistic investigations, a family closet was opened, from which skeletons fell. For many years, they were diligently hidden by the carriers of the star family, because the image of the noble descendants of the hero was exploited in this way, and these are high connections and monetization of the glory of the people's favorite. The skeletons looked different, but they were connected by greed, adultery and hypocrisy.
For example, the pilot's daughter, who was born after her father's death, stated that she had lived in Serebryany Bor for 82 years, but according to those close to the Chkalov family, Olga has not lived there for more than 20 years, and in general tries not to come there. She has enough trouble even without unfortunate relatives - she recently found herself in the center of a big scandal when scammers stole 23 million rubles from her accounts!
Party to Sacrifice (2021)
In 2021, the unremarkable unemployed great-grandson of the pilot, Igor Chkalov, tried to get his share of fame. At first, he ran from one party to another, trying to resolve the issue with the dacha in Serebryany Bor, even attracted the scandalous landowner deputy Andrey Svintsov, about whom there are conflicting rumors.
Throwing around the parties did not end in anything good - there were no allies to capture the dacha. However, a “bright” idea of an easy way to the cherished goal was born in the young man’s head.
As reported by the media, a lover of a beautiful life put forward his candidacy for elections to the State Duma in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Igor Chkalov reported on his income for 2020. The information was published on the website of the regional election commission in August 2021.
It turns out that in 2020 a young man received an average of 60,275 rubles a month. With such earnings, you don’t particularly clear up, but you want, of course, according to your appetites. And Igor's are serious.
Having lost the election, Chkalov's relative fell out of the agenda - now he publishes footage of a carefree life on his networks: he rides a boat or rents it out, and in general he spends a lot of time in entertainment on the water.
After the fiasco in his small homeland, the great-grandson more than ever needed dividends from the famous ancestor. And another "bright" idea was not long in coming.
Raiders with a star surname invent more and more new ways to influence the courts and the public: the failed deputy and top manager Igor Chkalov convinced the pilot's daughter, 83-year-old Olga Valeryevna, to blackmail the country's government ... with the ashes of a hero who rests in the Kremlin wall. The message was read between the lines: if you don’t give the dacha, we’ll take the ashes.
And again a fiasco, unexpectedly for the raiders, this "creative" move had the opposite effect - the public regarded Chkalova's letter as a cynical attempt to sell her father's ashes at a higher price. Some media even noted that this is nothing more than unprecedented pressure on the judiciary.
The dacha scheme is unsuccessful
Ignoring the institution of property rights, court decisions and the total self-confidence of family raiders suggest the presence of a patron and high connections. The great-grandson of the pilot himself speaks about this in his interviews, talking about the support from the staff of the Prosecutor General's Office and the Supreme Court.
All stories are built on the same patterns: set a goal, go to the right offices with the help of a surname
, drive the media, blame the authorities for not honoring the memory of an ancestor, file a bunch of lawsuits and statements, send “damage” in the form of checks.
It is curious how this demonstrative story of the attack of the "family raiders" Chkalovs on the right to property will develop further.
Who knows, perhaps we will witness restitution "in the Soviet way", and then "in the royal way." We will follow the development of events and acquaint readers with other details of the violent activities of the "family raiders".
To be continued
Source: www.rucriminal.info
Source: www.rucriminal.info