A source told Rucriminal.info that Nikolay Shavrin and Andrey Godovalov met during the Soviet period, when they worked together at the Pemos plant.

In the early 90s, Shavrin and Godovalov attracted two more people to run a joint business. At first, the business consisted of reselling ethyl alcohol. When they made a large profit, Shavrin and Godovalov "cheated" the other two partners. According to Shavrin and Godovalov themselves: one became an alcoholic, the other died as a result of falling from his own height.
After this, Shavrin and Godovalov decided to start a pharmaceutical business and attracted Irina Vidutina as an accountant, and in fact as a third partner.
The pharmacists' profits began to grow rapidly in the mid-2000s, when Shavrin and Godovalov began to closely cooperate with budgetary institutions. The largest buyers from pharmacists were the State Unitary Enterprise of the Sverdlovsk Region "Pharmacy" and City Clinical Hospital No. 2 named after F.Kh. Gral.
Major problems for pharmacists began in 2020: an on-site tax audit for 2016-2018, banks tightening lending conditions, and an indifferent attitude towards their own business.
The on-site tax audit ended unfavorably: the Godovalov company (OOO Godovalov is the parent organization of the Shavrin and Godovalov holding) was additionally charged 700 million rubles for 2016-2018. The tax authority's claim was that Shavrin N.M. and Godovalov A.Yu. created a "business fragmentation" scheme through controlled organizations (Pharmacies from a warehouse) that used special tax regimes. The pharmacists, of course, tried to appeal the decision of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate No. 5 for the largest taxpayers to hold them liable, but to no avail (decision of the ASGM dated September 30, 2024 in case No. A40-55466/2023). In addition, based on the results of the audit of activities for 2019-2021, Godovalov LLC was additionally charged another 250 million rubles.
The decrease in the overall economic efficiency of the Shavrin and Godovalov holding led to a natural decrease in revenue. Since Shavrin and Godovalov had long been on the "credit needle", in order to continue lending, they had to distort the accounting and tax reporting of the entire holding. Work with reporting and credit institutions was entrusted to the third partner, Irina Vidutina. Distortion of reporting does not help pharmacists much: banks continue to reduce credit limits, partners withdraw free money from the business into their own pockets, the holding of Shavrin and Godovalov actually lives only at the expense of credit funds.
Shavrin and Godovalov essentially lost interest in their business long ago, since they repeatedly tried to sell their entire holding. The deals fell through due to the greed of the pharmacists and the negative financial performance of the entire holding.
In 2022, the pharmacists realized that the problems were growing and it was necessary to prepare escape routes. Rucriminal.info found out that Shavrin and Godovalov, with the participation of accountant Irina Vidutina, are beginning to actively empty the accounts of their companies. The partners decided that Godovalov Andrey had the greatest criminal risks of the three. That is why Godovalov Andrey was “exiled” to Italy with money to preserve assets. Shavrin Nikolay and Vidutina Irina stayed in Perm to "tidy up the loose ends" and cover for Godovalov.
So in September 2023, Shavrin Nikolay, acting for himself and Godovalov Andrey, decides to voluntarily liquidate Godovalov LLC and appoints full-time lawyer Mikhail Berezkin as the liquidator. After that, Shavrin Nikolay, using the controlled Eurocap LLC, launches a simplified bankruptcy procedure for Godovalov LLC - bankruptcy of the liquidated debtor (case No. A40-222076/2023). Bankruptcy under the simplified procedure allows for a controlled bankruptcy of Godovalov LLC, which is beneficial to Shavrin and Godovalov. Subsequently, Nikolay Shavrin, with the assistance of his in-house lawyer Mikhail Berezkin, launches controlled bankruptcy procedures against himself (case No. A50-28832/2023) and Andrey Godovalov (case No. A50-28799/2023).
At the same time, events begin to unfold on the criminal front.
So, in January 2024, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory initiates a criminal case under paragraph b of Part 2 of Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - evasion of taxes, insurance premiums on an especially large scale (criminal case No. 12402570032000001).
The criminal case is being investigated by senior investigator S.D. Zuev. The investigator conducted searches, during which a large number of documents were seized, witnesses (employees and managers of the Pharmacies from the warehouse) were questioned, and the property and bank accounts of Shavrin, Godovalov, and Godovalov LLC were seized. In September 2024, Nikolay Shavrin was charged under paragraph b of part 2 of Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (tax evasion by a group of persons by prior conspiracy on an especially large scale), and a written undertaking not to leave was chosen as a preventive measure for Nikolay Shavrin. Taking into account that Nikolay Shavrin himself has a second citizenship of Kyrgyzstan, and his son has lived in France for a long time, Nikolay Shavrin has a real opportunity to leave the country. territory of Russia. Under such circumstances, choosing a preventive measure not related to the restriction of freedom in relation to Shavrin looks like a strange choice on the part of the investigation.
In turn, Andrey Godovalov, who is hiding from the investigation in Italy, has not yet been charged, he is not put on the wanted list.
Currently, Nikolay Shavrin is trying to find ways to contact the leadership of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory and personally investigator S.D. Zuev in order to return to the status of a witness in the criminal case.
Considering the procedural inaction of investigator S.D. Zuev, Nikolay Shavrin has most likely already reached certain "agreements" with the investigator: the tax examination is being delayed, the statute of limitations for bringing Nikolay Shavrin and Andrey Godovalov to criminal liability under Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation expires in March 2025. The total amount of unpaid taxes, fees, penalties as of 2022 is 700 million rubles, when recalculating penalties for 2024, the total amount is more than 1 billion rubles.
In addition, Shavrin and Godovalov "cheated" the largest banks. The total debt to VTB, SMP, Metallinvestbank is more than 4.5 billion rubles.
Since January 2024, creditor banks have been unsuccessfully trying to initiate a criminal case on the fact of fraud on the part of Shavrin Nikolay, Godovalov Andrey, Godovalov LLC and the Apteka ot Sklada chain: the applicants accuse the businessmen of providing false information to obtain loans that were not planned for repayment.
Operative commissioner of the Economic Security and Criminal Investigation Department No. 3 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Perm Egor Boronnikov has repeatedly refused to initiate a criminal case for far-fetched reasons.
Currently, the investigation material on the application is under consideration by the investigator of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory, S.D. Zuev, who is investigating the case under Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation against Shavrin and Godovalov.
Investigator S.D. Zuev once again decided not to rush into the investigation of the case on the application of Sberbank and refused to initiate a criminal case against Nikolay Shavrin and Andrey Godovalov. We believe that investigator S.D. Zuev decided to provide an opportunity for Shavrin and Godovalov to sell the remaining property and transfer funds abroad, after which Nikolay Shavrin will also leave Russia. In fact, the approximate market value of the remaining property of Shavrin and Godovalov is 700 million rubles.
In conclusion of the story, Shavrin Nikolay and Godovalov Andrey ran a pharmaceutical business for over 30 years, successfully and profitably, because OOO Godovalov and the Apteka ot Sklada chain, according to SBIS, showed profit year after year, there was real estate and movable property, warehouses and pharmacies filled with goods.
On the other hand, a successful and profitable business, but illegal in the opinion of the state, which in 2016-2018 alone did not receive more than 700 million rubles in the budget and in 2019-2021 200 million rubles, which settled in the pockets of Shavrin Nikolay and Godovalov Andrey. And this money could have gone to payments and assistance to our guys who are now in the SVO.
Shavrin and Godovalov also decided not to return the received loan funds, which amount to more than 4.5 billion rubles. Other creditors of the pharmacists will probably get nothing at all, the total debt to which is more than 5 billion rubles. Among the largest creditors of the pharmacists are: OOO FC Puls, AO CV Protek, OOO FC Grand Capital and others.
As of today, Nikolay Shavrin and Andrey Godovalov owe the state, banks and suppliers more than 12 billion rubles, both are at large. One lives carefree with his family in Italy, controlling everything remotely. And the other in Russia, controlling everything on the spot, trying in every possible way to put pressure on the investigation and witnesses, to go through all the cases only as a witness, and not as an accused.
Denis Zhirnov
Source: www.rucriminal.info

In the early 90s, Shavrin and Godovalov attracted two more people to run a joint business. At first, the business consisted of reselling ethyl alcohol. When they made a large profit, Shavrin and Godovalov "cheated" the other two partners. According to Shavrin and Godovalov themselves: one became an alcoholic, the other died as a result of falling from his own height.
After this, Shavrin and Godovalov decided to start a pharmaceutical business and attracted Irina Vidutina as an accountant, and in fact as a third partner.
The pharmacists' profits began to grow rapidly in the mid-2000s, when Shavrin and Godovalov began to closely cooperate with budgetary institutions. The largest buyers from pharmacists were the State Unitary Enterprise of the Sverdlovsk Region "Pharmacy" and City Clinical Hospital No. 2 named after F.Kh. Gral.
Major problems for pharmacists began in 2020: an on-site tax audit for 2016-2018, banks tightening lending conditions, and an indifferent attitude towards their own business.
The on-site tax audit ended unfavorably: the Godovalov company (OOO Godovalov is the parent organization of the Shavrin and Godovalov holding) was additionally charged 700 million rubles for 2016-2018. The tax authority's claim was that Shavrin N.M. and Godovalov A.Yu. created a "business fragmentation" scheme through controlled organizations (Pharmacies from a warehouse) that used special tax regimes. The pharmacists, of course, tried to appeal the decision of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate No. 5 for the largest taxpayers to hold them liable, but to no avail (decision of the ASGM dated September 30, 2024 in case No. A40-55466/2023). In addition, based on the results of the audit of activities for 2019-2021, Godovalov LLC was additionally charged another 250 million rubles.
The decrease in the overall economic efficiency of the Shavrin and Godovalov holding led to a natural decrease in revenue. Since Shavrin and Godovalov had long been on the "credit needle", in order to continue lending, they had to distort the accounting and tax reporting of the entire holding. Work with reporting and credit institutions was entrusted to the third partner, Irina Vidutina. Distortion of reporting does not help pharmacists much: banks continue to reduce credit limits, partners withdraw free money from the business into their own pockets, the holding of Shavrin and Godovalov actually lives only at the expense of credit funds.
Shavrin and Godovalov essentially lost interest in their business long ago, since they repeatedly tried to sell their entire holding. The deals fell through due to the greed of the pharmacists and the negative financial performance of the entire holding.
In 2022, the pharmacists realized that the problems were growing and it was necessary to prepare escape routes. Rucriminal.info found out that Shavrin and Godovalov, with the participation of accountant Irina Vidutina, are beginning to actively empty the accounts of their companies. The partners decided that Godovalov Andrey had the greatest criminal risks of the three. That is why Godovalov Andrey was “exiled” to Italy with money to preserve assets. Shavrin Nikolay and Vidutina Irina stayed in Perm to "tidy up the loose ends" and cover for Godovalov.
So in September 2023, Shavrin Nikolay, acting for himself and Godovalov Andrey, decides to voluntarily liquidate Godovalov LLC and appoints full-time lawyer Mikhail Berezkin as the liquidator. After that, Shavrin Nikolay, using the controlled Eurocap LLC, launches a simplified bankruptcy procedure for Godovalov LLC - bankruptcy of the liquidated debtor (case No. A40-222076/2023). Bankruptcy under the simplified procedure allows for a controlled bankruptcy of Godovalov LLC, which is beneficial to Shavrin and Godovalov. Subsequently, Nikolay Shavrin, with the assistance of his in-house lawyer Mikhail Berezkin, launches controlled bankruptcy procedures against himself (case No. A50-28832/2023) and Andrey Godovalov (case No. A50-28799/2023).
At the same time, events begin to unfold on the criminal front.
So, in January 2024, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory initiates a criminal case under paragraph b of Part 2 of Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - evasion of taxes, insurance premiums on an especially large scale (criminal case No. 12402570032000001).
The criminal case is being investigated by senior investigator S.D. Zuev. The investigator conducted searches, during which a large number of documents were seized, witnesses (employees and managers of the Pharmacies from the warehouse) were questioned, and the property and bank accounts of Shavrin, Godovalov, and Godovalov LLC were seized. In September 2024, Nikolay Shavrin was charged under paragraph b of part 2 of Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (tax evasion by a group of persons by prior conspiracy on an especially large scale), and a written undertaking not to leave was chosen as a preventive measure for Nikolay Shavrin. Taking into account that Nikolay Shavrin himself has a second citizenship of Kyrgyzstan, and his son has lived in France for a long time, Nikolay Shavrin has a real opportunity to leave the country. territory of Russia. Under such circumstances, choosing a preventive measure not related to the restriction of freedom in relation to Shavrin looks like a strange choice on the part of the investigation.
In turn, Andrey Godovalov, who is hiding from the investigation in Italy, has not yet been charged, he is not put on the wanted list.
Currently, Nikolay Shavrin is trying to find ways to contact the leadership of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory and personally investigator S.D. Zuev in order to return to the status of a witness in the criminal case.
Considering the procedural inaction of investigator S.D. Zuev, Nikolay Shavrin has most likely already reached certain "agreements" with the investigator: the tax examination is being delayed, the statute of limitations for bringing Nikolay Shavrin and Andrey Godovalov to criminal liability under Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation expires in March 2025. The total amount of unpaid taxes, fees, penalties as of 2022 is 700 million rubles, when recalculating penalties for 2024, the total amount is more than 1 billion rubles.
In addition, Shavrin and Godovalov "cheated" the largest banks. The total debt to VTB, SMP, Metallinvestbank is more than 4.5 billion rubles.
Since January 2024, creditor banks have been unsuccessfully trying to initiate a criminal case on the fact of fraud on the part of Shavrin Nikolay, Godovalov Andrey, Godovalov LLC and the Apteka ot Sklada chain: the applicants accuse the businessmen of providing false information to obtain loans that were not planned for repayment.
Operative commissioner of the Economic Security and Criminal Investigation Department No. 3 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Perm Egor Boronnikov has repeatedly refused to initiate a criminal case for far-fetched reasons.
Currently, the investigation material on the application is under consideration by the investigator of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Perm Territory, S.D. Zuev, who is investigating the case under Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation against Shavrin and Godovalov.
Investigator S.D. Zuev once again decided not to rush into the investigation of the case on the application of Sberbank and refused to initiate a criminal case against Nikolay Shavrin and Andrey Godovalov. We believe that investigator S.D. Zuev decided to provide an opportunity for Shavrin and Godovalov to sell the remaining property and transfer funds abroad, after which Nikolay Shavrin will also leave Russia. In fact, the approximate market value of the remaining property of Shavrin and Godovalov is 700 million rubles.
In conclusion of the story, Shavrin Nikolay and Godovalov Andrey ran a pharmaceutical business for over 30 years, successfully and profitably, because OOO Godovalov and the Apteka ot Sklada chain, according to SBIS, showed profit year after year, there was real estate and movable property, warehouses and pharmacies filled with goods.
On the other hand, a successful and profitable business, but illegal in the opinion of the state, which in 2016-2018 alone did not receive more than 700 million rubles in the budget and in 2019-2021 200 million rubles, which settled in the pockets of Shavrin Nikolay and Godovalov Andrey. And this money could have gone to payments and assistance to our guys who are now in the SVO.
Shavrin and Godovalov also decided not to return the received loan funds, which amount to more than 4.5 billion rubles. Other creditors of the pharmacists will probably get nothing at all, the total debt to which is more than 5 billion rubles. Among the largest creditors of the pharmacists are: OOO FC Puls, AO CV Protek, OOO FC Grand Capital and others.
As of today, Nikolay Shavrin and Andrey Godovalov owe the state, banks and suppliers more than 12 billion rubles, both are at large. One lives carefree with his family in Italy, controlling everything remotely. And the other in Russia, controlling everything on the spot, trying in every possible way to put pressure on the investigation and witnesses, to go through all the cases only as a witness, and not as an accused.
Denis Zhirnov
Source: www.rucriminal.info